Mountain Minerals - Cover

Mountain Minerals

Copyright© 2021 by velvetpimp

Chapter 7

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 7 - Almost 40 years ago, our hero found a small Appalachian town where all the women had recently been blessed with bigger breasts and the men had become sterile. What did our hero do? Starts with minimal sex. That will change as as the story continues. (Tags include action in future updates)

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Fa/Fa   Fa/ft   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Mother   Father   Daughter   Spanking   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   First   Lactation   Pregnancy   Tit-Fucking   Big Breasts   Size   Nudism  

I was quickly becoming more comfortable with the pace and manner of life in this little mountain valley. But some things would take more time, to be sure. First, the locals’ matter-of-fact way of speaking about all subjects, including sex, still put me on my heels.

And while Gladys and Sherry were great cooks, I had to admit I also missed having easy access to other culinary options; Interested in some Italian or Mexican food? Too bad, buster! No one around here (except Doc) had ever even heard of it, apparently.

But the only major issue I had with this place was the frigid water of the stream we had to use for bathing. Over the past several days, I’d become more used to the morning shock of icy water on my body, but it would never be done with complete ease.

When I mentioned this to Gladys, she laughed and said, “Yew ‘member there’s a bathtub over in th’ nex’ room, doncha?” and continued laughing so hard, there were tears rolling down her cheeks.

She then explained that she used the bathtub in the colder months, gathering water from the stream and warming it on the stove – then pouring the hot water in the tub, which she would then use to bathe. But in the warmer months, she didn’t feel the need to add the extra work, so she just shocked herself awake in the morning by bathing directly in the creek.

I racked my brain, trying to figure out how I had missed the obvious solution to my problem – there was a bathtub right there in the next room! Duh! I must have been distracted by something – maybe all the huge titties wobbling around town, I thought.

We discussed all this over a simple breakfast Gladys prepared. She said since it was my last full day before returning to work, she would be happy to setup a hot bath for me and I gladly accepted, with one caveat: My hot bath would take place that evening. Imagining the possibilities of the day ahead, I thought it best to start my day with one last cold bath. Gladys agreed.

With that decided, we grabbed our respective bathing accessories (razor, soap, wash cloths... ) and headed down the hill to the creek. Ever-amazed by Gladys’ stunning physical form, I took my time walking behind her and admiring her toned physique, coltish legs, tight ass and stupendous rack that was so evident even from behind her.

Cleaned, shaved and refreshed, we dried and dressed. After some light housekeeping, we jumped in my truck and drove to Doc’s office, where I was lucky enough to catch him between patients for a short chat. I told him I would be leaving until the following weekend but would like to meet with him then for the promised discussion (over steak and beers) regarding our respective findings. He agreed and offered me a warm handshake while wishing me a safe journey.

When I got back to the truck, Gladys surprised me by saying “since we ain’t gotta be a Sherry’s ‘til later, I thank we should go look in on Lew-eese an’ Daisy”. I answered her only with a slight grin while starting the truck.

Gladys navigated us to Louise’s house, where we found Louise sitting on the front porch, sipping on a cup of coffee. After helping Gladys out of the truck, I lit a cigarette and we joined Louise on the porch.

Louise stood and greeted us both with enthusiasm. “Praise the Lord, I was a-hopin’ I’d see ya’ll agin soon, an’ yew jus’ drove up m’ driveway like a prayer tha’s done been answered!”

Gladys took on a look of concern, “Why, Lew-eese? Is ‘ere sump’n wrong?”

“Naw!” Louise responded, “I jus’ like yer compn’y is all. Yer both some of my fav’rite people”, she added with warm smile.

Grabbing me again, in a sort of side hug, Louise looked up at me and conspiratorially whispered, “Say, Jim, yew thank yew got any time t’day t’ maybe hep Daisy wi’ her itchin’ pussy? She’s been workin’ hersef over pretty good wi’ them kew-cumbers I got her. She might be able t’ take ‘at big dick o’ yers by now.”

Instinctively, I looked to Gladys, who just smirked and nodded.

“Louise”, I said “I’m happy to make time for your family.”

“Oh, I’m s’ happy yew said ‘at”, Louise replied. Then she bellowed, “DAISY!! Put on some clothes an’ git out here! We got compn’y!”

Some movement caught my eye and I looked toward a large window where the curtains were stirring. It was easy to tell that Daisy had heard her grandmother and peeked out to see who was on the porch. Within seconds, a very happy and very naked Daisy flung open the door and came trotting toward me, her DD’s bouncing and slapping the whole way. “Mr. Jim!” Her arms wrapped around my neck and her legs went around my left thigh. Standing on her toes, she began to grind her crotch into my pant leg. “Gosh! I’m ever s’ happy t’ see yew, Mr. Jim.” she added.

“Daisy!” Louise interjected, “I tol’ yew t’ put on some clothes!” Louise punctuated the sentence with a hard slap on Daisy’s bare ass. “Git in th’ house ‘fore one o’ th’ neighbors gits th’ wrong idea!”

As Daisy reluctantly let go of me and walked back into the house, I briefly wondered (A) what neighbors? This place is just like all the other local houses – seemingly isolated in dense forest. And (B) how could they get the wrong idea? If they thought Daisy was craving dick in a primal fashion, they were right!

I put those notions out of my head when I heard Louise say, “Gladys, Jim, why don’ ya’ll come on inside? I got some fresh sun tea. We can all sit an’ visit fer a while.”

With that, Gladys and I followed Louise into her home. Upon entering, I noticed that it was fastidiously tidy. Near immaculate. I was almost afraid to sit down, for fear that I’d make a mess. Louise directed us toward the kitchen table, grabbed a jar of freshly brewed sun tea and got some glasses, then joined us.

“Daisy! Git yer hands off’a yer pussy, this instant! Jus’ ‘cause Jim’s here, don’t mean yew cain’t act like a lady!” Louise admonished her.

“Mr. Jim, is it true ‘at yew let Shawna ride on yer dick? ‘At’s what she tol’ me. Is she lyin’?”

I tried to respond diplomatically, “A gentleman never tells.”

“Well ... I was hopin’ yew’d put it in me ‘fore her.” Daisy said.

“Daisy, you should know that when it comes to privacy, I treat every woman the same. I’ve never told anyone about the time we shared earlier this week – not even Shawna. And I won’t tell anyone about anything Shawna has or hasn’t done either. I’ll expect you to act like a grown-up and respect that, okay?”

“Okay, Mr. Jim.” she answered. “So, yer sayin’ it ain’t nobody’s bidness what we do t’gether, if’n they ain’t in the room wi’ us, ‘zat right?”

Gladys and I both nodded, but Louise replied, “Tha’s how it should always be, sugar.”

Daisy shrugged and let out a heavy sigh, “Yes ma’am. Okay.”

She quickly continued, “But can I see yer big dick agin, Mr. Jim? Please? My pussy’s shore itchin’ real bad an’ I reckon yer cock would hep me scratch it. Pleeeaase?” She implored, her eyes begging with need.

Gladys reached one hand under the table and found my groin with a squeeze. “Daisy, honey, Jim’s dick is purty hard already, but it ain’t all the way hard yet. Why don’ yew take Jim over t’ yer room and hep ‘im git undressed?”

Daisy looked toward Louise, who just smiled in a matronly fashion and nodded. Daisy came around the table toward me and grabbed my hand, pulling me behind her. “C’mon, Mr. Jim! My room’s ove’ here!” Her excitement was infectious, but her big, jiggling, heavy, perky teen tits were cock-stiffening.

Her room was almost tidy as the rest of the house. But with several crosses on the walls and a painting of an angel, it almost looked like a room in a nunnery – save for the baby-doll pink bedspread and lacey pillow shams. My notice of those decorations was temporary though, as Daisy pulled me into the room I asked, “Do you want me to close the door, Daisy?”

Her hands were busy, frantically trying to undo my belt buckle, pants button and zipper. “Nuh-uh. Gramma won’ let me close th’ door if they’s a boy in here.”

I let her continue to struggle a bit, trying to remove my pants, but decided to ask “How many boys have been in here, Daisy?”

“Jus’ Randy. He lives down th’ road a ways. We go t’ school an’ church t’gether. Th’ other day, when my pussy was itchin’ real bad like t’day, I let ‘im come over an’ we rubbed on each other some. I tol’ him I’d let ‘im play wi’ my titties if’n he’d rub on my pussy, so he did. Then, he tried t’ put his pecker up in me, but I didn’ want ‘at. But I sucked on it fer him an’ he shot in my mouth. His dick ain’t near as big as yers, Mr. Jim!”

She finally got my pants down and my boots removed, then she knelt to remove my boxers, my painfully hard erection slapping her in the face when freed from its confines.

“Mmm”, she moaned and squirmed, one hand diving toward her dripping twat while the other made a bee line for my twitching cock. “I almos’ fergot how big it is, Mr. Jim!” And she wrapped her lips around my cock head, sucking and almost humming with pleasure.

I realized I had a great problem on my hands – Gladys, and especially Sherry, were such great cock suckers that I was becoming spoiled. Though Daisy was giving it her absolute best, and I had to remind myself that very few women could throat me like Sherry. Instead, I focused on enjoying Daisy’s enthusiasm, heavy teen titties and tight, petite body.

After only a few minutes of eager sucking, Daisy looked up at me and asked “Can yew put it in my pussy now, Mr. Jim? Please? I been practicin’ wi’ a big kew-cumber t’ get my pussy big enough fer ya. Will yew try to put yer fat juicy dick in my pussy, please?”

“Get on the bed, Daisy. I wanna taste your pussy first.” I said.

She lay back on the fluffy, pink bedspread and parted her thighs, exhibiting her tight, thin-lipped pussy to me. Her mound only had a thin covering of silky pubic hair and was slightly puffy with arousal. I could smell her joy and see droplets of her pussy juice rolling down toward her butt hole – she was clearly wet enough already, but before trying to wedge my dong in her tight recess, I wanted to make her cum, so I dove in with gusto. No teasing - just a flat tongue across her entire slit, from bottom to top, then one finger in her vise-like vagina while I began sucking on her clit.

It didn’t take long for Daisy to begin shouting her approval, tensing her thighs around my head and squeezing her own tits hard enough that I was afraid she’d bruise herself. Without me knowing it, Daisy’s vocals had attracted Louise and Gladys, who stood in the open doorway, monitoring the action.

“Mr. Jim! Tha’s th’ bes’ feelin’ ever!” Daisy exclaimed. “Ooh! I wanna see if I can git yer cock in me now! Will yew lay down on th’ bed, so’s I can it on yer dick?”

I gave her a final kiss directly on her clit, then dragged my tongue across her slit again and brought my finger to my mouth, tasting her sweetness. Then, I rose from between her thighs and lay back on the bed, my cock straining and lurching. Daisy threw one leg over my thighs and grabbed my erection with both hands, jerking slowly. I looked up from her hands to her face to see her eyes wide, unblinking and locked on to my twitching rod. She then rose a bit and began rubbing my cock head along her slit, not really pushing yet, just enjoying herself while smearing her slimy pussy juice onto my dick’s crown.

After a few moments, she rose a bit more, placed my cock head at her opening and began pushing her hips downward. From the corner of my eye, I noticed movement and looked over to see Gladys in the doorway, dress hiked up to her waist, with one hand on her shaved cooch, rubbing and purring to herself.

Louise had removed her own dress and now sat naked on a small cedar chest, two fingers hammering in and out of herself.

All eyes were glued to my straining cock, aching to find Daisy’s warm, tight confines. My eyes joined everyone else’s just as Daisy got the head inside her inner lips. “OH! OH God! It’s ... oh Jesus ... oh ... Mr. Jim, yer big dick is stretchin’ my pussy!” I expected her to pause, but she kept pushing herself down, the strain evident on her cute face - though my dick wasn’t going any deeper.

Gladys spoke up, “Daisy, yew oughta try movin’ up an’ down a little. See if yew can work more o’ that fat dick in yer hole that a-way.”

Daisy grunted her understanding and began to rise and fall in small movements. Little by little, more of my cock disappeared into her tight teen quim. Finally, I felt myself bottom-out, hitting her cervix and causing Daisy to wince with discomfort. I put my hands on her slim hips to hold her still and backed my cock out just a little.

“Sweet lovin’ Jesus!” Louise exclaimed. “Jim, they’s still almos’ half o’ yer cock sticking out and yew already hit the back o’ her pussy? Oh, dear baby Jesus! Jus’ the thought o’ that mule dick inside me has my pussy singin’!” She then added a third finger to her grunting efforts on her own vagina. The aromas and wet, suctioning sounds of three dripping pussies filled the room.

I allowed Daisy to acclimate herself with my girth for a few moments, then used my hands on her hips to direct her to gently begin fucking herself onto my cock again. Once I got her hips started moving, she was off to the races! She bounced and moved her hips in circles and alternated her tempo while I just savored the sight and feel of her young body. Occasionally, I would slide my hands to her small ass cheeks and hold her on my cock as deep as she could take me, twitching inside her. But I mostly let her control the pace and intensity. And to be fair, as much as I liked her little butt, I was even more enamored with her sweaty, heavy, bulbous teen titties. Those DD’s bounced in my face and slapped me on the cheeks as long as I didn’t have them in my hands or mouth – which wasn’t that often.

By outward appearances, Daisy had given herself two orgasms on my prong and I was inwardly proud of myself for holding on as long as I had, but an explosion was imminent, so I warned her.

“Daisy ... sweetie ... I’m gonna cum soon. Where do you want it?” I asked.

Her eyes were fluttering open and closed, sometimes rolling back in her head. “I ‘on’t care, Mr. Jim. Shoot it anywhere yew want”, while continuing to piston up and down on me.

Louise interjected, panting “Dear Lord, forgive me ... but I wanna taste yer jizz ... mmm ... but I don’ trus’ mysef if I git my mouth on yer pecker ... so ... shoo ... shoot it on ‘er titties, Jim. Then, I can lick it off ‘em.” Her hands continued to pound away at her own cunt, her slick juice dripping onto the floor.

Daisy just nodded her head and muttered, “‘at’s fine ... yew ... yew can cum on m ... my titties, Mr. Jim.”

Her petite body was easy to lift, so l grabbed her hips and pulled her up and off my cock with a slushy pop sound and sat her on her knees beside the bed. I then sat up and aimed my dick at her. “Hold your tits up for me, Daisy”, I said while grabbing my cock and stroking. She put her hands under her tits and held them up, shaking them slightly. I couldn’t hold back the tide any longer and began to empty my nuts all over her teenage double-D sweater puppies. Huge globs of my pearly ropes hit her tits with audible ‘splat’ noises while I kept stroking.

Louise’s vocals were near deafening! I don’t think I’ve heard Jesus’ name so loudly or profanely in my life! If I weren’t jacking my still-spurting dick onto her granddaughter’s heaving tits, it might have been off-putting.

As my load finally began to lessen in intensity, I could hear Gladys’ quieter contented moans from the doorway. “Mmm, Daddy, that ‘as a good one! Yew shore had a bunch o’ jizz stored up t’day, didn’ ya?” I just smiled at her and blew her a kiss while I began slapping my half-hard dick on Daisy’s cum-covered globes.

Gladys approached and kissed me tenderly, then knelt down to take my cock in her mouth, nursing the remainder of my ball’s contents through my now-sensitive shaft.

“Louise” Gladys said, “if’n yew want some Jim’s cum, yew better git over here. ‘Tween Daisy an’ me there ain’t gonna be much lef’ t’ git, if’n yew don’ hurry up!”

Louise’s body was almost completely limp, still seated on the cedar chest, but slumped against the wall. She slid toward the floor and crawled over to Daisy, who was busy sucking my cum from her own tits while Gladys helped. Once she reached her granddaughter’s side, she suddenly seemed to regain her energy. She used both hands to grab Daisy’s cum-dripping left breast and immediately stuffed the nipple in her own mouth! No teasing, no licking. Just opened wide and stuffed the whole areola in her mouth and began sucking like her life depended on it. Daisy yelped, then began a low, continuous moan while her grandmother sucked my jizz off her by putting as much tit in her mouth as possible.

Still in Gladys’ warm mouth, my dick lurched again as I witnessed all this. But soon, I removed my semi-erect cock and began to re-dress myself. I knew there would likely be more work for my dick later today and I didn’t want to disappoint myself by spending too many loads here. Gladys took my hint and stood to straighten her dress.

After I had fully dressed again, Gladys and I shared a glass of tea at the kitchen table. We decided to say goodbye to Louise and Daisy, so we returned to Daisy’s room only to find them locked in a 69, Louise on top, screaming her arousal directly into Daisy’s pussy.

Not wanting to be rude, I rose my voice a little and from the doorway said “Ladies, we’ve got to get going. It was wonderful seeing you both again.”

Louise lifted her head from her granddaughter’s slimy gash and just said “Ya’ll don’ be strangers now.” before diving back into Daisy’ apparently-still-itching pussy.

Gladys and I made our way back outside to the truck and began driving toward Sherry’s place.

When we arrived at Sherry’s house, we were surprised to find Shawna sitting on the front porch. Normally more likely to be inside and naked this time of day, she sat in a rocking chair, reading a book. When I stopped the truck, she looked up, eyes beaming with happiness and tossed the book aside.

“Hey Aint Gladys! Hey Unca Jim! I was wonderin’ when ya’ll’d be back over.” She descended the porch steps and hugged Gladys, then I. With her arms tightly around my midsection, I felt her wiggling as she began to grind herself against my leg. “Yer gonna lemme play wi’ yer dick agin, ain’t yew Unca Jim?” she asked.

Gladys interrupted, pulling Shawna away from me. “Settle down, little missy. They’s still plenty o’ time fer all ‘at. Firs’ thang I wanna know is, where’s yer Momma?”

Shawna pointed over her shoulder toward the house. “She’s in ‘ere wi’ Angel. They started rubbin’ on each other an’ ‘fore I knew it, they was mashin’ their faces int’ each other’s pussies. I’m startin’ t’ thank Angel might be one o’ them lez-beings. Ever since her pussy started itchin’, she an’ Momma cain’t stay off o’ each other” she pouted.

“Well, lookit the pot callin’ the kettle black”, laughed Gladys. “Sakes alive, jus’ a few days ago, Angel was sayin’ the same thangs ‘bout yew! Looks like yew jus’ got some compitshun, is all.” She then took Shawna into another hug and added “But I unnerstan’ honey. Yer Momma licks pussy better’n anybody I ever met – even better’n Jim!”

After that comment, Gladys looked at me “Does ‘at bother yew, Jim? That my sister’s better at lickin’ pussy? B’lieve me, honey, I shore do like it when yew put yer mouth on me, but Sherry is jus’ magical.”

“Not a bit” I replied. “It only makes sense that a woman would know more than a man about how to please another woman. Besides, I still have something you ladies don’t – and I know you like it plenty”, I added while glancing down at my own crotch.

“Shoot yeah, Unca Jim! Momma knows how t’ make my pussy cream, fer shore. But she caint hold a candle t’ how yer fat dick makes me cum”, Shawna reassured me.

Gladys looked me in the eyes and smiled while reaching down to grab my dick through my pants. Squeezing once, she let go and patted me on the butt before saying “Well, le’s go on in ‘ere an’ see what my sister’n her youngest is gittin’ up to.”

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