Stillwater - Cover


Copyright© 2021 by Maxicue

Chapter 4

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 4 - After completing a lengthy prison sentence, Harry finds luck beyond any he could imagine, including with the ladies.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Fa/Fa   Mult   BiSexual   Sharing   Anal Sex   Oral Sex   Prostitution  

Once the phone was bought, they headed back to Stillwater. Harry decided to call Frances on the way using Peg’s phone since it was already hooked up to Bluetooth and Harry’s needed charging and Peg had a hook up for that.

“How’s Dave?” Frances asked.

“Remarkably unchanged,” said Harry. “Perhaps a little more uptight.”

“Aren’t we all since we were kids?”

“True. I was wondering if it was cool if my old friends visited me at your house.”

“Your idea or his?” Frances asked. Harry could almost hear her smirk.

“Mine, but he might have felt slighted that he never got invited to an honest to god movie star’s home.”

“I didn’t even think about that.”

“He survived, and it’s not like you’re neighbors and you’d invite him in for lemonade or something. I thought maybe a pool party and I’d invite them to Peg’s bar later where I guess I’ll be working.”

“A girlfriend and a job, well done Harry.”


“I’d like to see the bar too.”

“You can come by tonight when I’m working,” Peg suggested. “Maybe bring Harry back to your place since he’s supposedly working on his movie.”

“Tom still there?” Harry asked.

“Still camped in his office.”

“His friends?”

“Escaped like rats from a sinking ship,” Frances chuckled bitterly. “The maid told me she told you the arrangement.”

“Chrissy,” Harry said.

“Whatever. I didn’t even need her, caught double teaming Derrick’s latest chippie with that asshole actor in my fucking bed!”

“You wouldn’t have had your surprise visit without Chrissy’s proof,” Harry reminded his sister.

“I suppose.”

“She’s a good kid despite her side thing which you exploited,” Peg said.

“I was going to have her change the bed but couldn’t find her so I had Tom do it.”

“She told you where she was?” Peg asked.

“Maybe fucking one of the guests?”

Peg looked at Harry who shook his head.

“So while I had Tom change the sheets and open the windows,” Frances continued, “I tossed the chippie one of my robes and had a chat.”

“She stayed?” Peg asked.

“I told her to, telling Derrick to get his naked ass out of my bed.”

“She must have been freaking out,” said Harry.

“She was worse after the chat. I let her know Derrick would reneg on any promise he made her, and if she thought she’d gotten an inside with my husband because my husband got inside her...”

“Getting caught by you wouldn’t help her situation,” Harry completed.

“I don’t know how my husband operates, maybe this hadn’t been the first time he joined in with Derrick, but I let her know Derrick uses young pretty ambitious girls like toilet paper. She was pretty distraught, and I think it was more about something else besides enabling Tom in his cheating. I think she genuinely liked Derrick and thought he felt the same about her. The cheating didn’t help because she told me she genuinely admired me and my work, but she didn’t think Derrick was all that enthusiastic about having the threesome. She admitted she and Tom had talked, she admired his writing and had even done the scene from that movie Rome Tennessee in acting school, though of course Tom’s shit with female characters, so it wasn’t like Tom’s one of her favorites or anything, but she found him kind of sexy too so there was a bit of flirting on both sides, but Derrick didn’t seem happy about it.

“The thing is she wasn’t like one of Derrick’s typical chippies. She was cute and hot and built like them, but there was more substance to her, more intelligence. Maybe it wasn’t just trying to fuck her way to the top. Maybe she was smart enough to actually connect with the asshole.”

“So why the threesome do you think?” Harry asked.

“A lot more drinking and smoking I think, and maybe some negotiations on the side between Tom and Derrick, like it would be a onetime thing or, worse, for old time’s sake? However it was, the girl was never comfortable with it. The way Derrick treated her like she really was just another chippie, like she’d become some kind of whore agreeing to be fucked by Tom, which didn’t seem fair since Derrick was as much involved with bringing her into that bed as Tom, or her she admitted since she did feel some attraction. So she was a regretful mess about the whole thing.”

“You were cruel to her,” Harry said.

“Of course I was. I was furious. A girl half my age who doesn’t have to struggle retaining her beauty and slimness? I couldn’t compete. But it was the seduction that really pushed me over the bend, the extra bit of work on my husband’s part, whatever negotiations had to happen and the suspiciousness of those negotiations.”

“You should have Chrissy show you the video she took of Tom and the girl getting to know each other, if it is that girl which it sounds like it is,” Peg suggested.

“That damn smartphone of hers,” Frances laughed. “You know I think I will.”

“Is Pat still there?” Harry asked before Frances hung up.

“She’s still staying here but she’s out with her DP and producer.”


“Going for the audition?” Frances chuckled.

“Maybe, but I do plan on rewriting her film.”

“Your film.”

“My film.”

“I’m glad you’re involved, Harry. I’d hoped you’d be.”


The call ended.

“Dave?” Peg asked.


Peg explained how to call him.

“I’ll talk to Bob and JB,” said Dave.

“Anyone else around?” Harry asked.

“Mac’s in Ohio with his redheaded family,” Dave chuckled. “I’m not sure where Jordan is.”

“Maybe best we don’t know.”

“Yeah,” Dave chuckled. Jordan had always been a pompous ass. He’d joined late into their little group and had never been completely accepted at least by Harry. “Bob might invite his cousin.”

“That’s fine.”

“I’m not sure about Bob’s schedule and I’ve got the shop.”

“You could just come for the evening since Stillwater isn’t that far,” Peg suggested.

“Too many designated drivers,” Dave quipped and they all laughed. “I’ll figure it out. Would there be room if we stayed?”

“Plenty,” said Joe.

“So it’s like a mansion?”

“Pretty much, though understated.”


They arrived at said mansion, Chrissy opening the door for them. “You okay?” Harry asked.

“I still got my job if that’s what you mean, but I’m not sure how long.”

“My sister treating you like shit.”

“Pretty much.”

“I’ll see what I can do.”

“I’d appreciate that, but mostly I hope to get recommendations if a future potential employer calls.”

“A house cook working at a restaurant?” Peg asked.

“I’ve done parties here,” Chrissy shrugged.


Frances approached while they talked in the family room looking less attractive than Harry had ever seen her, still in her housecoat. He immediately opened his arms for her which she accepted and wept in their embrace. The other two left them there, heading through the hall to the kitchen.

“I knew but I didn’t want to know,” Frances murmured.

“I know,” Harry responded, not knowing what else to say.

When the hug ended, he followed her down the hallway hearing the clacking of a typewriter when he passed the office door. “Probably writing things from the macho side,” Frances muttered.

“A whore of a mother and a cold but cheating father,” Harry suggested.

“Probably,” Frances chuckled. In the kitchen, Frances drank down what remained of the white wine in her glass and opened the fridge, pulling out a bottle a little more than half full and poring some of its contents into the glass.

“You should eat,” said Chrissy, standing behind Peg who sipped from a glass of ice water.

“A sandwich I guess,” Frances muttered.



“You guys?”

“We’re good,” said Peg.



Chrissy pulled out a bowl of sliced fruit and berries of various kinds covered with plastic wrap and grabbed a large serving spoon and a couple small bowls and forks before working on the Cubano for her boss.

“We got to get you driving,” Peg suggested.

“Too bad Tom’s penismobile is in Texas,” Frances smirked, “Or I’d have you steal it.”

“Winter home?” Peg asked.

“Working horse ranch,” Frances shrugged. “I have a cousin in Eau Claire who watches this place, but I like coming up here in winter sometimes for the isolation. Tom’s not much for cold.”

“Where were the guests’ cars?” Joe asked.

“Tom had the rentals parked in the garage which is a lot bigger than we needed. Tom’s not big on driving in snow either. Pat’s using our Suburban to tool around and I’ve got my Prius.”

“My Honda Civic hides in there too,” Chrissy added.

“I guess I’ll be needing a drivers’ test like I’m sixteen again,” Joe said. “Maybe a learner’s permit like I’m fifteen.”

“We should check up on all that,” Peg nodded.

“I’ll get you a car once you pass all that,” Frances offered.

“Thanks Mom.”

“No macho complaint about buying your own?” Peg smirked.

“Not like I can afford anything.”

“You should talk to Pat about getting some money up front for the movie,” Frances suggested.

“It’s his movie isn’t it?” Peg pointed out.

“How did that work out?” Harry asked. “Whose story was bought?”

“Fuck. Sorry,” Frances admitted. “We used Tom’s name to get some decent money for it and the screenplay, but Tom always planned to get you in on it once you got out. It was supposed to be a surprise. I’d have told him to fuck off if that hadn’t been the plan.”

“And if I’d said no?” Harry asked.

“Why would you? It’s not like you’ve got any money.”

“You’re talking about selling my life.”

“You’re going to fight it?” Frances asked.

“Might get me more money if I threatened it.”

Frances laughed. “Getting greedy in your old age?”

“Hey, I’m barely middle aged, in my prime I’d say.”

“I’d say so too” Peg blushed.

“What was the split supposed to be?” Harry asked.

“You’d get twenty for the rights and the screenplay if you agreed to rewrite,” Frances told him.

“Maybe fifty-fifty if I fought it?”

Frances sighed. “Problem is it’s a small movie, what backing we’ve got is from Tom’s name.”

“Him starring too?”

“His writing is more the draw. He’s never been box office as they say.”

“Pat’s looking for unknowns,” Harry said. “I’m thinking that’s disappointing Tom.”

“Because it was like a vanity project? I don’t think it’s written in that he’d star.”

“I’m just wondering if she’ll get fired if she doesn’t.”

“That wouldn’t be something Tom could do. It’s in the hands of the production company which spearheaded things and got Pat hired probably because it’s Pat’s company along with her wife.”

“Gay marriage,” Harry shook his head.

“You’re against it?” Frances asked.

“Not at all. It’s just another weird thing among many.”

“There must be a lot of culture shock,” Frances nodded. “What’s the biggest?”

“A talking car? Everything’s digital and automatic.”

“You’ve seen the smartphone affect?”

“What’s that?”

“Everyone walking around gazing at their phones or talking to themselves when they’re actually talking to someone on their phone but it’s just earphones so it really looks like they’re talking to themselves.”

“We’ve never been to anywhere where that would be obvious,” said Peg.

“I saw it at the mall,” Harry reminded her.

“Oh right.”

Harry shook his head. “So everyone’s talking to each other except on the phone and not face to face.”

“Pretty much.”

“The only time I spent hours on the phone was with my girlfriend when I couldn’t see her. Otherwise it was about setting up time for a friend and me to actually get together. And I’d have much rather been with my girlfriend instead of just talking to her.”

“It makes me wonder what there is to talk about all the time,” Peg agreed, “when all they seem to do is talk on their phone. Speaking of which, give me your phone Harry.”

When he did and with hers out she had Frances’s phone ringing. “Now you’re programmed in,” she explained, showing the list of calls, including hers, on Harry’s new phone. “I’ll show you how to save them later. Now I should be headed back to the bar soon. You want to wash my back, Harry?”


“You mind if we use your shower?” Peg asked.

“Go ahead,” said Frances.

“I should do some cleaning up as well,” said Chrissy, about to follow them.

“Cleaning up, right,” Frances chuckled.

Chrissy turned to Frances; Peg and Harry had already gone far enough away not hear. “You mind if I’m fucking your brother and Peg?”

“Good for them,” Frances muttered.

“What about you? You might say it was a test drive seeing your interest in me but it doesn’t have to be.”

“I’m not going to get into a threesome with my asshole husband.”

“And I don’t want to either. At best he was indifferent, at worst just another notch for him. What I showed you was the part after I finally worked him hard again and was able to ride him to my completion.”

“You just want to stay on.”

“I do, but I’d also like you to like me because I really do like you.” She sat in Frances’s lap and kissed her which Frances soon returned and it became intense.

Breaking the kiss, Frances sighed. “Go be with them. I’ll think about it.” And when Chrissy got up, she added, “Let them know I’d like to see the bar, and I can drive Harry back.”

“I should probably do the driving,” Chrissy volunteered.

“Probably,” Frances agreed, gauging her near drunkenness, then getting up to add to it via the wine in the fridge.

Chrissy headed upstairs. “Mind if I join you?” she asked, walking into the shower, Peg soaping Harry’s back with one hand, the other tugging at his erection. Chrissy’s hands washed Peg’s back while that continued and then her breasts and pussy, continuing until Harry came and then the couple both went at Chrissy, Chrissy continuing to work Peg.

“Let’s move this to the bed,” Harry decided.

“The big bed,” Chrissy agreed. “I’ll change the sheets.”

Chrissy dried Harry while Harry dried Peg, then Peg and Harry both dried Chrissy. Throughout, especially at the end, Chrissy kept attention to Harry’s growing cock which she grabbed onto leading them to the bed, Peg pulling away the cover and top sheet.

Harry on his back had Chrissy’s pussy over his mouth while both she and Peg worked him fully hard, sharing their mouths and often pausing for some French kissing. They decided he couldn’t get any harder and Peg brought the glans to her wet pussy and sent it deep a stroke at a time. Primed and added to by Chrissy sucking her nipples and rubbing her clit, her ride became frantic and her orgasm arrived soon.

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