On Guard - Cover

On Guard

Copyright© 2021 by Writer Mick

Chapter 30

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 30 - A story of love and loss; of good times and bad; of all that stuff

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Consensual   Rape   Romantic   Heterosexual   Fiction   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   First   Facial   Oral Sex   Tit-Fucking   Revenge   Violence  

James and Dom had come in through the front doors locking them behind them with the security bars and padlocks. They worked their way around the sides of the group of eight men. Dom had what looked like a long chain in his gloved hands and James had a bat with big nails sticking out of it by about two inches.

“Since you’re one of the owners, Jerry, I’m sure that you know Dom, the bouncer here.”

“Former bouncer, Paul,” Dom corrected. “Manny and I were relieved of our duties just before I was beat up and Scarlet was removed from the club and Manny was shot and killed.”

“Who fired you?”

“He did,” Dom said pointing at Fred Nelson, who didn’t look very happy.

“This other gentleman is Mr. James Dean, former Special Forces Green Beret, and a good friend of my wife and her father, who in case you didn’t know was just assassinated by the Outfit, the owners of this club.

“James’s wife was shot by you or your friends last year when you tried to kill Jean and me on our prom date, as well as Jean’s father and my mother the same night. You might remember his wife as the tall beauty with the killer purse.”

At that mention Fred winced and looked around.

“Well, Fred. It’s time for you to tell me a story that will make me happy.”

“Fuck you, bitch,” Fred Nelson said, defiantly.

He barely had time to finish his words before Dom had slung the chain, an industrial chainsaw chain, and wrapped it around Fred’s face and neck. The pull that followed it, tore a few chucks out of his face, ripped his mouth twice as wide as normal and began to dig into his throat. Fred Nelson went down on his knees, screaming and trying to stop the chain from ripping his face to shreds.

One of the other men tried to run for it, but James caught up to him, and swung the spiked bat into the back of his thighs and buttocks. James then grabbed the man by the hair and pulled him down into a sitting position on top of the bat as he screamed out in pain. He tried to stand, but James had a hand on his shoulder and held him firmly impaled on the spikes.

“Why are you running away?” James asked calmly.

The man couldn’t speak through the pain of the spikes. They penetrated his pants and I could only imagine what else they had driven holes in. Definitely his ass cheeks, his thighs, and maybe his testicles or even his cock. James grabbed the guy and began to rock him back and forth on the spikes, causing greater screams.

“Maybe you wanted to say something before you left? Maybe I should pick you up and drop you on the spikes again.”


“Talk a little to Mr. O’Dell.”

“The woman left after her shift that night and she was followed outside.”

“Who followed her?”

“I don’t know.”

The screams that followed as James jerked the guy up and dropping him back onto the spikes was horrifying. James then began to wiggle the bat around. The spikes must have been ripping the holes they started, making them wider and wider. His pants were soaking with blood and piss.

“This little bitch is going to pass out soon. Which one of you wants to take his place?” James declared.

Dom had pulled the bloody chain from Fred Nelson’s mangled face and was swinging it around his head like a lasso. He was looking at one man in particular. He was a shorter man and when he saw he was next, he screamed out, “I’ll tell you everything. Don’t hurt me.”

Dom grabbed the guy by the front of his shirt and pulled him from the crowd, pushing him towards me.

“Talk to me,” I said in an evil, yet friendly, manner. “What’s your name?”

“My name is Benny. I didn’t do nothing. I told them I wouldn’t do nothing to one of the girls. I don’t do shit like that.”

“Tell me more.”

“There were several guys, but I heard the girl telling Jerry Monroe and Fred Nelson and Bobby Craft that her contract with the old owners was that she danced on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday and she wasn’t going to add days or shifts. She said that she wasn’t required to do lap dances or take customers to the VIP rooms.”

“Fred told her that was going to change. Scarlet told the guys to go fuck themselves and that’s when Jerry said no, they were going to fuck her. They dragged her towards the back door by the arm and the big Samoan guy, Manny, attacked the mess of them.”

“How many were there? The three owners not four?”

“There were a couple of other guys. Not just three owners. Manny was punching and kicking everyone he could reach. At the same time, she kicked one of the guys in the nuts and then Jerry punched her in the face and knocked her out.”

That caused me to look at Jerry and see a dead man.

“Then Manny grabbed the nearest of the guys by the throat and almost ripped it out. He seemed to be winning until someone shot him in the back. Then Jerry grabbed Scarlet by the hair and dragged her out of the front door right over Manny’s body. He was getting up screaming like a monster when the guy with the gun shot him in the head. That’s all I saw. That’s all I know. Really! As soon as I saw Manny killed I ran out of here.”

I looked the guy in the eyes and could tell he was scared shitless and that he was also telling the truth. I grabbed him by the balls and jerked them up, hard. He let out a whimpering scream and began to sweat profusely.

“Give me your wallet, Benny and get out. If I find out you told the truth, I’ll get the wallet back to you. If I find out that you lied to me, I’ll return the wallet by jamming it up your ass before I cut the throats of your family right in front of you.”

“It’s the truth! Honest mister! I would never do anything to hurt these girls.”

The guy put his wallet in my hand and I pointed to the back door. He took off like a shot and Dom let him out. When he returned, Dom was swinging the chain again. I walked over to Jerry Monroe.

“Is what that guy said true?”

He didn’t say a word. If anything, he gave me a look of complete contempt. So, I jabbed out my right hand like I was going to punch him but instead I poked him in the eye with my right index finger. Jerry Monroe let out a scream and grabbed for his eye.

“Imagine how that’s going to feel when I poke it so hard that it bursts the eyeball.”

At that point all hell broke loose and the rest of the group tried to rush for the door. I saw a gun and heard a shot. James dropped to one knee before I pulled my 1911 and shot into the body the hand holding the gun was attached to. He fell and the group froze and I yelled out loud.

“Dom! Check On James! I’ll kill every mother fucking one of you if that’s what it takes to get the men who beat, tortured, and raped my wife. So, choose now. I want the men who did it.”

“Paul, James is grazed. The guy that had the gun is hit bad but alive.”

There was a general commotion in the group and then a thin guy stepped forward.

“Mr. O’Dell, my name is Dale. It was like Benny said. But I don’t think he knew that we were all here because Jerry and Fred promised a gangbang after hours. I know at least five of the dancers who’ll fuck a guy in the back of their car for $50 bucks so I didn’t think nothing of it. Scarlet was never one of them and when Fred got up and announced after they closed the place that Scarlet was going to be the woman in the gangbang everyone was confused.

“We all started to wonder what the fuck was going on cause everyone likes her and knows that she’s 100% hands off. Several guys bailed out and headed for the door and then Bobby came out from backstage pulling Scarlet by the arm and Manny began to raise hell and tell everyone that it wasn’t going to happen unless it was over his dead body.

“Then Manny just lost his mind. The three guys headed for the back door with a few more guys following and Manny got in front of them and went after them. Scarlet kicked Bobby in the nuts and he let go of her. Jerry punched her in the mouth and knocked her out. After that it happened like Benny said then.”

“Who shot Manny?”

“He did,” the thin guy said pointing at the man on the floor near James. Several others pointed to the body at the same time, adding veracity to the story.

I looked over to James. The guy who had been impaled on the bat spikes was passed out on the floor. James looked at him, the blood was pooling on the floor under his legs and with a fast step forward, James kicked the guy full in the face with the tip of the infantry boots he was wearing. The man’s head snapped around and his body went completely limp.

Fred Nelson’s face had pieces hanging off the front of his skull. I walked to him and looked into where his eyes should be. He was whimpering and shaking.

“Fred, did you rape my wife?” already knowing the answer.

There were tears coming out of where his eyes should have been and his shoulders shook as he tried to express his fear or contriteness, he nodded. It didn’t matter. I lifted my 1911 and put it in his mouth and pulled the trigger. The men behind him were splattered with brains and one of them stopped the main fragment of the .45 caliber bullet with his arm after it exited Fred’s head.

Several men puked and they all began to cry and profess their innocence.

“I told you. I will kill every motherfucking one of you if I have to. I’ll kill you all and let Satan sort you out.”

Jerry Monroe and Bobby Craft stood there knowing their fate wasn’t going to be pleasant or in the far future. Jerry Monroe was still blind in his left eye.

“The pieces of shit who beat and raped my wife are going to pay for what they did. When I ask them which of you joined them, who will they incriminate?”

The remaining men all tried to back away and separate themselves from the remaining two owners, shaking their heads.

“Mr. O’Dell,” another guy stepped forward and spoke with conviction. “I was there that night for the gangbang. They’ve done them before and the girls always seemed to have good time. But that night I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. I was going to step in but then Manny was shot in the head. I’m no hero, so I didn’t step forward. As I recall the three owners were the men involved and other than Vince, the guy with the gun over there, everyone else, even the guys who were following the owners towards the back door, backed away after Manny was shot.”

“And him?” I asked pointing to the body on the floor, still bleeding from the spikes.

“Just unlucky, I guess.”

“So, you’re all saying that it was Jerry, Bobby and Fred who attacked my wife?”

“As far as what happened here, yes,” the man who has spoken earlier said. “Those three men were the only ones who laid hands on Scarlet here in front of me.”

James walked to Bobby, who was still unscathed and seemed to want to try to stay that way and asked him firmly, “Where did you three take Jean?”

“Upstairs. We went up the fire escape in the back of the building.”

“So, you admit that you beat and raped my wife?” I asked.

“Yes. I’m sorry. I was following Jerry’s commands.”

“Too bad.”

Dom wrapped the chain around his neck and began to saw it around, ripping pieces of flesh off until it was deep enough to cut his windpipe. Bobby was screaming and spitting out blood and trying to grasp the chain but when he was able to get his fingers between his torn flesh and the chain, the sharp edges on the chain removed his fingers. His screams became a gurgling, spitting sound.

I walked to Bobby Craft and put the 1911 in his mouth.

“Jean had her jaw broken in three places,” I informed him then I pulled the 1911 back and aimed it from the side of his face and pulled the trigger, blowing his jaw off of his face. Dom released the chain and Bobby Craft fell over sideways creating his own pool of blood on the floor of the club. I was tempted to jump on his chest and see if I could make him squirt.

I turned to Jerry. The look on his face was now a mask of horror. Still holding his damaged eye with one hand, he knew his time had come.

“Jerry, you should have been happy being a mediocre football player. You should have paid attention to your grades. Then maybe you would have been smart enough to not get involved with the Outfit. Maybe.”

I paused and looked around. The other men in the room were in shock. I took James’s bat and moved to Jerry.

“You broke Jeans ribs and punctured her lungs.”

I swung the thick end of the bat into Jerry Monroe’s ribs as hard as I could. The force drove the spikes into the side of his chest and I heard the cracks of his ribs and saw the blood begin to come from his mouth when he coughed and gasped for a breath. He fell over and lay on his side. The look on his face was begging for mercy.

“She had a broken left arm.”

I came down on his left arm and drove the spikes into his arm, causing it to snap. Jerry screamed louder when I sawed the bat back and forth to remove one of the spikes that had gotten stuck in the bone.

“You broke her right leg. It was a compound fracture. The bone was sticking out of her skin.”

I slammed the bat down on the side of Jerry’s right shin, breaking it as well but only breaking the bone. I lifted the bat over my head and came down as hard as I could, driving the bone out of the flesh and muscle of his leg. I had to move the bat back and forth again several times to dislodge the spikes from the firm bone.

“The doctor said, Jerry, that her vagina was ripped and torn.”

I pushed Jerry onto his back and kicked his broken leg to the side and swung the bats spikes straight into his groin. He would have screamed but his throat was full of blood from his broken lungs. I knelt down by Jerry’s ear; I didn’t know if he was still conscious so I whispered to him.

“The doctor said her ass was torn up as well. This is it for you, Jerry. I hope it was worth it.”

I pushed the muzzle of the 1911 against the ass of his pants and between Jerry’s cheeks. I fired a shot up through his asshole and out of his chest.

I looked at the remaining men.

“If I get word that any of you were involved, all of this will be repeated on you and your families. Other than that, if anyone from the Outfit or the police ask you, you ... saw ... nothing!”

I walked out the back door, Dom followed helping James to keep pressure on his arm. We got James to the ER and explained his gunshot wound as an accident during a security training exercise. That seemed to satisfy everyone at the ER but they told us they would have to report it to the police.

Only one more thing remained for me. The last name on the list.

I didn’t tell James or Dom the next part of my plan. This was mine. The next night, Friday, after a shower and after disposing of my bloody clothes, I dressed in black slacks, a black, long sleeved t-shirt and donned the new long infantry coat I’d bought a few days before.

It was a bit large, which is what I wanted. I took my right arm out of the long coat’s sleeve and put it through the sling I’d attached to the butt of the old Auto 5 shotgun. I let the weapon hang down at the inside of the long coat and returned my arm to the coat’s sleeve before getting in my Olds.

I’d checked on the schedule of my target and timed it so I would get to his apartment a few minutes before he normally got home that Saturday night. After taking a few trips around the block I drove to the apartment building that was a part of a rejuvenated portion of downtown. I parked in the dark alley between the row of restaurants facing the business section of downtown and the loft apartments facing the other way.

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