Mountain Minerals - Cover

Mountain Minerals

Copyright© 2021 by velvetpimp

Chapter 6

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 6 - Almost 40 years ago, our hero found a small Appalachian town where all the women had recently been blessed with bigger breasts and the men had become sterile. What did our hero do? Starts with minimal sex. That will change as as the story continues. (Tags include action in future updates)

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Fa/Fa   Fa/ft   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Mother   Father   Daughter   Spanking   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   First   Lactation   Pregnancy   Tit-Fucking   Big Breasts   Size   Nudism  

I woke the next day to find Gladys lying on my right, her tits mashed into my ribs, her right hand gently stroking my morning wood, occasionally peppering kisses on the head and shaft. She spoke softly when she saw my eyes open. “Mornin’, handsome. I hope yew don’ mind, I jus’ could’n keep my hands t’ mysef’ this mornin’”, she said with an impish grin. “‘Sides, I know we hafta look in on Shawna an’ Angel t’day. So I fig’r’d I’d git me some ‘fore the res’ o’ them girls do.”

“Gladys, sweetie. I’ve told you before; You can play with my cock anytime. I’m just glad you let me wake up before the real fun gets started.” I replied with a smile.

“Speakin’ o’ which...” she straddled me and began working my aching pole into her dripping cooch. “Once I woke up an’ seen yer cock ‘as already hard, I had t’ play wi’ mysef a bit, jus’ t’ try to scratch the itch, ya’ know? So I’m already plenty wet...”

She definitely was. Once she had the head inside, she pushed down with her hips and my rigid tool slid into her all at once – all the way to the root, my balls touching her rosebud asshole. “Wooof...” she grunted. “Daddy, that big ol’ cock o’ yers shore does stretch my pussy out goo-oo-ood.”

I ran my hands across every inch of her I could reach; Fluttering touches on her back and thighs, teasing pinches on her nipples, handfuls of her toned ass cheeks. After she’d been grinding and bouncing for a while, I decided to up the ante and began teasing her asshole with my fingers. This brought a surprised “ooooh” from her, then the intesity of her bouncing ramped up. I licked one of my fingers and slowly slid it into her asshole. At that moment, it seemed like someone had plugged her into an electrical outlet! For a few seconds, her whole body tensed, then relaxed and she began to piston up and down on my cock with brutal force. The sounds of our hips slapping together and the wet suctioning of my cock in her dripping gash filled the room. “Oh yeah! Jus’ like ‘at, Daddy! Don’t yew dare stop!” At that point, I was just holding on for the ride, savoring the sights and sounds of Gladys using my body for her own pleasure.

“I’m gonna cum on yer cock, Daddy!” she announced. Then, her body tensed again and her pussy clamped down on my dick so hard, I thought I might pass out. After a few moments, her muscles relaxed and she slid off me. “I’m sorry, Daddy. I wanted yew t’ cum inside me agin, but my pussy hurts ... yew done wore ‘er out. Jus’ gimme a minute, okay?”

Thankfully, I wasn’t quite ready to erupt, so the interruption wasn’t unwelcome. “It’s okay, honey - take your time. Besides, I don’t have to cum inside you, if you’re sore. You just tell me where you want it, okay?”

Still catching her breath, Gladys considered this for a few moments before reaching over to grasp my turgid dick, still slick with her juices, and began stroking. “Ya know, yer right. I need t’ give my pussy a little rest. But I know how much yew like my titties,” she grinned “and I like feelin’ yer jizz on ‘em. Plus, I can lick it off of ‘em an’ still git yer flavor. Whadda yew say, Daddy? Wanna cum on my titties agin?”

I quickly replied, “If you ever see my dick hard and I say ‘no’ to that offer, you might as well shoot me dead.”

“Mmm, good. I fig’r’d yew’d like ‘at. Now c’mon, shoot a big load on my titties, Daddy.”

With that encouragement and her hands working on my cock, it didn’t take long before I let loose all the cum I could muster, splashing and covering her tits, then dripping onto my stomach. She milked my cock until the last drop bubbled out, then popped the head in her mouth for a moment. While I lay beside her panting, she licked up all the cum she could find on my stomach and chest, then went to work lapping up everything she could reach on her humongous honkers.

“I know yew got more o’ that tasty jizz in them balls, handsome. But yew oughta save some fer this afternoon.” Gladys said. I had almost forgotten yesterday’s agreement with Sherry that we would stop by today for some fun time – with the added attraction of Angel getting to stay and watch. That notion made my cock twitch again.

After she had satisfied herself that she’d licked up enough of my cum, Gladys kissed me briefly and said she was going “down t’ th’ crick” to bathe. As she went out the back door toward the creek, I rose and started the coffee pot. Within a few minutes, I joined her in the ice-cold waters of the creek. Even the glorious vision of Gladys naked body couldn’t keep me hard in this frigid water, so I focused on cleaning myself, then shaving (face and balls) and got out to dry myself as quickly as I could. Gladys beat me back to the cabin and was seated naked at the table with her coffee, a towel turbaned-up around her wet hair.

The thought hit me that my ‘vacation’ would be over soon and I’d have to return to work. As delicately as I knew how, I mentioned this to Gladys.

“Yeah, I know, Jim. I been thankin’ ‘bout that too.” she said. “I know yew got a life outside o’ this town, ‘fore yew ever met me. But I shore don’ wanna see yew go.” Her eyes began to fill with tears.

“Gladys, honey” I began, “I’m not planning to leave forever. But I can’t just quit work. And I promised I’d only take a week off.”

“So when yew gonna come back t’ see me?” she asked, sobbing.

“My plan is to drive back up here on the weekends.” I replied. It was just over 3 hours, one-way, to my house. To be sure, it was a long drive to make every week - but it would be well worth it, in my opinion.

After thinking about it for a few moments, she stopped crying and the beginnings of a smile began to show. “I s’pose I can live wi’ that.” she said and came around the table to kiss me.

“But I’m not going anywhere today,” I said “except to the doctor’s office, then back here to get you so we can go to your sister’s house around lunch time. Okay?”

She smiled and kissed me again, then slapped the side of my seated rump and said “Well then, yew better git a move on, mister.” So I rose and got dressed, finished my coffee, kissed her again and headed toward Doc McGill’s office.

Arriving at the doctor’s office, I found a few people in the waiting room. Among them, I spotted Louise. After checking in with the receptionist, I sat next to her, and we began to chat.

“Ooh, it’s s’ good I run int’ yew today, Jim.” Louise half-whispered. “That lil’ Daisy o’ mine, she won’t shut up ‘bout yer big pecker ‘nd how she wants it in ‘ersef. That girl’s gonna cause me t’ drinkin’ if’n I don’t setup ‘nother time we can come over t’ Gladys.”

“Well, that’d be just fine with me, Louise”, I responded. “After I’m done here, I’ll let Gladys know to get in touch with you.”

“Good. Now Jim, truth be known, I shore did like watchin’ yew put that big prong o’ yers t’ work on Gladys – makes my coochie tingle jus’ thankin’ ‘bout it.”

A sensation of embarrassment and pride was becoming ever-more common for me. And, not knowing how to respond exactly, I just smiled.

“I do have an unusual request for you, Louise. If you don’t m...” I began.

Louise interrupted loudly, “Anything! ... uh ... I mean ... whatever could yew want from me, Jim?”

I continued, “I know this may sound weird, but I’d like to have the ladies measured to know their proper bra sizes. Or, if it’s easier, have someone show me and maybe learn how to do it myself.”

Initially, Louise didn’t look as if my request was unusual at all. “Shoot, Jim it’s easy as pie. All yew gotta do is ... wait ... yew said ‘ladies’ ... like more’n one. What other ladies is yew sexin’ up, Jim? Ain’t it just Gladys?”

My face began to warm with more embarassment. I hadn’t intended to let on about Sherry and her household of hotties.

“Well, Louise, it’s a little complicated, I suppose.” I did my best to answer diplomatically. “I’m sure you know Gladys’ sister, Sherry? Well, Gladys introduces us and we’ve all become ... close.”

“What about Shawna? Have yew let ‘er try yer dick yet? And little Angel? Good God! Yew’d prolly rip her in half wi’ that mule dick o’ yers!”

I motioned with my hands in a manner that let her know I thought our conversation was getting too loud, though I noticed that none of the other people in the waiting room seemed to react at all to Louise’s comments. Then, I whisper-explained “Yes, Shawna and I have had sex – with Sherry’s permission. I’ve gained some understanding of how that family approaches sex over the last several days and that seems to be the only rule - parental permission first. And no - I have not had sex with Angel. I won’t lay a finger on Angel, not without Sherry’s approval. Plus, she’s young and only started her first period earlier this week.”

“She did? Praise Jesus!” Louise whooped. “That means she’ll be tryin’ t’ git ‘ersef ready t’ make some young-uns, even if she don’ know it yet – nature’s gonna take over. So yew better be careful ‘round her. ‘Least ‘til Sherry’s got ‘er ready.”

She switched gears again. “Now Jim, whenever yew see Daisy agin, yew cain’t let on that yew an’ Shawna been fuckin’, okay? Them girls has got some kind o’ rivalry, or sump’n. One of ‘em’s always gotta have bigger titties than t’other, one’s gotta play with a boy’s pecker first ... and so on. If’n Daisy ever gits her pussy stretched out enough wi’ them kew-cumbers I give ‘er, I’ll let yew fuck ‘er, if ‘at’s what she wants. But ‘til then, jus’ don’t let on that Shawna’s got the edge on ‘er, okay?”

Dumbfounded, I just said, “Alright, if you say so.”

Louise’s body language began to relax and she kept talking. “Well, yer a gentleman fer not lovin’ on them young girls without her Momma’s say-so. ‘Round these parts, if young-uns wanna love on each other, that’s no big deal – long’s they both past pew-burty. If’n growed-ups wanna love on the teen-agers, they gotta git permission from the parents. It’s simple as ‘at. Them young-uns’ always gonna let them hore-mones run wild – we all ‘member what tha’ was like. But we fig’r, long as they know how t’ do it w’ nobody gettin’ hurt, it’s prolly fine. The young-uns all learn real early on to make sure their feel-good parts stay clean. An’ we learn ‘em right r’sponsibility - if’n they make a baby, they gotta take r’sponsibility and raise it up right.”

This was certainly not the stodgy, dad-gives-a-single-birds-and-bees-lecture type of upbringing I had. And other than my personal views on Roe v. Wade and avoidable pregnancy, I had to agree with Louise’s core philosophy - especially since I was reaping the benefits of it on a daily basis.

Louise interrupted my train of thought, “Now, ‘bout maysurin’ fer bras, I got me an idear; when the Doc calls me back, why don’ yew come wi’ me? I know Doc’s got a tape maysure somewhere ‘round here. Thataway, I can show yew how t’ do it right. How ‘zat sound?”

“Well, as long as you’re okay with it, that’ll be fine with me, Louise. I don’t want to intrude on your time with the doctor though.” I said.

Louise began waving her hands like she was swatting away gnats. “Hell, it’ll only take a couple o’ minutes.” ‘Sides, I ain’t worried ‘bout Doc spreadin’ no secrets ‘bout me. Ever-body knows he’s a good, honest man who don’t play ‘round in the gossip grapevine.”

I just shrugged and said “Okay great. It’s settled”, with a smile.

A short while later, the receptionist called Louise’s name and we both moved toward the exam room. Memories of Gladys and I in that room the day before flooded back to me, and I found it hard to remain flaccid.

Doc looked up from his paperwork with a start and began pointing back and forth between Louise and I, “Louise, don’t tell me that you and...”

“Nope!” we both quickly answered.

“No Doc, I ain’t havin’ relations wi’ Jim. I will stay faithful t’ my husban’ ‘til we’re both dead. Yew know I’m a good woman!” Louise said, standing proud with her chin raised. “Jim an’ I jus’ seen each other in yer waitin’ room an’ he had a question ‘bout maysurin’ fer bras. I fig’r’d it’d be easier t’ show ‘im in here than jus’ ‘splainin’ it.” And she began to remove her dress.

“Oh ... okay ... that’s fine, I guess.” replied Doc.

“I’m gonna need a tape maysure”, said Louise.

“Right...” said Doc, and he began rifling through several drawers in search of one. Soon enough, he found it and held it out to Louise, who was now standing in only her bra and panties.

“Naw, Doc - yew work the tape, I’ll jus’ be the model and ‘splain how t’ do it.”

He just nodded his understanding while I stood to the side, quietly hoping my erection would stay at the ‘semi’ stage, and not progress further.

“Okay now, Jim. The firs’ part might not work fer Gladys ... and some other ladies” Louise smirked over her shoulder at me. “But it works bes’ if’n they’s already wearing a bra, an’ not one ‘em padded ones neither. But I know Gladys don’ never wear one since her titties got s’ big. Cain’t say as I blame ‘er fer that.”

“Anyway,” she continued, “the first thang t’ do is maysure what they call ‘the band’. Jus’ run the tape ‘round her ches’, but b’low ‘er boobs. See where my bra band goes ‘round unner-neath?” I nodded. “Jus’ maysure that an’ write down the number, ‘kay?”

“Now, the secon’ part is t’ maysure ‘round the bigges’ part of ‘er boobs. Make sure the tape is pare-a-lel wi’ where yew maysured the band, an’ write down that number too, okay?”

I nodded again.

“The las’ part is where ya’ fig’r the cup size. T’ do ‘at, yew jus’ subtract the band size from the boob maysurem’nt. Ever inch is th’ same as one more cup size up. Yew wi’ me so far?”

“Yes ma’am” I replied.

“Good. So since Doc jus’ maysured me, we’ll use ‘em numbers as the example.”

Doc handed Louise a small piece of paper where he’d jotted down the measurements.

“Doc maysured my band size ‘s 36” and my boob maysuremen’ is 40”. An’ forty minus thirty-six is four inches ... so A, B, C, D. That means I should be wearin’ a 36D bra. Make sense?”

I nodded and opened my mouth to speak – but she continued...

“Now, some o’ them cups ain’t so easy t’ fig’r, like sometimes they call ‘em DDD an’ sometimes, they call ‘em E cup! Sometimes, they jump straight from DDD to F! Hell, they confuse me sometimes too. But don’ yew worry none if yew cain’t ‘member all of it. They got a little inches-to-cups chart thang over t’ the store in the ladies’ section. I’ll git yew one of ‘em that’ll fit in yer wallet. Okay?”

“Yes, I understand Louise. Thanks so much for your help on this. A guy like me would never know how to learn this stuff otherwise.” Louise stepped toward me and pulled me into a strong hug. “Now, Louise, I’ll leave you with Doc so you can continue without me interrupting.”

“Nonsense.” She playfully slapped my chest. “This is jus’ a reg’lar checkup. Us ol’ ladies hafta see Doc ‘least once a year t’ make sure ain’t nothin’ fallin’ apart. ‘Sides, yew ain’t gonna see nothin’ on me that Gladys ain’t got.” She joked.

Doc just motioned me toward a chair and continued his work as if I weren’t there. I suppose he thought as long as Louise wasn’t embarassed, then there was no reason to object. While Doc’s exam and litany of health-related questions for Louise continued, I did my best to sit quietly and act like as if I were a fly on the wall. After 15 or 20 minutes, they were done.

As Louise began to re-dress, Doc turned to me and said, matter-of-factly, “Oh, Jim, by the way, You’re not sterile. I’ve run all the tests I can with this equipment, and it seems like your ‘swimmers’ are in fit form and large quantities. Gladys will be pleased, I’m sure.”

Relieved, I smiled and celebrated internally, offering myself a mental high-five. “That’s great news, Doc.”

“Jim! Yew an’ Gladys is tryin’ t’ make some young-uns?” Louise belted out, a little too loudly.

I chose to keep some tiny bit of mystery, “We’ve discussed it.”

Almost ignoring my response, Louise continued, “Praise the Lord! A new baby here, in the holler! An’ Gladys’ gonna be such a good Momma. Yew can see it in her bones, th’ way she treats ever-body. I always said Gladys should have some young-uns of ‘er own.” She pulled me in for another hug. “Thank you, Jesus”, she muttered, under her breath.

Louise then chortled and turned to Doc, “Well, Doc, yew should know that me ‘n’ Daisy went over fer supper a couple nights ago, and I seen Jim’s big ol’ mule dick shoot about a quart o’ baby juice int’ Gladys. If she ain’t getting’ preggers from him, then she’s the problem.”

To me, that quick change of moral gears was still surprising. I mean, she went from praising Jesus straight to admitting that she’d brought her teenage granddaughter over for supper and they watched me fuck Gladys (thankfully, she didn’t mention the things Daisy and I did with each other, or that she herself had masturbated frantically while watching the whole scene)! But that surprise would forever be overshadowed by the wide-spread local practice of sharing such personal information so easily. Reddening with embarrassment again, I simply told Doc. “I’d like to sit with you outside office hours and discuss my other research, if you don’t mind. Maybe we could compare notes?”

“Sounds fine to me, Jim. You tell me when you’re free and I’ll cook up some steaks for us, if you’ll bring the beer.”

“That’s a deal, Doc.” and I gratefully shook his hand. “Miss Louise, may I walk you to your car?”

“Yes Jim, you may.” Louise replied with mock air of snobbery, and she giggled to herself.

“I’ll be in touch, Doc.” I said while leaving.

Louise got in her car and as I was closing the door for her, she looked at me and said, “Jus’ in case yew’r wonderin’, Jim ... I maysured Daisy jus’ las’ month an’ she’s a 30DD. Ya’ll have a good day, now!” and she drove away.

I was left standing in a cloud of dust, relishing the memory of Daisy’s teenage titties in hands and in my mouth. 30DD!? My straining efforts to hide evidence of my erection were becoming less successful, so I hopped in my truck and started the engine, beads of sweat forming on my brow.

Arriving back at the cabin, I gave Gladys a quick kiss and told her the good news Doc had shared.

“Oh Jim! Tha’s th’ bes’ news ever! I’m jus’ so happy yew been shootin’ real live baby juice in me! I don’ even know how t’ tell yew how happy ‘at makes me.” Her face beamed with pleasure. She hugged me so tight, I got a little dizzy. Looking toward my crotch, she noticed my straining meat and smirked. “Is all ‘at fer me?”

“It pains me to say it, honey, but I better go sit in the creek for a minute.” I told her. “If we’re going to Sherry’s in a bit, I wanna make sure I’m not too sore to enjoy it.”

She smiled, grabbed my dick through my pants and squeezed, then said “Well git down there, Mister! But yew better save me some o’ that fer when we git back here t’night. Don’ yew go wearin’ yersef out wi’ my sister’n ‘er kids.” She chuckled while slapping me on the butt.

I kissed her again and peeled my clothes off, then walked down to the creek and plopped myself down, shocking my body in the cold water. The frigid stream had the expected effect on my erection and within just a couple minutes, I was soft again – and a bit shriveled.

Walking back in the cabin, I told Gladys “We should both get dressed so we can get to Sherry’s on time.” Then, with a smirk, I added, “Besides, if you don’t cover yourself, we’ll never get out of here today.” She agreed and tossed on a simple but lovely sundress.

As promised, Gladys and I got to Sherry’s a little after lunchtime, and Gladys let herself in the house. Before following her, I got a tape measure from my toolbox and put it in my shirt pocket. I was determined to get measurements of all the women today, if possible. I told myself that it would primarily be of Shawna’s growth ... for research purposes. But I knew damn well that it was just so I could perv out some more on the size of their amazing chest blessings.

Entering the house, I was greeted by the sight of Gladys’ back as she removed her dress, tossing it over a peg on the coat rack. Simply stunning - her toned back, rump and legs, offset by the fact that from behind her, I could see the sides of her boobs! Looking around the room, I was unsurprised but very happy to see Sherry and Shawna already naked, lounging happily. Shawna looked up and immediately leapt toward me, her arms wrapping around my neck and her legs wrapping around my midsection. “Yay! Unca Jim’s here!”

Hearing footsteps upstairs, I looked to Sherry, who smiled and offered a gentle wave while adding “It’s always good t’ see yew, Jim. But yew better git ready, ‘cause...”

Interrupting Sherry’s thought, the footsteps grew louder, approaching quickly. Then, sure enough, Angel came bounding down the stairs, two at a time and ran toward me. “Shawna, git off’a him! I wanna give ‘em a hug too!” Angel insisted.

Sherry continued while rolling her eyes at Angel, “‘Cause SOMEBODY here’s been a-pesterin’ me ever-since ya’ll lef’ yester-dee.”

Shawna let go reluctantly and Angel jumped into my arms, mirroring her older sister’s actions.

“It’s good to see you too, Angel.” I said while returning her embrace. She looked up at me and her face began to redden. “Are yew gonna lemme see yer thang t’day, Mr. Jim? I’ll let yew see mine, if yew want.”

“Slow down, there princess!” Sherry interjected. “Let the man git settled ‘fore yew try t’ git ‘im nekkid.” Shaking her head, she added, “Jim, yew wanna cup o’ coffee er some’n? I still got me some o’ that ‘shine yew liked b’fore.”

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