Mountain Minerals - Cover

Mountain Minerals

Copyright© 2021 by velvetpimp

Chapter 9

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 9 - Almost 40 years ago, our hero found a small Appalachian town where all the women had recently been blessed with bigger breasts and the men had become sterile. What did our hero do? Starts with minimal sex. That will change as as the story continues. (Tags include action in future updates)

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Fa/Fa   Fa/ft   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Mother   Father   Daughter   Spanking   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   First   Lactation   Pregnancy   Tit-Fucking   Big Breasts   Size   Nudism  

Gladys woke me early the next morning with a kiss and a playful slap on my butt. “Wake up, sugar. It’s time t’ git yersef movin’.”

I rolled onto my back and rubbed my eyes for a few moments, slightly addled. Assuming my movement meant I was fully awake, Gladys kept talking while moving about the room, busily. “Yew was layin’ on yer side, an’ I seen yer muscl’r butt an’ I jus’ had t’ slap it”, she giggled. “‘Sides, I already made breakfas’ an’ I wanna git over t’ Sherry’s. So c’mon! Le’s git goin, mister.”

I tried to convince her to come back to bed with me, but she wouldn’t have it. “C’mon! Le’s go git cleaned up so’s we can start th’ day, sugar bear.”

Begrudgingly, I rose from the bed, stretched and followed her. We grabbed our toiletries and headed down to the creek for a quick bath and shave. After, I sat on the back steps for a smoke and a cup of coffee while Gladys continued bustling around inside her cabin packing more food for transport to her sister’s house.

Apparently, Gladys hadn’t just made breakfast for us, she’d gone overboard with the cooking again, preparing enough breakfast to feed a small army. Pancakes, sausage, scrambled eggs, fresh biscuits ... and on and on. I wanted to tease her about it, but her efforts were so pure-intentioned that I found her even more endearing, so I said nothing and just offered her a kiss.

Once the morning’s busy-ness was done, we dressed, gathered the new stack of food containers and headed for Sherry’s house again.

At Sherry’s house, the lights were on, but no one was out front. Not surprising, given the sun had just risen within the past hour. I assumed everyone inside was still slowly rising, preparing themselves for the day ahead.

Gladys and I gathered the breakfast she’d prepared and made our way to the front door. Since my arms were full of glass and Tupperware containers, Gladys knocked twice, then opened the door. We were immediately assaulted by a wave of high-pitched moans and profanity coming from one of the upstairs bedrooms. Gladys and I exchanged knowing glances, both wondering which of the ladies was emitting those shrieks – then I noticed the back door was standing wide open!

I felt a cold chill run through me, a terrifying scenario running through my head. Had someone broken in and hurt Sherry and her kids? Were they still at it?

My mind raced, fueled by a fearful need to take action. Since the back door was closer, I chose to check it first, looking for any sign of a perpetrator. Instead, I found Sherry, sitting on the back steps with a cigarette. Naked, as usual.

“Hey there, Jim!” Sherry greeted me. “Yew look like yew seen a ghost ‘r sump’n.”

I tried to explain without making myself look like a moron. “Hello Sherry ... I ... well, you see ... Gladys and I knocked and came in the front door, and we heard screaming ... and then I saw the back door open ... and I was afraid something bad had happened”, I panted out my best explanation. Gladys joined us and looked at me as if I was the dumbest human ever.

Sherry looked me in the eyes and began roaring with laughter. “Jim! I jus’ come out here t’ take a break from Angel. She’s th’ one makin’ all ‘at racket. She got up ‘fore th’ sun an’ come int’ my room, sayin’ her cooch was itchin’ agin. So I started heppin’ her, ya’ know? Rubbin’ an’ lickin’ on ‘er an’ whatnot. Pretty soon, she come down t’ th’ kitchen an’ grabbed a big kew-cumber an’ brung it back t’ her room.”

Imagining the scene in my head, my rod began twitching.

Sherry continued, “I went in ‘ere with ‘er an’ hepped ‘er git started right. Ya’ know? So’s she would’n hurt hersef. Lemme tell yew, it didn’ take her no time ‘fore she was rammin’ ‘at big green thang in an’ out o’ hersef like a jackhammer! Tha’s when all th’ hollerin’ started an’ I decided t’ take a break. Hell, it got s’ bad, Shawna up an’ left! She got dressed an’ said she’d rather be in church learnin’ about Jesus than listen t’ her sister up ‘ere yellin’ about ‘im”, Sherry chuckled.

Gladys finally spoke, “Yew mean t’ tell me Shawna went t’ church by hersef? Well, I’ll be dipped. ‘At ain’t like her, is it?”

Sherry replied, “Naw. But don’ make nothin’ of it. She was jus’ tired o’ listenin’ t’ Angel. She’ll git ‘er fill o’ them hypocrites in a while an’ head on back.”

Gladys shrugged and changed the subject. “I got busy ‘is mornin’ an’ made too much breakfas’. We brung it all over here, ‘case ya’ll want some.”

“Aww. Yer such a dear.” Sherry said with a smile, while rising to hug her sister. “I been s’ busy wi’ Angel, I ain’t had no time t’ make no breakfas’ t’day.”

I spoked up, “It’s all stacked on the kitchen counter. And I don’t know about you, but I am pretty hungry.”

Gladys pulled me into a side hug and said “Well, le’s go git some food in ‘is handsome fella. Whadda yew say, Sherry?”

“Sounds good t’ me. Lemme jus’ see if we can get Angel t’ leave ‘er pussy alone fer five minutes an’ join us.”

“ANGEL!” Sherry yelled up the stairs, “Breakfast is gettin’ cold! I ain’t makin’ ya’ll no more food ‘til supper, so yew better git down here now!”

The ladies warmed and plated the food and after a couple more minutes of muffled groaning, Angel’s naked form weaved itself down the stairs on shaky legs. When she saw Gladys and I, her whole face lit up.

“Hey, Aint Gladys! Hey, Mr. Jim!” She continued to make her way toward us, a little bit wobbly. She reached me and almost fell into me, wrapping her arms around my midsection and pulling herself close. “I been thankin’ ‘bout yew all mornin’, Mr. Jim.”

Gladys smirked and said, “Yeah, we could hear ‘at, sweetie. Hell, I thank ever-body in th’ county might o’ heard ya.”

Angel blushed and offered me a kiss, which I gladly accepted.

“Ever-body sit an’ eat”, Sherry ordered. “Gladys brung enough to feed ever-body 4 times. Shawna can have some when she gits back.”

So we all tucked in and enjoyed the culinary output of Gladys’ efforts. Every bite was simple and delicious. After we’d all eaten our fill, everyone chipped in and made quick work of the clean-up. It occurred to me that Gladys hadn’t stripped naked immediately when we had arrived, which was a new turn of events. As if reading my mind, she removed her summer dress and put it on a coat peg near the front door.

Angel took this as a sign that sexy time was about to begin and huddled with the other ladies in the kitchen, whispering loudly. “Momma, I already promised yew that I ain’t gonna let no fella put ‘is dick in m’ pussy ‘r m’ butt, didn’ I?” Sherry rolled her eyes and nodded to her youngest daughter.

“An’ Aint Gladys, yew know I ain’t tryin’ t’ take Jim away from yew, right? I mean, I love ‘im an’ all, but he’s yer fella ... I know ‘at.” Gladys smiled and nodded.

“Well then...” Angel continued. “Can I pleeeeaaase play wi’ Mr. Jim’s dick t’day? Pleeassse?”

Gladys looked toward me and I began to disrobe. When I had removed my boots and shirt, she held up her hand to stop me while Sherry began speaking to Angel.

“Sweetie, I’m very proud o’ yew fer talkin’ t’ yer Aint Gladys an’ me about ‘is like a growed-up. An’ I know how bad yer pussy is itchin’, honey. But here’s th’ rules: One - Yew can touch Jim an’ he can touch yew, if he wants, okay?”

Angel enthusiastically nodded.

“Good. An’ rule number two: Jim is not allowed t’ put his big cock in yer little honey pot. Ya’ got me?”

Angel continued to nod, interrupting her mother with “I know, Momma. ‘At’s what I jus’ said!”, while her smile grew wider.

“Long’s yew unnerstan’ them rules an’ foller ‘em, I s’pose it’s aight. But that don’t mean yew can do it wi’ any-old body, unnerstan’ me? This is only alright ‘cause I trust Jim an’ ya’ll are here where I can see ya’”, Sherry concluded.

I looked toward Gladys, who worked her way toward me and kissed me softly on the cheek, then added. “Ya’ll can lick and suck each other any way yew want, handsome. Jus’ ‘member, t’ keep ‘at mule dick in check.”

I nodded my understanding and kissed her lips gently. When the kiss ended, Gladys waved Angel toward me, adding “Angel, honey. If yer gonna play wi’ Jim’s big dick, yew gotta unwrap it firs’.”

The young blonde moaned and moved toward me hungrily. I had opened my arms toward her, expecting to pull her into a hug and ease our way into the festivities. She was having none of that.

Angel blushed again before going straight for my belt buckle, then the buttons, then grabbed the waistline, crouching and pulling my pants down to my ankles. As I stepped out of them, remaining in my boxers, Angel’s blush spread from her face down to her upper chest. Her hands began trembling a bit with excitement and she wouldn’t look up to my face, keeping her eyes on the straining meat missile in my shorts.

I put one hand on her chin and raised it so I could kiss her again. “There’s no rush, sweetie. Relax and enjoy it, okay?” When she nodded, I began kissing her neck and shoulders, using my hands to explore her petite body, brushing my palms across her growing tits, tickling the inside of her thighs with my fingertips and cupping her little butt cheeks while the smooching continued. Her body began to calm and the trembling slowed.

Very soon, she dropped to her knees to pull my shorts down. When freed, my dick bobbed up heavily in front of her face.

“Wow...” she whispered. Then she regained her voice, “I know I seen it before. But it looks even bigger ‘is close up.” She grabbed near the root and weighed it both hands. “Mmm, it feels like a bar o’ iron! So hard ... but it’s really soft too! Wow...”

Her eyes raised to mine and she asked, “Can I suck on it, Mr. Jim? Momma an’ Shawna said it tastes good, an’ I wanna taste fer my own sef. Can I?”

My dick was twitching and a couple drops of precum were already beginning to dribble out. “Yes baby, but first, let’s move over by the sofa, okay?”

She stood and led me toward the couch, never releasing my aching dong. Once there, we pulled some cushions onto the floor and I lay on my back, telling Angel “Okay, sweetie lay down on top of me and let me taste your sweet little pussy.”

“Yay! Me an’ Shawna do it like ‘at sometimes ... Momma showed us how. It’s a 69, idn’ it?”

“That’s right, baby”, I replied. “Now feed me your smooth kitty while you play with my cock.”

She sat on my face and leaned forward to take my cock in her hands again. She was apparently still a bit shocked by the size of my prong, now that it was in her hands.

My mouth was now mere inches from the prettiest vagina I had ever seen in real life or magazines. It was simply perfect! Her hairless mound was graced with slightly-puffy outer lips, almost hiding her tiny pink slit. Even before I touched her, I felt drops of her juice fall on my face and her scent was more intoxicating than the most potent moonshine.

Delirious with lust, I grabbed her tiny butt with both hands and pulled her slit to my mouth, licking and sucking as much of her as I reach with my tongue. This assault momentarily left Angel silent and she began shaking with joy. Within 30 seconds, her body began to tense up and her moans became almost deafening, even with her thighs wrapped tightly around my head.

She still had one hand on my dick, squeezing a little too hard, but not causing any real pain. Her body slowly eased and she began rocking her little hips, mashing her entire slit against my mouth and grinding her clit on my chin. I backed off a little to let her gather herself and used one hand to direct her head toward my twitching dick.

She took the hint easily and began licking my girth like a lollipop. Up one side and down the other, still keeping a death grip on the root.

Gladys must have noticed, because the next thing I heard was her voice. “Angel, don’ squeeze ‘is dick s’ hard, honey. Yer squeezin’ s’ hard ‘is dick’s turnin’ purple! If yew hurt Jim’s dick, yer gonna be in a whole world o’ trouble from me. Unnerstan?”

“Okay, Aint Gladys.” I heard Angel reply between deep panting breaths. The she lowered her mouth and spoke directly to my cock, “I’m sorry, Mr. Jim’s dick. I didn’ mean t’ hurt yew none”, and resumed her licking efforts.

Sherry spoke up, “Try puttin’ the tip in yer mouth, sweetie. Once yew git it in yer mouth, jus’ suck on it hard as yew can. He’ll like ‘at.”

“But I cain’t git ‘is whole dick in my mouth like yew did, Momma.”

“It’s alright, sweetie-pie. Jus’ suck on th’ part yew can fit in yer mouth. He’s gonna like it, even if it’s only a little bit, I promise”, Sherry reassured her.

God bless these women! My Gladys offered advice to keep Angel from hurting my over-hard erection and Sherry gave advice to help her daughter please me! These two huge-titted ladies must have been heaven-sent!

Angel then wrapped her lips around the head of my cock and began to suck so hard it was almost painful. Almost.

Sheer and utter ecstacy radiated from my groin as little Angel did her damndest to suck my whole body out through my cock head! It was so good, I forgot her little pussy was on my face and just moaned loudly, filling the house with the sounds of my own pleasure.

I heard Gladys congratulate Angel, “Yew mus’ be doin’ sump’n real good, honey. I ain’t never heard Jim make ‘at noise ‘fore.” Emboldened, Angel redoubled her slurping efforts and began running her hands over the rest of my straining pecker, stroking it with purpose.

Finally, I regained my composure long enough to dive back into the dripping pussy above me and began sucking on her clit as hard as I could while easing one finger into her tight quim. Angel began shrieking again, only muted by my thick cock head in her mouth. Her vocalizations, of course, caused her mouth and throat to vibrate, adding even more intensity to my ardent lust.

Angel popped her mouth off my dick long enough to look over her shoulder and say, “‘At’s so good. Push another fanger in me.”

When I added a second finger, she yelled loudly and began rocking her hips again, almost violently. I pushed her head toward my crotch again while I continued to assault her slippery folds with my mouth and fingers.

She pulled her mouth off me again and began trembling anew. The trembling became shaking, then her entire body seemed to lock up and she went silent for a moment. That’s when I felt her juices splash onto my face with a gush, then drops, then sprinkles. As her body relaxed again, she began to giggle.

Still holding her little butt with both hands, I licked as much of her pussy cream as I could reach from my face. She still had a firm, but not painful, hold on my cock while her giggle fit continued, her little pussy hole winking its post-orgasm approval at me.

I kissed her pussy one more time, then began to untangle myself from her so I could lay her body directly on the cushions. She was holding her sides, wracked with silent laughter, a couple tears on her face as a crimson blush covered her whole face and upper chest again.

Sherry spoke first, “Looks like I didn’ teach this one right. Yew made her cum ‘least twice an’ yer dick is still throbbin’.” She shook her head while rising to come toward me.”

Angel held up a hand to stop her and tried to explain herself while giggling and trying to catch her breath. “I’m ... I’m gonna hep ... hep ‘im, Momma. I wanna ... make Mr. Jim’s dick ... shoot th’ cream.”

“Alright then, jus’ don’ leave ‘im waitin’ too long”, Sherry replied and took her seat again.

In truth, the short rest had been a good thing for me. I had been dangerously close to blowing my load just a moment before, and I wasn’t sure where Angel would prefer to have my jizz.

“You’re doing great, Angel”, I said. “You catch your breath - I’m gonna get a glass of water and I’ll be back.”

She nodded and did her best to stifle her chuckling to herself.

By the time I returned, Gladys and Sherry were on the floor, legs intertwined, mashing their cunts into one another, really grinding away. I think I’ve heard someone call it ‘scissoring’. They were each using one hand to roam the other’s body, tweaking nipples or rubbing a clit ferociously.

As I made my way to the sofa, Angel rose and met me with a tight hug, her petite frame and growing breasts molding to me. She then directed me to sit and she fell to her knees between my thighs.

“Since I ain’t ‘llowed t’ put yer dick in me, how d’ yew want me t’ make yew cum?” she asked.

“Just stay where you are, baby”, I said “I wanna watch you rub your pretty little pussy – and I’m gonna play with your titties while I jack my dick.”

Angel’s eagerness returned “Goody!”

The sight of her flawless little body presented to me while pleasing itself, the slushy sound of her fingers in her own little gash and the aroma of her virginal pussy cream soon set me off. My dick began lurching heavy ropes of man juice all over her. The first jet hit her in the forehead and fell across her right eye. The next hit her chin. The next hit her in the throat and laid a thick rope across her left breast. The next couple hit her flat stomach. As the spasms continued, Angel put her mouth on my cock head again and began nursing gently, pulling the remainder of my scuzz directly onto her tongue.

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