Nosey Neighbor Gets Much Needed Loving - Cover

Nosey Neighbor Gets Much Needed Loving

Copyright© 2021 by Ctwistedpair

Chapter 1

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 1 - A continuation of Back in the saddle. Our snoopy neighbor is forgiven and sexually pleased by three new lovers.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Romantic   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Group Sex   Anal Sex   Double Penetration   Enema   Exhibitionism   Facial   Oral Sex   Pegging   Revenge  

Lexicon: Na Zdrowie! ... Good health! (Polish),
Puta: Whore or slut. (Spanish)
e venite tutti a mangiare: Come and eat. (Italian)

This is a continuation of my previous story, Back in the saddle.

Nosey Neighbor Gets Much Needed Loving

When I last saw Gail, Barbara’s nosey neighbor, she was watching us through the fence. She had watched us on and off all day as we had sex in Barb’s backyard. The yard is surrounded by a seven-foot-tall privacy fence. There are also bushes all along the fence making it nearly impossible to spy on someone. Nearly being the keyword here. There are chines in even the best suit of armor and this was no exception. There were small gaps here and there in the wooden privacy fence. If you got very close and peered through the gap, you could see into Barb’s yard.

Gail had watched through the gap in the fence as we had sex in the yard and then called the police. She claimed that we were having wild sex in full view of her kitchen window. The fence is so high that you can’t see into the yard even from Gail’s roof. The local police constable came to investigate and Issued Gail a summons for invasion of privacy and frivolous use of the 911 system. We thought that we’d seen the last of the old bat.


After the officer left, we resumed our outdoor boink session with renewed vigor by making love on a large beach blanket in the middle of the lawn. Just as we’d finished, I heard heavy breathing from Gail’s side of the fence. There was a stifled moan and a few seconds later, her kitchen door slammed shut. The old gal was perving on us! I’m pretty sure that she rubbed one out whilst watching us fuck, hence the moaning and heavy breathing.

Her son had come by to apologize for his mother’s actions, claiming that she was still upset over the fact that her abusive husband ran off with a younger woman. He hoped that we would understand and forgive her.

That night, Barb and I sat down to discuss the old gal’s problem. She wasn’t even that old. She had just turned sixty the week before. Barb figured that Gail, having been neglected and abused by her ex, needed some serious loving more than anything else.

Barb told me, “She’s probably envious of us because we’re having sex, and she probably hasn’t had any in months ... if not longer. She married an abusive asshole. That poor lady needs to get her brains fucked out just like I did. I wonder if Frank would be interested in screwing a cougar?”

I agreed but had reservations, “How are we supposed to get her to meet them? She probably hates us and wouldn’t want anything to do with us or our friends.”

Babs thought for a bit and a lightbulb flashed in her brain, “You call Frank and see if he’s interested. If he is, I’ll drop the charges and invite her over for coffee and cake to make peace. We can have our coffee in the hot tub, I know she’s always wanted to use a hot tub in the cold weather. Her son told me about that a while back. You invite Frank to join us and tell him to wear his skin-tight running shorts. She won’t be able to resist that 9-inch beast any more than I could. Who knows, she might just turn out to be a wild woman. Go ahead, call Frank.”

I got Frank on his cell and explained the situation to him, he was all ears. He was in need of a good pipe cleaning himself sooo ... yep, interested.

Barb called the police station and had the charges dropped, she even got them to drop the 911 misuse charge. She then called Gail and informed her of the charges being dropped, and maybe she’d like to come over on Saturday around six-thirty for cake and coffee in the hot tub. “Gail, I think we all got off on the wrong foot, neighbors shouldn’t be at war with each other. Can we have a fresh start to our friendship? Waddaya say?”

Oddly enough, Gail thanked Barbara and graciously accepted the offer. Tearfully, “Thanks very much, this is very kind of you. I really do need a friend, just someone to hang with or talk to once in a while. I’m so lonely because this big old house is empty. To be perfectly honest with you, I was terribly jealous of you for having someone that loves you. I would love to come over on Saturday, see you at six-thirty.”

Babs was shocked, “Not only did she say yes, but said that she was lonely. She needs to get fucked into oblivion by Frank. She’ll walk funny for a month after he plows her field with that beast of his. I’ll make my famous Irish coffee with Everclear. That will loosen her inhibitions and maybe loosen her panties too.”

Saturday arrived with a bit of a chill in the Autumn air. Autumn in New England is a riotous show of leafy color, and the leaves had covered the ground in a carpet of a thousand colors. The hot tub was semi-enclosed in a windbreak with a radiant heater to make it comfortable even on blustery Autumn days.

A knock on the door heralded the arrival of Miss Gail, she came bearing goodies in the form of Indian sweets. Kaju Pista and Jalebi sweets among others. She was dressed in a floor-length terry cloth robe, suitable for pool wear.

“Before you invite me into your home, I’d like to apologize ... for the way I acted yesterday. I’m so terribly sorry ... My life has gone to shit since I found out about my husband and his gold-digger girlfriend, but that doesn’t justify what I did. I hope you can forgive me.” “As for my ex ... well, I was able to hide lots of my money, so he ends up with a cheap apartment and a trashy money-hungry trollop. This wasn’t the first time that he’s put me on the back burner, but it definitely was the last.”

Babs hugged her and told her, “All is forgiven and in the past. Come on in and let’s get settled in the hot tub. Carl will bring us Irish coffee to go with the beautiful dessert you’ve brought.”

The two ladies went out onto the deck, removed their robes, and gingerly lowered themselves into the tub, Bugs Bunny style ... amidst many ooohhs, aaaahs, and yeeeowch’s ... it was a hot tub after all. I served the coffee and sweets to the ladies and informed them that my friend Frank would be joining us shortly.

“Who is Frank?” Gail queried.

“He’s a young gentleman that Carl works with. He’s a long-distance runner and he ran in a twenty-five-mile mountain race this morning. He needs a good soak in the hot tub to ease his sore muscles. He comes here to unwind every time he competes. I think you’ll like him, he’s very well educated and an all-around sweet guy.” (To say nothing of the elephant trunk that lives in his pants.)

Frank arrived and we walked out to the hot tub together. I introduced Gail to Frank and being the consummate gentleman, he knelt and kissed her hand. I think Gail may have had a small orgasm right then and there. I slowly lowered myself into the tub while Frank got undressed. Babs and I watched for Gail’s reaction as Frank removed his warm-up pants ... we were not disappointed.

Frank hooked his thumbs into his waistband and teased his pants off with deliberate agonizing slowness. The outline of Frank’s long thick cock slowly came into view. When his pants had passed mid-thigh, the outline of the head came became fully visible. Gail’s audible sharp intake of breath and wide eyes said it all. Her mouth hung open and she licked her lips ... possibly in anticipation. Her left hand went between her legs as she squeezed her thighs together. Did someone raise the temperature of the tub or was it the fiery heat emanating from Gail’s neglected pussy? The cougar was starving, she needed that cock ... badly.

Never let it be said that size doesn’t count...

Frank lowered himself into the tub next to Gail and sighed, “Ohhhh, this is wonnnnderful ... soooo soothing, my thigh and calf muscles are pretty tight from running today.”

The four of us sat in the hot bubbling water, sipped our hot beverages, and munched the sweet sticky Jalebi. We had each consumed two cups of very well-fortified Irish coffee, so there we sat ... four giddy wide-awake drunks. This would hopefully reduce any anxiety Gail may have had. We spoke of this and that ... the weather, the colors of the leaves ... Frank’s latest race ... easy talk. I was wondering who was going to make the first move ... would it be Frank or Gail?

Oddly enough, it was Gail. She asked Frank if he would like for her to massage his calves and thighs.

Frank is a smoothie ... he blushed and smiled shyly at her offer, “That would be wonderful, thank you very kindly, Gail.”

Frank turned sideways and placed his legs across Gail’s lap, and with trembling hands, she began to massage his calves. He closed his eyes and moaned his approval as she worked her way up to his thighs and back down again. “Wow, Gail! You have very talented hands ... that feels fantastic.” The temperature in the tub went up another hundred degrees courtesy of Gail’s twat.

Babs loosened her bikini top a bit and asked, “Carl, my neck and shoulders are pretty sore from sleeping on the cold ground yesterday, would you please be a sweetie and rub my shoulders?”

“I’ll happily rub anything you like, little lady,” I said as I began to massage her shoulders.

Gail was surprised at how perky Bab’s tits were, “You have beautiful breasts, Barbara, I’d kill for boobs like those. Mine are small and saggy.”

Sir Frank, her knight in shining armor, came to the rescue, “Your breasts look fine from where I’m sitting, but I could give you a more accurate appraisal if you let your top down and show them off a little.”

“You mean ... take my top off in front of all of you? I’m very shy about being unclothed in front of people.”

Frank stood up and announced, “Hear ye, Hear ye, Hear ye! It is the decree of the inebriated hot tub administrator, my royal self, that this is now a clothing-free hot tub! Everybody ditch your bathing suits or risk expulsion from the tub! The Great and Powerful Oz has spoken!”

At this point, he wiggled out of his biking shorts off and proudly stood with his forearm-sized cock swinging in the autumn breeze. If Gail’s eyes went wide before, they were now the size of dinner plates upon seeing Frank’s naked penis in all its glory. Her breathing deepened and her voice became hoarse and barely audible, “Ohhhhh myyyy, I’ve ... neverrrr...” She seemed to lose the ability to form words. That would happen repeatedly throughout the evening.

I was next, “In for a penny, in for a pound...” As I stepped out of my suit and let my willie have a bit o’ freedom. I received a look of approval from Gail, but I think that it was just out of courtesy. I can’t compete with Frank’s crank. C’est la vie.

Gail now looked to Babs for some indication of what to do. Barbara stood, removed her bikini, and slid around to Gail’s side of the tub. She then reached around and untied Gail’s top letting it fall. Gail was still shy and covered her breasts with her hands saying, “You guys won’t laugh at my boobs ... will you?”

Frank gently took Gail’s wrists in his hands and told her, “I’m certain that they’re quite lovely, please ... we’d all love to see them.” He gently moved her hands down revealing beautiful B cup breasts. We were all rather surprised at the total lack of sag and also her beautiful skin.

“Wow! You were worried about us seeing these?! They’re beautiful! They look more like they’d belong to a thirty-year-old woman.” Frank was genuinely amazed.

Gail shyly smiled, but her pleasure was more than evident as her chest flushed red and her nipples grew instantly hard. She leaned closer to Frank and both he and Barbara began to feel her breasts, occasionally pinching her nipples. “Ohhhhh, please ... don’t stop ... I’ve not been touched in ages. I feel like ... like ... I ... I ... might ... ohh ... oh myy ... grrrr ... I’m ohhh ... OOOOOOHHHFUUUUCK!” Her whole body tensed and spasmed as her first orgasm of the evening ripped through her body. I never saw a woman come just from having her nipples played with. WOW!

Hearing and seeing her come brought Frank’s soldier to full attention, the head of which broke the surface of the water like a periscope. All eyes were drawn to his swollen cock head.

Gail looked up at Frank with wonder in her eyes and softly asked, “you’re ... hard ... because of me?” It had been years since anyone got hard thinking about her, much less a man in his thirties. Her confidence was returning, she felt alive again. As if in a trance, Gail reached out and took his member in her hand. Her indrawn breath was evidence of her surprise. Her voice filled with quiet awe, “I’ve never seen anything so magnificent in my life, I can’t even get my hand around it. She bent over and gently licked the tip, slurping up the pre-cum that was leaking out. I would love to feel that throbbing inside of me ... I need to feel like a desirable woman again!” She begged him.

He stood, took her hand, and led her out of the tub area and into the living room. “You are a beautiful and very desirable woman. I would consider it an honor to be able to bring you pleasure.” Franky cooed as he dried her with the heated towels. This boy could make a Nun’s pussy wet.

We gave them some privacy but eagerly watched them through the sliding doors as we sat in the tub.

Frank knelt in front of her as he slowly removed her bikini bottom. As she raised her leg to step out of her suit, Frank kissed her vulva and buried his face between her thighs inhaling deeply of her musk. She shuddered, grabbing him as her knees buckled. She collapsed backward onto the couch.

Frank was on her in an instant, probing her too-long neglected pussy with his talented tongue. He sucked her clit in between his teeth and hummed a low note ... vibrating her lady bits. Frank feasted on her sweet juices as her body began to tense up. Her back arched and within two minutes, was overcome with what she would later describe as a near-death experience. The windows shook with the volume of her release.

Fucking wow! She just blew a load to end all loads. Frank had to pry the couch cushions from her claw-like grip. “My dear lady, that was just the tip of the iceberg. I have so much to give you, I hope you’ll spend the night with us.”

We had gotten out of the tub and were drying off as he asked her to stay with us. With hopeful eyes, she looked at us. Barbara nodded and moved to Gail’s side taking her hand, “We would love for you to spend the night. I think you’ll see just how desirable you really are because we’re all going to do our best to please you.”

I’m pretty sure that Gail wasn’t expecting any sexual attention from Babs, “You want to make love to me too? I’ve ... I’ve never been ... with ... a woman before. I wouldn’t know what to do.”

Barbara leaned in and softly kissed the corner of Gail’s mouth, “There’s a first time for everything. I’ll happily teach you. Please ... I’m dying to kiss and taste you.”

To Barb’s surprise, Gail leaned in and kissed her ... gently at first ... her need for human contact overcoming her uncertainty. The kiss grew deeper and more intense as the two ladies explored each other’s mouths and tongues.

Frank went on the growl again, licking the inside of Gail’s thighs, slowly working up to her sex. She needed more, so I moved in and started kissing her breasts, nibbling on her firm nipples. Frank was now sucking on her clit causing Gail to buck her hips as she rode his face. Another steamy fist-clenching orgasm wracked her body as she was licked, kissed, and nibbled by her three new lovers.

“Ohhhh gaaaaaaaaaddddd!” She screamed (I didn’t know she was religious... ) as her pussy unleashed a torrent of sweet musk onto Frank’s face. “You ... have to ... let me ... breathe ... for a moment ... I’m gonna faint ... if this keeps up.”

I don’t think she realized how many trains were coming down the tracks towards her. She was going to get express trained with orgasms over the next few hours. I hope her heart can handle it. “Frank, we’d better go easy on her for the first few hours. She’s sorta new to this and we don’t want her winding up in the hospital.”

Gail laughed, “I’m not so frail that I can’t take a good pounding from two boys and a hot babe.”

“Boys eh?” I asked, “We’re hardly boys, and Frank can pound you a lot harder and longer than I can. Your pussy might just feel like it had been run through by a few freight trains when we get through with you.”

She gave me a sly look, “We’ll just have to see. I might lose the battle, but I’ll still win the war either way. You bring it, I’ll do my best to take whatever you can dish out.”

Babs stood up and took Gail by the hand, leading her to the master bedroom. Frank and I followed along like puppies. These puppies were gonna give Gail a run for her money.

Having Gail lay back on some high pillows, Babs crawled between her legs, kissing her way up Gail’s thighs to finally taste that sweet little hunnypot. Gail ran her fingers through Barbara’s hair, moaned, and said that her mouth was empty, would someone please put something in it?

Frank straddled Gail’s chest and rubbed the head of his cock around Gail’s mouth, coating her soft lips with pre-cum. She grabbed him by the ass and pulled him towards her face, easily engulfing most of Frank’s rod. It would appear that this wasn’t Gail’s first rodeo, as she deep throated and tongue swirled those nine thick inches without even a hint of a gag.

And there I stood, dick in hand, looking for an empty hole to fill. Babs wiggled and pointed to her bottom. Her mouth was otherwise engaged, so she couldn’t speak. I can take a hint honey, let’s just see if I can enter Babs pussy from behind. ‘Yep, that fits nicely’ I thought as I plunged into Barbara’s juicy little twat.

My brutal entry caused Babs to emit a long baritone moan into Gail’s pussy, the vibrations brought Gail over the edge as she came to another thrashing climax. Just as her monster ‘O’ had crested, Frank unloaded in her mouth ... she never missed a swallow. She took every splash of his considerable load and savored it like it was fine wine, milking him from base to tip with her tongue till every last drop had been swallowed. This gal has some hidden talent.

“Frank, help me to get under Barbara, I want to see Carl’s cock plundering her pussy. That really turns me on.”

After a wee bit of shuffling and rearranging, the ladies were in a sixty-nine with me plundering Barb from above and behind and Frank kneeling between Gail’s legs. Gail was so busy devouring Bab’s clit and licking my shaft, that she paid no attention to what Frank was doing. Frank had squeezed a blob of warm lube into Gail’s pussy and worked it in deep with his fingers, he lubed his cock next.

Without warning, Frank slid all nine inches deep into Gail’s lube sodden pussy and bottomed out, pushing firmly against her cervix.

From somewhere in the region of Barb’s pussy, Gail’s voice cried out, “Whhaaaaaaattttt the fuuuck was that!? Did he shove his whole forearm up my twat!?”

Frank had the devil’s smile on his face as he answered, “No sweetness, it’s not my forearm, it’s just my cock. You said you could handle anything I could dish out, so ... I’m dishing ... here it comes, pretty lady. Let’s see how much you can handle.”

I pulled Barbara away from Gail and remained cozily ensconced in her warm snatch as we watched things unfold.

Frank took advantage as he now had full access to Gail’s legs. He pushed her long legs straight up against his chest and drove himself deeply into her. She looked as if she was on the verge of panic. She was being filled to bursting, but her groans of panic slowly turned to moans of pleasure as Frank soothed her ... kissing her beautiful feet. Soon, her panicked pussy relaxed, more easily accepting Frank’s girth. Girth is as important as is length.

Frank started thrusting into her with long powerful strokes. Soon, nothing that came out of Gail’s mouth made any sense, her words just a jumbled mess of foreign-sounding babble. She was now lifting her pelvis to meet Frank’s thrusts, causing his swollen cockhead to hit her G spot with every stroke. The unintelligible blather continued ... she looked and sounded as if she was having a seizure as he repeatedly drove into her with almost brutal force. After three beautiful screaming climaxes had consumed her, Frank slowed down to let her catch her breath.

“Oooooh, sweet master of my pussy! ... your cock should have a warning label on it! ‘CAUTION! This device can cause bruising of the internal organs. Please assure proper vaginal relaxation before insertion.’ Your cock hit places that I never knew existed!”

Just as Gail was admonishing Frank for his vaginal attack, her phone chimed with a text message from her ex-husband, John. It read, “Call me right now, we’re gonna talk about getting back together, I’ve had second thoughts about us. I’m coming home.”

Gail read this out loud and screamed, “WHAAAAT!? That scumbag has had second thoughts!? Lying piece of dog shit! More like his money-hungry side bitch cheated on him because his dick wouldn’t work! It takes more than money to keep a gold-digger faithful. The controlling prick didn’t even ask ... he told me that we’re gonna talk and that he’s coming home! FUUUCK HIM! Carl, I wanna do a face time call with him, will you please hold the phone so he can watch Frank fuck my brains out. I’ll bet the farm that we’ll hear the air wheezing out of his overinflated ego. He’ll go down in flames like the fucking Hindenburg! That miserable old whore-monger obviously never heard the saying, ‘Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned’, he’s about to descend into the seventh circle of hell. Frank, you start fucking me slowly so I can make some sort of sense when I speak, and if that miserable prick seems like he’s getting angry, fuck me with everything you’ve got and blast your cum all over my face and especially in my mouth. That’ll rankle him royally because I never let him do that to me, his come tastes hideous, like bitter brown soap and asparagus piss.”

I took Gail’s phone and started the video call, aiming the camera so it showed from her boobs up with the top of her head wedged between Barbara’s thighs. I’d include Frank in the shot when she started moaning.

The call connected after a few rings...”Geeze, took you friggin long enough to call me back. I’ve decided that we’re gonna get ba ... Wait!, why are you naked!? Whose thighs are those around your head?!”

It was at this point that Frank started thrusting, off-camera, causing Gail to moan. “TOOK ME... (Ohhhh!) LONG ... ENOUGH TO (Deeper Frank!) CALL YOU!?! You soggy limp noodle dick! (Ohhh Fraaank Yesss! Fill my pussy!) Why the fuck do you think (Ohhhhhhh!) I’m naked you brainless asshole? I’m getting ... laid, John, I’m getting my pussy eaten, I’m sucking ... sucking cock and swallowing... (Yessssss! Fraaaaaaank! Right there!) ... swallowing his sweet cum, I’m eating pussy ... that’s why I’m... (OhhhhmygaaaaaaddddFraaank!) I’m ... naked. I’m getting my ... my ... pussy pounded by a young man with (UNNNNNGGGG) the most beautiful (AAAAAHHHHHH) cock on earth! Did you think that my pathetic sex (NGGAAAAA!) ... life dried up ... and died after your sorry ass left!?”

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