On Guard - Cover

On Guard

Copyright© 2021 by Writer Mick

Chapter 25

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 25 - A story of love and loss; of good times and bad; of all that stuff

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Consensual   Rape   Romantic   Heterosexual   Fiction   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   First   Facial   Oral Sex   Tit-Fucking   Revenge   Violence  

“Ingrid, that doesn’t make me feel bad. I would hope that you would think that your man was the best of all men, and for you he should be.”

She smiled and we sat quietly enjoying the crisp morning air. Her bright red nipples were wrinkled and tight. Her firm smooth stomach stretched down to her bald mound. I noticed that she was watching me admire her form.

“Do you mind?” I asked.


“That I’m looking you over.”

“No. What sort of woman would I be if I didn’t enjoy a man’s admiration.”

“My dad always told me that it was rude to not admire an attractive woman, and Ingrid you are an attractive woman. You’re almost as attractive as Jean is to me. I hope you don’t mind if I occasionally perv over you, you know, like a brother would over a sister.”

“Paul! That is perving, but only a little. I know that you would never do anything to violate your vows or love for Jean.”

“I’ve taken as much time as I could to look closely at as much of her as I can. You know she has these little wrinkles at the sides of her mouth that no one would notice if they were within a couple of inches of them. I see those little things and they just multiply my feelings for her.”

“I know what you mean. I spent almost an hour examining and tracing the blue veins that run up and down Gregory’s penis. It wasn’t a sexual thing at all. It was warm and soft and I think it is the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen. I just happy that it’s going to be all mine forever.”

“Does it still look like he’s going high in the draft?”

“Yeah, the guys who are supposed to know say he’s going third, but that would mean going to Chicago. He would really like to play in Kansas City. But you go where you’re drafted and give them the first four years of your career. The offensive line coaches here have taught him so much, but in the NFL the coaches have to be better than the ones in college, right?”

“I would hope so but I’ve seen some pretty bad O-line play in the pros at times. Since meeting Gregory, I watch pro sports with a different eye now. As a professional soldier, I see things I never noticed before. When I get to Sniper School next week, they tell me that I’ll learn to be even more observant. I can’t wait.”

“Sniper School. Jean’s scared to death that you’ll get shot.”

“And I’m scared the same will happen to her. I’m just praying that my little talk with Jerry Monroe is taken to heart. If anything happened to Jean I’m afraid I’d go nuts.”

“Her too, Paul.”

I nodded my acknowledgment of her words

“So where is your husband on this bright and sunshiny morning?”

“Husband. God that sounds so strange. I’m married, Paul. I actually did it and to a man who presses every button and fantasy I’ve ever had. He’s handsome, hung, and is going to be rich. If he gets hurt, he has a degree in marketing and communications, and that will allow him to make a really good living after football. We’re going to live really cheap for the first few years and bank everything we earn. In four years, he’ll be able to talk to the guys in KC and that should be our last move. If I can hold off, that is where I’ll have all our babies.”

“You’re really going to leave Boise?”

“Oh yeah. All those morons from California are moving in and screwing up everything. Can you believe that a group got together to protest a couple of restaurants serving elk and bison? One of those asshats actually told me that I should not kill animals for food but instead get my food from the grocery store like everyone else!”

“Yeah, I ran into a few of those gentle souls in Basic. Their education was not meted out easily. They bitched and moaned and did a shitload of push-ups and laps around the parade ground.”

“I don’t understand why they’re in the Army. Do they think the bad guys won’t shoot at them because it would hurt their feelings?”

“I don’t know but it wouldn’t surprise me. Speaking of surprises, how does Gregory manage to sleep so late on such a beautiful day?”

“Easy. I’m out here with you.”

I laughed and finished my coffee and got up to get another cup.

“Do you want another cup?”

“No, I think I’ll go and act like a hot and horny married lady.”

“No act, Ingrid. No act.”

“Thanks, Paul ... Paul?” Ingrid stopped in mid-step towards the kitchen door and looked at me, almost sadly. “Why wasn’t I good enough for Trent?”

“You were plenty good for him, but he’s an asshole and for whatever reason believed that you were fucking me and Jerry, Bobby and Fred and God knows who else.”

“As if!”

“I know.” I said with false amazement. “I speak for others but I can’t imagine why I, personally, would ever want to have sex with a tall, blonde, sex goddess with big tits and a killer smile.”

“You butt!”

She gently slapped my shoulder and wiggled back into the house with me on her tail, as it were. What a tail though! I had to admit that Jean’s tail was so much better and I could have it with no guilt and without betraying a trust. Jean’s tail was all mine and I was going to miss it. And worry about it.

On Saturday night, Jean and I talked about babies again.

“I don’t want to go off the pill until we are sure the Outfit won’t be causing more problems. I’m serious, Paul. I would die if I got raped and had to have another man’s baby. Please let’s just wait until they get their collective heads out of their asses or until you’re out of the Army and can be here with me.”

“You keep bringing up getting raped, Jean. If it’s that big a concern, for God’s sake, quit!”

“I know, but I just can’t bring myself to do it. It’s just too much a part of me and my family.”

“You mean your mother. I don’t think Mr. C would be much of a stripper.”

“Really? Someday I’ll tell you about the one night I caught him dancing on the pool.”

“Wow,” That thought would leave a mark. “Well then stick with Angel and Dom and Manny and they’ll take care of you until I can stay home.”

“OK. Am I still taking you to the airport tomorrow?”

“You’d better. I love you so much. It’s breaking my heart that I can’t fix things. In the Army it’s simple. If it moves, salute it. If it doesn’t move, paint it green. If it is a bad guy, shoot it.”

Jean jumped to her feet and stood at attention and saluted my rigid, hard cock. Then she leaned over and kissed it.

“It isn’t moving, do I have to paint it green or shoot it? I’d much rather kiss it and cuddle it and stroke it and suck it and slide up and down on it and...”

“Damn, woman! I don’t care what you do, just pick a few and get started!”

Jean smiled and with her mouth opened wide, she straddled me and dove for my cock, placing her wet, furry pussy on my face. We made love for hours. We used every sexual skill we could think of to satisfy each other.

When Sunday morning came around at midnight, Jean stopped me from what I was doing. She licked her essence off my face and hugged me.

“Sleep, Paul. I want to feel you asleep and trusting in my arms.”

I turned and she held me close to her. Letting a long sigh, I fell asleep, just like I could in the Army.

The alarm never went off. At about 0500, Jean woke me up with a series of soft warm kisses. I stretched and when I was sufficiently awake, I returned the kisses and we made love one more time before I left to go back.

There was a great American swimmer a few decades back. She was the best butterflier in the world by leaps and bounds. In an interview someone asked her what the hardest part of the 200 meter Butterfly was and she answered, “Letting go of the wall on the last turn,”

That was how I felt trying to let go of Jean in bed that morning. We finally got up and showered. Jean spent most of the shower holding me and crying.

“Jean why the tears? You weren’t this bad last time I left.”

“I guess I’m realizing that you’re closer to getting shot at.”

“Jean, I’ve been shot at, remember Prom night?”

“That’s not what I meant and you know it.”

“I do know it and you know that I’ll be worrying about you getting shot at too, right?”

“Don’t you dare worry about that Paul O’Dell. You stay focused on your job and come home safe.”

“I will. You be safe as well. I want to come home to a hot wife.”

“Barbara is going to get me a purse like hers and she’s going to teach me how to shoot. I have applied for a permit to conceal carry and she’s going to take me to the range to certify me. That’s one more layer of protection.”

I thought that if she had a gun and the word got out then the Outfit could hurt her and claim it was self-defense. I didn’t say that to her. No sense getting her worried and confused.

I got into my uniform and we went downstairs. The coffeemaker Jean had programmed the previous evening had kicked on and had our morning blend ready to go.

“What would you like for breakfast?”

“Oatmeal, I think. Then the smell of eggs and bacon won’t wake up Ingrid and Gregory.”

“They won’t wake up. It’s Sunday morning. After a week of classes and the bye week, Gregory is taking advantage of getting all the sleep he can get and Ingy is letting him sleep.”

“The girl must have a ton of willpower. She told me that she can’t believe that she went and got married. In my humble opinion, their marriage is going to be one of those very, very long ones. Like ours, Jean. I hope.”

“No hope at all. I know it. You weren’t my first but you’ll be my last, Paul. Like the old song says you’re my everything.”

Jean was stirring the oatmeal as she spoke and when she paused she stuck her finger in the pot.

“Needs more salt. Do you want anything else in the oatmeal?”

“Brown sugar would be nice.”

Jean pulled down the bag of brown sugar and stabbed a fork into it a few times, then reached in and lifted out a chuck of the sweet stuff. She dropped it into the oatmeal and stirred until the brown sugar had melted and mixed in. Pulling down a couple of dishes she spooned oatmeal into each and brought the steaming mix to the table.

“Would you like milk?”

“No, thank you.”

Jean sat down and gently blew on her breakfast, then reached out and took my hand.

“Paul, please be safe. I love you more than anything in the world. You have to come home to me so we can make lots and lots of babies.”

“I was thinking about that the other evening while you were at the club. When my enlistment is up, I’ll only be twenty-four or -five. We can make babies until you’re in your early thirties if you want. That’s six or seven kids.”

“I know. I dreamed about being in the back yard watching them all run around naked.” Jean got a silly look on her face then. “In my dream though, they’re all the same age. I’m not sure about having six or seven babies all at the one time.”

“Yeah, it would ruin your best dance routines!”

“Yeah, and if I did a back bend, I’d tip over sideways from being top-heavy.”

That made us both laugh. We finished our meal in silence, holding hands and eating with the free hand. We cleaned up the dishes and I slung my duffel over my shoulder, picked up my small carry on and we walked, hand-in-hand, out to the Olds.

“I want to drive,” I said.

“OK, but don’t go like a madman, Paul.”

“Me? No way.”

I backed out of the drive and floored it for a block, then came back to the speed limit and smiled at Jean. The drive to the airport was quiet. Jean rested her hand on top of mine on the shift handle. I pulled into the short term parking garage and we walked to the terminal.

“I like holding your hand, Paul. It’s firm and warm and not wet like your dick!”

“You really just said that to me out loud and in public?”

“Yup!” Then she sniffled.

“Don’t start that, you’ll get me going too.”

“I’m sorry. I’m going to be so lonely as soon as I step out of the terminal and go to the car alone. I know you needed to do this, but I wish your time in the Army was over already.”

“Me too, Jean. But I’ve got the better part of five years to go. After that I’ll be in the reserves, but I’ll be home. If we’re not involved in some crazy conflict like Afghanistan, the need for snipers will not be very big. I shouldn’t have to serve any more. Then it’s baby time.”

I stepped to the First-class counter and presented my ID and bank card. The guy at the counter smiled and asked if I wanted two seats.”

“I wish. I have to go back; she has to stay. So, one ticket please.”

“Window or aisle?”

“Window, please.”

“Chicken or fish?”


“On your leg from Denver to Columbus there is a meal. Would you like chicken or fish?”

“Oh, chicken, I guess.”

He took my duffel off the scale and handed it to another agent. He punched a few more keys into the computer and then handed me my ticket, receipt and boarding pass.

“You’re cleared through security. Take the left hand gate into the TSA area. Thank you for your service.”

“Thank you for yours.” I smiled and nodded to the counter agent.

Taking Jean by the hand, we walked down the concourse to the TSA checkpoint. There was an area to the left of the checkpoint with chairs and couches behind a long glass wall for people waiting for arrivals. Jean and I took a seat on a couch.

Just as we sat I looked over and coming up the escalator from car rentals and baggage claim was Jerry Monroe. He was looking at the exit from the gate concourse. As we watched an older man, well-dressed man came through the exit. Jerry greeted him and shook hands. As they turned to go back down the escalator, Jerry saw me and froze.

Thinking that the other guy was maybe a higher up in the Outfit, I had to say something. I stood and walked to them.



“I’m heading back. I didn’t count on seeing you. I hope that our talk had a positive effect. Jean says that things at the club have been a bit smoother for her. If that’s been you’re doing, thank you.”

I nodded to him and the other guy. I’d made a point to ignore him but made sure he heard my words and returned to Jean. Back in my seat, I put my arm around her. She leaned her head against my shoulder and after a few minutes I had a few things I needed to say before I left.

“Jean, I’ve been thinking about the idea of you having a handgun. I’m worried that if the guys know you’re armed that they might come at you with guns. I know you’re thinking of protection, just be sure it doesn’t become an excuse for them.”

“I’ve thought about that in light of their veiled threats to the family. If I don’t wave it around and keep it under wraps, I should be OK.”

I looked at the clock on the wall. My plane would begin boarding in twenty minutes.

“I gotta go,” I said, standing. “I love you, Jean O’Dell. I don’t know if communications will be any easier than it was in Basic and Infantry Training. If it is we can set up a schedule to talk as often as possible and maybe do Skype.”

We embraced and kissed before I headed for the TSA check point. Jean walked next to me, on the other side of the glass wall until she couldn’t see me anymore. With my small carry on in one hand I walked as tall and proud as I could down the concourse to my gate. I stood near the entryway and waited for about five minutes before they called for First-class passengers. I presented my boarding pass to the door attendant. She scanned it and smiled, “Welcome on board.”

I walked down the long jetway and when I got to the aircraft I was directed to the window seat in the second row. I took my seat, buckled my seat belt. Stowed the small carry-on below the seat in front of me and waited.

“Would you like a drink before we take off?”

“Orange juice would be nice.”

The attendant left and came back with a very cold bottle of OJ. I thanked him and slowly drank all of the contents. I closed the shade, wiggled a little in the seat to get settled, crossed my arms across my chest, dropped my head and was asleep before they closed the plane’s door.

It never fails, but every time I fly, if I let myself, I can be asleep before they close the door and wake up just minutes before the plane touches down. This time was no different. The plane landed in Denver and then taxied for what felt like days to get to the terminal. When the seat belt light went out, I unbuckled, picked up my carry-on and stood.

I smiled at the flight attendants waiting for the all clear to open the door. When they did, I thanked them and walked out and up the Jetway. Once in the terminal, I made my way to the departure video board and found my next flight to be clear at the other end of the terminal. I know they do that on purpose in Denver so that people have to walk through the central hub of the concourse and hit the restaurants or shops in the middle.

The moving walkways don’t extend through the central hubs but I was walking so it didn’t matter. I walked down to my next departure gate and saw that I had plenty of time before boarding, so I went to the men’s room and bought a bottle of water and some gum. Then I returned to the gate and took out Monte Cristo and sat down to read and wait.

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