Stillwater - Cover


Copyright© 2021 by Maxicue

Chapter 16

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 16 - After completing a lengthy prison sentence, Harry finds luck beyond any he could imagine, including with the ladies.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Fa/Fa   Mult   BiSexual   Sharing   Anal Sex   Oral Sex   Prostitution  

Harry thought the reading went well, and he found some personal dynamics interesting and amusing, especially how Merc sat close to Jerry, the skinny gay guy playing the unfortunate AIDS victim and Pete sat on the other side from Merc. And Jeanne, Maggie, sat intimately close to Joseph.

Natalie, Pat’s assistant, handed out call sheets at the end. “With the caveat that things will probably change, hopefully as little as possible,” Pat warned.

Harry saw that he’d be busy, working every day and some evenings, those mostly for his scenes with his sister. The weekend was free, as was the last Friday, “Keep open just in case,” was the note.

The same caterers arranged for a more impromptu and casual party after, which Harry had no intention staying for since he got an email that Peg and Chrissy had arrived and awaited him at their hotel.

“Still free?” he asked Jeanne.

“Mind if Joseph joins us?” she asked.

“Not a problem,” Harry smiled.

They ate and Harry accumulated food for Peg and Chrissy. It gave them time for Harry and Frances to talk. She had arrived just in time for the reading as did the Latina playing his lawyer, Harry figuring she’d drove from her own shoot.

“How’s Marisol?” Frances asked Harry.

“Good. She invited herself to the wedding.” Peg had let him know that she’d invited Frances. “You joining us?”

“Wouldn’t miss it Little Brother. Melly’s driving Sissy and me there.”

“Not a problem?”

“Just a couple actresses going stag,” she giggled. “I invited Carissa.” Carissa being their baby sister.

“And did she accept?” Harry asked skeptically.

“She’s family,” Frances answered, suggesting the affirmative. “And no I didn’t invite father, although she might mention it to him even if I asked her not to.”

“I doubt he’d care and hope he doesn’t,” Harry said.

“Me too,” Frances sighed. “Did Marisol talk about her plans?”

“She did. We’ll talk later, okay?”

“What are you up to now?”

“Peg and Chrissy are here, and I wanted to do some reading with Jeanne before tomorrow.”

“If you want time with Peg...”

Harry chuckled. “I’ll have Chrissy call you.”

“I should call her, since...” Frances blushed.

“I know the arrangement,” Harry reminded her.

Frances nodded, walked away, and called.

Harry had half an eye on Jeanne, wondering if she might be a lush, but he noticed her only having one drink before they left, her car, with Joseph as passenger, following his car.

The hotel room Frances chose ended up a two bedroom suite at a refurbished old and notorious Hollywood hotel. Harry thought it cool but wondered again at the expense, which Peg must have spotted because after their lengthy hug and kiss, she told him, “This is a onetime thing, and worth splurging on don’t you think? And the second room will be your office.”

He kissed her, albeit briefer, in reply.

Chrissy demanded the same treatment before letting him know with a sigh, “I’m off to see the witch of the upper Midwest.”

“Good witch or bad?” he asked.

“A bit of both I guess.”

“She already here?”

“Wants to pick me up like a street whore experience or something,” Chrissy shook her head. “Wants me dressed tight and revealing. Cutoffs and tank top will have to do.”

After introductions, she grabbed her bag and entered the smaller bedroom.

“You can use the bedroom to read lines,” Peg suggested. “Sort of an appropriate setting.”

“I actually wanted you two to talk,” Harry countered.

“About you?”

“And about you.”


The two ladies entered the larger bedroom.

“So Joseph, how’s Hollywood treating you?” Harry asked.

“Fine,” Joseph answered not unexpectedly briefly.

“You staying with Merc?”


“With Jeanne then.”


“Where is Merc staying?”

“Some dealer friend of his in a swank condo with a bit too much bling. Jeanne’s place is small but much more comfortable.”

Chrissy came out in her tight outfit, gave Harry a kiss, grabbed a leather jacket because it was cool in the evening and walked out.

“What’s Jeanne like?” Harry asked.

“Divorced with a couple of teenage kids,” Joseph replied. “She’d been an actor in regional theater in St Louis and wanted to try Hollywood. Her ex got married and she left the kids with him permanently, coming out here. She says she’s doing okay, but I think she’s struggling. I think she’s an alcoholic as well. More the binge type than every day. Since I don’t drink she hasn’t been drinking with me.”

“I noticed she had a drink.”

“Just the one. She had to drive, so...”

“You get along.”

“Yeah but I’m leaving in the morning. She wants me to stay, but I got work.”


“The season’s in full swing and I got to keep my foothold, you know? They’re cool with a few days off, but no more than that before they start thinking I’m unreliable.”

“What did you tell them?”

“The truth. Of course they didn’t believe me. I suppose they would have if I lied, like it was my grandma’s burial or something, but I showed them my contract and told them about you and they thought that was cool. Partly because I’ll be needing time off in the fall.”

“Makes sense.”

“Yeah. You?”

“Doing well. Hopefully I can keep that going.”



“I know you could act if you wanted.”

“I’d rather be in Stillwater with Peg. Writing I can do anywhere.”

“Makes sense. I didn’t know how you’d do.”

“What do you mean?”

“I didn’t know how things would translate. You could draw and you could talk your way out of anything. And I saw your acting when I first went in. But how would that translate outside, you know? Like the warden says, don’t be expecting shit like writing or your drawing would get you someplace once you’re out. Be practical, take classes. But you never did. Even if we called you Doc, you never was working to be an actual Doctor.”

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