On Guard - Cover

On Guard

Copyright© 2021 by Writer Mick

Chapter 13

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 13 - A story of love and loss; of good times and bad; of all that stuff

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Consensual   Rape   Romantic   Heterosexual   Fiction   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   First   Facial   Oral Sex   Tit-Fucking   Revenge   Violence  

I decided to try to get some hours in at the shop so I could claim to be a mechanic when I went to enlist. My hours only amounted to six to eight a week, but it kept my mind on the job. Usually all I was doing was assembling pistons and rings and then installing them to the crankshaft in the block.

Because of school and work at the shop, it took the entire week to get the blood tests and licenses but we got it all done. Then it was just a matter of waiting for Barbara to be released from the hospital the next week. When the day arrived, we all went to pick her up and James was true to his word. As soon as Barbara was outside the hospital door and standing up, we surrounded her. James said it was so she wouldn’t run away. James dropped to a knee and proposed, sort of.

“Barbara, I love you and want you to be my wife. Will you marry me? You will? Great! Let’s go home.”

“James!” she tried to stop him in his tracks. “I thought I was supposed to say something like “Yes I’ll marry you” before we went further.”

“Nope! I told you in the hospital that I was going to ask as soon as you were on your feet and you were going to say yes and we were going to security guard in wedded bliss. I am a man of my word.”

“Yes, you are and yes I will and yes, we should go home.”

We all applauded and went home.

James Dean and Barbara Edwards joined us to make it a triple wedding. We all planned on a simple civil ceremony, even though I thought Jean would want her wedding to be a big deal.

“It will be a big deal, Paul. I’ll be married to you before you join the Army.”

“But I always thought the wedding was supposed to be the bride’s big day.”

“It will be the biggest day of my life. What else do you want it to be?”

“You know. I was thinking the big church and a bunch of people and all that.”

Jean looked at my two heads in a way that I’d become so accustomed to. She took my hand, held it to, and made me squeeze, her breast and with deeply heartfelt words said, “You wanted a bachelor party, didn’t you?”

“What? No! I wanted you...”

“And you’ve got me. A big church wedding won’t change that.”

Barbara was still in a wheelchair for long trips because walking put a strain on the still weak muscles in her lower abdomen. The docs said it would be another three to four weeks before she was strong enough to return to easy jogging and light workouts. So, for the wedding, she would need to be wheeled from the parking lot, into the courthouse, and then the long walk to the judge’s chambers.

James was all set to wheel Barbara into the judge’s chamber when we all realized that it would be way too crowded for all of us in that room, with or without the wheelchair. So, the judge led us out to his courtroom and we had the ceremony there.

The only people there were the judge, the bailiff, Lois, the security people, and the guys from my dad’s motor shop and of course the brides and grooms. James spent the rest of the day moving Barbara into his apartment next to the Carlesetti property, with the help of the rest of security and Mr. C and me.

That evening Jean and I and Mr. and Mrs. C, as I now had to remember, and Lois went out for a very nice dinner. James and Barbara went back to his place to get them settled in and have a nice wedding night together. Barbara wasn’t allowed to have sex for at least three more weeks, but they seemed happy with the situation as long as they were together.

Back at the Carlesetti house, I moved all of my things into Jean’s larger room and my mom moved the rest of her things into Mr. C’s room. Around midnight we were all tired and headed for our rooms. Mom hugged me and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

“Paul, of all the things in the world that I never thought would happen would be that you and I would be spending our wedding nights under the same roof.”

“Tell me about it! This is so far into weird. Well, good night and God bless, Mom. I love you.”

“I love you too, Paul. Hey, I know you’ve had sex with Jean before, but this is a special night. The act of sex on the wedding night, glues two people together in a way that is like no other. After tonight, no matter what you’ve done before, you will be one unit. That was the one aspect of my accepting Leo’s proposal that I had to overcome. The one to one, heart to heart, contact with your father.”

“The touching of souls.”

“Yeah. I guess Mike did talk to you about that.”

“Yes, ma’am. He did. You know I was a virgin until the other night with Jean, right?”


“Well, I was. And now I understand the idea of touching souls. But I already feel like my life is different since I said, “I do” and heard Jean say the same thing.”

Mom nodded as she said, “Good night, son. I love you.”

“Good night. I love you too. Don’t hurt Mr. C. He’s awfully old.”

“He is one year younger than I am!”

“That old, huh?”


“I love you, Mom.”

I turned to walk to my wedding room and my loving Mom swatted me in the ass really hard. I laughed over my shoulder and walked into my ... our bedroom to find Jean not waiting for me. The room was empty. I figured Jean was having a talk, like I’d had, but with her father.

“Hi wife.”

“Hi husband.”

“Were you talking to your dad?”

“Yes. Did you talk to your mother?”

“I did.”

“What about?”

“Oh, you know the usual stuff. Tab A into slot B or C or D.”


“Jean, we’ve made love, but we’ve not been married. I was talking to mom about it being different.”

“I talked to Daddy about the same thing. He said it was different.”

“So did my mom.”

“Let’s find out.”

“Yeah, let’s”

In the morning, Jean and I finished in bed and in the shower and we got to the breakfast nook before Mom and Mr. C. Lois had the coffee brewing and the bacon cooking. I took a deep breath and quietly spoke to Jean.

“I always thought a morning should smell like this.”

“It is nice. Last night was nice too.”

“It was. I want them all to be like that.”

We heard the folks coming and looked to the door. They looked good.

“Good morning, newlyweds,” Jean said.

“Good morning, yourselves,” Mr. C answered.

“Good morning, all,” Lois said, walking into the breakfast nook with two more cups of coffee.

“Morning, Lois! What’s for breakfast?”

“Waffles. What else would you like?”

“Waffles are great. I’m hungry.”

“Me too,” Mom said.

“It sounds like everyone worked up an appetite last night.”

“No comment,” I said.

“Paul, last night Leo and I had a talk.”

“Of course.”

“Seriously, Paul. We want to ask you and Jean if you want to move into our old house and live there as your home.”

I looked at Jean and then back to my mom.

“You mean it, Mom? It would be my and Jean’s home?”

“Yes. Your dad and I own it outright. I can just sign it over to you. It’s paid off. You make enough at the shop, or in interest on our money, to pay the utilities. You and Jean can start off with your own place. She’ll live there and go to school while you’re in the service.”

“Really, Mom?” Jean said, jumping up and taking her new mother-in-law in a hug. “Our own home?”

“Your father and I spent a lot of time talking about this. And it seems like the perfect wedding gift.”


“Yeah, now you two need to head over there and see if you want to keep any of the furniture. Paul you can afford to get a new bed. I don’t think you want to be in a bed your father and I made you in and stuff.”

“And stuff!?” I said with a chuckle. “Thank you, Mom. I don’t know what to say.”

“Don’t say anything. Just love each other like you father and I did and have a long and happy marriage.”

After breakfast, Jean and I drove over to my old house. Old house. Mom and I had moved out only a few months ago. Ronnie was our security that day and he did a nice job of keeping up with me as I drove over there. I pulled up in front of the house and Jean and I walked to the front door.

“Paul, I’ll stay out here and keep an eye peeled,” Ronnie said with a wink and a smile.

“Thanks, Ronnie. We shouldn’t be more than an hour or so,” I said before walking us to the door.

I unlocked it, turned quickly, and scooped up Jean in my arms.

“Dad carried Mom over the threshold of their house. I can’t see any reason to not do the same for my wife.”

Jean buried her face in my shoulder when I set her down.

“Your wife. It’s real, isn’t it? We really got married, didn’t we?”

“Yup. You having buyer’s remorse?”

“No. I’m just waiting to wake up and praying so hard that I don’t.”

I walked her through the entire house from basement to attic.

“I’ll have to ask Mom what to do with the stuff of Dad’s she has stored in the attic. Once you’ve seen everything, would you please make a list of what you want to replace? I have enough in the bank that if we want to, we can replace everything. But for sure, I want our own bed and towels and sheets and stuff like that.”

“OK, Paul. And we have to set up a schedule so we can make love in every room so the house is truly ours. Take me out in the back yard and then I’ll tell you a secret.”

“A secret, huh?’

I took Jean by the hand and led her out the third outside door in the house. We had the one in front of the house. Then there was the one in the kitchen that led out to the place I usually parked my car. And then there was the door out to the back yard. The yard had an eight-foot-tall security fence on all sides with one gate on the breakfast nook side of the house and one in the back that opened to an alley.

“OK Jean, what’s your secret?”

“Your mom told me that she and your dad spent a lot of time out in their backyard, naked, before you were born. They also spent time out there, naked, when you worked late or went on a date. You know how much I love to be naked, so I’m planning on wearing very little around the house and in the yard. I hope you don’t mind.”

“Not at all. So that’s the secret?”

“No. The secret is that I’ve always wanted to be naked. I love being naked.”

She paused for quite a while and then took both of my hands and looked me square in the eyes.

“And ... I always wanted to be a stripper ... like my mother.”

“A what?”

“A stripper. You must know by now that I love to be naked.”

“Yeah, but I thought that was for me.”

“It is ... but I used to sneak peeks into my mom and daddy’s room and watched my mom strip for my daddy. She was beautiful and danced really well. I guess I always wanted to be like her. She was a stripper when Daddy met her.”

“I don’t like this, Jean. I’m going to be off in the Army and you want to be home, dancing naked someplace for a mess of drunken horny men.”

“Do you think I’d cheat on you?” Jean sounded hurt.

“No. But how about drugged and raped. Anything can happen.”

“Paul, my love, I have this all figured out. The place my mom danced is still there. It is still owned by an old friend of my father. He’ll make sure nothing happens to me. I won’t do private dances or lap dances. The law says that the customers can’t touch the dancers. The girls who get into trouble are the one’s doing drugs or taking men out to the parking lot and the old man who owns the club won’t put up with any of that.

“He actually looks at it as a family place. He’s old school, so he thinks that men should have a place to go and get their motor running, before they take it home to their wife. His security guys, the bouncers, are huge and no one messes with them. I’d be really safe.”

I didn’t know what to say. My wife wanted to be a stripper. I thought she had a killer body. I thought she was as beautiful and sexy as could be. But the idea that men, maybe guys I knew from school, would be watching her. I could see it now, I come home on leave and my friends are all telling me how hot my wife is and how they’d like to get a tongue in her pussy.

Or some of the assholes who would love to split us up telling me they fucked her in a VIP room. I could see a long string of fights, both at home and the club.

“Let’s finish looking around the house and making our lists, then we can do some shopping,” I said out loud, while thinking that I needed to talk to Mr. C about his wife and stuff.

We went from room to room and made a list of things to change, keep, or dump. The dump list was very, very short. I mean, this was my stuff. My home.

“I don’t feel right throwing out your things, Paul. I mean I know this is going to be our home, but it hasn’t set in yet.”

“Our home,” I said, my thoughts wandering.


“I’m sorry. I was just thinking how hard it is to throw away stuff because this is MY home. You’re right. It’s OUR home. It hasn’t set in yet, like you say.”

We decided to keep everything except the bedroom set in my and my mom’s room. We decided that room would be wholly ours from the get go. I would ask my mom if we should donate the beds to a local church. Both were very good beds and the mattresses were in great shape. A poor family or two could make good use of them.

“Do you want to paint the room before we get the furniture in it?” I asked.

“I don’t know. What color would you like?”

“I don’t know. I’ve never had to think about it before. Boy, this being married thing is hard!”

Jean looked at me with a look that I had a feeling I should get used to.

“Jean, seriously, I don’t even know how to make the choice. What are the choices? There must be thousands of colors.”

“Let me ask you this, are we going to replace the carpet in here?”

“I hate those three words.”

Jean looked at me quizzically.

“Which ones, love?”

“I don’t know.”

“You don’t know the words you hate?”

“No, the three words I hate are “I don’t know” and that seems to be the only answer I have for you.”

That earned me a kiss on the lips and a pat on the butt.

“I understand. Let’s try this. Why did your mom think we should get our own bed?”

“Because she and dad slept and had sex in this bed.”

“Do you think your dad ever just took her on the floor?”

“I don’t know. It took time for me to even understand that they had sex. Now to think of them banging away on the floor?” Before I could stop myself, I said, “I don’t know ... Oh shit!”

Jean laughed and hugged me.

“Let’s assume that your mom came out of the shower and your dad lost his mind and they didn’t make it to the bed. So, let’s get a new carpet or if the flooring is solid wood, we can just get it finished and then paint the room.”

“You seem to have a much better handle on all this than I do.”

“Good. Let’s go to your bed and make love.”

“What about Ronnie?”

“I don’t want to make love to Ronnie!” She laughed that evil laugh I was coming to love. “He’ll wait. I told him that we might take some time.”

She had me by the hand and out the door towards my room in a flash. We got to my room and she pushed me down on my bed and spun around.

“Do you have a stereo?”

“Yeah. Well, it’s a radio with a CD player.”

“Where is the music you listen to?”

“In the top drawer of the dresser.”

Jean sort of danced over to the dresser and opened the drawer. She scanned the CD cases and then got a big smile on her face. She pulled out a case and opened it, removing the disc, before going back to the radio.

She put the disc in the carriage and pushed it in, then she turned the volume up and when “Knights in White Satin” began to play, Jean began to do a slow and sensuous dance. She turned twice and then on the third turn she unbuttoned her top. She stood still and slowly rotated her torso as first one arm and then the other slid out of the sleeves.

Her next move was to remove her bra by slowly gliding her hands over the straps and somehow catching them and taking them off her shoulders. She slowly spun again and while she did her bra was turned around so she could unclasp the hooks that were now in front of her. She turned back to face me as the bra fell away, with an arm covering her breasts.

With the other hand she deftly undid the belt and button of her jeans and then, standing in front of me, she bent over and pushed the jeans down her legs. But my attention was on her two breast which were now swinging and swaying and twirling in circles as they hung down towards the floor although her nipples were staring me in the face.

With my attention focused on her pendulous breasts, Jean stepped out of her jeans, sliding her socks off with the last portion of the legs. Still dancing in time to the song, Jean stood, her breasts shaking and jiggling while she turned her back to me. My attention broken, I noticed that her tight cheeks were partially covered by her boy short panties.

This time instead of looking at me as she bent over, she aimed her cute ass at me and slowly slid the panties down her legs until I was staring straight into her dark pink asshole and the curly, bright red hair surrounding it, which extended between her legs to her moist and gleaming pussy.

Stepping out of the panties, Jean stood on one foot and lifted the other straight leg up and over my head. She paused and I began to get hard watching her labia slowly separating and spreading on their own. She ran her fingers through her curly hairs and pushed a finger into her wet sex before taking it out and putting her leg back on the floor. After moving the wet finger around my lips, she kissed me and pushed me back flat on the bed.

Her hands swiftly had my pants undone and pulled down enough so that my hard cock popped up, giving her a place to rest her mouth. Her hands finished moving my pants and underwear down to my ankles. With a quick move, Jean licked her finger and pushed it into my ass and pushed against something while she sucked and I blew an uncontrollable load into her mouth.

She was bobbing up and down as I pumped semen out time and time again. When I finally stopped, Jean removed her finger from my ass and gave a long slow suck as she removed my cock from her mouth. She slid up and kissed me with a mouth full of my cum. After the long kiss, she rolled off me and went to the bathroom.

“I’ll be back to take care of you as soon as I wash off my finger.”

“Wow!” I gasped.

Jean came back in the room and pulled my pants the rest of the way off. Then she removed my shirt and moved me so I was fully lying on the bed. Then she cuddled in beside me and began to stroke my cock.

“I guess you liked my dance.”

“And you wonder why I would be worried about you? Could any man watch you and not get fully turned on?”

“Well, my dance wouldn’t include the blowjob or the prostate stimulation.”

“Regardless, what you did up to the blow job had me hard as a rock. It was sexy as hell. How could a man NOT grab you or try to slip a finger into your pussy?”

“If that happened, I would scream for security and they would throw the guy in the street ... into moving traffic.”

“But you still would have been violated.”

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