Dads New Wife and Her Daughters Ao - Cover

Dads New Wife and Her Daughters Ao

by Harry Bolo

Copyright© 2021 by Harry Bolo

Coming of Age Sex Story: Dad’s new sexy wife had a youthful experience that would impact our life’s and make my sexual life very happy. This is a teen to adult story

Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Sharing   Incest   Son   Sister   Group Sex   Harem   Cream Pie   Exhibitionism   First   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Voyeurism   .

Hi I am Paul, I’m 15 almost 16. My Dad, John Thomas, just married his girlfriend of 15 months, 8 weeks ago. She is a nice lady some 12 months younger than dad who is 38. He seems very happy with June nee Jones. June does work with dad, has done for the last 4 years. And no she was not the reason Mum left dad. Mum just seem to go crazy with this notion of the need to go to church every day. I have not seen mum for over 5½ years at my decision. I am their only child. I’m a skinny kid and June is always trying to make me eat healthy filling food. I just seem to burn it off. I’m not a go fit person. A little skinny 5’7” but I love computers and reading together with swimming in our pool. Dad is the same but taller at 5’9”. June is a nice slim build at 5’6” with a nice hour glass figure which she likes to show off wearing her bikini around the house or yoga pants and crop top outside. Some of my friends really envy me having such a hot step mother.

Today June called me as she was on a phone call, she was crying, between answering the call, she ask me to call my dad and to get him to home home urgently. She started crying again. I immediately called dad and told him I could not get anything out of June which was most unusual. I sat next to June and hugged her as her talked and cried. Dad found me holding June as she was crying and holding the phone. She hung up the phone and ran to dad. And burst into tears again.

I went to the kitchen and made them some coffee and came in with the drinks, biscuits and another box of tissues. June had, by then, cried herself out. She was shaking in grief. I sat the other side of her and gave her a hug saying “How can we help?” June got some more tissues.

She started “I have to tell you about my youth and if it changes the way you feel about me I will understand, All I ask is you listen to my story first.”

Dad replied “We are married. In for a penny in for a pound.”

I replied “Sure. We will help you out any way we can?”

June started “I was married very young and well had to get married to a rich playboy and I had twin daughters. They are the same age as you are Paul. Well I never got on with his life style and his parents so we agree to divorce. I agreed on two conditions. They did not want the girls to know I was their mother to which I agreed but I only agreed if I was made sole beneficiary of the estates of both his and his parents and if anything happened to the three of them and if it did, I regain custody of the girls and they were to be informed of who their true mother is. Two days ago, their father and grandparents were flying to pick the girls up from boarding school when the plane crashed killing all 25 people on board. The girls are being flown to the airport here today and coming here now. We are going to have two strange girls here who are my daughters that I have not seen since they were two years old. Will you help me please?”

We both hugged Jane and said “Yes.”

Next minute a knock on the door. I answered. There was a man with two girls behind him and they were the spitting image of June. I said “Please enter.”

The girls entered and looked at June and they looked at each other “Mom?”

June replied “Yes.” They ran, hugged her and cried.

There was no mistake in looking at the three of them they were related.

I looked at the man “Well bang goes my single man life at home here.” He looked at me in puzzlement. “I was the only spoilt child twisting them around my finger, now I have competition!” trying to make light of the situation. He realise what I was doing.

“Well young man I am Mr Edwards their Solicitor. I trust I can rely on you being a gentleman to look after these ladies whilst they are under your care. They have just found out their mother is alive under some.”

Dad said “Come on in and lets sit down and have some drinks and get to know each other before we discuss matters. Tim, June. Drinks!” The girls followed June into the kitchen so I backed out to sit with dad in the dining room with Mr Edwards.

June and the girls soon followed with some cold drinks and glasses. June introduced the girls Janet and Julie. They were identical twins but I could see the difference. It was in the bridge of their nose. As soon as they looked at me I knew who they were. The girls were the same height as me and the same build as their mother. Their sports were swimming and running. I smiled at them when swimming was mentioned. Janet asked “What sport do you do please?”

I replied “Swimming in our pool?”

Julie replied “You have a pool. Good.”

Mr Edwards stated “June you know the terms of the will. You inherit everything.” The girls looked at her. “Are you aware of the value of the inheritance? And are you still working?”

June replied “No I never, sorry girls, followed up on him, he was too much of a playboy and always getting bad press and too many wrong girls. And yes I do work with my husband in a local firm.”

Mr Edwards answered “You might have to give that job away to manage the estate. They could not make out any other wills until the girls did turn 21 because of the divorce settlement. There were provisional wills made out incase of your demise but they are now cancelled. It will take a few months to do the necessary paperwork for the transfers and our firm is willing to assist. We are the family solicitors and have been for the last 120 years.

Janet and Julie as I explained, your father was as you are now well aware of, a lady chaser and your mother did not approve of his life style. His parents demanded she give up her children to him, however she did stipulate some conditions. Society 15 years ago were not good for single mum so she did what she thought was best for you kids. As you found out, you were brought up by your grandparents, not your dad who you saw infrequently. You have the long school holidays to get to know each other and a brother. Please be mindful and enjoy your new family. Now do you want to live here or at your grandparents home?

Janet and Julie looked at each other then their mum. Julie said “Our clothes are at home but if Paul will allow us we would like to spend a few weeks here to get to know them. We have spent too much time crying and if we are at grandma’s we would be crying. Paul would you mind us staying here and showing us around please?”

I replied “Sure Julie and Janet if mum and dad allows, but I get first dibs on the bathroom.” smiling.

Everyone crack up laughing, which is what I wanted.

June/mum said “Paul, why don’t you take the girls upstairs and get them to pick out a bedroom, and show them around whilst we continue talking please?”

I replied “Sure mum and dad.” Dad so smiled at me calling June mum.

As we got to the top of the stairs I showed them mum and dads bedroom, then mine, the bathroom and the two spare room. I asked them did the want separate room or both in one. They decided one each and picked a room. I did mention if Dad parents came for a visit they would have to bunk together. We sat in my room on the bed and talked. I mentioned until today I always called my step mum as June. I would make a concession with you girls if you call my dad ‘dad’ I would call your mum ‘mum’ we agreed. I found out they did not like their dad very much as he always had a young girl every time they saw him. They spent their time either in boarding school or holiday camps and because they were ‘rich’ all they boys chased them for their money. They decided not to be rich girls during the holidays with us.

Mr Edwards said to mum and dad. “What I am about to say I do request stays in this room for the time being, you will be worth around at least $35 billion give or take.” Mum and Dad look at at each other then Mr Edwards. “As the girls have no items here I will send some money to your account today for their items. That money is your money now anyway. If you have any question please call me. Here is my direct number.” he handed them a card and left.

I took the girls downstairs and around the outside. They saw the pool and nice gardens. Janet did say their gardens at home were quite a bit larger but not as welcome as this one. We returned inside and collected their cases and took them to their rooms. Dad came up and made a list of items they needed like makeup table and mirror, computer table, bookcase. Each room had a builtin wardrobe.

I suggested to dad and the girls agreed “A laptop would be easier then the could use them around the house and not be restricted to their room.”

Both girl agreed and asked “Yes please daddy.” He looked at them and they giggled.

Jane just laughed she said to me “And I take it you would like one as well Paul?”

I smiled looked at the girls then Jane “Yes please Mummy.” we all laughed.

Dad asked “What is this name calling?”

I replied “We agreed, I would call Jane mum, and the girls would call you Dad to make the family unit easier in names. They actually never called their father as they very rarely saw him.”

Janet said “Yes we want to feel and see what a real family is like. We were always the ‘rich’ kids and people expected us to pay, or be friends, to be on the society list. Can we for the next six weeks use your surname please.”

Dad replied “That might be a bit strange but you can use Jane maiden name of Jones, yes until everything is settled say you are Janet and Julie Jones. If anyone asks later, you were required to hid your identity to stop the press from hounding you. Happy with that girls? Now empty your purses. Anything with your true name remain here in your bedroom except one item, your school pass give that to Paul he will hold it in his wallet, just incase it is really needed. Keep your cash for spending. Mr Edwards is sending mum some money so you can buy some clothes and other items for use here. Happy with that girls.

They both jump up and gave dad a kiss and cuddle. “Yes daddy” they replied. Mum just laughed.

Then I cuddled Jane and asked the male question “Mum, whats for lunch?” more laughter.

Dad replied “Lets go to the centre for lunch shall we!” We all got into dad’s car and went to the local shopping centre. Well was I the popular boy having the twins sitting either side of me eating lunch. After we ate lunch I showed the girls around the shops. Dad ducked back into work and got some time off for both of them after explaining the circumstances.

The girls asked to buy some bikini’s, I asked to assist fitting, their reply was in your dreams. Mum went with them for some more clothes like PJ’s, bikini’s, tops, shorts, skirts, dresses, tops etc. All they had was their school clothes and a few formal items with a few casual clothes. Dad and I were the bag carriers.

When mum check her bank balance she called dad and showed him her balance. They both were shocked. He took me to the electronic shop and asked about the laptops, mum came along with the girls and I got them to feel the keyboards. Dad ended up buying us the laptop the three of us liked and they were the top of the range i9’s with wrap around screens. Our home modem was only 6 month old together with the printer. We returned home after Jane collected some more food shopping with the increased mouths to feed.

At home, I help carry the girls clothes to their room whilst dad carried the food items into the kitchen with mum. We returned to the dining room table and they set up their laptops and within the hour they were on the net under my instructions. I did instruct them in the security and did stress the need to be careful. They were previously behind secure firewall at school and at the family home here they were not. I did say, if your not sure ask me please. I’m not going to tell mum and dad, I will help you and show you around and how to block idiots and the nasty ones. I did set up some simple firewalls to block the kiddy hackers. I also set up an admin account so I could get into their laptops if they got hacked and blocked without telling them. Mum and Dad were so happy they seem to get along with me and I was helping they out as well. Hey I was an almost 16 year old boy with 2 super hot chicks that liked me, of course I would help them.

Mum and Dad called dinner and we had an enjoyable night talking and getting to know about each other and setting boundaries, like they were not allowed in my room with the door closed and vice versa, shower time max 10 minutes each. I was allowed to use Mum and Dad if they were not home and the girls were using the bathroom. Or I could use the downstairs bathroom shower. They explained to me about female periods and the girls were not to put their pads or tampons in the toilet but in a bin in the bathroom and they were to empty. It is not my responsibility. We agreed on chores. Lucky we had a dishwasher. Bed time holidays 9.30, weekend 10pm. School days 9pm. The girls are to decide if they wanted to return to boarding school or try a term in the local high school or a local private school. After we kissed mum and they kissed dad we went upstairs to bed. We changed into PJ’s and we actually fell asleep quite quickly leaving our doors open. Mum and Dad came up around 15 minutes later and found us all asleep. They closed our doors and went to bed.

The next day was a warm one so I dressed for the pool. After breakfast I swam for around 30 minutes when the girls came out in their swimmers. What swimmers, they had less on than June and man didn’t they look sexy. I got hard so bang goes me getting out of the pool. They sat on the sun beds between the end of the pool and the doorway into the house. They started to put on sunscreen. They looked straight at me as they applied the cream. And their nipples popped through their tops.

I just had to swim away doing more laps and did I have a keel. I tried to adjust myself and put my cock in the top of my swimmers, no go. Either it poked out the top or just pokes out the front and my towel was behind the girls near the door. Damn dad called me urgently. I got out of the pool and ran inside. The girls looked at me and screamed. I grabbed my towel, covered myself and went to dad. June went to see what the girls were screaming about. I quickly fixed dad computer problem and ran to my bedroom closing the door.

I laid down on my bed, face down and June entered without knocking and closed the door. She asked “We have a slight problem I see Paul. Well actually according to the girls a big problem to them.” She burst out laughing “Sorry Paul. It not you, it’s them. They have never seen a male except their grandfather in swimmers. They have never seen, except in pictures in sex ed. A male cock. When they saw yours, today as you got out of the pool, well they did not really know what it was at first. They are more scared, surprised and worried now you wont be their friend.”

I sat up and June could see I was still hard “Fucking hell Paul, no wonder they screamed, your bigger than your dad and he’s a big boy. Do you um, play with yourself?” I nodded, not daring to say a word. “Well relieve the pressure then dress and come downstairs for a talk OK?” I nodded as she walked out in her sexy crop top and tight yoga pants showing her camel toe. She closed the door. I grabbed my towel, dropped my swimmers, covered my cock and rubbed it three times thinking about the twins and man did I unload a bucketful. I sat back on the bed to rest for a few minutes. Collecting some clean clothes I moved to the bathroom and had a quick shower.

June was talking to Dad. I got a drink and sat in the lounge room. The girls came in from the pool and sat opposite me on their towels wrapped around their bikini’s. Bang I was hard again. June came in looking at the girls “Well?”

Janet said “Sorry Paul for screaming, you kinda scared us. Mum has explained in some ways we are naive, being in boarding school for girls and in girls only summer camp. Mum had now decided we are staying here this year in school with you to learn how to handle real life with both boys and girls.”

Julie asked “We want you to be our guide and guardian please brother. We have always been protected by our grandparents, now we have to stand on our own two feet with support from mum, dad and you brother. Will you help us please?”

What does a guy say to two beautiful almost naked sexy ladies with your parents watching.

I replied “Yes Janet and Julie I will help you.” The both jump over and cuddled me and I ended up super hard with bare skin, tits and kisses from them. I cuddled them as well. Dad said something to mum as they walked away.

Then they both saw my parents walk away they grabbed my cock and I shot a load of cum into my pants and shirt. Janet saw the wet spot put her hand under my shirt and whispered ‘Is this cum?”

I nodded. She licked her fingers and passed some to Julie. They smiled “It tasty!” as they tried to get some more from my wet patch. I moved to ‘spill my drink’ as our parents returned. I returned to my room to change.

As I came back down stairs the girls came up to dress for lunch, on the stairs the stroked my cock and kissed my cheek. Damn I was hard again. I got the dishes out to set the lunch table. At lunch time they sat next to me as normal and chatted. They cleared the table and quietly asked to go for a walk outside. We walked in the back yard and in an area that cannot be seen from the house we sat down.

Janet explained “Other that seeing our dad on top of one of his girls once, and in the medical books. We have never seen a cock. To see yours this morning was a shock and surprise. We promised mum today we would not have sex with you until we are at least 16 and you are 16 as well.”

Julie continued “What we did not promise and we are hopping you will agree is will you let us learn how to ‘play’ with a cock but not technically fuck us, in return you can ‘play’ with us but not break our hymen. We will have to keep it quiet from our parents and sometimes cover for each other. Will you agree please. I can see your cock agrees.”

I stood up and looked around. Then drooped my shorts and underpants so they could feel my hard cock. I spread my legs and put my hands on their heads. They started to kiss and lick my cock. Janet pulled back my foreskin and sucked the head into her sweet mouth. She passed it onto Julie. I started to rock back and forth and soon whispered “I’m cumming.”

I shot a gallon of cum, well it felt like it. And they captured every drop. I pulled my clothes back up and sat back down exhausted. They cuddled and kissed me.

We sat and held hands, lucky, as we did not hear our parents come up.

Dad asked “Whats going on?”

I replied “I am, well, introducing the girls to my quiet spot of the garden. This is where I come to release my anger dad, especially from my ex mum, After what scared my sisters this morning I felt they needed to know a quiet spot to rest and relax.”

June said “This is a nice spot.”

I replied “Why don’t you join up, Dad sit between the girls, mum next to me please.”

They sat down and we closed our eyes for some 20 minutes. Then dad got restless.

We all returned to the house for some drinks. Julie quietly said “We owe you one!” I smiled at her. And put two fingers up, she smiled.

That afternoon I played Minecraft on my computer and the girls kept looking over my shoulder at the game. I asked dad for his credit card. Mum asked “why?”

“I want to setup the game on the girls computer, it’s only $35 for a lifetime licence. If they have any problems I can assist.”

Dad replied to Jane “That he can, he has help me many times in the game.”

Jane looked at Dad “You play it as well!”

Dad smirked “Yes, it great fun.” as he handed me his credit card. The two of them talked for quite some time about money I think.

In the dining room I put my arms around the girls shoulders and over their boobs copping a feel of their bra-less boobs “Would you like me to put the game of Minecraft on your computer to play with?” Well guess who got some kissed and cuddles just as mum and dad walked in. By then it was innocent looking.

They ran upstairs to get their laptops. Mum asked as they came back down the stairs “Getting payments in kisses and cuddles are you son?”

I smiled “Well it’s better that way, other family friends are always screaming and shouting at their siblings. Anyway it’s been a week now and I’m actually enjoying their company. They are not giggle boxes like a lot of girls in school, they are intelligent and you can talk to them. Don’t tell them but I do enjoy their company.” I knew they could hear me, I just wanted mum and dad to kinda know the boy/girl action in me

The girls made a noise to say the were coming. Mum patted my arm “Don’t worry, it won’t be long before you will be chasing them.” and walked away smiling with dad. The girls smiled at me.

I sat them down at the table and sat just behind them. I said “You will be installing the program, Now do you have an email account. They looked at me. OK we are going to start at the very basics. We opened email accounts with proton email. Then installed Minecraft. I processed the payments side using dad credit card, I did let them look on how it was done. The game was up and running for them. I got them to read the basic instructions on the forum and copied over the Minecraft Guide book. Within the first hour they were killed about 5 times before they built their shelters. I returned, to dad, his CC. Within 3 hours they had their mines going. Then dinner and batteries ran out. They ran upstairs to put their laptops on charge. I followed to show them how to save and close out the game together with getting a good kiss and cuddle. They got to feel me as well.

We returned downstairs for dinner. We had an enjoyable night watching 2 movies together.

I did my swimming in the morning and the girls joined me in the pool. We noticed mum watching so we swam and then played around as kids. Breakfast was called. We all wrapped towels around ourselves and went to get our food to eat outside. Again it was going to be a hot day. As the girls were not use to the heat here, I did suggest we go ten pin bowling then lunch at the centre. Dad agreed. After some 30 minutes I returned to do some swimming again. I had to cool off my hard on again. Mum advised she needed to speak to Mr Edwards.

The girls, after completing the chores, joined me in the pool and we played around. Nothing too sexual, although it was in the air between us. Finally we got out of the pool and laid on the sun lounges to relax. I noticed the girls were getting pink so I called it a day. No point putting on suntan for 10 minutes. I let them have the upstairs bathroom whilst I had the downstairs shower.

I walked upstairs in a towel to dress. Julie walked out of the shower in a towel as I arrived. She asked “Where is mum?”

I replied “On the phone and dad is in the office.” She dropped her towel and put her fingers on her lips. Then tugged on my towel which fell away. She stepped forward and hugged me. My cock went straight between her legs and she closed her legs around it giving it an extra hug. Her beautiful C cup boobs with puffy points pushed into my chest as she kissed me pushing her tongue into my mouth. My arms just wrapped themselves around her back and bum and pulled her closer. I responded to her hug. Then I felt a mouth on my cock head as Janet, naked, knelt down and sucked my cock which caused me to cum. Julie felt me cum, she came as well and her juices came all over the body of my cock. She rocked herself along the length of my cock as Janet sucked the full amount of my cum. I just held Julie tightly until we finished cumming and we kept kissing. It was beautiful. Finally I finished. Janet stood up and pulled Julie away to give her some of my cum. I pulled Julie away and kissed Janet to get some as well. Julie knelt down and licked her juices off my cock and then kissed me again. We hugged then returned to out rooms to dress.

After dressing we kissed again then washed our faces for our parents kisses. I said “Thank you my sisters, I needed the pressure relief.” They both hugged me tightly. I thought it was for the sex. It was because I called them ‘my sisters’ as I found out later. We walked down stairs together laughing just as mum finishing talking to Mr Edwards and looked very happy. She kicked dad off his computer and took it over for some 15 minutes telling him to get ready. We made some cold drinks for all.

Mum finished on dads computer and closed it down. She finished her drink and got ready to go bowling then lunch. She was really smiling and happy.

Well the bowling was a tight game. It was Dad and I against the girls. Those girls had played the game before and won the first game. Well thrash us in the first game. Sorry no more gentleman now. Game two Dad and I won by 10 points. Game three I got 7 strikes, dad got 6. We thrash them by 100 points. For that the girls pointed out we had to pay for lunch. We agreed. Overall it was a great game together. I said next time it’s kids against the parents. We agreed.

Lunch was great. Mum and Dad needed to duck away for about an hour so we were about to go for a walk when two 17 year old jocks came over and tried to take the girls away from me, even thought they had their girlfriends with them. One said to Janet “What are you doing with the nerd, come with us and we will show you a good time sexy tits!”

Janet and Julie stood up and she replied “Sorry boy your inch cock can’t even stand up”

He went to push her. Just as his hand reach her boob she screamed “leave my boob alone” grabbed his hand, pushed it upwards under his chin, she step into his body and kneed his balls. He went flying backwards hitting his head on the chair across at the opposite table. Julie hugged her. I stood up and hugged her. They looked at me and smiled then cried.

Security came over and asked what happened. Julie gave an accurate account of how he tried to grab Janet away from us and the security tape will agree so she defended herself. All the others including his friends agreed and he had a reputation of being rough with females. As the ambulance came and took him away with a head injury. They said he was lucky three days later when he turned 18 he would have had much higher charges laid. The girls told me later at their previous school they were all taught how to defend them selves from this type of attack. How effective was Janet defence. We found out later, he ended up in hospital on his 18th birthday with a broken jaw and wrist and a testicle missing somewhere in his body. They hope it will return within the next 9 months.

We continued walking around the centre noting the whispering among my school people about what happened. I told the girls, by the time you girls start school, that story will make you out as a Supergirl. He was not liked at all. Janet reply was “Bullies need to be put in their place, anyway you look out, it has made me horny Paul.” I kissed her.

Walking around the corner we saw mum smiling and dad like a ghost. “What wrong Dad” I asked.

He grabbed me and walked away from the girls. He held me hard, shoulder to shoulder.

We walked around the corned and sat down on a chair. “Son there are many things in life that are achievements. June has just done one major one for us today. It hard for you to understand but to a family man it a milestone achievement. She has paid off our house mortgage. Our house is now mortgage free.” He held me and cried. I just held him. After a minute or so Dad pulled himself together looked at me and said. Thank you son. He dried his eyes. I handed him my hanky.

He said “Go to the girls, I’m just going to the toilet.”

I returned to the girls and gave Jane a big hug and kiss on the lips. Saying “I know you did something special for dad just now, which I don’t understand fully, but thank you from me and dad.” I kissed her on the lips again “mum,” and hugged her. She hugged me and smiled. The girls looked at me in surprise.

Jane said “Now you can help me get a laptop so I don’t have to wait for dad to vacate the computer to do my work and especially the estate work.” We walked over to get the same laptop as we got ourselves. Dad soon joined us. As mum and I were concluding the laptop Dad said not to pay yet. We got the sales docket to pay then joined him. He talked about a family phone plan, his was about to expire. Jane’s had expired and she was on month to month. So they looked at me. I went to the computer sales guy and said we will get the laptop but needed to check something else out and will be back within an hour. As he knew me he agreed.

Going outside we went to the three major carriers and ask for the best family plans. One the top carrier would only do a family plan with three phones. Useless. The second would do it but a small data cap. Three girls sorry no go. The third had a good offer but had no phones in stock.

We returned to the computer store and I asked my computer guy what could they do for us. Well not only did they have the Samsung Galaxy Notes 21 phones in stock, they matched the offer from the third carrier and doubled the data cap for a two year plan not three years and we could up the data limit any time. Now the 5 phones could be purchase outright or over the terms of the contract. Mum purchased outright. So they gave us a 30% discount. They could not do it on the phone itself but they did it on mum’s laptop. Mum put everything in her name. Later that proved most beneficial for her. The girls were happy having their own mobile phone. Dad gave me $500 and we went out to get some covers. He told the girls different colours. They smiled at him and kissed his cheeks as we left. I chose a Blue, the girls a Peach and Dark Pink. Mum got a Cherry colour Dad a Green. He let me keep the change. I thanked him. I was a bit short of cash.

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