On Guard - Cover

On Guard

Copyright© 2021 by Writer Mick

Chapter 15

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 15 - A story of love and loss; of good times and bad; of all that stuff

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Consensual   Rape   Romantic   Heterosexual   Fiction   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   First   Facial   Oral Sex   Tit-Fucking   Revenge   Violence  

We had to jump through all sorts of hoops when we went in to the school office and the DMV to change Jean’s name and address and show us as married. But none of those things hit us with the title of adult like graduation day. It was a good thing that my wife was the studious type. All I wanted to study was her anatomy and physiology. She kept me on the path to success and when the time came a few weeks later, Jean and I both aced our exams. Then it was time for graduation. It was time to end our childhood.

Yes, Jean and I were married and living in our own house but the day that we had to be fitted for our caps and gowns was the day the looming terror of adulthood hit us. Since we now had the same last name, we were together in line and when they put the gown on to size it, we looked at each other and Jean almost cried. The realization that I would be leaving for the Army a few days after graduation was sinking in as well.

We made plans for a big graduation party at Mr. C’s house, as we thought of it now, to be held the same night as the graduation ceremony. With security on site, it was going to be a good party with small problems. The security crew did the decorations and Lois did the cooking and refreshments. The school auditorium was small so we could only get tickets for Mr. and Mrs. C, as I now called mom for the fun of it, and Lois.

The plan was that we would all have dinner together and then Jean and I would go home and dress and head to the school. The parents and Lois were going to meet us after the ceremony for pictures and stuff. It was a great meal of Cornish game hens and wild rice with a nice carrot cake for dessert. Afterwards, Jean and I thanks Lois and the folks and took off for the house.

I had been told that it was a long-standing tradition that the graduates only wore underwear under their robes. Jean and I got into our gowns at home. Jean had gone out shopping with Barbara and had bought us matching underwear. Under her robe Jean would wear the smallest bright blue satin bra and thong set she could find. For me, she had found a matching men’s thong. The shade of blue matched our schools’ colors. With a minimum of touching and poking and pinching and kissing, we dressed and finally headed out to my car.

I opened the passenger side door for Jean and gave her a kiss before she entered and I closed her door. I walked around to the driver’s side and got in. I turned the ignition key and the Olds roared to life and rumbled louder as I stepped on the accelerator.

“Would you like the top down?” I asked.

“Mine or the Olds?”


I reached up and unlocked the two clamps that held the top of the Cutlass to the windshield. It slowly rose and folded itself into the space behind the back seat and in front of the trunk. I decided to leave the boot cover off the folded top. There was a small chance of rain and if it did, I’d want the top to go up fast.

“You’re not worried about your hair?”

“No. I just have to brush out the hair and the cap will cover it up.”

“OK,” I said. “Hang on to your butt.”

Jean reached over and grabbed my dick through my gown. And I stepped on the gas. The Olds jumped to life and blasted out of the driveway and onto the street. I accelerated for the next block and a half before letting up on the gas when the heads-up display showed the speed at 100 miles per hour. I braked in time to be down to the speed limit just before we got to the police car that was parked to watch for the graduation traffic.

“Paul, I wish you wouldn’t do that. You’re going to get a huge ticket someday.”

“I’ll tell you what, I’ll keep doing this until I get my first ticket and then I’ll stop.”

“Why take the chance, Paul?”

“Because I’m not an adult yet,” I answered with a big smile.

I pulled into the high school parking lot and followed the parking attendant’s directions as to where to park. When I pulled into my spot, I put the top up, then turned off the motor and got out. Walking around to the passenger side and opened Jean’s door. When it was fully open, Jean grabbed the front of the robe and pulled me close to her. She raised the robe and ducked under it.

With my arms on the top of the Olds tan soft top, Jean pulled the front of my thong to the side. Jean took me into her mouth and gave me a fast and hard serious blowjob until I shot off into her mouth. She swallowed and then made sure the shaft was clean before tucking it back into the thong. She got out of the car, smoothed down the front of my gown and stood to kiss me.

“That was your last blowjob as a high school boy. I’ll give you your first as an adult when we get home after the party.”

I took her in my arms and hugged her.

“This is going to feel really strange,” I said quietly.”

“I know. Let’s go.”

We held hands and headed for the side entrance to the school. I didn’t perceive anything different in the actions and words of my classmates. My best friend Trent Collier and his girl of the night/day/week found us and joined us in the gym. We’d all meet there and then line up in alphabetical order to march into the auditorium.

“Hey Big P!” he called from across the gym.

“Hey Little T,” I replied as loudly.

Those were our names for each other. We became friends in elementary school when he was being bullied and I stepped in. I found out that his dad had just died in a small plane crash and it was just him and his mom. We got in trouble together in elementary school. Him for calling me a big prick and I for calling him a little turd. We thought it was funny.

In junior high we ran into the first occasion where we had to shower after a gym class before dressing and going to our next class. After he saw the size of my cock, he started calling me a big prick as a big joke. Trent was, at the time, just barely over five feet tall, hence the little turd title. We told people the names meant Big Paul and Little Trent.

Trent was a really handsome guy and girls were always after him even though they were almost all taller than he was. The one girl he was with the longest time, her name was Ingrid, was a tall Swedish girl and was tall enough that his face fit right between her tits when they slow danced. I never figured out why they broke up. I thought of all the girls he’d dated that she would be the one to make it for the long run.

As they got closer, I saw that the girl he was holding hands with was indeed Ingrid, the longtime girlfriend I’d been thinking about.

“Trent! Ingrid? Really?”

“Yes, the idiot finally figured out that I was the best thing that ever happened to him,” Ingrid said pulling Trent’s face to the side of her larger than average breast.

“You guys know my wife, Jean, right?”

“Wife,” Ingrid said quietly. “Of all the things that I thought would happen in my Senior year I have to admit that you two getting married was never in my top hundred million!”

“I know. But it just came together,” I answered, hugging Jean.

“You know everyone figures that you’re knocked up, right?” Trent said to Jean.

“I know,” she replied. “But they’re wrong. In a few months, when I’m not showing the rumor will be that I had an abortion when Paul left town for the Army. It won’t stop until he’s home and I do get pregnant.”

“It’s always something,” Ingrid said.

“Has anyone heard of what the Senior prank is going to be?”

“The word I get is that when everyone throws their caps in the air the gowns will all come off and we all run around in our underwear.”

“That won’t go over well,” I said.

“Yeah, for those who are going commando especially,” Trent said wiggling his eyebrows.

“You aren’t!?” Jean asked.

“Me? Hell no. I’m wearing the tightyest and whityest briefs I could find. And Ingrid has a matching set. The panties almost come up to her bra!”

“Lord,” Jean declared shaking her head.

“Jean, what were we talking about earlier, that this was our transition into adulthood?” I asked.

“Oh, come on Big Prick! One last stupid gesture before we go,” Trent said with a big smile.

“Now really, what is the Senior prank going to be?” I asked.

“Man, you are just no fun,” Trent said with a slight whine. “I was looking forward to watching you dropping your gown while everyone else was standing around.”

“You just like looking at my dick, Little Turd.”

Trent leaned into me and put his head on my arm, which was as high as he could reach.

“It is the only reason I wanted to be your friend, Big Prick.”

“Ingrid, your boyfriend is fucked up,” Jean said shaking her head.

“I know, but what can I do? He might be short, but he can touch his eyebrows with his tongue.”


“Yes. And what about you. From what I hear you have to get a ladder to give him a blowjob,” Ingrid declared.

“Girls!” I said calmly.

“That’s right and when I sit on it, I can spin around like a Frisbee on a fingertip,” Jean bragged.

“Really? It’s that big?” Ingrid said amazed.

“Girls!!” I said louder.

“The best part is when he does my ass, he packs it so far in, I don’t have to shit for a week!”

“NO!” Ingrid said, faking amazement.

“GIRLS!!!” I yelled.

“Yes ... my dear, wonderful, loving, well-hung husband?” Jean batted her eyes at me while Trent was doubled over laughing.

“I think that’s enough picking on poor Paul for one night,” I replied, almost begging.

“But Big Prick, it’s so big! I love to brag about it,” Jean said, looking at Ingrid for support while trying to not laugh as hard as Trent.


“Paul, did I tell you about the company I found? They are going to send me a kit to make a life-sized silicone replica of your erection for when you are gone to the Army.”

My mouth dropped open on that one.


“Oh Jean, can I come over and use it once or twice?”

“Hell no!” Trent declared. “He’ll stretch you out so much that I’d be able to climb into your pussy and lick your G-spot!”

That did me in and even I started to laugh out loud. The four of us were going to lose our minds if this kept up and thankfully, they started to call us to line up. Trent moved towards the front of the line but as he walked away, he flipped up his gown to show us a nice set of white briefs with a big brown streak down the ass crack.

“Ingrid, how do you put up with him?” I asked.

“Paul, seriously, I have loved him since sixth grade. If he hadn’t come back to me a few weeks ago, I was going to kidnap his ass tonight and keep him in my basement. I don’t know why, but I just love the Little Turd to death.”

“I understand, Ingrid,” I said before Jean could answer. “That’s the way I feel about Jean. While she was ignoring me, I was building up strong feelings for her. When the chance came to take advantage of those feelings, I went for it and KABOOM here we are.”

“Paul, I never knew,” Jean said.

“I know, Jean. But after it all, everything came out on the fairy tale side of things as far as I’m concerned.”

“Me too.”

They finally called O’Dell and Jean and I moved into place, with me behind her.

“At least I get to look at your butt when we walk up the steps onto the stage.”

“Just imagine how it’s going to look when you get up there with a huge tent in your gown because I was giving you a hand job while stood in line.”

“Evil women!”

“Big Prick!”

Ingrid followed us and was chatting with Jean when they called her last name, Skarsgaard.

“I have to go,” Ingrid said.

Ingrid and Jean touched cheeks. Then Jean looked at me with her eyes half open. I kissed her.

“Um ... Mr. And Mrs. O’Dell ... I know you’re married, but could you keep the PDAs to a minimum ... Like to zero!” Mr. Garfield, the principal strongly suggested.

“Yes, sir. But ... um ... one more.”

I took Jean in my arms and kissed her.


He just shook his head but as he turned away, I could swear he was smiling.

We could hear music begin to play and the line began to snake its way out of the gym and into the auditorium. We took our seats and I held Jean’s hand for two reasons. First because I loved her and second because I knew she was going to make a grab for my cock. One final childish thing before we graduated to adulthood. I loved her.

“Well, we made it. It’s over,” I said to Jean as we left the auditorium and found our parents in the gym. After we’d marched out of the gym the graduation committee had set up areas with sign that had letters of the alphabet on them. We were supposed to go to the sign with our letter and that was how the graduates were to find our families.

“That was a good speech, as graduation speeches go,” Mr. C said. “It was short and actually contained some good advice.”

“And who was that tall blonde with Trent, Paul. She’s beautiful!”

“That’s Ingrid Skarsgaard. They’re in love. Imagine that at their age.”

Jean hip checked me and smiled, “Yeah, imagine.”

“Let’s go out to the statue and take pictures,” my mom said.

The statue of Baron Fredrich Wilhelm von Steuben was in front of the school and we got into a line to take our turn having our picture taking parents go nuts on us. Trent and his mom, Ingrid and her mom joined us and we took a nice group picture of the four of us. It became one that I cherished for a long time.

“Hey, I hear there is going to be a drunken brawl of a party at your house,” Trent said trying to stir up a fuss.

“That’s right and it’s only for people over 5’3” tall.”

“I’m 5’6”!” Trent bragged.

“Yeah ... in heels!” I joked.

“Seriously, Paul, the party is at the Carlesetti’s right?”

“Yeah. And no, it won’t be a drunken brawl.”

“Good, I wanted to get some details before I let Ingrid go,” her very tall mother said with a slight accent.

“I have security at my house,” Mr. C said. “And there will be no messing around. The pool is open. The sauna is closed.”

“You have a sauna?” Mrs. Skarsgaard asked, pronouncing the word, sa-oo-na.

“Yes. I use it a few times a week. It really relieves stress.”

“I understand. I haven’t been in a good sauna since I was a girl and we moved to the US,” the tall blonde said wistfully.

“Why don’t you get with Joyce and arrange a time to come over. The two of you can use it when I’m not around.”

“That’s a wonderful idea, Larna. We haven’t talked since all the fuss with Bill Cattler and Paul and I moving in with Leo and Jean.”

“That is still so strange a story, Joyce. I will want to hear all about it.”

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