Stillwater - Cover


Copyright© 2021 by Maxicue

Chapter 7

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 7 - After completing a lengthy prison sentence, Harry finds luck beyond any he could imagine, including with the ladies.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Fa/Fa   Mult   BiSexual   Sharing   Anal Sex   Oral Sex   Prostitution  

It was late morning when Harry and Peg awoke. “I think I’ll head home,” Peg decided. “I should see if the bar is still there, and I should definitely get a change of clothes.”

“I suppose I can get dropped off there, or...”

“I’ll come by later, probably late actually. I should get some stuff done and will bartend tonight.”

“I’ll miss you.”

“I’ll miss you too, I promise, but you know we’ve been bound together for a while.”

“You need your space.”

“We all do, right?”

“I suppose,” Harry smiled unexpectedly. “Enjoy it while you can.”

Peg laughed.

She did her ablutions while Harry headed down in a robe to check on breakfast, finding Chrissy there and getting a kiss from her. “Waffles okay?” she asked.

“Sounds great.”

They ate them together.

“Where’s Frances?” Harry asked.

“She ate earlier and is packing. Her little surprise was in the midst of a shoot apparently and she needs to get back to LA today to work.”

“They delayed it for her surprise?”

“She wasn’t needed until tomorrow.”

“So it was a ruse.”

“She knew Tom would be alone with me.”

“Because of my film?”


By the time they finished, both Frances and Peg came downstairs together, Peg helping with Frances’s bags.

“Chrissy told me you’re leaving,” Harry informed his sister before hugging her.

“It’s great you’re out,” Frances smiled.

“For me too,” he smirked and they laughed. He helped bring her bags to her car through a side door next to the kitchen that entered the garage. “You’re not getting dropped off?”

“I like having my car at the airport,” she explained.

“I offered to drop her off,” said Chrissy. “I’m supposed to be in the area anyway at some point.”

“It’s expensive I know, but I like the freedom of coming in whenever and just driving off,” Frances shrugged.

“It worked for the surprise,” Harry nodded.

“It did.”

She gave Chrissy a peck on the lips, got in her car, opened the garage door and drove off, the garage door closing behind her.

Returning to the kitchen, Harry saw Peg with a smartphone in her hand. “You need to check it and recharge it,” she said.

“There’s a recharger on the counter,” Chrissy informed them, taking the phone and attaching it to the charging cord. Turning it on and swiping it revealed messages. “A Dave called?” she said.

“Shit,” said Harry, going to the phone.

“Luddite,” Peg chuckled.

“Let me make you breakfast while you show him how things work,” Chrissy offered.

“Thanks. There’s a charger in the T-mobile bag upstairs,” she told Harry. “Just hook it up at the end of the night.”

She showed him the settings, turning up the volume and they found a ringtone he sort of liked. “We can download something if you want it changed,” she told him. “You have the password for the WIFI?” she asked Chrissy.

“There’s a leather notebook in the junk drawer,” Chrissy pointed.

Peg found the code on the first page and programmed it in. “You want to call your friend?” she asked Harry.


“I’ll put it on speakerphone.”

Dave answered with the name of his shop.

“Hey Dave, it’s Harry. You busy?”

“Nope. I talked to Bob. He says he can get the Memorial Day weekend off with his wife and his kids if you don’t mind them coming.”

“Of course not.”

“I sort of figured. I can get my partner to watch the shop for a couple days.”

“The whole weekend then?”

“I hope that’s not a problem. I figured the kids could go rafting on the Apple River and we could check out Stillwater or whatever.”

“I’m not sure if Frances would be there.”


“She’ll be fine with you staying here and there’s plenty of room. It’s the whole meeting a star thing.”

“We’ve known her as long as we’ve known you.”

“True. She’s in transit right now...”

“We can call her on her car phone,” Peg reminded him.

“Of course. I’m new to this shit. Tell Bob it’s fine, and anyone else wanting to come. Like I said there’s tons of room here. I’ll let you know if there’s any change, but I doubt there will be.”

“Sounds good. I should go.”

“See you in a few weeks.”

“Looking forward to it.”

“Me too.”

The call ended.

“Memorial Day is...?” Harry asked.

“About three weeks,” said Chrissy. “Foods ready.”

“Thanks,” said Peg, settling into her seat. “Can you handle calling your sister?”

“I’ve got it,” Harry said, but Frances didn’t answer.

“An unknown 612 number,” Peg figured. “Maybe a Stillwater exchange will work better,” Peg handing her phone to Harry.

“Peg?” Frances answered.

“It’s Harry actually.”

“You just called. I’ll set it up with your name. I don’t answer unknown numbers.”

“We figured and it makes sense.”

“Did I forget something?”

“Dave called and he and Bob and Bob’s family want to come down for Memorial Day weekend.”

“Not a problem. Invite whom you want. Mi casa es su casa. Except maybe ex-cons.”

“I wouldn’t. You think you could be there?”

“I planned on it. Your nephew and niece are out of school then and I planned to pick them up at the airport.”

“I look forward to it. Are they?”

“I told them you’re much cooler than their stuck up aunt, though their dad tended to scare them with you being an evil criminal.”


Frances chuckled. “They’ll be even more thrilled to meet you.”

“Probably be disappointed I’m some boring guy.”

“You’re hardly boring Harry.”


“I’ll probably be done before that depending on the shoot, if it goes over, but the showrunner knows how to keep things on time and budget.”


“Like a producer for a movie except more hands-on. He basically manages the series.”

“So it’s TV?”

“It might as well be a movie with its high budget and slick production, and it being a two part pilot as well.”

“Pilot meaning it hasn’t been bought?”

“With the showrunner’s past successes and the industry and press interest and as much money as they’re pouring into it, it’s as good as bought. And it’s by far the best role I’ve had in years. I get to play an evil bitch.”

“So not much acting needed.”

“Fuck you,” Frances laughed.

He wished her luck before they ended the call.

Peg gave him a kiss. “I’m going to head out.”

“Miss you already,” he smiled and got another kiss.

“What about me?” Chrissy pouted and got a kiss from both of them.

“I’m going to check on Tom,” he told Chrissy, Peg already heading away.

“I’ll check on you guys later,” Chrissy nodded.

Harry found Tom on the pull out couch/bed reading a book when Tom told him to enter. “Ready to work?” Tom asked.


They paused for lunch provided by Chrissy, sandwiches and beers, and continued for a couple more hours before Chrissy returned.

“I’m heading into the city to meet with Pat and her wife, Linda,” Chrissy told Harry. “Linda wants to meet with you, too.”

“What about a ride back?” Harry asked.

“Sam wants to see the house,” Chrissy shrugged. Sam being Samantha, the casting director.

“Sounds like a plan,” Harry smiled.

Tom handed Harry a memory stick. “Pat will want to see what we’ve done.”

“Makes sense,” said Harry, pocketing it in his robe. “I suppose I should shower and dress,” he chuckled.

Chrissy waited until after they exited Tom’s office before asking, “Need some help with the shower?”

“Uhm, I’ll need more than a shower.”

“Shit, shower and shave.”


“Ah well,” she patted his crotch.

She must have waited nearby because as soon as he had the shower going, she joined him. Using a soapy washcloth she cleaned him thoroughly, ending up concentrating on the erection brought by the proximity of her nakedness, and once rinsed, she turned off the water, knelt and sucked it.

He sensed it might take a while to cum and gently lifted her head, steering her mouth off his cock and urged her to stand so that he could reciprocate, kneeling and sucking and rubbing her g spot.

“I want you to fuck me,” she moaned, his mouth and fingers making her ready, so he stood and grasped her ass and lifted her, pressing her against the back wall while she aimed his cock where she wanted it and sank onto it, Harry slowing the sinking into that tight snatch.

Perhaps the tension caused by her legs gripping him to help with her weight causing some interesting Kegel action or the cries of pleasure she let loose echoing in the small room, acting like a sound chamber, or the friction of her always tight twat elevated by the hard thrusts he managed to give her, but he felt the intense pleasure of pending release build sooner than he expected, thankfully given the permission to not hold back when her cries became a wail and her body shook with her orgasm, and he pressed up into her, sending the seed against her cervix, her lively interior rippling against his throbs of ejaculation seeming to milk all that seed from him.

She eased off him at the end of their ecstatic moment and his hand pressed against the wall which helped hold her moments before to prevent his collapse.

“You’re so fucking good at fucking,” she murmured, turning the water back on. “Lean your head down. I want to wash your hair.”

He did, and very much enjoyed the massage involved with the shampooing. Once rinsed, they kissed. “I’m going to need the bidet,” she giggled. “I put out your clothes on your bed. Mine too, but bidet first, so wait for me.”

“Of course,” he grinned weakly.

She got out first, toweled quickly, handing him the towel before slipping out the door naked.

Because he needed to brush his teeth and shave, he ended up in his room just after she did and enjoyed watching her dress, even helping with her bra, and she seemed to enjoy watching him too.

During the drive to Bloomington where the hotel was where Pat was staying with Linda, Harry asked Chrissy, “Feeling more comfortable working for my sister?”

“You mean being her mistress?” Chrissy giggled. “I think she’s worried I might seduce her son.”

“All in the family,” Harry chuckled.

“Oh my god!” Chrissy laughed. “If her daughter’s gay, I’d be fucking you all!”

“There’s still my other sister,” Harry laughed too. “Have you met my niece and nephew?”

“Not yet. They’ve been in school.”

“Me neither. Just pictures.”

“Are you looking forward to it?”

“Honestly I’m kind of anxious.”


“I’m not proud of what I did or where I’ve been.”

“I think you’re cool, Harry, and I bet they will too. Their cool uncle.”

“What teenager would think a middle aged man is cool?”

“Depends on the teenager and the middle aged man. If either are uptight assholes I suppose there’d be problems. I don’t know what Frances’s kids are like, maybe stuck up and spoiled or maybe not, but you’re definitely not uptight. You’re completely unique, Harry, and not just because you’re an ex-con. You’re also quite talented.”

“I imagine they grew up with talented older people, friends of their parents. Maybe they’d prefer if I was some uptight businessman or something.”

“Meeting Tom’s friends, and Pat and her entourage, I’d say you’re still unique and interesting.”


“They’ll love you just like I love you. Well maybe not like that, but...,” she laughed.


“That bother you?” she asked.

“Love is an odd word, especially for me. I mean...”

“You want to know what I mean by that.”

“I mean I did have a girlfriend before I was sent up and I thought it was love but maybe we were just close friends who liked fucking each other. You’d think the breakup would have been profound, like an intense emotional wound, but it wasn’t.”

“Did it end when you went to prison?”

“Before that when I got into the bad boy group. The psycho leader had charisma and a knack for attracting women and I became his wingman and would inevitably get second choice, not any less sexy really because they’d inevitably be the hottest girls at the party. Being dumb and full of cum as they say, I didn’t let guilt or cheating get in the way, and maybe to avoid those things I called it off with Carol. Maybe she sensed I’d already gone to the dark side, because she didn’t take it as hard as I thought she would.”

“How’d you break it off?”

“By phone. She actually lived on the other side of town, so it would have seemed like another date if I did it face to face.”

“So you really didn’t know how she took it.”

“I suppose not. It was abrupt. I told her and she just said okay and hung up. I hoped maybe she’d found someone else or something since she didn’t ask why or anything.”

“Or you told yourself that.”

“Probably. She wasn’t your usual beauty and was shy, so yeah.”

“She never tried contacting you in prison?”

“Thankfully not. Maybe it just put an exclamation point on me being an asshole.”

“You may have been an asshole then, but you were a kid. It’s not like you would have settled down with her.”

“Probably not.”

“And were you as good at sex with her, since you haven’t had much lessons since?”

“We learned from each other, always looking to give the other the best sex possible. One advantage with her was her parents would leave for weekends, going to a nudist camp of all things. She refused to join them, and they definitely didn’t have the bodies for it so I can’t blame her, but it did give us a lot of time in her bed to experiment.”

“And you used your knowledge on the hot girls?”

“I did get some calls back. It never got serious, and honestly, despite their hotness, it wasn’t ever quite as good as it had been with Carol except for one girl where it started to get serious before the robbery ended things. Weirdly, she’d been with the psycho before that, her girlfriend telling her I’d been a good lay unlike my fucked up partner, a lot less scary I guess. Her girlfriend and I didn’t click except for the sex, but with her it did. She was smart, got my jokes, shared a lot of my interests, not just a drugged out, rebellious chick, although she was that too. Her family had some money, so they got her an apartment near the U of M where she was in school, although she hated her dad as much as I hated mine, something else we shared. I thought maybe incest had been involved as much as she hated him. She never said, but she was a beautiful woman with a dancer’s body since she studied modern dance. Anyway, with her with her apartment, we’d meet up there and never around the psycho and I never let on I was with her to him. She contacted me after I went to prison and joked about sending me sexy shots of her, and though we really had become friends, I told her to go live her life and forget about me, which she did as far as I know.”

“Were you in love with her?”

“More in lust, but maybe it would have become more. I don’t think I really got what love is until I met Peg and how much she occupies my mind now when she’s not around.”

“There’s all kinds of love,” Chrissy explained. “There’s being in love like you feel about Peg and she feels about you. There’s familial love like you feel for your sister or a friend or a pet even, this closeness that feels bound and cannot be unbound. Like I feel about my father and my siblings that makes me make sure everything’s okay with them. There’s erotic love where the thrill of intimacy binds you, and that’s what I mean when I say I love you, along with the comfort I feel with you that adds some bit of familial love. When you’re in love with someone, it’s a full on binding: familial, erotic, even spiritual.”

“So that if it was torn away, you’d feel it in your heart and head,” Harry asked.

“And in all your senses I think, not being able to see her or touch her or hear her, maybe even smell her and taste her.”

“Definitely,” Harry smiled. “So you’ve known this?”

“Purely observation unfortunately.”

“So you’d like it to happen?”

“To share my life with someone? Yes. But I don’t see it happening anytime soon.”

“Because of your choices?”

“Fucking people for money? I’d end that like Peg is.”

“Then why not?”

“Ambition? I want to be the best chef possible, one who’s respected and renowned where people will come to my restaurant because it’s my restaurant. I’m not near there yet, so it’s my focus. Will I fuck my way to the top? I already know I won’t mind it. I like sex, and it doesn’t bother me in the least if I use it as a tool to get what I want. I know women have hated to have to do that and men wielding power as we’ve been shown have actually raped women in order to get what they want, threatening them their livelihood if they don’t accept the assault, but I guess I’m one of the few who would never fight it no matter how disgusting the guy might be if at least I’m assured of getting what I want out of it.”

“How can you be sure you’ll get that?”

“Remember I record everything.”

Harry chuckled.

“But being in love doesn’t fit into my mercenary ambition, does it? I’m not going to fall in love with some stepping stone, nor is some guy going to appreciate what I’m doing to get there.”

“And if a guy didn’t mind? Would his love of you be questionable?”

“It would always be my past, wouldn’t it? Maybe it’s just not in the cards. Wait, do you think me being with you and Peg will hurt your relationship? We just fucked and she wasn’t there.”

“I don’t but I can always ask. I’ll call her.” Harry pulled out his phone.

“My phone’s in my purse. Can you program her phone number in?”

“I think so.”

Harry figured it out and called Peg using the Bluetooth hookup to the car.

“Hello?” Peg asked.

“It’s me,” Harry said. “I’m using Chrissy’s phone.”

“I’ll program it in. Miss me already?”

“Yep. I fucked Chrissy.”

“No surprise,” Peg chuckled.

“You don’t hate me?” Chrissy asked.

“Why the fuck would I hate you? I know you like dick more than pussy and must have been starved for it just having Frances’s pussy to play with and we both know what a great dicking Harry gives us. Would I have liked to have been there? Of course. But what I’d hate is losing that hot body of yours and not just that. I like you Chrissy.”

“I love you both,” Chrissy confessed.

“You should find someone more your age,” said Peg.

“I’m not in love with you like you and Harry are, but I feel close to both of you, literally of course but ... comfortable, you know. Intimate I guess. Does that make sense?”

“I think we feel the same, right Harry?”

“Yep,” Harry replied. “We’ve been discussing this love thing, which I can say, as far as being in love, has only come into focus with you.”

“Back at you, big guy.”

“She thinks,” Harry continued, “the mercenary sex will keep her from falling in love with some guy or maybe more vice versa.”

“It seems you’ve fallen in love with a whore, Harry.”

“Ex whore,” Chrissy augmented.

“She thinks being an ex whore would still be a problem,” Harry pointed out.

“Is it?” Peg asked.


“There you go. This being in love thing kind of grabs you out of nowhere. It’s almost arbitrary. Who’d think some guy just out of stir would become the love of my life. I thought I was in love before, well maybe I was, but this feels so different, maybe because I grew up. I was a kid when I fell in love to what ended up being a drunken cad which I probably recognized but denied it. I already had too many drunks in my life so it really was a bad choice for me. But there’s so much more clarity with Harry. I know he’s got his bad side. Who doesn’t? He’d been in prison for god’s sake. But I accept him, warts and all, and even recognize those warts instead of pretending they’re not there or trying to fix them. I suppose we all want to get better, but you can’t force it on the other no more than he can force it on you. It’s more a partnership working on the improvements I guess.”

“The thing is,” Harry added, “if someone affects you like Peg affects me and it’s mutual of course, if you lay yourself bare for them, figuratively since if it’s a love affair the literal would be implied, and neither of you winces or runs for the hills or whatever, there’s a real chance that things will work out.”

“Until it doesn’t,” Chrissy said.

“Like with Frances and Tom,” Harry nodded.

“Time wounds all heals,” Peg joked. “Maybe relationships are like petri dishes where the bad shit left unattended keeps growing and growing, the shit in the shadows. Had Frances discovered Tom’s infidelity as she long suspected and suffered that suspicions for probably far too long, would it have ended the marriage, split the parents, the kids suffering from the separation or would it have been accepted? I’m thinking the former because of Frances being an actress, a renowned beauty, challenged by the young chippies which she couldn’t compete with, at least in her mind. But then all that suffering would have ended long ago. Maybe she’d find a guy who worshipped her, who couldn’t imagine being with anyone else but her, or maybe it would be a woman. Maybe they’d both be bi and lure some hot guy, the male version of the chippie, into some wild fun, keeping the marriage bed interesting. Things could have been a lot better with some light put on that shadow.

“You know,” Peg continued, “and it’s a fucked up thing to say probably, but I really lucked out with Harry being in prison all these years, because he’s such a fucking good lover and such an interesting guy that he’d never have been available for an old gal like me. I don’t know if he’d have found his mate and stuck with her, but she’d have been a fool to part with him, just as I’d be.”

“I’d say you’re perfectly aged, a beautiful vintage,” Harry argued, “and I’m the lucky one, stumbling out of prison into your stunning arms. Like I told you before, I deserved my punishment, and as horrid and dull as it was, it all led to you, didn’t it?”

“I think you’re perfect for each other,” said Chrissy. “And you’re perfect for me.”

“What do you mean?” the other two basically said.

“You don’t give a shit about what I’ve done or what I’m doing. And I do like older people.”

“You like older men,” Peg argued.

“And women.”

“Peg,” said Harry.

“Yes Harry?”

“Shut up.”

Peg laughed. “Yes Harry. But let me say this. When you’re older, Chrissy, and watch our bodies desiccate, feel free to go after younger men.”

“And women,” Harry added.

“You think I’ll be the cougar,” Chrissy giggled.

“I have no doubt,” Harry insisted.

“I’ll see you guys later,” said Peg.

“Can’t wait,” Harry responded.

“Me neither,” Chrissy added.

She and Harry arrived at the hotel not long after, going up to the nice suite Pat and Linda stayed at. Linda let them in dressed only in a bathrobe. “Where’s Pat?” Harry asked.

“Still working on the casting. Come sit at the table.”

The table had a small stack of paper atop it and just two chairs near each other.

“Chrissy I assume,” Linda said.


“I’m Linda, Pat’s wife. If you’d like to take a shower, please do. Otherwise I’ll meet you in the bedroom.”

“Yes ma’am.”

After a glancing smile at Harry, Chrissy headed to the bathroom.

“I can see her charm,” Linda muttered.

“She’s definitely hot,” Harry agreed.

Linda sighed. “It’s a bit complicated since Tom wasn’t completely up front with us about the source of his story. But he did make arrangements it seems for your surprise. We bought the rights to the story, but he wanted us to pay half for the screenplay up front and half for all rewrites that would be needed. We don’t have a lot of resources in our production company to for instance pay any substantial amount for a third party rewrite, but his having us pay a sort of on spec advance even though the screenplay had already been written has freed up paying you the other half for the screenplay. Does that make sense?”

“Tom okayed that?” Harry asked.

“He did, and insisted you deserved it.”

“I’ll thank him for that, but I have one stipulation.”

“Which is?”

“Half credit for the story as well as the screenplay. Tom of course will get the top line,” Harry recommended.

“Frances said you’d say that and Tom agreed.”

“Is it stipulated in the contract?”

“Just for the screenplay. You have to understand we’ll be advertising it as story and screenplay by Tom Whalen.”

“He’s more of a star writer than a star actor.”

“So you do understand. Tom’s name is bringing a lot of interest.”

“Meaning a lot of money.”

“Some money.”

Harry chuckled. “Not a big budget picture.”

“Not even a little bit big. But Pat’s thinking of hiring Frances so that’ll help.”


“Yes Harry, Pat wants you to star.”

“You could have led with that.”

Linda chuckled. “Seriously though,” she went serious, “We’re a little worried about the gimmick.”

“Understandable. Even if you don’t make a big deal of it, we both have the same last name, so people will probably notice.”

“It could end up working in our favor.”

“Just for the curiosity factor.”

“Yes. You’re definitely unknown as an actor.”

“Since I haven’t acted in anything anyone would have known, and all amateur at that.”

“But fortunately you’re quite photogenic.”

“Good to know,” Harry chuckled.

“There’s nothing up front for the acting, and Frances is passing as well for the good of the film, and we’re going to have to arrange your membership in SAG.”

“Finally a union man,” Harry grinned.

“There’s scale, but we’ll get you at least twice that for being the featured role.”

“Honestly whatever I get is fine. It’s not like I’ve worked for the past twenty-five years except for the paltry prison pay for stamping out license plates.”

“You really did that?”

“I worked in the library.”

“Good for you.”

“We had a little prison paper I worked on too, writing and drawings. But with all that, I’ve already spent a lot of it.”

“Sorry to hear that.”

“It’s a crime what they pay,” he smirked. “So ... how much am I getting for the screenplay.”

“Sign and initial and I’ll show you.”

“Shouldn’t you tell me first?”

“A quarter million.”

“Holy shit. Where do I sign?”

“Like I said, Tom’s a major draw.”

“I guess. I’m fine with Tom just mentioned on the one sheets, but...”

“You’ll get your credits.”

“Thanks. For curiosity sake, how much for the story.”

“The other half million.”

“Holy shit. You interested in another story?”

Linda chuckled. “Make me a treatment.”

“A treatment. Right.”

“Tom will show you.”

Signed and initialed, Harry received the $250,000 check.

“Holy shit.”

About then the door opened and Pat and Sam, the casting director entered. “Got it done?” Linda asked.

“Yes,” said Pat. “Congratulations, Harry.”

“Thanks Pat. Tom wanted me to give this to you.” Harry handed her the memory stick.

“How close is the rewrite being done?” Pat asked.

“Pretty close I think. We thought by the end of the afternoon it’d be done, but then I headed here. But since I’m getting a ride back from Sam, we can finish it up.”

“Sounds good. Just e-mail the changes.”


“I guess I can spend my punishment reading it.” Pat got out her lap top.

“Punishment?” Sam asked.

Chrissy emerged from the bathroom wearing the same white terry cloth robe as Linda looking adorable freshly showered. Linda stood and ordered, “Follow me,” and both entered the bedroom, Linda closing the door.

“Who was that?” Sam asked.

“Chrissy,” Harry said.

“My punishment,” said Pat.

“You know Chrissy’s a bit of an exhibitionist,” Harry hinted.

“Too much of a temptation,” Pat shook her head.

“What’s going on?” Sam asked.

“You wanted to check out Frances’s place?” Pat reminded her. “Harry can tell you the sordid story on the way.”

“I guess we’ve been dismissed,” Harry suggested.

“I guess so,” Sam grinned. The grin lit up her heather eyes, made her prettier than her usual serious demeanor, and younger with a hint of innocence. “Let me collect my bags from my room.”

“I’ll see you later, Pat,” Harry said at the door.

“Not for a couple weeks,” Pat said. “We’re heading back to LA in the morning.”

“See you in a couple weeks,” Harry said, closing the door. “You’re checking out, Sam?”

“Pat thought I’d enjoy Frances’s place,” Sam told him, hitting the nearby down button for the elevator. “It’ll mean waking up extra early to catch the flight but Pat thought it would be worth it.”

“It’s definitely nice,” Harry agreed. “Did you bring a swim suit? The pool’s definitely a feature.”

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