On Guard - Cover

On Guard

Copyright© 2021 by Writer Mick

Chapter 28

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 28 - A story of love and loss; of good times and bad; of all that stuff

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Consensual   Rape   Romantic   Heterosexual   Fiction   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   First   Facial   Oral Sex   Tit-Fucking   Revenge   Violence  

“Hey Scarlet, after work you want to come with us and get some breakfast?”

“I don’t think so, Manny. It’s been three weeks and I’m missing Paul a lot. I’m just going to go home and curl up in bed and cry myself to sleep again.”

“Is it really that bad?” her huge friend asked quietly.

“Yeah, Manny. Sometimes it is. We Skype every Sunday, but it’s not the same as having him with me. Some nights are worse than others. Some nights I just feel so alone.”

“I understand, that’s why I’m asking. Come on out with the girls and Dom and me. Take your mind off being lonely for a while. It’s amazing what some big thick waffles smothered in butter and syrup will do for your outlook.”

Jean sat at her dressing table and gave it a few seconds of thought. Looking in the mirror, it seemed that even her nipples and breasts looked sad. She pulled her shoulders back, but they still seemed to droop; something her breasts had never done until Paul left. Looking up at her big friend, Jean smiled.

“OK. It’s been a while since I had waffles that I didn’t make myself.”

Manny smiled his big Samoan smile and left the dressing room to return to his duties. Jean began to remove her make up. She had a little work to do to get ready for her next set, the last of the night. She was going to be a pixie and had to apply sparkles to her body. She thought of how much Paul would love to see the sparkles in her bright red bush. And took a moment to fantasize about how his face would look covered in sparkles and her wetness. She was so lonely.

The crowd went nuts with the pixie motif Jean used. They went crazier with the nude, last dance of the set to The Tubes “She’s A Beauty”. When she was done, Manny came onstage and collected her tips and took them backstage.

“That was fantastic, Scarlet. It looks like you raked in a lot.”

“Yeah and now I have to give almost two-thirds of it back to the house.”

“Would you like me to sneak a little to the side for you? Do you need some cash? I’d be able to help a little.”

“Oh no, Manny. I’m doing fine for funds. But thank you so much for the thought. As a matter of fact if you ever need something to tide you over let me know. Paul’s family and mine have a decent bank account. Besides I thought the money that went to the house was being divided up between the security guys, the DJ, and the house. Where does it all go?””

“No Dom and I don’t want or get any of the dancers money. Word is the house gets it to launder money for drug deals. That’s why they have the dancers selling coke and X to the customers. I imagine the customers are then turning around and sharing it with the dancers.”

“What about the cops, Manny? The cops come in every Thursday from softball.”

“The cops that cruise this area are on the take already and will look the other and way now that the Outfit is in full swing honest cops are steered away from here. The ADA who handled crime in this part of town loses any reports or arrest records.”

“Wow, I didn’t know it was that bad. I know I’ve seen some of the new girls pretty fucked up when they come back from taking a guy to the parking lot.”

“Yeah and it’s going to be getting worse. Please be careful, I can’t be everywhere.”

“I guess I need to think about what I’ll do. I’d hate to have to quit dancing. It just makes me feel so good.”

“Are you still coming to IHOP with us after?”

“Yeah, Manny.”

Dom, Manny, Jean and five other dancers walked into the IHOP. Two of the girls were not the contract girls and the conversation quickly turned to the activities of the girls fucking customers and selling drugs.

“I just don’t get how you can let them turn you into a whore.”

“Simple, I was already a slut. I like to fuck. So now I can monetize it and not worry about the cops. We’re protected. Besides, I get the feeling that if I refused to sell myself or drugs, I would quickly find myself lying next to Bambi.”

The chat continued as the girls talked about guys with big dicks and small dicks and who tried to fuck with no rubbers. One of the girls showed up for a party and found out that three guys had turned into thirteen. Her escort collected from all the men but she never saw her cut.

Jean ate her waffles and kept her mouth shut. After she finished she excused herself and went home. She and Manny walked to the lot and she got in the Olds.

“Thanks Manny. I had a good time.”

“A little short though.”

“Yeah, I just want to be with Paul. Thanks again. Good night, Manny.”

“Good night, Scarlet.”

The Olds gave her a nice feeling of safety. Once in it she knew that she could run away from any danger. She drove home at the speed limit and once home she felt she was safer. Walking into the house, she found Ingrid still awake.

“Morning Jean,” Ingrid said.

“Good morning. What are you doing up?”

“Gregory left for a game this afternoon. So I’m up being lonely.

“I Understand, babe. I miss Paul so much, Ingy. Did I tell you that a few weeks ago Manny offered to take care of me sexually until Paul came home? He said no strings and that he felt bad for me walking around looking sad. We both agreed that was not going to happen but it made me miss Paul a whole lot more.”

“How long before he can come home for a bit?”

“I don’t know. I think he gets like weekend passes, but as far as time off to come home, I just don’t know. I’ll ask him when we Skype this weekend.”

“Is it really that bad?”

“Yeah, sometimes when we are talking on Skype, I want to take the camera and stick in in my pussy and scream for Paul to cum inside me.”

“Damn, girlfriend. Oh shit! I just thought that me and Gregory always fucking around the house, must drive you nuts. I’m sorry. We’ll keep it in my room or somewhere else.”

“Thanks, but honestly, seeing him bury that bone of his in you makes me remember how Paul used to make me feel like I was being split wide open. It makes me feel better in some ways. You know what I was wishing the other night when you and I were cuddled on the couch watching that stupid rom com movie?”


“I was wishing that I could taste Gregory’s cum from your pussy.”


“Yeah, I know. But I would never even think of tasting it direct from the source, I was wanting to eat his cream pie from you and try to remember what Paul’s tasted like.”

“It probably tastes different from Paul’s. Gregory has a different diet and I read that really affects the taste. If you don’t eat a good diet the semen tastes funny. What was the phrase? Funky spunk?”

“Does Gregory taste funky?”

“No. He tastes like honey ... to me.”

“Oh well. It was just a fantasy.”

“I’ll see what I can do.”

The two friends hugged and on this night went to the same bed.

Just after 10AM, Ingrid had finished breakfast and cleaned up the dishes before she left for school. Jean got out of bed and started the laundry and the house cleaning. She looked at the calendar and wondered, like she had for the past few weeks, when her Paul would be home.

After breakfast on Sunday, I went back to the barracks after breakfast, showered, and, in the privacy of my own room, I dropped my towel and did my usual Skype with Jean.

“Good morning, Paul. I love you.”

“Good morning, my dear. I love you too.”

“How are you?”

“Fine. I just ran another 15 miles with a 50-pound backpack.”

“Oh my. Was it hard?”

“Not as hard as it was on my friends who were hungover from last night. Or as hard as my cock is right now looking at you.”

“Show me.”

I stood and let Jean see that I was at full mast.

“Oh my,” she said as I saw movement off screen. “Look,” she demanded as she aimed the camera down at the hand that was jilling away at the red furry pussy I loved so much. I responded by stroking myself along with her.

“Paul, I’m cumming!”

Jean stiffened and I could see her legs shoot out straight and squeeze together trapping her hand between them. I kept stroking as she shuddered several times and then began to recover, still rubbing away at herself.

“Oh Paul ... here ... oh ... again...” she babbled and came again.

After this recovery, she moved the camera back to her flushed face and licked the juice off her fingers.

“Cum for me, Paul. Shoot for me.”

I was on the edge after her performance and I stroked a few more times, looking at her full lips and her wanton expression before I blew a load up and off screen. My hand was covered in semen and she did as she always did, “Paul, eat it for me, please.”

I scooped up what wasn’t in my hand and lick the pool of it out of the palm of my hand. I finished by running my tongue around my lips and licking each of my fingers. Jean came again and after her recovery she began our conversation anew.

“Paul, maybe you could shoot into a rubber and send it to me so I could eat it.”

“I don’t think you’d like the taste of several day old cum, mixed with latex. It sounds kind of nasty to me.”

“Yeah, when you talk about it like that it does sound pretty bad. I miss you so much.”

“I miss you too. How’s school?”

“Great, I’m the top of all my classes. When I get my grades I’ll email them to you.”

“So, the classes aren’t boring anymore?”

“Oh, they suck donkey dick, but I finally figured that if their purpose was to weed out the idiots then I had no business being anywhere but at the top of my class.”

“That sounds like the woman I fell in love with. Have you been hit on much?”

“No, love. After you went back I began to wear the grossest, most dowdy clothes you can imagine at school. I won’t even send you a picture because you might divorce me.”


“I’m joking. I’ve seen several guys around campus that I’ve seen in the audience at the club and they don’t recognize me. There’s only one thing that has bothered me.”

“What was that?” I asked, the concern in my voice was obvious.

“You know what? I told Manny that in private he could call me Jean and he said no. He said that if he did that it would be like cheating on you and he likes you too much. He says that he’ll just live with his fantasies of Scarlet and leave Jean out of it.”

“Jean, that is some fucked up thinking. I mean are you really two different people to him?”

“All the girls are, Paul. No one calls any one by their real names around the club. When I see the girls out shopping it’s “Hi Jean” and “Hi Bev” but never “Hi Scarlet” or “Hi Naughty”.”

“Naughty? Weird.”

“When do you come home next?”

“I don’t know.”

“What do you guys do for a release?”

“We get to go to town on weekends but we have to be back on base each Friday and Saturday night.”

“I just thought of something. Can I fly to Columbus and be with you for a weekend?”

I paused to think about that. What a great idea.

“Let me find out something from my sergeant. If I still have to be back on base each night, I guess we could just be together in the days.”

“We could fuck from can see to can’t see, like you say, and then you can sleep it off in your room.”

“I’d be as hungover as the other guys.”

“Ooh ... fuck drunk. I like the sound of that.”

“Let me find out the regs on that idea and I’ll let you know. Do you have enough money to get a flight?”

“Paul, you really have no idea of how much money our families have or how much I’m making, do you?

“I guess not. I mean I know I have enough to fly First-Class when I come home, but I don’t really think about it.

“Paul, I made four thousand dollars this week.”


“Yeah. It’s all going into a special account after I pay the bills that is.”

“But four thousand. That’s nuts.”

“Men like naked girls a lot. Even having to turn over about two-thirds to the club. None of the girls are happy about that. The word is official, the club will arrange for the girls to fuck customers for more money or sell drugs without fear of getting busted. And before you ask, the girls that have personal contracts with the old man are exempted from that shit but we still have to pay.”

My silence and my facial expression said all I needed to say.

“Paul? Have faith in me. I will never do anything to dishonor our family name. One of Trent’s buddies came on to me and I told him something I read in one of your father’s letters to your mother. He told her not to worry about a problem she was having at work when he was on reserve duty. He said that she should tell the guy that, and I quote, “The O’Dells will not be trifled with”.”

“My father used that phrase a few times when people were messing with us or the farm.”

“Besides, I also have Manny and Dom and Angel. Barbara is getting big and it looks like she has gotten taller. No one, and I mean no one, bothers Angel at the club.”

“How is my mother doing?”

“She’s big, too. She and Daddy are like little kids together. I was over there the other day and he was rubbing lotion into her belly to prevent stretch marks. And her nipples are so big and dark. I can’t wait until you can do that for me and suck on my big pink nipples.”

“I’m ready whenever you are. Maybe you can begin taking steps before you come to visit. Get off the pill...”

“I already am!”

“Really? What about the feeling of being attacked?”

“Things here are a pain in the ass but I don’t feel unsafe anymore. Jerry and the guys have backed off a lot. They still give me shitty looks, but there is no more harassment.”

“Then start checking to see when your most fertile time falls on a weekend and maybe we can fly you in and make it happen here.”

“I can’t wait to squirt milk at you on camera!”

“I can’t wait to drink it straight from the tap!”

“I love you so much, Paul.”

“I love you with all my soul, Jean. Please be safe and give my love to everyone, even Manny!”

“I will,” she giggled.

“I have to go and study.”

“Me too. I love you.”

“I love you, bye.”


I disconnected the call and lay back on my bed stroking my cock and thinking of the day I get to knock up my wife. I shot all over my chest and stomach and then just walked to the shower room. I was in the hall and almost in the shower room before I realized that I was naked out in public and covered in cum. Luckily no one was in the hall or the shower room. I took a quick shower and ran back still wet and naked to my room to dry off.

The weeks rolled by and we never could find a time to get Jean to fly out to Columbus, GA. We decided that we would wait since I was ready to graduate from Sniper School and would be assigned to a permanent unit.

“Do you know what country you’ll be assigned to?”

“That I do know. I’ll be shipped off to the United States.”


“Yeah. Snipers are kept together as a unit and shipped out as needed for specific missions.”

“Then maybe after you graduate we CAN get together and make a baby.”

“As soon as possible. Actually, we should be able to fly you out every weekend.”

“That will cost too much money, even for us.”

“Well, there is one other option we haven’t talked about. You could just move out here, get a house and I could live with you on the weekends and come be with you every evening before lights out.”

Jean got quiet.

“Are there places where I could dance?”

“There are, but all the ones I’ve heard of are very sketchy. Military guys are not known to be particular about naked women being skanky or fat or whatever. To those guys, naked pussy is naked pussy. I would really prefer that you not set foot near those places.”

“Let me think about it. In the meantime, I can fly out on weekends and fuck you through the mattress.”

“I thought I was supposed to fuck you through the mattress.”

“Nope, I’m going to be on top and I’m going to ride you until you are callused. Then I’m going to slather your cock with lotion and go home so you can spend the month healing.”

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