Paybacks Are A Bitch! - Cover

Paybacks Are A Bitch!

Copyright© 2021 by Master Jonathan

Chapter 1

Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 1 - Honey and Charles are deep in debt to a ruthless loan shark. Honey goes to try to reason with him and he suggests a way she can pay back the loan... by working as a stripper at his club! Will she do it? If not he might send his "goons" to see Charles!

Caution: This Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Mult   Coercion   Heterosexual   Fiction   Workplace   Slut Wife   Spanking   Exhibitionism   Oral Sex   Illustrated  

“I don’t know ... I just don’t know. I’ve gone over our books a dozen times. There’s just no way we are going to make this month’s payment – not with the way the economy has been around here,” Charles said.

Charles Davidson and his wife Honey owned and ran a small landscaping business which, when they first started it, did pretty well. So well, in fact, that they felt comfortable getting some bigger (and more expensive) equipment to take on bigger jobs and contracts with commercial properties.

But the economy had taken a downturn with the closing of two major factories and the source of many of the townspeople’s income. With few jobs left and a huge chunk of the town’s tax base gone, the economy tanked. And unfortunately, when business is down and money is tight, getting your lawn landscaped and that new pool put in are way down the list of priorities.

Still, the bills came in for the business. The payments on that new bulldozer and grader had to be paid, the workers still expected a paycheck for what work they did do, and the lights needed to stay on.

The couple went to the bank to see what they could do about the situation. Maybe they could get an extension on their loans. Perhaps refinance. But the bank wasn’t very sympathetic and wanted their money. Faced with insolvency or bankruptcy, they were in grave danger of losing their business and putting both them and the six other men that worked there out of jobs.

With few other options available to them, Charles and Honey turned to a man that one of the workers had referred them to. The man, known only as Mr. Sarantos, was in the business of giving “high-risk loans” ... he was a loan shark, and he had been willing to give them a loan to cover what they needed in order to keep the business afloat awhile longer. However the interest he charged was considerably higher than the legitimate lending institutions. And what’s more, that payment too, was now coming due. And the money wasn’t there to pay this month’s installment.

“What are we going to do, Charles? This business was started with the money my father left me as an inheritance. It was his hope that we could use it to live on and maybe turn into a big enough nest egg to retire on. He was so proud when we opened our own business ... and now we might lose everything he worked so hard to give us!” Honey said.

“I don’t know sweetheart. The banks won’t even talk to us about a loan until things pick up around here and once that happens we will be able to get enough work we won’t need to talk to them about an extension or refinancing. Banks only seem to want to loan you money when you can prove you don’t need it! What worries me more is that Mr. Sarantos is going to be wanting his payment. And he isn’t the type you want to keep waiting for his money!” Charles said.

“But he lives here in this town – surely he sees what is going on and understands how tight things are. Maybe he will let us be a little late this one time – we’ve managed somehow to make all the other payments on time to him!” Honey said, “Maybe I should go talk to him, he might listen more coming from me. And I can explain to him...”

“ABSOLUTELY NOT!!” Charles said loudly, “Are you crazy, Honey? Nicholas Sarantos is NOT a man that can be reasoned with or charmed. He is bad news! He is the kind of man you don’t mess with – you either pay him his money or you wind up in the hospital ... if you’re lucky! No way, I don’t want you anywhere near Mr. Sarantos or any of his goons. It’s too dangerous!”

“Sweetheart, Mr. Sarantos is a businessman. I’m sure he can see that getting a partial payment now or getting a full payment a little late is better than not getting a payment at all because he put someone in the hospital and they couldn’t work. Let me talk to him ... you forget what I used to do for a living. I used to negotiate deals like this all the time. I’m sure I can get him to see that we mean to pay him and will, we just need a bit more time,” Honey said.

“I don’t like it,” he said and so Honey dropped the subject. But the following day after Charles left to check on one of the few jobs they were able to scrape together, Honey left the office to go see Mr. Sarantos herself.

Mr. Sarantos’ office was really just an upstairs room at the strip club that he owned just outside of town. The strip club, called the Pussy Cat Club was a seedy place, decorated up nice enough, but quite lax on the rules. While it looked like a regular gentleman’s club at first glance, it didn’t take a lot of study to realize that things went on here that most other places wouldn’t tolerate. The girls that worked there got to sit on the patron’s laps while they got felt up and even fingered. They let the customers lick and suck on the girl’s naked tits and in the back VIP rooms, prostitution was rampant. The girls that worked there rarely said no and if a girl got too many reports of being non-compliant to a customer’s wishes, she was sent packing.

To keep the place from being shut down or raided, Mr. Sarantos came to an “agreement” with the local constabulary and would pay them protection money to look the other way. He also had his own protection, in the form of bouncers and muscle men that he used to get his way on things. He was rarely alone and never in public, being surrounded by a wall of brawn that would make any NFL quarterback jealous.

It was one of these gorillas in a three-piece suit that Honey first met when she went to Mr. Sarantos’ office.

“I’m here to see Mr. Sarantos,” she told the man when she approached him.

“Your name?” he asked.

“Honey Davidson. My husband Charles and I borrowed some money from Mr. Sarantos to keep our landscaping business going. I’m here to talk to him about that,” she said.

“Wait here,” he said, and he went inside the door behind him, coming back out a moment later.

“Okay, Mr. Sarantos will see you. Follow me,” he said and he turned around to lead Honey into the room.

Honey walked into the room and immediately noticed the large desk sitting towards the back of the room. A large, high-backed chair was behind the desk but turned so the back was facing her. On either side of the desk standing a few feet away were two more giant men standing there like a pair of statues.

“M-Mr. Sarantos?” Honey said. She was shaking so hard she was afraid she might fall. She had worn her best five-inch open toe silver sandals and she wasn’t really used to wearing stiletto-heels especially ones so tall. She usually wore her three-inch heel pumps in the office and even then, most of her time was spent sitting behind the desk. So walking in her high heels was precarious and with her nervousness now, even more so.

The high-back chair spun around and sitting in it was a very handsome man of Greek descent about forty-five years old, with a shaved head and neatly trimmed salt-and-pepper beard.

“I’m Mr. Sarantos,” he said, standing up and buttoning his suit jacket as he walked around the huge mahogany desk.

“My name is Honey Davidson. My husband Charles and I borrowed 25,000 dollars from you about six months ago to keep our landscaping business going. I’d like to talk to you about that,” she said.

“Of course. Please, Mrs. Davidson, have a seat,” he said as he pulled the chair in front of his desk out for her.

“Thank you,” she said. Mr. Sarantos seated her and then walked around the desk to take his seat behind it.

“Now Mrs. Davidson, how can I be of service to you and your husband?” he asked.

“Well, Mr. Sarantos, as you know, business around here has been slow. This slumping economy has hit everyone hard. And especially businesses like ours that are not essential, but rather luxuries or indulgences. When people are out of work, the last thing on their minds is a new lawn or pool installation. So our business has been hit especially hard. Right now my husband is out overlooking one of the few jobs that we have been able to secure,” she said.

“Yes, I’m afraid many people in our community are hurting financially right now. This recession hasn’t been kind to this town. The factories closing down, people out of work ... it’s just terrible,” he said.

“Exactly. Unfortunately, the result of this is that we haven’t had much business at our company either. And so I have come here to ask if we could perhaps get an extension on this month’s payment. Or maybe give you a partial payment – you know until things pick up again? We fully intend to pay you off, that isn’t the issue. It’s just that we haven’t been able to generate the money needed to make the full payment this month. We have made every payment up to now on time, but this month has been harder than most,” Honey said, hanging her head.

“That is unfortunate, Mrs. Davidson. I can understand your predicament and I am sorry for your run of bad luck. It is awful what this town we call home has been reduced to. And I would really truly like to help you and your husband. However, when Mr. Davidson came to me seeking financial assistance, I laid out the payment rules to him plainly and he agreed to them. I loaned him the $25,000 that he requested, and told him what the interest rate and payments would be. I also told him what would happen if he missed a payment – the penalty he would incur. He agreed to all the terms and I have his signed agreement on file. I am afraid there isn’t much I can do. I am a businessman the same as you, and I have to run my business in a way that keeps me prospering too. I’m sure you understand,” he said.

“Please, Mr. Sarantos, please. We will pay you back, I swear it. Here, you can hold my wedding ring for collateral if you want. And this diamond necklace that Charles gave me for our wedding anniversary a couple of years ago. They should be enough to prove we will pay you back!” she said.

“Keep your jewelry, please. It is of no use to me. I have more jewelry and promises than I know what to do with. I am a cash man, Mrs. Davidson, and with the way things are economically these days, even the pawn shops don’t want jewelry. There’s no way to turn your items into green if I wanted to,” he said.

Honey sat there with her head down, a tear running down her cheek. She didn’t know what else she could tell this man to convince him to give them a break.

Mr. Sarantos looked at the woman sitting there in front of him. He was a businessman and he knew that if he sent his boys over to visit them he would have even a harder time collecting the cash that he needed for the payment. Landscaping and construction are hard to do with two broken legs. Then an idea hit him.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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