On Guard - Cover

On Guard

Copyright© 2021 by Writer Mick

Chapter 21

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 21 - A story of love and loss; of good times and bad; of all that stuff

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Consensual   Rape   Romantic   Heterosexual   Fiction   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   First   Facial   Oral Sex   Tit-Fucking   Revenge   Violence  

Since Jean didn’t dance on Friday nights we decided to go to an early movie and then have dinner at the best local steakhouse. Since we both like science fiction movies there was a new one that came out a few weeks ago. We both felt that films set in space with big panoramas should be seen on a big screen.

It was fun and looked fantastic. We shared a medium popcorn and we each had a medium soda. When we left, we walked around for a while to make room for the dinner we planned. The theater was located in a shopping area with a huge parking area. We took a lap around the lot and just as we were crossing a drive, a Honda sedan with a D-7 in the license plate came flying out of its parking spot and just missed us.

“Motherfucker!” I said pulling Jean by the arm towards my Olds. “Come on!”


“But those are the guys that hang around with Trent. Shit, he might be driving! The Olds can catch them.”

“No. We don’t need to go after them. James knows who they are. He tracked down their plate. Call James and tell him what happened.”

I looked at the woman who just stopped me from tearing ass all over the city chasing those assholes and smiled.

“I’m so happy that I was smart enough to marry you.”

I took out my phone and hit the dial button for James.

“Hi Paul. What’s up?”

“The guys in the Honda just tried to hit Jean and me at the theater parking lot.”

“I know. We’re on them right now. I’m going to follow them and get their travel pattern.”

“They’ll probably be heading for the club.”

“Probably, but maybe, just maybe, they’ll go to their office or place of business to report their failure. The address they gave on the car’s registration is Trent’s mother’s home and they list her as the owner. We still don’t know exactly where they hang out.”

“I should have known that you’d be on our tails.”

“Yeah. So how was the movie?”

“It was very good. Jean enjoyed it.”

“Too bad the season is over for the drive-in. You two should plan to go to the drive-in if you get home this summer.”

“Good idea. Maybe we can double date.”

“You want me to take a baby to a drive-in movie?”

“That’s right. I forgot. This summer you’ll be a daddy. Maybe my mom can babysit.”

“Maybe. Oops! I gotta go.”

James hung up.

“James is already on them. They tracked down the car’s registration and guess what? It’s registered to Trent’s mother and to her address. I can’t believe that.”


“If they get busted, her name is on the car. She goes down as an accomplice or for aiding.”

“Trent would let them do that to his own mother?”

“When I told him I got his phone number from her, he called her a bitch.”

“What happened to him?”

“I don’t know, babe. He’s nothing like the guy I knew all my life. Ready to have dinner?”


After dinner, I drove us home and found that Ingrid wasn’t home from her date yet. Jean fired up some hot chocolate and I started a fire in the fireplace. We pulled out one of my mother’s old thick afghans and cuddled up on the couch. The hot chocolate warmed us up and soon we were toying with various areas of each other’s body.

Jean was tracing circles around the head of my cock and I was stroking along the split in her pubic hair. Her clit stood out as I gently rubbed up and down and left and right. Jean moaned a couple of times and shuddered just a little as tiny orgasms washed over her in waves. She leaned her head against my chest and began to let her fingers slide up and down on my shaft.

“When I cum, do you want any warning?” I whispered.

“Yes, please.”

She took a firm grip and stroked more vigorously. Soon I was ready to go and I told her so.

“I’m about ten strokes away, Jean.”

She kept stroking and at the same time stood and lifted her leg over me. Taking a final stroke, she seated me between her pussy lips and dropped down as far as she could with me not being lubed up yet. With only three or four inches inside her she bobbed up and down three times and I shot off.

“Come on, they’ll be in bed by now.”

“Are you sure, I don’t want to walk in on them doing...”

“Hi Ingrid!”

Ingrid Skarsgaard screamed in surprise as I shot my last spurt into my wife and Jean grabbed the afghan and covered us in it. Behind her was a very large blonde man with bright red cheeks.

“Jean! You’re home!” said the Nordic girl.

“And screwing my husband,” Jean affirmed.

“I’m sorry. I’m sorry. We’ll leave and come back later.”

“Don’t be silly,” Jean said with a wave of her hand as she sank down completely on my cock. “Paul just shot his load inside me. We’re done for a bit.”

Now I was getting red cheeks.

“Uhm Jean, might that be a little more info than they need to know?” I asked.

“Nope. Ingrid and I are roomies and roomies don’t have secrets. Besides all the girls on the weekday shift have seen your dick, what does one more girl matter?”

“Well, it might matter to her date. I don’t know of many very large guys who get introduced to their roommate’s husband by having said husbands dick waved at him.”

“Paul, don’t be silly, you can’t wave your dick at him. You’re balls deep in me.”

I looked at the large guy and smiled.

“Hi, I’m Paul O’Dell. This is my perverted wife, Jean. I’d shake hands but they’re not in a state where that would be appropriate.”

“Paul, Jean this is Gregory Marks, my boyfriend.”

“I thought this was your first date,” Jean said.

“It is. The first of many. Gregory is the one, aren’t you, big guy?”

The huge blonde man spoke with a soft, deep voice.

“I can’t explain it but at some point this evening, we looked into each other’s eyes and just knew. Ingy wants to date a few more times before she’ll say she’ll marry me.”

“Ingy!? Marry!? After the first date?” Jean said.

“Hell, Jean after the first kiss! And after the first ass grab. He has the nicest ass. I can’t wait to see it ... and stuff.”

“Well don’t let us stop you,” I said. “As soon as the coast is clear, Jean and I are going to go to bed.”

Ingrid took Gregory’s huge hand and led him to my former, now her, bedroom. As soon as we heard the bedroom door close, we started laughing. Jean began to hump my cock again and I had to stop her.

“NO no no. Let’s get to bed before we make love again. You’re going to be leaking soon,” I reminded her. “Besides I still have another entire load to leave way up inside you and I can’t do it down here.”

“I love the sound of that.”

Jean quickly stood, letting my softening cock drop out of her wetness. Out of habit, she grabbed my cock so she could drag me along and her hand slipped right off.

“Well, that didn’t work worth a damn. Come on Paul.”

She took off for the stairs holding the afghan between her legs to catch the leakage. I stayed downstairs to lock the doors and turn off the lights. I scanned the street outside and saw no familiar Honda sedan. That made me feel better. I ran up the stairs taking them three steps at a time.

Jean was in the bathroom, sitting on the toilet. All I heard was the “Plop” of cum dripping out of her. I went to bed to wait so I could replace the load she lost.

On Saturday morning, I got up before Jean and went to the bathroom. I pulled on some shorts and a robe and went to the kitchen. Ingrid and Gregory weren’t up yet either so I started the coffee and picked up my phone. I’d left it in the kitchen last night since I’m not used to carrying one.

I pushed the speed dial button and waited.

“Good morning, Paul.”

“Good morning, Mr. C. I’m not disturbing anything am I?”

“No, your mom hasn’t gotten up yet. What’s up?”

“Have you talked to James since last night?”


“The Honda sedan almost ran down Jean and I in the parking lot at the theater last night. I called him and he said he was on the guy’s trail. I didn’t know if he’d reported to you.”

“He hasn’t but I’ll call him as soon as I hang up.”


“No problem. Is there anything else?”

“Yes, actually. Since I leave early in the morning I want to make sure Jean will be safe from those guys taking over the club.”

“I understand. I was going to stop in today for lunch with the old man.”

“I’d like to invite myself along. I want to meet the man.”

“That might not be a good idea, Paul. He is old and still believes in the old ways. Inviting yourself for anything is usually seen as being rude.”

“I’ll be calm and polite. I just need to know that Jean will be safe.”

“I’m sure she will be just fine.”

“I’m not so sure, sir. You weren’t there last night when she was bothered or the other night when the drunk ripped out the plug she was wearing. No insult intended, sir, but you are like the police. Like they say when seconds count, the police are minutes away. I’m afraid that all you can do will be to take steps after she is hurt.”

Leo Carlesetti went silent and considered my words. They were correct, of course. Unless he had Jean assigned personal protection at the club every night, things could happen that he could only react to.

“When I call him about lunch, I’ll mention that I’m bringing my son-in-law and see if he allows it.”

“OK. Please be as persuasive as possible.”

I sat in the kitchen thinking about what to say and more importantly, how to say it, when I heard stirring upstairs. Either people were walking around on the wooden floors or Ingrid was being vigorously taken care of by Gregory.

I was into my second cup when Jean walked in followed by Ingrid and Gregory.

“Good morning, all.”

“Good morning, lover.”

“Good morning, Paul,” Ingrid said softly.

“Good morning, Paul,” Gregory said. He looked a bit concerned.

“Gregory. I assume from what I’ve heard that you prefer Gregory to Greg?”

“Yes, sir.”

I chuckled at his response.

“Gregory, how old are you?”

“I’m twenty-two, sir.”

“Gregory, I’m nineteen. I think you can call me Paul without us having a conflict.”


“Yes, I married Jean right after graduation and then went into the Army. I think my time in the Army has made me look and act older. So, should I ask you what your intentions are with my wife’s roommate?”

“Paul!” Ingrid said sounding a little shocked at my question.

“Ingrid!” I said mocking her tone. “You don’t have a dad in your life. I’m gone and facing some issues that could cause Jean problems and here is this rather large young man, being brought into my home. For all I know he is one of the guys involved in the gambling shit.”

“Hold it right there, Paul,” the giant said with authority.

“What?” I asked defiantly.

“I know all about that shit. I was approached and reported it to the athletic director and head coach at school. I physically threw one of the bastards out of the locker room. I play the game because I love to play. No one ... NO ONE is going to make me cheat.”

I looked at the very large man. The passion in his blue eyes was flaming. This was an honest man that I could trust around Jean. Ingrid chose a good one this time.

“Ingrid, does Gregory know about Trent?”


“He knows that Trent used to be my best friend?”


“Gregory, one of the guys trying to help the outfit make a comeback is my former best friend.”

“That would be that Trent guy?”

“It would.”

“We talked about him last night,” he said looking at Ingrid. “We talked about a lot last night. I’ve never felt about anyone the way I feel about Ingy. It’s like we were both struck by lightning. As long as I’m around, and I hope that is a very, very long time, he will never be a problem for Ingy.”

“Ingy, huh? Then you’ll always be welcome in my home as long as Ingrid lives here, and afterwards, as long as Ingrid and Jean are friends.”

I stood and extended a hand to Gregory. He took it and I noticed that my hand disappeared into his like it had with Manny’s.

“OK, since you approve of my boyfriend, you two can sit down and relax while Jean and I make breakfast,” Ingrid said.

I looked at her and for the first time noticed the marks on her neck and that fact that she wasn’t wearing a bra under her t-shirt. I felt happy for her.

We spent breakfast talking about the Army, football, pro football dreams, Jean’s dancing and the problems her dancing could cause and that might come back into the house. Gregory looked at Ingrid and she smiled.

“Paul, since you don’t seem to mind, I intend to have Gregory staying over with me as often as possible. He lives in the athlete dorms and he has a roommate. I don’t want to spend the night in his bed with his roommate there. I’m sure that he’ll be as protective of Jean as you would be, when he’s here.”

“Paul, the dorm suck. If I took money like some of the players who have undercover agents, I could live off-campus, but I don’t. Ingrid invited me to come here to do homework and study.”

“Study?” I raised an eyebrow and smiled.

“Yeah, books,” he replied with serious intent.

“And occasionally boobs too, I hope,” Ingrid said as she bent over, allowing her large boobs to bookend Gregory’s large head.

“Occasionally,” he said squeezing both breasts tight to the sides of his head and smiling.

“OK then, I have to ask,” Ingrid said as Gregory’s huge hands made her breasts look almost small in their gentle grip. “Paul, will it bother you if I walk around the house naked when Gregory is here?”

I hadn’t thought about that. I looked at the faces at the table.

“If there is going to be nudity, let’s get it over with while I’m still here.”

I stood and reached for Jean. She smiled and turned her back to me so I could remove her robe, knowing that she was nude under it. Ingrid then lifted her t-shirt over her breasts and head and dropped her panties. I removed my robe and laid it across the back of my chair. I looked at Gregory.

“It’s like the shower room, big guy. Jean is a nude dancer so we don’t wear clothes around the house much. At least we didn’t before I left for the Army.”

“We still walk around naked, both in the house and in the backyard,” Jean added unashamedly.

“That explains no tan lines,” Gregory said, getting an answer to question previously asked in private.

He pulled his polo shirt over his head. He was huge and not a fat, potbellied man like so many players I’d seen. No, he didn’t have a six-pack, but he was not flabby. He dropped his pants and stood there naked.

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