Stillwater - Cover


Copyright© 2021 by Maxicue

Chapter 20

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 20 - After completing a lengthy prison sentence, Harry finds luck beyond any he could imagine, including with the ladies.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Fa/Fa   Mult   BiSexual   Sharing   Anal Sex   Oral Sex   Prostitution  

“You like Harriet?” Harry asked Susie when they reached the bridge.

“It’s mutual,” she studied him. “Did her mother say...?”

“She mentioned Harriet’s gender preference.”

“It’s a dilemma.”

“How so?”

“For one there’s another Harry I’m interested in.”

“Which can wait.”

“I don’t think so. I’ve been thinking about it, and I’m not the most patient person.”

“Horny and impatient sounds like a dangerous combination.”

“It definitely is.” She took his hand.

“And for another?” Harry asked.


“She show interest?”

“Curiosity more.”

“I may have a solution for that.”


“She could be audience for you and Harriet getting to know each other. If she wants to join in...”

“Those two must have practically grown up together. I wonder if they managed to become friends after all those years, or Max considers her an employee or something, some country hick who mucks her horse’s stall. I think Max can be uppity like that.”

“Max likes you.”

“I’m irresistibly spunky,” Susie snickered.

“It’d be ironic.”

“Why’s that?”

“Because I believe Harriet’s far richer than Max. At least her family is, but I bet she’ll be inheriting a significant trust when she comes of age, millions I imagine.”

“But she goes to a public school just like me.”

“I think it’s about the humbling experience. Like you said, Max is uppity and I believe Robbie is even more so.”

“No shit,” Susie laughed.

When they got to the backyard, only Peg was there still attending to the fancy grill. A couple of picnic tables had been brought out. “Where’s everyone?” Harry asked.

“Where’s your new friends,” Peg asked instead of replying.

“They’ll be here soon. So?”

“Marisol and Chrissy are working on extras. Bob’s in the kitchen too creating the perfect hamburger mix.”


“Yep. The rest of the adults are in the dining room. Max is keeping Bob’s kids entertained in the playroom downstairs. I believe Robbie and Lizzy might be mating by now.”

“They can have each other,” Susie giggled. “Show me the playroom, Harry?”


When they entered the house, Harry saw Frances sitting with Dave and his and Bob’s mates. Frances had a white wine and it looked like Dave and the women had gone through a few drinks. “Maybe we should stop here first,” Susie suggested.

When she sat next to Frances, Marisol brought Harry a beer. “Would you like anything?” she asked Susie.


“I’ll bring you some. I’m Marisol by the way.”

“Susie. I’m Chrissy’s sister.”

“I could tell,” Marisol grinned.

“Susie,” Susie said to Frances.

“Frances,” said Frances, shaking Susie’s hand.

“I know. I’m a fan.”


“So ... Me and your brother went up to your stables.”

“That’s where you were,” Frances said, looking at her brother.


“So I ... uhm ... met Harriet and her mother. Harriet showed me around and gave me my first riding lesson.”

“She’s a good kid,” Frances said.

“And knows her stuff,” Susie agreed. “I was wondering if I might help out. You don’t have to pay me anything...”

“Room and board,” Frances said. “And a small stipend?”

“Really? Thanks.”

“Your father...?”

“Chrissy told you?”

“She did.”

“Lizzy will be at home and I’ll stop by every couple days or so. Like I told Harry, I’m getting a truck me and my dad fixed up for me.”


“Thanks. Ready to go Harry?”

“Where are you going?”

“He was going to show me the playroom.”

“I’ll show you. Harry wants to be with his friends.”

“I do?” Harry smirked.

“Asshole,” Dave chuckled.

When the two ladies left, Marisol handing off the lemonade, she gave Harry a wink and Harry beckoned her to him. She sat close to Harry.

“Did you guys get to meet Marisol?” Harry asked.

“Sorry,” Emily said. “I thought you were the help.”

“I am. Live in maid and cook, taking over for Chrissy.”

“We thought you were part of the caterers,” Dave said.

“That’s what Chrissy will be doing at Peg’s bar.”

“You guys should stop by there after your tubing trip,” Harry suggested. “She’ll need to work.”

“You’re not coming?” Dave asked.

“Honestly I hadn’t planned to. Marisol, how does floating on an inner tube down a slow river sound?”

“Kind of nice actually.”

“Then I guess I’m going,” Harry chuckled.

Marisol gave him a quick kiss. “Oops, sorry,” she giggled and rushed out of the room.

Dave and the ladies looked agog.

Harry laughed, took a swig of beer, and explained. “Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad you’re here. You get to meet my movie star sister and experience her lovely home. And bumping into you Dave when Peg and I picked up our rings was a delight. And it’s a delight meeting your lovely girlfriend. Dave’s never measured me by misdeeds, Emily, though I certainly wouldn’t blame him if he did. I don’t imagine your husband could say the same. What he told you about me is written all over you.

“Well, I’m about to write some more. Marisol, despite being way too young for me, is my lover, as is Chrissy, and Peg shares them with me since she’s mostly lesbian. I’ve had other lovers too, don’t ask me why. I’d say I’m some kind of light that attracts, but I’d never compare the women I’ve been with to anything like bugs. They’re a delight every one of them. The way I feel about it, and I’ve thought about it a lot, is as long as I’m not someone interested in notches, and as long as there’s no illusion that Peg is my wife and the woman I love most in the world and the women are aware of that, I see no problem in giving them pleasure, and of course getting pleasure as well.”

“And it’s more than that,” Marisol said, standing in the doorway, Van beside her. “I’m here to train to be an actress. Harry’s got a role for me in his next picture and I’m hoping there’ll be more in the future. Just yesterday he said goodbye to Sam, another lover, who he’d encouraged not only to think herself desirable, but to meet someone she could be with steadily as well as to encourage her talent as a singer/songwriter, both things stifled by her shyness and self-deprecation, and she’s succeeded in both things. And as far as Chrissy goes, and Peg’s helped with that, she’s about to create her own catering business as well as serving food at Peg’s bar. Anyone else? Yolanda? Her ex cheated on her just before her vacation and Harry made her feel a great deal better about it,” she giggled.

“And then there’s me,” Van blushed. “Vanessa by the way, who helps with Frances’s horses. Harry just ended a very long dry period in the best way possible, and it won’t be the last time, right Harry?”

“Definitely not,” Harry chuckled.

“Anyway,” Marisol grinned. “Foods ready.”

Emily didn’t look pleased, but Dave slapped Harry’s back. “I said you were an asshole,” he laughed.

Harry paid attention to Emily commiserating with Bob who was busy grilling his perfect burgers. He went up to them. “Don’t get in the way of your kid’s fun,” he reminded them.

Robbie sat at one table with his friends and Bob’s kids and Lizzy looking much older than them and not all that comfortable about that.

Harry’s former high school contingent, including the mates sat with Frances and Van. Peg eventually joined them.

Cassy joined her youngest sister, who sat close with Marisol, Harriet and Max, and Harry sat with them, all of them sitting on the grass looking out at the river.

“You think Bob will leave?” Marisol asked. “He was kind of a condescending prick with me acting like a nice guy.”

“Sounds about right,” Harry chuckled. “He’d attract friends like...”

“Like you attract women?” Cassy snorted.

“I guess so. But I think if he’s wise, and Bob is a smart guy, he can use this as a bonding trip with his family, even more when he keeps separate from me.”

“Not to mention he’s had a few,” Cassy smirked.

“The whole point of him staying,” Harry agreed.

“Did you guys ever become friends?” Susie asked Max and Harriet.

“Not really, no.” Harriet replied.

“I’m sorry for that,” Max responded. “You just seemed so...”

“Needy?” Harriet asked. “Like I wanted you to be my friend too much?”

“Like you were uncool or something,” Max shook her head. “As stupid as that sounds.”

“I guess I was. I guess I was in awe of you and then I became attracted more, and that didn’t help.”

“In awe? I was just a little prima donna. Mom wanted me to help out with the stable, but I refused. Mom wasn’t much pleased with me.”

“A princess would never deign to muck out a stable.”


“No, I mean I thought it would demean you. Some people just aren’t meant to shovel shit.”

“Just hire someone who would demean themselves for me? You know, my mom never hired a maid before. My crazy great aunt would help out and watch us, but Mom expected us to keep our rooms clean, our beds made and other places vacuumed and dusted and cleaned. I guess shoveling shit was one step too far, or maybe I just figured you were hired to do it, so why should I.”

“Which makes sense.”

“I guess it does, but maybe that kept us from being friends too, a separation, employer and employee. You were attracted to me?”

“I always thought you were beautiful, like a princess. And then ... you became featured in my fantasies.”

“Great, Harry,” Susie muttered. “Now you got her squicked out.”

Max laughed. “You mean you...”

“Masturbated to you,” Harriet admitted.

“Wow. That’s like a compliment isn’t it. So you’re like a lesbian.”

“Through and through,” Harriet admitted, revealing it further by pulling Susie into a kiss, which both obviously enjoyed.

“Were you uncomfortable with that?” Susie asked.

Max looked around, gauging her audience, and even Harry didn’t seem to judge. “Honestly, I don’t know what I feel.”

“That’s better than being squicked out,” Susie chuckled.

It was Max’s turn to kiss Susie, tentative at first but giving herself over to it. “Sorry,” she said after.

“Why?” Harriet asked.

“Because ... you’re the one who has a crush on me.”

“And have plans this summer to have Susie be my first girlfriend. I’m not jealous. I just hope maybe I get a kiss too.”

Marisol laughed. “The blonde triplets. Any chance to include a brown girl?”

“You too?” Max asked.

“Strictly bi,” Marisol giggled.

“Me too,” Cassy giggled.

“You’re a slut who’d fuck anyone,” Susie accused.

“Guilty as charged,” Cassy laughed. “I guess Peg and Harry haven’t reformed me yet.”

“It doesn’t seem my uncle would be the best role model for that.”

“I guess not,” Harry agreed.

“Would you like to see my videos after we eat?” Max asked tentatively.

“Unfortunately I’m a working girl,” Marisol said.

“And I’m helping her out,” Cassy added.

“Harry would be happy to see your sketches,” Susie smirked. “Right Harry?”

“My videos ... It’s not like that.”

“I hope it is,” Susie giggled, giving Harry an obvious wink.

“Me too,” said Harriet, looking fondly at Max.

“But ... You’re shitting me.”

“Just being honest,” said Susie. “I’m lesbian but bi curious, but only if it’s someone who will be caring and careful and all things point to Harry for that. I made my case with Harriet, and she’s giving me permission as long as it’s not some ongoing thing, and I reminded her he’s got Peg and my sister and whoever else.”

“Including my mom?” Harriet figured. “When they got back she looked like she rarely if ever looked before, well ridden I guess, satisfied, a little uncomfortable in her saddle.”

Harry nodded.

“I’m glad,” Harriet smiled.

The three young ladies and Harry did actually watch Max’s videos, opting out from the rest of the party watching movies in the projection room. Partly because of how good the videos were, but mostly because it became preliminary to going further with anything physically, just being close, feeling how that felt.

But when the videos ended and the room became dark, things moved quickly on. Kissing began between two pairs. The one pair moved on from the room, the one who didn’t have a member whose room it actually was.

“Let me grab condoms,” Harry said, leading Susie to the sunroom.

Susie sat on the bed, commenting, “This one’s a lot bigger.”

“How big is yours?” Harry asked.

“A double?”

“Plenty of room if we’re not sleeping.”

Susie pouted, Harry seeing it.

“You’re seventeen, Susie, barely. I’m doing this for you against my better judgement and my weak resistance. It’s going to have to be our little secret. Maybe when everyone’s gone and it’s just us perverts we can actually sleep together.”

Susie laughed. “You think we’re perverts?”

“Maybe just me,” Harry shrugged.

“Maybe you find me irresistible.”

“I obviously do.”

More seriously she asked, “You don’t think it will just be this one time?”

“That’s up to you, Susie. It will never be up to me.”

She embraced him and he lifted her by her small tight ass so they could kiss and she could feel his excitement. “You sure you don’t want to do it here?” she asked.

“Depends if you want to cut things short when Peg and Cassy want to go to bed.”

She squirmed signaling she wanted to be set down and took his hand. “Let’s check our options.”

They ended up opting for the maid’s room, set off from the other rooms so as not to be heard. Her guest room would have been surrounded by Bob and Dave. Harry figured she wouldn’t mind if Marisol decided to join them. He’d seen Susie check out the Indian Princess.

He went slow for Susie, having her stand while slowly removing her clothing, kissing her lips and then whatever new was revealed, at first the top portion of her body, and then, kneeling, the bottom portion, where her legs, teasingly, became his focus, zeroing ever so slowly on her needy sexual center. When his tongue finally reached it she moaned and trembled, not quite orgasmic but approaching it. He remained there, his hands reaching up to work her nipples carefully, having discovered their sensitivity, until she did cum, powerfully, to the point he had to halt her collapse and lift her onto the bed.

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