On Guard - Cover

On Guard

Copyright© 2021 by Writer Mick

Chapter 16

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 16 - A story of love and loss; of good times and bad; of all that stuff

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Consensual   Rape   Romantic   Heterosexual   Fiction   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   First   Facial   Oral Sex   Tit-Fucking   Revenge   Violence  

“Your friends are some of the nicest kids I’ve ever met,” Lois said.

“I know, that’s why what happened with Bill was so weird. He never showed that side of himself when we were dating.”

“I hope all the kids at college are good,” Ingrid said.

“Well, that’s not going to happen, Ingrid,” I said. “There will be kids from all over the world. Some will be away from home for the first time and will lose their minds. It’s a good thing that you’re staying in the house and not the dorms.”

“You’re not staying in the dorms, Jean?” Ingrid asked, surprised.

“Well no. Paul and I have a house. I’m staying there while I’m in school and he’s in the Army.”

“The Army! I didn’t know he was going into the Army. Trent James Collier!”

“Oh shit! That was a whole name shot!” I said smirking at Trent’s impending doom.

“What did I do?” Trent asked.

“It’s what you didn’t do, Trent James. You never told me that Paul was going into the Army or that Jean was going to be living in their house or, for that matter, that they had their own house.”

“I didn’t think it mattered.”

“Ingrid, go easy on Trent,” I asked. “I haven’t had the chance to catch up with him with all the craziness and then Graduation. He probably didn’t even know that Jean and I had moved back into my house when my mom married Mr. C.”

“Ingrid why does it bother you that I’m not in the dorms?” Jean asked her friend.

“I was hoping to room with you. My mom was worried that I would get stuck in a dorm room with a lesbian or a drunk.”

“Ingrid, that sounds a lot harsher than the way I said it,” Larna said. “We talked about the fact that she could end up with all sorts of girls for roommates. She could get a serious student or a party girl or she could get a roomie who is more interested in her than in boys.”

“Paul, would it bother you if Ingrid rented out your old room at the house and stayed with me?”

“It doesn’t matter to me, Jean. As a matter of fact, having someone stay with you makes me feel a bit better. Of course, having Trent around might be a problem. He is a little weird.”

“Thanks, my good old buddy and pal,” Trent said patting me on the back.

“Mrs. Skarsgaard, Ingrid, let’s sit down and talk about this. We never even considered taking in a renter while I was gone,” I said.

“And if I hadn’t gotten married, I would have stayed at home and driven to school each day,” Jean added.

“I report for boot camp in ten days. Let us talk about this and get back to you, OK?”

“That sound just fine. Thank you, Paul, you too, Jean.”

“No problem, Mrs. Skarsgaard,” Jean said.

“Ingrid, are you coming home with me or are you going to neck with Trent before he brings you home?”


“What? I happen to know that making out with Trent is your favorite thing to do since you two got back together. That’s why you asked me to get you on the pill.”


“What? You said you wanted to...”

“I’m leaving,” Ingrid stood up and headed for the house. “I’ll walk home!”

“Oh no! I got you,” Trent said bounding across the deck after the tall blond.

When the two were gone into the house, Larna Skarsgaard looked at my parents and Jean and me. She smiled giggled.

“Karma is going be so much fun! Ingrid has been saying embarrassing things in front of the men that I’ve dated. It’s been hard enough to get back out there after the divorce, Ingrid hasn’t made it any easier.”

“Does she blame you for the divorce?” My mom asked.

“She blames both of us. She blames her dad for cheating, and she blames me for catching him. I’m going to go and check to be sure she hasn’t gotten a bee in her bonnet and really walked home. I’ll look forward to hearing from you about the room.”

“Good night, Larna,” my mom said, followed by Jean and me and finally Mr. C.

Mr. C had been sitting by quietly. It was like he knew when to remain still and let the women deal with things. Plus, I think he was still overly cautious after some things he said to Jean and the way he said them.

“Lois, what can I do to help clean up?” he asked when Lois began to pick up some plates.

“Nothing Boss.”

“I hate that!”

“Boss, the kids were great. They actually picked up the deck and yard as they were leaving. So, you guys just go to bed or home. I’ll make sure everything is locked up before I retire.”

Jean and I stood and said good night to Lois and then to our parents before heading out to my car. Jean’s small suitcase was already by the front door. I gave Jean a kiss before letting her into the car. Then I popped the lid on the trunk and put her suitcase inside. I got in the driver’s seat and started the Olds before driving slowly out of the driveway and turning left towards our home.

“Paul, I want to shower with you before bed,” Jean said.

“I’d be more than glad to join you.”

“Good. I need this.”

We stripped down to our graduation underwear and stopped.

“These were great outfits, Jean. You looked sexy as hell.”

“Thank you. You looked good to. Especially when you stood out. Too bad the girls couldn’t have seen that.”

“I can believe those girls actually asked a husband’s wife if they could see his dick.”

“Paul, they are high school girls and don’t understand the concept of marriage. They understand mom and dad but not the connection between them. All they understand is hooking up and like, liking someone, like, a lot.”

I looked at her like she had lost her mind.

“I hate it when people speak like that.”

“I know. How do you feel about a naked wife wanting to get clean the dirty way?”

Jean dropped her thong and bra and sprinted to the shower. She had the water on and warm before I got there. She was standing under the shower head soaking her hair when I stepped in. The water had perked up her nipples in the most inviting way.

Jean made a soft noise that was a bit moan and a bit hum. She leaned her head against my chest and let her hands roam down to my growing erection.

“Paul, I was thinking last night that between the several guys I’ve had sex with nothing ever felt as good as just standing under the shower with you. My God, I love you so much.”

I released her nipples and took her in my arms. I felt her separate her legs and trap my cock between them. Then she slowly rocked back and forth, rubbing my cock, while at the same time her hands moved down to my ass cheeks. She gripped them and pulled me between her legs faster and faster until a very familiar feeling came upon me.

“Jean, I’m close.”

She kept rubbing her legs and pussy back and forth until I began to groan. Faster than fast, she was on her knees and gripping my cock with both hands she directed the tip of my cock to her chest. She pumped me furiously and I let go. Spurt after spurt hit her tits and then began to smear as the shower water mixed with my cum. When the last bit was released, Jean took my cock and cuddled it to her face.

“What is it about my cock that makes you do that?”

“It’s soft and still hard and it’s warm. When I hold it against my cheeks, I can actually feel your heartbeat. It is just such an amazing ... thing. Girls have nothing like it.”

“And you would know that how?”

Jean looked at me and smiled a little smile.

“I may have made out with a girl or two during sleepovers.”

“Really? You like girls?”

“Not in the sense that I’m a lesbian. Girls and boys are different. Girls are soft and sweet and all that, but a guy is built to go inside of a girl. A girl has to open herself up and lower her defenses and let something alive into her body. Girls can’t do that for girls.”

She turned to the wall and took a bar of soap and a washcloth and after she soaped it up Jean washed me. I tried to move, and she stopped me.

“No, Paul. Please let me wash you. Just stand there and let me serve you.”

I did as requested and stood still except when she asked me to lift and arm or spread my legs. I thought she was going to give me a blowjob when her face got back down to my cock, but she just slowly and tenderly washed it. Everything she did was slow and tender. She slowly and tenderly washed between my toes. I couldn’t think of words to describe what she was doing. It was intensely sensual and was easily the sexiest thing that had ever happened to me to that point.

“Jean?” I asked almost in a hypnotic state.


“Do you think our parents do this?”

“Who do you think I learned this from?” she said as she began to rinse the soap off of me. “I snuck into my parent’s room one night after they put me to bed and watched them in the shower. My mom did this for my dad. I was too young to understand the sexuality of it, but I could see the look on their faces. Ever since then when I think of what love looks like I think of that look. Until I met you.”

“You were a sneaky little thing.”

“I told you I was a real rugrat and this house was like a hamster habitat. I was all over the place.”

“Do you want me to wash you?”

“Nope. I want you to dry off while I wash up and then I’ll meet you in bed.”

I looked at her and she just smiled sweetly and patted my balls gently. I got out of the shower and took one of the big fluffy towels we had, and I dried off while at the same time watching Jean taking her shower. I’d known her in passing for years, and closely for a few months. Now I was married to her. Joined for life and the thought of that didn’t scare or intimidate me at all.

I walked out of the bathroom and pulled back the covers on the bed and got in leaving the covers on her side set back. From where I was, I couldn’t see her in the bathroom, but I heard the shower stop and then I heard her using the toilet and flushing. The sound of a hair dryer was next. After several minutes, the light went off and the dark shadowy shape of my wife made its way to our bed.

Jean O’Dell slid into the bed, pulled the covers over herself and rolled over to face me. She slid a leg up over mine and lay an arm across my chest. Her hair felt warm and soft when she pressed her head next to mine.

“I love you more than words can say Paul O’Dell. When I said “I do” it felt like a huge chunk of missing stuff was put in place. Please don’t forget me when you are gone.”

“Forget you? Jean I’ve been worried about the same thing. The idea of you walking around college with all those college guys on the prowl. And then with you dancing naked...”

“I know. That’s why I did what I did tonight. I want you to know that my love for you is so much deeper than sex. No college guys dick could ever match the feeling I just had in the shower. No customer has enough money to buy my body for even a split second.”

The day finally came. Jean and I went to bed early and made love as many times as we could. I was a pretty tired husband when I got up at 5:00AM. The previous day, I’d packed the few things I thought I’d need. Jean and I drove to the parent’s house and had a big breakfast before we all packed into one of the SUV’s and drove to the recruiting office.

“James, take care of that new wife and my mom and Jean.”

“You know I will, I owe you Barbara’s life.”

“Barbara, treat him good.”

“I will Paul and maybe when I see you again, I’ll be a mommy.”

“What?” I exclaimed.

“What!?” James said in shock.

“I thought this would be a good time to tell everyone. I thought you would all feel sad, and the news would make us all happier.”

James took Barbara into a hug and then there were hugs all around.

“Mr. C you have no idea how happy I am that you and Mom got together. This whole thing turned out so well. I’m proud to be your son-in-law and stepson. Take good care of Mom and Jean.”

“That goes without saying, son. And who knows, maybe the next time you see us Joyce and I will have good news.”

I looked at my blushing mother. She was not even forty yet and I guess it was entirely possible that I could have a little brother or sister within the year. I hugged my mother.

“Mom, I’m so happy for you. Dad is too, I think. Don’t worry about me too much.”

“You know I will. I’ll keep an eye on my daughter for you as well.”

She gave me a light kiss on the lips and then the tears started. Jean caught them and then Barbara. In an instant all of the men had a crying woman in their arms. Jean and I rocked back and forth for the longest time. Then I had to go.

“Jean, I love you. I feel that leaving is like losing an arm. Please be careful at work. Please be safe.”

“I will, Paul. Daddy has had a couple of serious talks with his friend and everyone at the club knows to watch out for me. You watch out for you. Don’t you dare come home in a box. I’ll rip open the coffin and beat you to death.”

She sniffed and smiled at her joke and then she broke down crying even harder. We held each other and I marveled at the bond that had formed between us in such a short time. The power I felt from her was incomprehensible.

Forcing myself to release her, I picked up my backpack and got one last going away kiss from my wife. Then I waved and walked into the recruiting office.

“That’s a cute girlfriend you got there. Is she going to wait for you?” the recruiting sergeant asked.

“She’s going to wait. She’s my wife,” I replied with a smile.

“Wife!? So young? Well soldiers have been marrying their girlfriends before joining up for a long time. No reason to change that trend now.”

We took care of the final paperwork and he pointed me to the back of the office and though a door. On the other side of the door was a room with about a dozen seated men and women, all with a backpack. I took a chair and waited only a few seconds before another sergeant came in with a clipboard.

“When I announce your name, stand and proceed through this door and out onto the bus.”

He proceeded to read off names and when he said mine, I stood, slung my pack over my shoulder and walked out the door and onto the big green school bus. There was no looking back, I was on my way.

I got on the bus, I got off the bus. I got on an airplane, I got off an airplane. Then I got yelled at. A lot.

I was at Fort Benning in Georgia.

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