On Guard - Cover

On Guard

Copyright© 2021 by Writer Mick

Chapter 9

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 9 - A story of love and loss; of good times and bad; of all that stuff

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Consensual   Rape   Romantic   Heterosexual   Fiction   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   First   Facial   Oral Sex   Tit-Fucking   Revenge   Violence  

With a little pressure on her cheeks, I turned Jean around and took her in my arms. She looked into my eyes with an expression I’d never seen before. Since I hadn’t seen it before, I didn’t know how to react to it and so my body did the first thing it could do.

“Paul? Did you just cum on my pussy and the front of my bustier?”

“Yes, my love. Just a little,” I answered slowly, knowing that I’d just messed up.


And with that word she wrapped her arms around me and kissed me. I held her tighter and kissed her back. After a few minutes of this, I remembered that I was on a mission from Jean and I began to unhook the fasteners of her bustier. The emerald green garment slowly opened more and more until I reached the very last hook. The one right between her glorious ass cheeks. I undid it and, feeling that my task was complete, once again took Jean’s cheeks in each hand and squeezed her tight to me.

I felt her press her stomach against my renewed erection and she shuddered a few times before releasing her kiss and pushing me back to sit on the bed again. She stepped back a few steps and now I could see the huge glob of white semen dripping from the bottom of the bustier and clinging to the red curly hair of her pussy.

Jean took the bustier in her left hand and lifted it up and turned it to her. She licked the cum from the front and swallowed it. The she used her right hand to recover any cum she missed and she wiped it around her lips. Dropping the busier off to her left side, Jean again grasped my head and pulled me to my feet. She kissed me and I never thought for a moment that I was tasting my own cum for the first time. I really didn’t notice because all I could taste was her lips and tongue.

Releasing me again, Jean licked around my lips.

“Did it bother you to taste your own semen?”

“Not at all. Did it bother you to taste all the wetness you left on my face?”

“Not at all. Please sit.”

I sat back in my spot on the bed and Jean dropped to her knees in front of me and again took my erection in both hands and cuddled it to her face. This time was different from when she undressed me because now my shaft was still wet with semen from my orgasm. She moaned and groaned as she smeared the wetness around her face and just when I thought that this was the best feeling in the world, Jean opened her mouth and put the head of my penis into it.

Her tongue was swirling and twisting around the knob. Her hands were stroking up and down the shaft. I heard slurps and sucking noises. I felt her tongue glide around the head and then try to push itself into the opening of my penis. Just when I thought that that THIS was the best feeling in the world, Jean pressed down on my shaft and suddenly I felt her face against my pubic hair. She glided her mouth and took me completely into her throat time after time and suddenly it was me making the moaning and groaning sounds.

Just when I thought that THIS really was the best feeling in the world, her hand gripped my testicles and squeezed. Before I could stop myself, I had another orgasm. I could feel flex after flex along my penis and when I finally stopped, Jean ever so slowly slid me out of her throat and then her mouth.

“Oh my God. I didn’t think I was going to do that. When I saw it I thought it was way too big. Did it feel good going all the way down my throat?”

“Is that what happened? I was seeing stars. All I knew was all of a sudden your face was pressing against my stomach.”

I was seeing stars and feeling dizzy, so when Jean pulled me to my feet, I felt a bit woozy. Before I could protest, Jean turned me and pushed me back down on the bed. I was laying half on and half off. She got a grip of my legs and lifted them onto the bed and then she crawled over the top of me and wrapped me into her arms. With her head buried in my chest she sucked a little on a nipple.

After a few minutes she stopped sucking on my nipple and I looked down to see that she was asleep. The lights were low enough that I just closed my eyes and joined her.

The aroma was arousing. The sensation of hair tickling my nose was wonderful. The moisture on my face was waking me up enough to notice the sensation on and around my erect penis. Jean’s mouth was kissing my cock. Her tongue was slowly licking up and down my shaft, pausing to wiggle the tip of her tongue just under the head of my now throbbing cock.

I began to kiss, lick and nibble as I had last time. But this time I also let my tongue do a bit of exploring. What was beneath the little nob and where did all this moisture come from. I brought both my hands up over Jean’s legs and traced along the skin I could feel in the mass of curly red hair. I could feel two large bits of flesh and there was a great amount of heat and wetness between them.

I pushed my tongue in to see if it was the same taste as what I’d smelt and tasted earlier. Jean’s hips thrust down to my face. I must have done something she liked. If it worked once, it should work two times or more, so I kept slipping my tongue in and out of her, pausing to trace numbers on her little nob. She thrust her hips down again and again until finally I heard a muffled scream and a small steam of wetness soaked my face.

Her mouth came off my erection and Jean spun around. When her face was even with mine, she kissed me and licked my face.

“Paul, you know I’ve been with other guys, but I want you to know that none of them ever gave me orgasms from eating me.”

“Eating you?”

“Yes, my love. From oral sex. Now for the next part of my fantasy. This is the fantasy where I make love to you and you come inside me and I wish and pray that we could make a baby. I know I can’t. I’m on the pill and it’s not the right time of the month, but it’s my fantasy. Can I please have you inside me?”

“I thought that you quit taking the pills after Bill did what he did.”

“I was thinking about quitting them when I was in the hospital. The doctor put them on my med orders. So I never went off of them. I was going to ask the doc to take me off but then I realized that those guys could still get to me and then I thought that you and I could have something.”

“When was that?”

“The same day I woke up.”

Jean kissed me again and I thought of what Mom had talked to me about.

“I’ve never done it before, but so far I’ve loved everything you’ve asked me to do. But I guess this is that part my dad talked about. Where sex is more than fucking and it is a touching of souls.”

“Does that scare you, Paul?”

“Yup. I don’t know that I’ve ever had my soul touched or that I’ve ever touched another’s. What’s it like, Jean?”

“Paul, I don’t know. Remember, I’ve never made love before either? I’ve had sex and I’ve fucked. That’s all.”

“Then we’re both going to give up our virginity.”

“I hope so.”

With those words, Jean straddled me and for the first time, I got a close look at her breasts. They hung just above my face and each reddish nipple came to a point facing forward whether she was sitting upright or leaning forward. When one of them came within reach of my mouth, I gently sucked it in. I would have used my hands but they had found their way back down to Jean’s soft, yet firm, butt.

I kneaded each cheek with a hand and when I wasn’t kneading them, I slid my hands around her firm, muscular globes. At one point, my hand slid between the two cheeks and I felt a wet spot. I probed it with my finger and Jean stoppled kissing me.

“Paul, that’s not for tonight. Reach down a little more. That’s where I want your cock.”

I reached down and found the wetness Jean spoke of and I found the tip of my penis. Jean was gliding her pussy back and forth along my shaft and I was getting harder and wetter with each stroke. My fingers separated the skin folds I had been playing with and on the next stroke, Jean tilted her hips and the head of my cock slid into her pussy.

“Oh Paul! So much.”

“Are you all right? Did I hurt you?”

“If you ever leave me, I swear on the lives of our children that I will die.”

She barely had the sentence out of her mouth before she kissed me deeply and rose a little and this time when she pushed back, she slid all the way down my shaft until she had me fully embedded inside her and she was sitting flat on my hips. She ground a little back and forth and around and shuddered a couple of times.

“Paul, every time I shudder like that it’s because you are giving me an orgasm. They are wonderful little ones but I can feel them build to a big one. I’m going to start moving now. Keep my pillow handy or we’ll wake up the house.”

She began to lift up and slowly drop down. I just lay there with my hands on her butt, feeling the movement and enjoying her hot, wet, pussy moving up and down and back and forth. It went on like this for what seemed like a long time and then she got faster.

“Paul, I’m close. Are you?”

“I don’t know. What do I do?”

“Use your hips and when I drop down, you push up into me. Push into me as deeply as you can reach.”

She began to pump faster and I could feel her getting hotter and amazingly tighter. I don’t think she could have gripped me tighter with her hand. Suddenly she grabbed her pillow and clutched it to her face. He hips were several inches off my stomach so I began to hump my hips and drive my cock up and deeply into her.

I could feel that feeling building, like when I would use my hand, but this was much stronger. I pumped up harder and faster and then I just grabbed Jean’s butt with both hands and pulled her tight to me. I pushed as deeply into her as I could and that last thrust felt like I pushed into someplace different.

I wrapped her in my arms and we shook and shivered and shuddered as the feelings subsided. I never felt anything like that. It was then that I noticed that Jean had clutched me tightly between her thighs and had her knees buried tight into my sides. Jean fell forward, her pillow next to my head. She kissed me many times and then lay still and I thought she was asleep again.

My cock was still pumping a little and it seemed like every time it tried to shrink and slip out; Jean’s pussy would tighten up and keep it inside her. I stopped being concerned and felt her lips and her warm breath against my cheek and I went to sleep.

I felt her move a little. Then she lifted her head a bit and kissed my cheek, ever so softly. I could feel that I’d come out of her during the night. She rolled over and out of my bed. I watched her butt walk to the bathroom. To my surprise, she didn’t shut the door. I heard her pee hit the toilet water and she farted a couple of times. Then there was the sound of toilet paper being unrolled and then the flushing of the toilet.

She came back to bed and snuggled close again.

“Did you mind?”


“That I didn’t close the door?”

“Mind ... no. But it was unique.”

“My mother told me that a married couple never closes the bathroom door. When you marry someone you marry every part of them and that includes going to the toilet.”

“Married people do that, huh”

Jean got quiet. I rolled out of my side of the bed and went to the bathroom. I left the door open and stood in front of the toilet. I raised the lid and the seat and proceeded to pee into the water. I farted once and when I was done, I took a single sheet of toilet paper and dabbed the tip of my penis to be sure I wouldn’t drip anywhere. Then I flushed and went back to bed. I snuggled next to Jean and after a few minutes, I said, “Married people do this, huh?”

“Come on Paul, we need to go down to breakfast or the parental units are going to ask too many questions.”

“I need a shower.”

“Me too, but let’s save showering together for another time ... Paul?”


“I meant everything I said last night and this morning. Some people will tell you that stuff that gets said between people in bed making love doesn’t really count. I do love you. I do want to have your babies. I do consider myself to be married to you from now on.”

I stood and helped Jean out of bed before wrapping my arms around her.

“Jean, I don’t know if this is how my mom and dad felt about each other but I love you. I can’t promise more. I don’t have any experience. I love you as far as I know what this sort of love is.”

“But I love you. How can you not feel the same way?”

“What way? Jean, I had a dog I loved. I have a car I love. I have a mother I love. I had a father that I still love. None of those feelings match how I feel about you. So I don’t know if this is the biggest love that there is. I think we need to be together. We need to really know each other better.”

She looked at me, her expression flowing from confused to upset to hurt to confused again.

“Jean, the first time you had sex, were you in love?”


“Just like you are with me?”

“NO! I love you more than anything in the world!”

“More than your father or mom?”

“No, Paul, but that’s different.”

“Right, it’s different. It’s somehow bigger and deeper but different. Well that’s where I’m at. Let me ask you this. Do you think that you will love me more if we make love some more?”

She scrunched up her brow and tilted her head to the side.

“I don’t know.”

“Now you know how I feel. I love you. Will I love you more, right now, with my limited experience, I don’t know if I can love you more. I mean with the way I feel right now, how could I feel more? But then again there were about three or four times last night when thought I was feeling the best feeling that I could ever feel in all my life. Then you did something else and I thought THAT had to be the best feeling ever. Now I love you and I’m thinking this is the best love ever.”

Jean pulled my face down to her and kissed me.

“I understand. Go get your shower. I’m going to my room to get mine. Our parents are going to have a long day.”

Jean left the room and closed the door. I went to the shower but the water and soap didn’t wash away the confusion I felt. How do you love someone more? I was just pulling my polo shirt over my heard when I figured out what Jean said about our parents. I needed to talk to my mom about love.

“You smell good,” Jean said rushing down the hall to hug me.

“How could you tell from way over there?”

“Oh, sorry. You smelled good last night and this morning. I figured you still did.”

I shook my head and rolled my eyes back in my head. Jean took my hand and led me to the breakfast nook. We got there just as Lois was putting a heaping plate of bacon on the table.

“I was wondering who was going to get to the table first.”

“Lois? My dad hasn’t come down yet?”

“With my mom?”

“No. I would have figured the smell of bacon and coffee would have woken up someone earlier. It’s almost ten.”

“Ten!? Lois, we didn’t even smell the bacon and coffee.”

Lois froze and looked at me and Jean and said, “We?”

“Um ... yeah ... we were in the hall and couldn’t smell anything,” Jean said trying to cover her trail.

“Of course. Eggs or oatmeal?”

“Eggs scrambled well, sourdough toast with honey-butter,” Jean said immediately.

“I’ll have what she’s having,” I added just as fast.

I pulled out Jean’s chair and let her get seated before taking my chair next to her. We looked at each other in disbelief. Our parents went to bed together last night and were still there. We each sipped our coffee, wondering what to say about the situation when we heard footsteps.

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