On Guard - Cover

On Guard

Copyright© 2021 by Writer Mick

Chapter 3

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 3 - A story of love and loss; of good times and bad; of all that stuff

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Consensual   Rape   Romantic   Heterosexual   Fiction   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   First   Facial   Oral Sex   Tit-Fucking   Revenge   Violence  

“Mom! I’m home,” I called out like I normally did.

“In here, Paul.”

I walked into the house and found my mother in the kitchen with a tall guy. I stopped when I saw him and looked at mom.

“Baby, this is Fred. He’s the security guy that will be around the house.”


“Hello, you must be Paul.”

“I am.”

“I just came in to use the restroom. I’ll be out in the car if you need me.”

Fred left the house and walked out to sit in the front seat of a red Honda Accord. I went to Mom and gave her a kiss on the cheek, just as my phone rang. I answered while looking at the caller ID.

“Hi Jean.”

“Hi Paul. I was just thinking about you. It was a crazy day and I never had the chance to thank you again for saving me.”

“It’s no problem, I had to save me too!”

“Yeah, I guess. What are you doing?”

“I was reading my homework assignment for History. I’m sorry to bother you.”

“No problem, I just finished it and was moving on to Math. How about you?”

“I was sitting and thinking about all this mess and Bill and my dad and my mom.”

“Your mom?”

“Yeah. I mean I still miss her every day.”

“Same for me and my dad.”

“Hey, maybe we should try to get your mom and my dad together. You know, like for a date or something.”

“My mom has never, ever made any sound like she wanted to date someone.”

“Yeah, my dad too. He’s still in love with my mother.”

“And my mom is still in love with my dad. Although the security guy who was in the house when I got home was looking at her with some interest.”

“Security guy?”

“Yeah, he was sitting in the kitchen when I got home.”

“What happened to the guy who followed you home? He’s supposed to be your security guy.”

“You mean mine as in for me only or for us, like my Mom and me?”

“For your mom and you, Paul.”

“Hang on a sec,” I got up and went into my Mom’s bedroom. I looked out the window and the red Honda was pulling out as the black Lexus SUV was pulling up in front of the house.

“Oh crap, I don’t think he was a security guy.”

“Let me get my Dad.”

I heard movement on the phone as Jean ran through her house to find her father. Then I heard her voice in the distance. I was running down the stairs to the kitchen.

“Daddy! Talk to Paul!”

“Paul?” Mr. Carlesetti said

“Yes sir. When I got home there was a guy in the kitchen who said he was one of your security guys. He said he came in to use the restroom. When he left, he got into a red Honda Accord.”

“He’s not one of mine, Paul. Is he still there?”

“No. At least the red Honda isn’t.”

“Is there a black Lexus there?”

“Yes, the guy who followed me home was pulling in as the Honda left.”

“Get out there fast and tell him what you told me. Hurry, he may be able to follow the guy.”

“Paul? What’s going on?” My mom yelled as I ran out the kitchen door.

I ran towards the Lexus SUV as our security guy opened the door and jumped out.

“What’s wrong?”

“The red Honda Accord that was here. Did you see where it went?”


“Catch it!”

Without another word he was back in the car. He floored the Lexus and peeled out. In a flash he was gone down the street. As I watched he turned left about five blocks away. When he disappeared. I don’t know why, but I stood and watched for several minutes after he turned. Suddenly a red Honda Accord came out of a street to the left and turned left onto my street, continuing the direction he was going.

On the chance that the security guy didn’t take the four lefts, I took out my keys, jumped in my Olds and soon was flying down the street. When I got within a block of the red Accord, I backed off and followed. Sometimes in the lane behind him, sometimes not. He pulled into the parking garage of an office building and I stopped across the street.

All this time, I hadn’t realized that I was still connected on the phone to Jean or her Dad. When I’d turned off the engine, I heard a voice. Feeling in my pocket, I pulled out my phone and heard, “Hello?”

“Hello! Mr. Carlesetti?”

“Yes, what did you do?”

“I saw the Honda turn and head up the street and remembered something your security guy told me. If I was being followed, I was to take a trip around the block and see if the car stayed with me. If not then I was to continue turning until I was back on my original route.”

“Where are you know?”

“I’m parked across from an office building that the red Honda pulled into. I don’t know if it’s the same Honda but it’s the same color, model and year as the one from my house.”

I read off the address on the building and Mr. C said, “Hang on, my guy will be there in three minutes. DON’T MOVE!”

“Yes sir.”

He disconnected the call and sure enough, three minutes later, the black Lexus pulled into the parking spot behind me and the driver exited the car and came to my passenger side. I unlocked the door and after he got in he looked at me.

“Paul, first, that was dumb. If this is the bad guys and they saw you follow, they might have led you into a trap. Second, if it’s not the bad guys, you just tore ass through town and that’s dangerous and usually the police don’t like it.”

“I’m sorry. I saw you turn left and then the red Honda turned out and back onto this street and I remembered what you said about driving around the block.”

“So where did this car go?”

“In there,” I pointed to the building across the street. “They haven’t come out and there is no other exit.”

“OK. Stay here.”

He got back in the SUV and drove into the parking garage. I guess he was going to find the car or chase them out. I sat in my car, with the roll bar blocking my face. After a few minutes the security guy drove back out and waved for me to follow. I pulled out, did a U-turn and he led me back to my home.

“Paul! What is going on?” My mother sounded less than pleased with me and just a bit more than scared.

“Mom! That guy that was in here was not with security. The real security guy and I followed him. The security guy is reporting now. I’m going to ask him to come in and meet you so you know who he is.”

“So who was he?”

“I think he was working with the gambling guys.”

“Oh my God! And he was here in my kitchen; only feet away from me!” Mom was panicking.

“Yeah, I know. This is getting really serious now. With the murder trial coming up the truth about gambling and throwing games is going to throw a lot of unwanted light on them. I’ll make sure the security guy tells the police if he hasn’t already. Those security guys seem to be on top of things.”

Just then there was a knock on the kitchen door and I saw the security guy standing there. I opened the door and he stood there.

“You can come in.”

“Not until I’m invited. That’s one of the rules.”

“Like a vampire, huh? Well then, please come in and meet my mom.”

He walked in and nodded towards mom.

“Mrs. O’Dell, Paul, my name is James Dean. I’ve been assigned to be Paul’s shadow during school and the family’s shadow in the evenings. With this incident, I’m sure there will be someone assigned to each of you now.”

“Mr. Dean...”

“Mrs. O’Dell, please call me James. I answer to that name a lot faster.”

“OK ... I guess you can call me Joyce.”

“If it’s all right with you, I’ll stick with Mrs. O’Dell. My boss wants us to keep the relationship as professional as possible. It’s just that in a pinch, I respond to James really fast. It’s like a reflex.”

“OK, James. Now, what is going on.”

“I called in the license plate number of the red Honda and they’re going to check it out. If the driver is associated with any known gamblers or disreputable people, we’ll deal with it.”

Just then James phone rang.

“Excuse me,” he said, before he answered the phone and listened intently.

“OK. I’m on it.” He disconnected the phone.

“That was the office. The red Honda in the garage was the same one that was here. It’s owned by a group that is suspected to have ties to some sketchy Las Vegas bookies. I’m supposed to stay here for the night. I’ll be in the car if you need me.”

“You can stay inside,” my mom said. “At the least we have a couch. At best we have a guest room.”

“Thanks but being in the car will work better for me. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

James headed for the door and I followed. When he got to the SUV, I touched his arm and stopped him.

“James, I don’t need anyone watching me at school. I want you to keep an eye on my mom during the daytime. With all that happened today at school, they aren’t going to be taking any chances with security. Please. Call Mr. Carlesetti if you have to.”

“Let me see what I can do.” He patted my shoulder and got into his car.

I walked back into the house and went back to my homework until dinner was ready. Mom and I ate and then I went back to homework. It must have been about 9:30 when there was a knock on our back kitchen door. I looked at mom and went to the door. I looked out the window and found James standing behind Mr. Carlesetti.

“Mom! It’s James and Mr. Carlesetti.”

“Well, let them in, Paul.”

I unlocked the door and stood out of the way.

“Come on in, Mr. Carlesetti.”

He came in, followed by James Dean, mom pointed to the kitchen table and the two men sat down.

“Would you like something to drink? Water? Coffee?”

“Thank you, Mrs. O’Dell, but I don’t want to take up a lot of time. I need you two to pack a bag for about a week away.”


“Someone just made an attempt on Bill Cattler’s life in the hospital. I’ve decided that I can’t guarantee your and Paul’s safety if you stay here. So, I’d like you to come and stay with me in my home. It’s a very secure location.”

“I don’t know. Staying in the home of a single man.”

“Mom! This isn’t a crude attempt at getting you alone. You didn’t see those two guys today and if they are associated to organized crime, then this could get dangerous. If they are going to try to take out Bill in the hospital, then driving by the house and take a shot through a window will be no big deal for them.”

Mom looked out the windows in the kitchen, their open curtains providing no cover at all. Then she looked at the living room and saw the curtains open as well. She knew the same was the case in the bedrooms upstairs until we went to bed. The house was wide open for anyone wanting to take a shot at us.

“Mrs. O’Dell, you and Paul will each have a separate room and I’ll have security for you to and from work. The same for Paul and Jean at school. It will only be for a week, maybe two, while the trial goes on. After that I believe it will become an issue for the FBI and the local boys will be out of business.”

“The FBI?”

“Yes. Once it’s discovered that an organization outside of the State is involved it will become a Federal matter. Also, my own people will make sure that the local boys are encouraged to leave the area ... permanently.”

“All right, Paul,” my mom ordered. “Get packing, make sure you bring your laptop so you can do homework.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

I took off for my bedroom and pulled out my suitcase from under my bed. First thing in was underwear and socks, then some t-shirts to wear at the motor shop. Next came polo shirts for school and four pairs of jeans. Two pairs of shoes topped off the clothes. Then in the bathroom, I gathered my deodorant, electric razor, comb, toothbrush, and toothpaste. I did a quick check to see if I was missing anything important.

My homework and schoolbooks were in a backpack that also held my laptop and its power supply. I walked down the stairs with my backpack over my shoulder and my suitcase in my other hand. I set them by the back door and then went up to check on Mom. She already had her work uniforms, clean and dirty, packed as well as some casual clothes. She was doing her make-up and bathroom and personal hygiene supplies packed when I came in.

“Do you need any help Mom? Can I carry your suitcase down?”

“Thanks, Paul. Please take the suitcase and I’ll be right behind you with my make-up case.”

“Are you sure? The make-up is probably heavier than the clothes!”

“Paul O’Dell!” she chided. “I love you. Let’s go.”

I grabbed her suitcase and headed down the stairs. James had already loaded my stuff in Mr. Carlesetti’s SUV. He grabbed my mom’s suitcase and her makeup case and headed out to the SUV.

“Mrs. O’Dell and Paul, please follow the SUV to my home. James will follow us to make sure everything stays safe. Do you have everything?”

“I guess so. Oh! What about the perishable foods in the refrigerator?”

“I’ll have someone clean things up tomorrow while you’re at work,” Mr. Carlesetti said.

“I’d rather be here when someone comes into my home for some reason.”

“That’s not a problem. We’ll figure something out,” Mr. Carlesetti said.

“OK,” Mom said, “let’s go. Paul make sure the front door is locked and the drapes are closed in the living room,” my mom ordered.

When I was done, I ran out to my mom’s car with her and kissed her. Then I went to my car and when Mr. Carlesetti pulled out of the driveway, mom was behind him and I was behind her as we drove the quarter-hour to Mr. Carlesetti’s house. We pulled through the opening security gate and drove up the circular driveway until we were directly in front of the entrance.

James had stopped just inside the gate as it closed behind him and the security guy who was leading the way kept driving after we’d stopped and pulled up across from James’ car. I got out of my car, the motor still running and looked at Mr. Carlesetti as he got out of the SUV.

“Mr. Carlesetti! Where should I park?”

“Just leave your car there. Ask your mother to do the same.”

I got back in my car and turned it off, popping the trunk afterwards. My mom got out of her car, a security guy helping her out. Then another guard took her luggage leaving her standing there with her purse and a confused look on her face.

“Paul? What do I do now?”

“I’d say follow the guy who’s got your luggage, Mom.”

I was about to grab my stuff out of the trunk when I saw a guy walking towards the front door of the huge house with my bags as well. I walked to my mom and we headed toward the huge doorway hand in hand. As soon as we got inside, Jean came running down a huge flight of stairs and ran right up to us.

“Hi Paul. Hello, Mrs. O’Dell. I’m Jean Carlesetti. We met at school,” Jean said as she held out her hand in greeting.

“Hello, I remember you,” Mom said, taking Jean’s hand while still reeling from the suddenness of the evacuation from her home.

“You look all confused. Please come with me and I’ll take you to your room. Paul, you too.”

Jean turned and headed back up the staircase with Mom and me following closely behind. My mother seemed to be in shock at the size of the Carlesetti’s home. This was a mansion by any definition.

“Oh my.”

“I know. I had no idea Jean’s parents were so well off,” I replied to my mother as quietly as I could.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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