Homewrecker - Cover


by Brookell

Copyright© 2021 by Brookell

Erotica Sex Story: Sandy becomes a product of her experiences…

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Consensual   Romantic   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Fiction   Light Bond   Group Sex   Oral Sex   .

Sandy was a homewrecker, and she got to the point of enjoying it. She didn’t start out that way. She was fresh out of high school and got seduced by a slightly older man. He spent money on her, took her to nice places, treated her like a queen, and in return, she treated him as her king. She believed every word about his failing marriage and how he was getting divorced soon. She even helped him keep their relationship on the down-low because of how it might affect his divorce. She was absolutely convinced that the day after his divorce was final, they would be married and live happily ever after.

Was she naïve? Certainly! I’m sure you can imagine much of what happened next. The wife found out, threw a total fit, and her King turned out to have the moral courage of a frog. She was not only devastated by him turning his back and crawling back to his wife, who he claimed to care nothing for. But the things his wife called her hurt just as much. She didn’t do any of it deliberately! She never seduced him, she wasn’t even sure how to seduce anyone! She wasn’t a slut, since she had only known two men “in that way.” She realized the first was a mistake, right after prom in the backseat of his Daddy’s car. The second was the man she assumed would be her King for life. She didn’t understand half of what his wife had said but the one thing that hurt the most was “homewrecker.” Sandy didn’t even know they had children!

That was the first one! She went into it blindly and she felt horrible afterward. The second one had a lot of similarities, only she tried to be smarter. It didn’t work out and while his wife didn’t call her a bunch of hurtful names, the look on her face when she caught them near the creek in his car was painful enough. She decided to swear off men at that point.

But the men she came in contact with through work and school were persistent! She tried to stick with single guys but found that most of the ones her own age weren’t interested in anything permanent. Plus most of them were broke and many of the dates had them going dutch. She was very disappointed going from being treated like a queen to splitting dinners at Burger King.

She had fended off many offers from married men, but they kept coming. They were often accompanied by flowers and small gifts, invitations to nice dinners, and even the physical advances were a hell of a lot nicer than a grope in the park or dormitory stairwell. One day she decided that if married men could use her in such a hurtful way, she might as well use them right back. Her closest girlfriend, Lois, was sort of egging her on a bit as well. Sandy decided it was time to grow up, at least that’s how she referred to it.

So, the next married man who made a significant pass at her, she took him up on it. Over the next month or so she managed to re-do her entire wardrobe at his expense. When she got bored with him and he also started making noises about spending too much time (and money) on her; she made sure his wife caught them. The name-calling wasn’t nearly as hurtful this time because she not only knew she deserved it but had planned for it well ahead of time.

The next married guy wasn’t as well off, so it didn’t last very long. It was fun because he was really good in bed, even if his bank account wasn’t up to what she was looking for. It turned out his wife controlled most of the money. His name was Steven, a professor at her school — just not for any of her subjects. In her mind she would never do something like that for grades, after all, as she told Lois, a girl has to have some standards! But like the previous guy, eventually, the wife caught on. The old Sandy would have felt guilty about the ensuing divorce, but the current one didn’t much care.

There wasn’t anyone for a couple of months, not that there weren’t offers. She just didn’t feel like playing the game until she met Julian. Julian was married, but unlike her others, he didn’t seem to care. He was a lot of fun, good in the sack, and spent lots of time and money on her. Her jewelry collection nearly tripled because of him and he loved to see her in sexy lingerie! Lois said she might need a bigger place just for the closet space! The best thing about Julian was he didn’t hand her any lines about a bad marriage or getting a divorce. She had something he wanted, and he had the same. It was her longest relationship, nearly six months. But, in all honesty, she was getting a bit tired of his cloying attention and his constant need to know where she was and who she was with. She made damn sure the wife discovered a few pieces of her lingerie that she wouldn’t miss. Sandy didn’t know what the wife did, but Julian stopped calling her.

The next one she met while car shopping. Her tiny Civic had finally hit two hundred thousand miles and was needing more maintenance than she was willing to pay. He was a car dealer and when she saw both his wedding ring and the way his eyes stared at her ankles and slowly rose to her chest, she figured he might be worth cultivating. She didn’t get a free car, but she did get one hell of a discount, one that surprised the bank manager who did the loan paperwork. She gave him what was probably the best month of sex in his life before his wife drove past the dealership one day and decided to stop in and see her husband. Of course, the wife never mentioned the phone call she got warning her about her husband and Sandy. Sandy let all those common words roll off her back and drove away in her month-old car.

Tonight was going to be just her and Lois, they went out to a club to put a small dent in Sandy’s nest egg from Julian and all the others. It was crowded, but she and Lois were having a good time when a woman danced up alongside Sandy and started flirting with her.

Lois thought it was kind of funny and went off flirting with a couple of guys herself. Sandy was planning on doing the same until this tall blonde sided up next to her and started dancing with her. She didn’t object because, as she thought, it was nice getting some attention that didn’t come with a wedding ring and a ton of baggage. Sandy was a little surprised, but not that much, the dance floor was loaded with girls dancing with each other.

The woman introduced herself as Julie. She was much of what Sandy was not. Sandy was always described as cute in a very wholesome way, which is why she felt married guys always seemed attracted to her. It was like they had fantasies about their teenage babysitter and Sandy fit that mold. Julie was tall and slim and was stunningly beautiful. She followed Sandy back to her table and the two tried to talk, but the club was awfully loud. At one point Julie leaned over, put her hand on Sandy’s thigh as the two started trading stories about men. They had to lean close to talk, Sandy enjoyed Julie’s perfume. She wasn’t sure what it was, but it was sexy and smelled expensive.

Sandy was, at first, very conscious of Julie’s warm hand on her bare thigh but as the conversation went on, she thought little about it. Some of the stories for a little more risqué than others and Julie slipped her fingers between her thighs and was rubbing as they talked. Without realizing it, Sandy opened her legs a bit and Julie’s touching and gentle rubbing started getting Julie’s attention, but in a good way. She’d never felt any attraction to another woman, but there was something very sexy and also very persistent about Julie. Just before she reached the top of her thigh, the DJ put on a slower song, something signaling the tail end of the evening and for people to start hooking up and dancing together. Julie took Sandy’s hand the brought her back to the dance floor.

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