Stillwater - Cover


Copyright© 2021 by Maxicue

Chapter 35

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 35 - After completing a lengthy prison sentence, Harry finds luck beyond any he could imagine, including with the ladies.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Fa/Fa   Mult   BiSexual   Sharing   Anal Sex   Oral Sex   Prostitution  

Harry and Leonora dropped Peg at the airport early Sunday and Cara at the train station not long after. Harry hated to see both women go. He and Peg enjoyed sharing Cara in bed, but they both liked her beyond the physical. They liked her intelligence and her humbleness, and it wasn’t shyness that brought out the latter when she met Peg because that disappeared almost immediately, though being humble probably came from her shyness.

Aside from Barb, sex had been remarkable these last few days. Cara, in duo or trio configurations, (again excepting Barb) showed her appreciation for Harry and to a lesser extent Peg by being pliable and exploratory, the former perhaps expressing her latent submissiveness, but the latter charmed Harry the most. It seemed always a learning experience for Cara, everything new and exciting and even revelatory, as if her climaxes were eureka moments. It gave sex a fresh perspective.

And his time with Bridgette, the brilliant and highly sexed blonde bombshell, had been as intense as any he’d had with a woman. She made sure she could get everything she could from their last time together, beginning early and lasting well into the night. If her tight pussy suffered, so be it.

As soon as the last class ended on Thursday, Bridgette insisted they drive off campus, Leonora, anticipating this or getting cued in by Bridgette, letting Harry have the keys to her car that morning. Bridgette had him drive her to a drug store first, insisting Harry remain in the car. He gave her money and asked her to buy a box of Trojans as long as she was there.

“A dozen?” she giggled.


She immediately stashed the bag into her backpack when she returned. Then she programmed in a sex shop and the GPS guided them to a less affluent part of town. Her reaction being inside there, both giggly and amazed, made it clear this was a first time for her in such a shop. Nevertheless, Harry asked, “First time?”

“Yep. Never imagined there’d be so many choices and so much...”



“Sex is a major industry and probably always has been.”

“The oldest profession.”

“Exactly. And there’s all sorts of permutations as to what someone desires, whether it be fetishes or different thresholds of giving and receiving pain or restraining and being restrained or role playing or various combinations of those. And then there’s masturbation, vibrators and dildos for women or voyeurism or even fake vaginas for men.”

“Of course,” Bridgette said.

Harry chuckled, thinking, “Captain Obvious.”

They perused the entirety of the shop before zeroing in on the dildos. She examined a few before deciding on one a little narrower than Harry but just as long. “This will do,” she decided. Next they shopped for vibrators, Bridgette deciding on a rabbit style, then added a more traditional slim phallic one. At the counter were some flavored lubricant. “Cherry?” Bridgette asked.

“You seem more a strawberry,” Harry replied.

“I wonder what kiwi tastes like.”

“Only one way to find out.”

She decided on kiwi.

Harry of course bought the items.

At the hotel, she suggested, “Maybe get a drink at the bar and come up in fifteen minutes.”

“Need a card key?”

“Bridgette gave me hers.”

“Of course.”

He bought a Boston Lager draft, sitting at the bar in the lounge. A cute black woman served him, and since it was relatively slow, she hung out near him.

“Where are you from?” she asked.

Harry couldn’t help chuckling, explaining, “Working at a hotel always gives you a first line.”

“True,” she laughed. “Although local businessmen come here too, most I’ve come to know.”

“Looking for pretty visitors?” Harry asked.

“Mostly they remain in small packs,” she smirked, “but yeah, they sometimes break away for the occasional woman, or if there’s two women, some brash guy and a wingman. But see the woman at the end of the bar?”

He saw a blonde, though he thought probably dyed, looking to be in her thirties, attempting a hint of elegance, but her dress was a bit tight and revealing for that.

“A professional?” he asked.

“Calls herself Candice.”


“With an elegant twist.”

“You don’t...”

“A girl’s got to make a living. If the place started becoming a bordello, say if there were maybe three of them, I’d probably have to kick them out, but mostly it’s just one, two at the most. I heard the guy who works here when I don’t is a bit more hardass about it, pardon my French.”

“I’ve heard worse.”

“You look like you could take it,” she winked and walked away to take care of the service bar, a pack of suits having just ordered from a pretty redheaded waitress.

When she returned, she muttered, “Poor Shawna’s already getting hit on.”

“Maybe she could suggest the blonde?” Harry shrugged.

The bartender laughed.

“What’s your name?” Harry asked.

“Apollonia. My dad calls me Apple but I prefer Lonnie.”

“Lonnie,” Harry smiled. “I’m Harry. You from around here?”

“Born and bred on the wrong side of the tracks.”

“I think I visited it,” and he told her the sex store.

“More on the border,” she chuckled. “New Haven’s still a divided town.”

“As are most cities.”


“You been to college?”

“If mixology school counts. But I do take classes at the community college.”

“What in?”

“Accounting mostly, though other things if it looks interesting.”

“Like what?”

“This quarter I’m taking modern primitive art.”

“Sounds like an oxymoron.”

“I suppose,” she chuckled. “The guy who teaches it is really cute. He normally teaches African American studies.”

“That makes sense. He’s staff.”

“Yeah. Just a minute.”

She went off to serve a couple customers at the bar and another table of suits for the waitress. It was starting to get busy. Happy hour. One of the solo customers at the bar, an older chubby fellow went over to the prostitute and after negotiations she went off with him.

When Lonnie returned, she asked, “Another beer?”

“No thanks. I need to go. Pleasure to meet you.”

“You too, Harry.”

He got up and placed a twenty on the bar.

“Thanks!” she chirped.

Harry nodded and left.

In his room he chuckled at the display on the bedside table, the box of condoms opened and a strip left out, the lube, the dildo and the phallic vibrator. The shower had been on, and when it got shut off, he announced his presence. “Just a minute,” Bridgette said.

She came out with the towel notched between her full breasts. “You’re still dressed!” she complained.

“Easily remedied,” he grinned and pulled her to him for a lengthy kiss, tongues included, lips separating in order to lift his t-shirt over his head. She’d managed to unbutton his shirt which he shrugged off. She then coaxed him to sit and, dropping the towel and kneeling, removing the lower portion of his clothing before taking his erect cock into her mouth.

Bobbing her head, her lips and the tongue behind them became exquisite pleasure for Harry, and fisting his shaft, and sometimes his glans when her lips took a break, and gentle squeezes and bobbling of his balls got him to warn, “Cumming,” and she suffered the spurts of his cock and swallowed them.

He urged her to stand and kissed her, her straddling his lap in order to be more comfortable.

“Just a second,” she said, and pulled a bottle of cranberry juice from the drug store bag and cleared her mouth with it. Meanwhile Harry moved further onto the bed and laid back.

“Okay,” she smiled.

“Pussy here,” he pointed at his mouth.

With a giggle she straddled his face and began working him hard again with her talented mouth. His oral efforts distracted with him teasing her close but not quite over. But he was hard by then anyway, and when he made her cum intensely, she laid back.

“I want you to fuck my ass,” she told him.

“I figured,” he chuckled. He stopped her from turning over. “First things first,” he insisted and began sucking her again, grabbing a condom surreptitiously and readying it. Her complaint didn’t last.

Once again he teased her close before moving up and wetting his cock on her generous fluids before carefully pushing in.

“Fuck yes Harry!” she exclaimed.

For her it had to be a slow entrance, each careful thrust inching deeper. He brought her fingers to her clit, and caressed her nipples with both fingers and lips, and when he at last thrust deep, she came, even more profoundly than before.

His thrusts continued at a moderate pace, his lips meeting hers, letting his fingers work her nipples while she continued caressing her clit, and she again came, which broke the kiss, demonstrating her sensitivity and her high sexuality.

The fuck continued, and this time his hand reached beneath her and a finger rimmed her, and gathering juices that surrounded his cock, pushed into her, a second finger soon followed. He sped up a little more and she came again.

“Harry,” she murmured.

He pulled out, reached for the lube, dildo and vibrator and placed them close to her. Propping her ass up with a couple pillows, he surprised her even further by going down on her again.

“Harry,” she murmured again.

“Get the dildo ready,” he told her and pushed fingers back into her asshole. Once she finished, he had her hand him the lube and then worked his tongue into her ass.

“Holy shit!” she moaned. She pushed the dildo inside her pussy.

After tongue fucking her asshole for a couple minutes, he pushed the lubed fingers in and added a third, opening her up. She turned on the vibrator with her free hand and pushed it against her clit, cumming again.

He swiftly lubed his cock and pushed his glans past her sphincter still fluttering from her orgasm, finding the back hole only slightly tighter than her cunt had been.

Her legs high, she rocked against him as if she wanted him to hurry. And she seemed to handle it better than expected. The girl liked anal even more than Jenny.

Once fully in, she growled. “Just fuck me. I can handle it.”

Just to be sure, when he withdrew his cock to near exit, he slathered on some more lube to his shaft. And then he fucked her harder and faster than anytime earlier, her rocking against him showing it was exactly what she wanted. But the speed soon brought him close to cumming.

“Going to cum!” he announced.

“Almost ... there,” she growled. “Keep ... going!”

He did the best he could holding back, but could fight it off no longer.

“Cumming!” he announced, pushing deep.

She speeded up the thrusts of the dildo. “Gods!” she finally shouted, joining him in ecstasy.

He carefully extracted his half hard cock while she shivered in orgasmic after affects. “There’s bath oils supposed to sooth,” she told him.

“I’ll make a bath then,” he said.

“Come here first.”

He removed the pillows and the condom and lay between her legs kissing her softly, both of them without energy for more than that.

She broke the kiss and smiled up at him. “Okay.”

He got up and took the condom with him to the bathroom, saw the oils and started filling the tub with their addition. They gave off a flowery scent. A hint of gardenias, he guessed. Despite the bath, he decided to wash off his groin a bit, and then swirled mouthwash, Leonora’s, and spit it out. He then came out of the bathroom and brought his mouth to her pussy.

“Hey,” she giggled.

“Just wanted a taste of kiwi,” he explained.

“Let me taste.”

He gathered more of her flavor on his tongue and brought it to her.

She stopped him. “Tongue in asshole?”

“I washed,” he grinned and kissed her, offering up his tongue.

“Not terrible,” she decided.

“Better than straight lube,” he agreed.

She got up with him and didn’t appear to suffer the onslaught of cock in butthole all that much.

He entered the bath first and she settled onto his lap. “Nice,” she murmured.


“Only a little. My butt mostly. My pussy wants more.”

“Okay then,” he chuckled, grabbing the washcloth and body wash and beginning to work on her wonderful full breasts. “So ... anal,” he asked.

“I told you about my first boyfriend and our explorations. He’s not as thick as you, actually about the same as the dildo I bought but not nearly as long.”

“And you have one of the tightest pussies I’ve ever had the pleasure to experience.”

“Yeah, so I get sore, especially for how enthusiastic I can get. So...”

“Another hole to explore.”

“Yep. Turns out I like it.”

“I noticed.”

“Anal tongue fucking is new.”

“Glad I could expand your sexual knowledge.”

“Yeah, it was kind of hot, except I don’t imagine asking my lover to do that. Please stick your tongue up my ass.”

“Maybe as a preamble, like, ‘You don’t have to but I like a good anal tongue fuck.’”

“And if he reacts like it’s the most disgusting thing in the world?”

“Just remind him it’s completely voluntary and he won’t lose you if he doesn’t.”

“I can see that with my ex. Maybe Simon if we end up together, something for later when hopefully I get him comfortable about talking about sex.”

“Always a good thing between couples.”

“Definitely. So you’ve done it before?”

“Just with Jenny.”

“The black haired swimsuit model?”

“She’s almost as avid about anal sex as you. But only after an enema like you did.”

“I suppose the fifteen minutes clued you in.”


“She’s like your LA girlfriend isn’t she?”


“A girl in every port,” she snickered.

“Just two. Maybe three with Connie in New York.”

“The artist?”


“How often do you see Jenny? I mean do you miss her, or more does she miss you? I suppose as hot as she is...”

“She’s ... not all that trusting with men. There’s a guy she can hook up with, but like it’s actually a couple really, him and his wife.”

“So you’re saying she does miss you.”

“I guess I am, but I’m in LA fairly often. I’ll have to fly in for some auditions while I’m doing this book tour, and it ends on the west coast. It’s possible she’ll accompany me like Leonora is. Then hopefully we’ll start auditions for the film of my novel sometime early next year, and then trying to sell my series. There’s a good chance I’ll be in LA as much as I’m in Minnesota unfortunately.”

“Because of Peg?”

“Yep, and because it’s LA. I kind of hate the city, but it’s where I need to work. The fortunate part is Peg seems to like to visit me. With her schedule at her bar, she can get weekends off, starting on Thursday and getting back on Sunday. It’s not ideal, but she doesn’t seem to mind, and I certainly don’t.”

“I think my tits are clean enough,” she giggled.

“Sorry,” he chuckled. “Lean forward.” She did and he cleaned her back, and then her ass when she stood. Leaning farther forward his tongue entered her pussy.

“So good,” she murmured.

“Feeling better?” he asked between laps.


He continued his oral ministrations, and experimented with his finger. “Okay?”


So he added a finger and rubbed her g-spot, separating them enough for him to keep dabbing at and lapping at her clit between them. She squeezed her nipples with her fingers, and with her remarkable sensitivity she came.

“My turn,” she said, and they switched places. After cleaning his back, he moved in front of her so she could clean his face and chest and then she had him stand, going for his legs first before his cock became thoroughly cleaned and was brought to her mouth.

He closed his eyes after a bit, watching her suck him had its own erotic charm, but he needed to concentrate on the exquisite pleasure her mouth and tongue brought to him if he had a chance of cumming again, and after several minutes it worked.

She only swallowed his first couple squirts before letting the rest fall into the bathwater which was soon sent down the drain while they showered off the oils and soap.

They put on the hotel robes and ordered room service. Since she’d liked the white Russians he ordered a couple of those too, along with a double of Maker’s Mark and some bottled water.

While they waited for dinner, she turned on the television and looked through the choices. “Adult movies,” she giggled.

“Probably censored,” he told her. “A lot of times they actually blur out the genitals.”

“Kind of misses the whole point then.”

“I suppose. You ever watch them?”

“I actually got mad at my boyfriend when I saw he’d been watching them. He told me it could be a learning experience, but I thought it was all male fantasy, the women eager to suck, not to mention getting fucked in the ass right off the bat, and then the men like last for fucking ever. So that was that, and we used the Kama Sutra and other such guides instead.”

“If you want to watch something, my laptop’s got some amazing speakers.”

“Maybe that Irish girl’s band?”

“Fia? She actually gave me a memory stick from her latest tour. Supposedly the sound’s right off the sound board. I haven’t watched it yet.”



He set it up and plugged in, opening the file. It ended up raw footage of interviews, intended, he figured, to be part of a documentary. After that was the beginning of a concert, with at least three cameras edited in the moment like some live broadcast. “Holy shit,” Harry said.

“They’re really good,” said Bridgette.

“Keep watching. I need to make a call.”


He went into the bathroom and called Fia.

“Harry!” she giggled.

“Can you talk?”

“Just getting high with me band.”

“I finally started watching the video you gave me.”

“Pretty amazing, yeah?”

“What is it? It looks like a documentary.”

“Ashleigh’s boyfriend wanted to document us. He was shooting the shows for his band, so...”

“And he wanted to smooth you over?”

“We finally got his head out of his arse.”

“The weekend recordings?”

“And what you’re watching too. And I think Ashleigh threatening to cut off sex, if not his bollocks,” she giggled. “Me and the house engineer are producing. We’re going to need the weekend so we changed up our tickets for Monday. Hopefully we’ll be done, cause the studio’s booked after that.”

“That’s great Fia!”

“I just wish you was here to celebrate.”

“Me too.”

“You got to get to Ireland sometime.”

“I’ll try.”

“Promise?” she sniffled.


“To be honest I’m fucking the engineer, but he ain’t you.”

Harry chuckled. “At least you got that.”

“And I bet you ain’t alone.”

“You’d win.”

“Show me, unless it’s Leonora, though she’s hot too.”

“Pull a Peg then?”

“Why not?”

“I’ll ask.”

“You do that. Love you Harry.”

“Love you too, Fia.”

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