Stillwater - Cover


Copyright© 2021 by Maxicue

Chapter 8

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 8 - After completing a lengthy prison sentence, Harry finds luck beyond any he could imagine, including with the ladies.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Fa/Fa   Mult   BiSexual   Sharing   Anal Sex   Oral Sex   Prostitution  

Instead of napping, which Harry needed more than Peg after a long intense day and evening of sex, Peg decided, “Let’s get you taken care of.”

“Yes ma’am.”

Since it was too early for things to be open, they shared a leisurely shower, far more sensuous than sexual, before Peg decided to finish her ablutions in the master bathroom while Harry continued using the smaller one. Peg had to tiptoe past a sleeping Tom, using the bed since Frances was gone.

They met downstairs where Peg made a classic American breakfast of eggs over easy, bacon, country fries and toast. After Harry cleaned up the plates and the pans and they shared a second cup of coffee, they headed to Peg’s bank.

Harry started a new account with his big paycheck, and once cleared got a thousand dollars in cash. He’d have to wait for his bank card to be mailed to him along with a book of checks. Getting a car was part of the agenda that day, but they decided to come back for a bank check when it happened.

Next was the DMV where Harry tested for a driver’s license, both written and driving as if he was sixteen again. He passed both, “Like riding a bicycle,” he grinned, and got paper for proof, again having to wait for the card to be sent.

White Bear Lake was the closest area with lots of car lots. They decided on practical, Peg saying, “One muscle car in the family is enough,” Harry giving her a kiss calling them family. After several tries and several aggressive salesmen, they chose an Isuzu four wheel drive, essentially the Japanese equivalent of a jeep.

“We have four and five year mortgages,” the salesman started.

“I’m paying in cash,” Harry told the man. “Or a bank check actually.”

The salesman looked disappointed. A second one did too when Harry refused all the extras. “You should get the music service,” Peg suggested.

“Would that be available on the car we tried?” Harry asked. “I’d like to drive it out of here.”

“Yes of course,” said the salesman.

“Give me the total, and give me a few minutes to have the check cut.”

“You can get it prepped for us while he does,” Peg suggested.

While Peg let Harry drive her Charger, she set him up with insurance with her insurer, having the company e-mail the insurance card to her. They stopped at her place after getting the bank check to print the insurance card.

He followed her in his new car to Frances’s place. There, he asked Tom who was back in his office if there might be another garage door opener available. Tom got one from a kitchen drawer and Harry went back out to park his car, both Chrissy, who’d arrived home not long after Harry and Peg went on their errands, and Tom following him wanting to see it. “Practical,” Tom said. “Yep,” said Harry.

“We should celebrate after lunch,” Chrissy purred.

“You don’t play fair,” Tom muttered.

“Neither did you,” Chrissy responded.

“Point taken. You have any sisters?” he brightened up.

“Too young. Or maybe not,” she smirked, pulling her phone from her tight jeans.

“Frances isn’t going to like that,” Harry said.

“Fuck her. Oh yeah, I am,” Chrissy giggled. “I’ll always be on her shit list for proving her right, even if she enjoys playing with me. Besides, she’s not here. Hey Lizzy, give me a call. She’s probably in class,” Chrissy explained.

“College I hope,” said Tom.

“Freshman,” Chrissy nodded. “St Cloud State. She got so jealous getting to work with you. She’s always complaining about the boys she meets, whining really. I’m always telling her to go for a mature man with skills. Are you going to be a mature man with skills, Tom?”

“Of course.”

By then they’d returned to the kitchen where Chrissy started making lunch.

“How does she know me?” Tom asked.

“She’s a writer. She writes poems and short stories but has always liked reading plays. She’s majoring in English Lit, being practical, wanting to teach someday, but also wants to minor in Drama.”

“She’s acted?” Tom asked.

“In high school. Unfortunately she’s not a natural, sort of self-conscious, but not in the sense of being nervous but I guess more self-involved. She was always good in musicals though, with a sweet voice. I think it’s like she was singing monologues, and in the standard plays she did she was always better with monologues than dialogues. I think she wants to be a better actor, and not so much acting but so that, when she finally gets to writing plays, she won’t be an armchair playwright.”

“And her writing?”

“Her early stuff was dark and angsty, sort of like Poe but even darker and of course not nearly as good. The little bit I’ve read recently is much better, short and pithy, with a natural language like talking, I guess from her preference of reading plays. She told me she wanted her stuff heard rather than sitting on a page.”

“Thus the playwriting.”

“Yep. Unfortunately there’s no playwriting classes, but she plans to attend a program at the Playwrights Center in Minneapolis this summer.”

“Good for her.”

“Maybe she can entice you to do a master class there.”

“Maybe,” Tom chuckled.

Harry faded after eating the delicious cheese melts Chrissy made. “I think this old guy needs a nap,” he said.

“Need company?” Chrissy chirped.


“Let him rest, Chrissy,” said Peg. “We can join him later.”


“Use the master bedroom if you want,” Tom offered. “More room for later.”


Harry settled into the big bed that Chrissy had obviously made and soon slept.

He awoke to the immense pleasure of being sucked, by two beauties as it turned out.

“Oh goodie, he’s awake!” Chrissy exclaimed, stripping off the boxers that had just been pushed down and then her clothes while Peg kept sucking, soon impaling herself on his cock.

Peg stripped as well and sat on his face.

Unfortunately the pleasant surprise put him on a hair trigger, but Chrissy didn’t complain, instead hopping off the bed and exclaiming, “Be right back.”

When she did return, she again worked with Peg to suck him back to hardness, and once achieved, and Peg enjoying an orgasm, she settled beside them on hands and knees. Harry got the message, but instead of shoving his cock in he sucked her from behind.

“I already got plenty of that. Just fuck me,” she insisted.

“Nope,” he said, tasting just her after her obvious bidet, and while he worked her to the edge and teased by easing back, Peg took position at the head of the bed offering Chrissy her pussy which Chrissy readily accepted.

“Fuck Harry! Just fuck me goddamnit!” Chrissy moaned.


He led her close again before easing off again. Just as she approached a third time and was about to complain, he quickly rose to his knees and shoved his cock into her tight depths.

“Oh fuck!” she exclaimed, cumming immediately, and then as if lost in the heights of pleasure, peaked again and again with less time in between until she moved off him and curled into a fetal position. “Too much,” she shuttered.

“My turn,” Peg grinned and lay out on her back before him. He placed his rigid cock at her juicy slit and pushed. She pushed back, sending him deep, and grabbing his ass made it obvious she wanted it hard and fast which Harry complied with. A minute later she achieved an intense orgasm which Harry abated with his continued thrusts. A second one arrived a couple minutes later, and Harry, reaching close to the end of his strength, managed to keep the pleasurable assault going until he finally felt the pressure in his balls for release and quickened even more, fucking closer in.

“Almost there!” Peg informed him.

“Rub yourself, I’m so close,” he returned.

And when he couldn’t hold back anymore, thrusting less intensely while ejaculating, she managed to rub herself to join him, and he pressed deep into her for his final jolts of semen release.

“Swimsuits,” Chrissy declared beside them.

“Uhm...,” Harry murmured.

“Maybe a shower to revive him?” Peg suggested.


They made it quick in the big crazy shower mostly at Chrissy’s insistence, but Peg was game too. His trunks and Chrissy’s sexy blue bikini that accentuated her eyes while covering her cute ass fully as well as most of her breasts along with Peg’s one piece, also sexy, riding high on her thighs and showing lots of cleavage, rested on the chest of drawers, ready to be put on.

Harry discovered the reason for the swimsuits, finding Tom sitting on the bench beside the pool a couple inches from a taller, more serious looking and much more voluptuous and a remarkably beautiful version of Chrissy. Harry couldn’t help remembering the bench to be the place of seduction for the mistress of a pal of Tom’s, resulting in a threesome only one of the three ending up comfortable with which had resulted in an exclamation point ending of Tom’s marriage.

“Lizzy, this is Harry,” Chrissy made the introductions.

“Hunh,” Lizzy responded, looking surprised and not all that pleased.

Chrissy laughed. “I told you I like older men. Let’s swim guys!” She dove in, Harry and Peg soon following.

After a few laps, Tom announced, his voice echoing in the pool area, “Let’s smoke some of that hash, Harry.”

“You know where it is?” Harry asked.


“I’ll come with and grab some drinks,” Chrissy volunteered. “Beer, Harry?”

“Sure,” Harry said.

“A Diet Pepsi for me,” Peg said.

“I’ll have a beer,” said Lizzy.

“How about we set it up on the deck,” Tom suggested.

Everyone agreed.

They settled on the seats of a round table, an expensive patio set with a large umbrella shading them from the afternoon sun. Tom brought out a hookah and some long matches. “Not a lot left,” he said.

“Put it all in,” said Harry.

The newest guest took the honors of sucking in the first toke before passing the pipe to her sister. They managed to pass it around twice before leaving little left. “Go ahead and finish it,” said Harry, already feeling the effects. “Swim ladies?”

“Yes,” both Peg and Chrissy agreed.

All three found the swimming somehow too intense for their stoned brain. “Let’s go watch the river,” Peg suggested.

The others agreed and Chrissy found a large beach towel and they walked to the back edge of the lawn and settled onto the towel looking down on the St Croix River as it flowed by.

“I’m going to miss it here,” Chrissy murmured.

“Frances is going to kick you out?” Peg asked.

“I’m sure of it. She said so just before she left.”

“But the kids will be here,” Harry pointed out.

“Frances told me she doesn’t mind being domestic, doesn’t usually have maids or cooks. She wants her kids to take care of their own room, to not be spoiled like that.”

“How did she explain you to Tom?”

“Her eccentric aunt used to come help her out.”

“Millie’s a trip,” Harry chuckled. “Into crystals and all manners of mystic mumbo jumbo. I heard she built a pyramid in her yard and a fucking orgone collector or something. Never married, but always had a couple living with her. Who knows what that was about?”

“I guess the latest couple is looking after her,” Chrissy explained. “Frances offered her a place in Florida or Arizona, but she prefers it here, even with the cold. And those crystals didn’t quite work. She’s got Parkinson’s.”

“Sorry to hear that,” said Harry.

“Millie never visited?” Peg asked.

“The prison freaked her out,” Harry shook his head.

“Anyway,” Chrissy continued, “That was the excuse. Millie being too ill to come help, so Frances hired me, to look after the place since she got her job and to look after Tom since he’s much less domestic.”

“Mostly to look after Tom,” Peg muttered.

“Yep. Sorry to bum you guys out.”

“You can stay with us if you want,” Peg offered. “It’s tiny compared to this, just one master bedroom and a really small guest room and no back yard.”

“Maybe until I can find a job.”

“You said there were rooms upstairs from the bar,” Harry reminded Peg.

“God I haven’t been up there in ages. And weren’t we supposed to use it for the brothel?” Peg giggled.

“Brothel?” Chrissy asked.

“In a former life rooms were used by the hour if you know what I mean. Rooms hardly bigger than the beds, with no plumbing, just a table with a bowl to wash. The beds are long gone. My dad would just shove crap in there, broken furnishings and displays, old newspapers and magazines, I think old ledgers and scrap books. The last time I went there was to help haul some shit up for my dad, and there was barely any place left to stash it.”

“Scrap books?” Harry perked up.

“I thought that might catch your attention,” Peg chuckled. “But what brought that up?”

“I was just thinking how you could expand the place. Maybe Chrissy could set up some kind of kitchen for catering or the bar.”

“Upstairs wouldn’t work,” Chrissy said.

“I still think it would be cool to have like a functioning Wild West bar and whorehouse,” Harry responded. “Maybe a semblance of one, although...,” he laughed. “But of course one doesn’t think of Minnesota as the Wild West.”

“Except Northfield is still famous for the James Gang robbery,” said Chrissy.

“True,” Harry agreed.

“You know my office used to be used for a kitchen and I guess sort of break room for the whores,” Peg remembered. “We put in a walk in fridge for the beer and an ice maker for the ice and put up some dry wall for more storage space, but even with that there’s a lot of room. And there’s a basement, a sort of root cellar for cold storage in the old days. We could store shit there if we need the room.”

“You’re talking about building me a kitchen?” Chrissy grinned.

“Maybe I can talk Tom into giving me the rest of my million for the story he stole,” Harry laughed.

“It is going to take some money,” Peg agreed with more gravity. “Maybe we can talk him and your sister in staking us.”

“Except it would be for me,” Chrissy pouted.

“For us, Chrissy,” Harry argued. “For me and my wife and my mistress.”

“You proposing, old man?” Peg asked.


She tackled him onto his back, kissing him intensely, soon feeling his becoming erect and dry humping him. She broke the kiss, panting. “Anyone around?” she asked Chrissy.

“Just Tom and my sister but fuck them.”

“Get big Harry out for me and push my suit aside.”

“Yes ma’am,” Chrissy giggled, struggling to free Harry’s cock from the bottom of his suit and once succeeding moved the gusset from Peg’s pussy and guided Big Harry in.

Peg kept low and close while sliding against Harry until Chrissy helped pull her suit from her shoulders unloosing her tits, Peg arching her back just enough for Chrissy to suck a nipple and pull on the other. The kiss sustained until Peg broke it to gain oxygen, heavy breaths filled with moans, lifting her torso and fully riding Harry until they both came, Harry soon after Peg, enjoying the energetic squeezes inside her of her orgasmic pussy.

“Is that a yes?” he asked.

“Kind of a done deal. You bought me the ring already.”

“You bought your ring.”

“You going to hold that against me?”

“I’d rather you hold me against you.”

She laughed and recommenced the kissing.

“You guys are too much,” Chrissy laughed, then looked at her sister looking stunned. Tom’s look was less clear, like he was trying not to look too hopeful about encouraging Lizzy to follow his brother-in-law’s example.

Chrissy stood and walked towards them. “Want to join in?” she asked.

“Come on,” Lizzy muttered, standing, a slight movement towards the back entrance showing her meaning.

“Maybe in a second,” Tom blushed.

“Oh,” Lizzy blushed too, looking down at his lap. “Come on anyway.” Her eyes bounced from his face to his erection.

Chrissy saw through the plate glass window Tom leading Lizzy to his office, wondering if he’d put away his fold away bed or maybe they’d just use the couch. She also wondered if Tom would get Lizzy as ready as he was. “Hope so,” she said to herself. She returned to the beach towel and sat while her lovers continued the kiss. She noticed his penis had slipped out and the juices flowing onto the towel.

“Clean up time,” she giggled and moved to between Peg’s legs, hers finding room outside Harry’s, and began to lap up their combined essence.

“Did we inspire them?” Peg moaned.


Laps at Harry’s penis proved ineffective, so she concentrated on Peg until Peg came.

They lay back, looking at the sky. “You okay?” Peg asked Chrissy.

“I’m good. I’d prefer cock than tongue and Big Harry seems tuckered out.”

“But you’re okay with Tom being with Lizzy?”

“Elizabeth is weird about sex.”

“Weird in what way?” Harry asked.

“She’s a romantic and believes love and sex have to be intertwined.”

“Is she a virgin?”

“Unfortunately no.”

“Was she raped?” Peg asked.

“I don’t think she thinks she was, but maybe? She had a boyfriend in high school who I thought was a dick. A manipulator. He’d check me out, even fucking wink at me, and my sister had no idea. So of course he thought Lizzy was taking way too much time to get to the fucking part. I mean she was already getting the body she has now, and I think she’s more beautiful than me who’s mostly cute. So of course he kept patient enough to get to score her eventually and hopefully continually, being the guy who fucked the hottest girl in school. But being a dick, and an adolescent boy, he begged and cajoled and manipulated enough to let him finger her and have her pull on his cock, and then I guess he thought he got her wet enough, horny enough in his mind, to just push it in, break her hymen and keep fucking her for the few seconds it took for him to cum, all the time saying how much he loves her and how much she loves feeling him inside her and she’s just ... frozen, only managing to say ‘not inside me please,’ and luckily he listened and pulled out just in time. She told him to take her home, and avoided him ever after.”

“Sounds like rape to me,” said Peg.

“Yeah. After that her best friend was this gay guy who she insisted they did things together.”


“Me being a bitch. I told her sex could be fun and even intense. Didn’t she masturbate? Wasn’t she curious? I told her all she had to do was be in charge, like sucking him because that makes men putty in your hand and making sure he sucks her, gets her all ready for the glorious grand finale. On and on.”

“But you knew about the rape?”

“She cried on my shoulder like the whole night until she told me. I bit my tongue not to say I told you so. But I saw how depressed she was, and how much better she’d feel if she could manage it, be in control of it, not worry about love and all that bullshit which can only get in the way or be a tool of manipulation as she found out. Just to get me off her back she told me about their masturbations sessions, watching each other get off. She even sucked him, but he couldn’t quite get himself to suck her, which probably didn’t help any.”

“So she’s never had sex since then?”

“I don’t know. There was this guy in college she started seeing, looking pretty fay if you ask me, but they’d get all cuddly when they were together. My thinking was he was just confused about his sexuality and maybe they tried it and it didn’t quite work out, but she seemed happier that he was in her life and when they broke up she seemed to be okay with it. She never gave any details, essentially telling me to mind my own business. My thinking is they tried it and it ended up not being his favorite thing, and they broke up because of it. But maybe it was enough for her to enjoy it, and let’s face it, she’s gorgeous, so she must have realized it was her being the wrong sex that made it not work, not that she disgusted him otherwise.”

“Does Tom know all this?” Harry asked.

“I told him. I told him he’ll want to fuck her like every heterosexual man on the planet, but if he doesn’t make her cum, I’d tear off his balls and feed them to him.”

Harry couldn’t help chuckling.

“Alright, but I’ll knee him so hard he wished they weren’t there,” Chrissy amended.

“As you should,” Peg agreed.

“I kind of wish it was you Harry because I trust you, but you probably noticed how she looked at you.”

“Like why fuck an old man like me,” Harry responded.

“Because you’re not old and all man,” said Chrissy.

“Thanks lover.”

“But Tom’s older and looks it. Fortunately, in a weird way, she already loves him.”

“Unfortunately the art a man makes and the man himself are two different things. Plenty of brilliant assholes.”

“Like Tom.”

“Yep, but he’s grown on me.”

“Like a wart,” said Peg and they laughed.

They decided to swim some more and enjoyed it rather than be weirded out. After several easy laps they got out and showered, toweling each other off and giggling between kisses.

Chrissy patted Harry’s unresponsive penis. “Perhaps a Cialis prescription?”

“One of the guys I dated liked to take Viagra,” Peg said.

“More than one of mine. Remember they tend to be on the old side.”

“But, I don’t know, it just doesn’t feel natural. As hard as they get it can hurt. And it just throws off the rhythm of sex when he doesn’t fucking go down.”

“You’re just jealous they don’t have to have that refractory time like you women,” Harry offered tongue-in-cheek. “I envy the way you can keep cumming and cumming.”

“Then don’t be such a great lover,” Peg smirked.

“I won’t.”

“Don’t you dare!” she exclaimed, and the three laughed.

“Honestly I wouldn’t mind trying it just to find out what the hype’s about,” Harry said.

“I bet Tom’s got some,” Chrissy grinned.

“No doubt,” Peg smirked.

“Let’s find it!”

“You’re insatiable,” Peg chuckled.

“You got a problem with that?”


“Except when it’s not quite equal,” Harry suggested.

“I’m sorry if it’s a problem,” Chrissy murmured.

“You’re a hot spinner,” said Peg. “It’s not a problem, right Harry.”

“The spirit is willing...,” Harry quoted.

“That’s what Viagra’s for,” Chrissy giggled.

Both Peg and Harry shook their heads and chuckled.

They searched through the medicine cabinet in the master bathroom without success.

“Vicodin,” Chrissy murmured. “Zoloft. There was a time I was a bad girl and would raid my friend’s parents’ medicine cabinets for stuff like these.”

“Tempted?” Harry asked.

“Nope. You? I know you were a bad boy once.”

“I had a squirrelly morality. I was involved in a fucking armed robbery, did pretty much any drug placed in front of me, but I put my foot down about medicine cabinet raiding.”


“No fucking clue, except it made me uncomfortable. Maybe it’s why I never had my psycho friend over because he’d do shit like that.”

“Along with stealing the silver.”

“Maybe that’s the same thing to me,” Harry shrugged. “It was a thrill thing, robbing a bank, getting the adrenaline going. But it’s also an institution built on money, insured and all that, and not some private home.”

“I imagine stuff would be insured.”

“And maybe I’d have robbed rich houses if I hadn’t gotten caught.”

“Robin Hood,” Peg chuckled.

“Stealing from the rich and giving to me,” Harry agreed.

“Should we ask Tom where he stashed his erection enhancers?” Chrissy asked.

“He’s probably busy with your sister,” Harry reminded her.

“So? They watched you. I should check anyway to see if he needs deballing. You don’t have to come in.”

“What do think Harry? Think we can stop her?”


“You guys are such a kick,” Chrissy giggled.

Chrissy didn’t stop Harry and Peg seeing what was going on flinging the office door open the way she did. Tom and Lizzy sat beside each other on the couch, Lizzy’s nipples on her full, perfect breasts shiny with saliva and her hand remained on Tom’s cock. Any suit parts in the way had been pulled down.

“What the fuck, Tom, didn’t you show her the bed pulls out? Up you two. Now.” When they did, Chrissy flung aside the cushions, finding a handle and pulling. “You got Viagra, Tom?”

“Bottom right desk drawer.”

“And condoms?”

“Middle drawer.”

“Good boy.” She tossed a condom at him. “Just borrowing one,” she showed him the one tablet. “As you were,” she giggled and left, closing the door behind her. Opening it again, she said, “Make sure he makes you cum with his mouth first, Lizzy.” She closed the door.

“Did you just traumatize your sister?” Harry asked.

“Didn’t you notice her hand never left his cock?” Chrissy smirked. “My sister is primed!”

Her lovers were about to walk away. “Just a second.” She listened at the door. Not long after, the ear didn’t need to be against the door to here, “Oh fuck!” Chrissy cracked the door and snuck a look, closing it carefully. “Sixty-nine,” she shook her head. “Asshole. But at least he’s sucking her.”

She handed Harry the little pink triangle. “Let me get a beer,” Harry said.

“You’re not supposed to drink on it,” Peg explained.

“Ice water. On it,” said Chrissy.

All three ended up with a glass when Harry drank the pill down. “Where to?” he asked.

“Upstairs of course,” said Chrissy.

It still took awhile to get him hard, Chrissy in the same position as her sister riding his mouth, but the hardness he achieved was as hard as he’d ever been.

She rolled onto her back and guided him in.

“Take it slow, Harry,” Peg instructed. “You’re like a rock.”

“Yes ma’am.”

When he reached medium speed, Chrissy came intensely, helped by fingers and lips and tongue of Peg.

“Let me lick you while I fuck her,” Harry said, and Peg positioned her ass high and her face low, kissing Chrissy while Harry licked and fingered his fiancée.

After a second cum at a faster speed and Peg close, Peg lowered her pussy and Harry pulled his cock out and slid it into the higher hole. The contact of her clit against Chrissy pubic bone helped, along with the steady medium tempo thrusts going as deep as possible inside, sent her over soon after. He kept fucking her, building speed until she achieved another orgasm before he returned his cock into the tighter, younger pussy.

It was by far the most relentless fuck of his life, finally spending inside of Chrissy but remaining hard and returning to Peg’s cunt. He’d trade cunts after each orgasm he created, endlessly fucking, until a second orgasm finally arrived, purposely shot into Peg’s depths before he pulled out and rolled onto his back, his cock pointing upwards.

“Fuck,” he murmured.

“You okay?” Peg asked, moving slowly across his body so that the two women framed him.

“Feel warm,” he said.

“It’s the Viagra,” said Chrissy. “Let me get a cool wet cloth after a quick bidet.”


“So?” Peg asked, stroking his sweaty hair.

“Crazy,” Harry decided. “Will it go down?”

“Relax. It will.”

“Okay. And no. Maybe occasionally for our nymphette.”

“The nymph needs cock. I think Frances and Pat and Linda kind of frustrated that need. I’d say she’s mostly straight.”


“Half and half I’d say. Luckily I’ve got your cock to enjoy, but...”

“Past experience.”


“If you want to pursue a lesbian relationship...”

“Without you? Nope. I like girls as much as guys but I love you more.”

“And Chrissy.”

“And Chrissy. But the sweet little bird will fly away someday.”

“No I won’t,” said Chrissy, lying beside Harry and placing the cool wet washcloth on his forehead.


“You think I’m flighty but I’ve never found a home to roost,” Chrissy said. “I really like you guys. No, I love you.”

“You said before,” Harry reminded her.

“Because it’s true,” she smiled and kissed him softly and briefly. Peg leaned forward to get a kiss too before kissing Harry and settling back. “But I know how silly I can get, so...,” Chrissy added.

“You’re a life force, Chrissy, maybe sometimes intense, but it’s like you freshen the air with your presence, something I’ve very much needed,” Harry explained.

“Same for me,” Peg agreed.

“Good to know,” Chrissy smiled. “For me you’re like mother earth and father sun, nurturing me, making me flower.”

“Very mythic of us,” Harry chuckled and his ladies added to it.

All three nodded off, and when Harry awoke, maybe for the first time since he was a hormone addled teenager, he was happy he’d finally gone soft.

The next time he awoke was to a tapping on the bedroom door and a feminine voice excitedly exclaiming “Christina?”

“Come in,” Chrissy giggled, just as Peg swiftly covered them, actually entering mid covering so Lizzy saw a flash of a piss hard on.

“Oh my god Christina! I’m in love!”

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