The Runaway Girl - Cover

The Runaway Girl

Copyright© 2021 by Vanessa Evans

Chapter 9

Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 9 - A fourteen year old girl decided to run away from her domineering parents who treat her like a housekeeper.

Caution: This Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Fiction   Exhibitionism  

Water Park

Another day, they decided to go to the water park that wasn’t too far away. Rachel wanted to go naked but Tom thought that that might be a problem so he painted a bikini on her. He did it the night before after they returned from the bar early. Tom took his time and Rachel looked good in a full bikini bottoms and a top. Okay the top only just covered her tits and the bottoms covered all of her butt, but the important thing was that the whole of her pussy wasn’t painted at all.

The paint job survived their love making both that night and in the morning although it surprised the woman in the shop when Rachel went in wearing a dress, Tom having told her not to let anyone see the ‘bikini’.

Tom had got a phone number for a taxi firm from reception and one was waiting for them when they went out of the main gate and the driver wasn’t sure what he had seen when Rachel climbed in the back leaving the front for Tom. As usual, Rachel sat in the middle in of the seat in the back with her knees spread wide and it wasn’t long before Rachel’s dress came off and was passed to Tom to put in the backpack.

The driver was even more confused because the girl on the back seat appeared to be wearing a bikini but he was sure that he could see a slit and a clit in his mirror.

If he was observant enough he would have been able to see that it wasn’t a normal bikini that Rachel was wearing when her and Tom walked away from the taxi.

There was a bit of a queue but Rachel was stood in front of Tom so she couldn’t be seen in any detail by anyone. The girl in the ticket office only gave Rachel a cursory glance as she issued the tickets and they were in.

They found the locker room and soon they were heading for the first slide. Tom was and wasn’t pleased that everyone around them seemed more interested in their own day there rather than in the young teenage girl who at first glance appeared to be wearing a blue bikini with a white floral pattern on it.

Going up the stairs to the first slide was the first real time that people behind them had the chance to stare at the bikini and wonder or even know that it was painted on and, like the sixth sense that young women appear to have, Rachel could feel an older teenage boy staring at her butt and causing her to tingle a bit. She didn’t turn round to look at him but Tom did and he later told Rachel that the boy looked as if he had realised that it was only paint covering Rachel’s butt and that he could see her pussy between her slightly spread legs.

That was confirmed when they went up a couple of steps and the boy didn’t. Tom saw that Rachel had spread her feet a bit and that the boy would be able to see more of her pussy.

At the top of the slide there was a young man controlling when people got on the slide but he paid little attention to her.

It was a similar story on each of the slides but not quite the same when it came to going down on large rubber rings. The rider had to lay on the tube and wait for the attendant to push start the tube. These actions meant that the attendant, young man or girl, had to get close to the rider’s front and they had to spread their legs a bit make them more stable.

Both a young man and a girl did a double take when they saw Rachel’s pussy but nothing was said.

The lazy river type ride was the best from Rachel’s point because the riders had to lay back on the rubber rings and of course Rachel did it with her feet well apart. As the rings slowly made their way along the river they bumped into lots of other rings and the riders always looked at the people in the ring who had just bumped into them.

I said people not person because there were single and double rings where the front rider sat between the legs of the rear rider. Rachel enjoyed laying back on Tom’s chest, especially when he reached over Rachel’s shoulder and tweaked one of her nipples, an act that was witnessed by a few people.

Getting drinks and snacks was ‘interesting’ because Rachel wanted to go and buy them leaving the safety of being with Tom, but he watched as she queued then got served. Tom couldn’t understand why so many people appeared to be so unobservant and not realise that there was something different about Rachel’s bikini.

On the way back to the campsite both Rachel and Tom nearly forgot for Rachel to put her dress on when they got out of the taxi and it was only when Rachel asked Tom if there was any water left in the backpack and Tom went to get it that he remembered and quickly told Rachel to put the dress on.

Rachel had a shower in the motorhome using the special soap just as soon as they got there then spread herself on the bed and waited for Tom to use her body.

The Outdoor Market at La Cala de Mijas

Both when they were going to the Water Park by taxi, and when they went to Fuengirola by bus they passed close to what looked like an outdoor market. Tom enquired at the campsite reception and confirmed what he had seen. Whilst he was there he also extended their stay there for another two weeks because Rachel was having so much fun.

Anyway, the next day that the market was being held Rachel put on one of her ultra short dresses and they went down to the bus stop to go there by bus. Rachel having discovered the fun to be had sitting lazily on a bus seat with people passing by as they got on and off.

From where the bus stopped Tom realised that the market couldn’t be far away so they set off and less than five minutes later they were entering the market.

One of the first stalls that they saw was selling T-shirt and the likes, and Rachel saw that they sold vests like men wear but with bright patterns and scenes printed on the front. She looked through a couple of piles of them and pulled out a couple of them. Looking at the stall holder she asked if she could try them on.

“We have nowhere private.” The man replied.

“That’s okay.” Rachel replied and within seconds Rachel had her dress off and was putting one of the vests on having given the stall holder and all the people around a quick look at her naked body.

Tom could see that the vest was way too big for her but he could also see the reason why she chose it. The arm holes went down nearly to her waist, the front was so narrow that it only just covered her tits, it was very baggy and it was long enough to just cover her butt. He knew that it would take very little movement for her tits to escape and if she bent over ever so slightly anyone close to her front would be able to see down inside the vest right down to the ground.

“That will do.” Rachel said and within seconds she was naked again.

Rachel tried a second vest on and confirmed that it was the same size and also confirmed what would happen if she turned her body. With one tit on display she started looking through the pile of similar garments and pulled out a third one and tried that on as well.

Taking the third one off and standing there in front of the stall with lots of people milling around, Rachel asked Tom which one he preferred.

“Remind me.” Tom said trying to extend the time that Rachel was naked and on display.

Rachel held each one of the three up in front of her in turn and said to Tom,

“Well which one?”

“Not sure.”

Rachel turned to the stall holder and said,

“Which one suits me best?”

She then went through holding them in front of her one at a time, slowly going from one to the next.”

“They all make you look amazing Señorita.”

Putting all three down Rachel turned to Tom and asked,

“You decide Tom.”

Tom pondered for a few second then told the stall holder that they’d take all three. Rachel passed them to the stall holder and remained naked. Tom paid the man and took the bag with the three vests in and put it in his backpack along with Rachel’s dress.

As they walked further into the market Rachel asked Tom is she could stay like that (naked).

“Until someone complains, yes.”

Rachel took Tom’s hand and skipped along.

They wandered along the rows of stalls, occasionally stopping and looking closer at some things and occasionally noticing someone stopping to stare at Rachel. Of course being the only one naked in a crowd of people was really getting Rachel aroused.

“Can you take me somewhere and fuck me please Tom?” Rachel asked Tom on two separate occasions, but they were out on a big open area with nowhere to go for a little privacy.

“Sorry princess but if we fucked here I would get arrested.”

They must have spent a good two hours wandering around the market with hardly anyone taking any notice of Rachel’s nudity and Tom was more convinced that it was because she looked like a little girl. He was pleased that they had removed what little pubic hair she had, that her hair was in pigtails and that in general she looked younger than her actual age.

When they got to where they entered the market they decided to head back to the campsite. Tom opened his backpack for Rachel to get her dress out but instead she got one of the vests out and put that on. Tom smiled and wondered how long it would be before one or both of her tits escaped from behind the fabric and how long Rachel would leave it or them exposed.

That question was answered less than ten minutes later when they approached the bus stop and saw a bus driving away.

“Okay,” Tom said, “I guess that it’s cold drink time, I think I saw a cafe just round that corner when we got here.”

They walked towards where Tom had seen the cafe and as Rachel looked around, low and behold, one of her tits escaped. Tom saw it and asked Rachel if she realised.

“I felt the sun on my nipple but I didn’t care.”

Tom smiled and they kept walking.

Sat at a table outside the cafe, Rachel in her usual way, the waiter gave no indication that he had seen Rachel’s tit or slit and they had a pleasant and relaxing thirty or so minutes before heading back to the bus stop.

When the bus finally arrived it wasn’t very full so Tom took the opportunity to play with Rachel’s clit as she closed her eyes and enjoyed the attention.

Fortunately someone else was getting off the bus at their stop, Tom only recognising where they were when he saw the signs for the petrol station.

They both went straight into the motorhome when they got there and relieved the frustration of the last few hours.

Cycle Hire

On one of their walks, Tom and Rachel had discovered a cycle hire shop and Tom thought that it might be fun to hire bikes and ride out into the countryside. Rachel asked if they could hire them for a few days but Tom squashed that idea saying that if she rode a bike around the campsite people would realise that she was sitting on a hard saddle and she couldn’t because of her ‘problem’.

Tom told her that if they enjoyed their first day they would wait a few days then do it again. He reminded her that after the first day she would probably have a sore butt anyway.

So, on the designated day, after breakfast, Tom covered Rachel with sunscreen, including the obligatory orgasm, got her to put a dress on, and off the went to walk to the cycle shop ten minutes away,

At the shop Tom sorted out the hire then the young man let Tom pick the bikes that they wanted. Selecting his was easy but Rachel wanted a boys bike (Tom easily guessed why) and she also wanted one that was a little too big for her and that had a racing saddle.

She probably showed her pussy to the young man running the shop when she got on three different bikes to see if they were what she wanted. When she stood on the ground and pushed each bike back and forwards between her legs, on one of them Tom could see the wet sheen on the crossbar. She chose that one.

“This one will do thank you.” Rachel said and off the two peddled.

It only took a few metres for Tom to see that Rachel’s butt was sliding about on the narrow, leather saddle. He smiled to himself as he rode behind her until they were away from any buildings, and traffic.

As soon as they were Rachel stopped and slid forward off the saddle, her pussy resting on the crossbar.

“That was nice.” Rachel said as she pulled her dress up and off then handed it to Tom to put in his backpack

“Nothing like the bike that I had to go to school on.”

“You mean that on the school bike you were wearing a thick skirt and probably even thicker knickers.”

“Yes, but at that age I didn’t realise what the funny feelings that I often had were.”

Off they peddled out into the countryside, Tom sometimes going ahead then stopping to video Rachel as she approached him or videoing her butt as she went ahead of him.

Tom also videoed Rachel as she tried to fuck herself with the pointed front of the saddle. She discovered that the nuts holding it in place weren’t as tight as they should have been when she was pressing her clit down and the front of the saddle went down a bit. This prompted her to stop and pull the front of the saddle back into place but she had an idea and pulled it higher so that the front was almost pointing to the sky, then she climbed on and lowered herself so that the front of the saddle penetrated her.

Then she set off pedalling but Tom stopped her after a few metres and he put the saddle back to its proper place telling her that when they got back to England he’d get a bike made specially for her that had a dildo that came through the saddle and went up and down as she peddled. Rachel liked that idea.

They stopped a few times throughout their bike ride, sometimes just for a drink, other times to enjoy the scenery, other times to take some photographs, usually with the naked Rachel as the star of the shot, once to sit on some rocks and eat the fruit that Tom had put in his backpack, and a couple of times to fuck on derelict building or by road signs.

There was one time that they cycled through a little village, Rachel being disappointed that no one was out of their houses.

When they got back to the cycle hire shop Rachel was still naked and the young man looked plenty but he said nothing about her nudity. There was one thing that Tom saw, and the young man must have seen it as well, the wet saddle, but all the young man said was,

“Come again, anytime.”

Tom wondered if meant to, or did in fact say,

“Cum again. Anytime.”

All the time that they were out cycling around with Rachel naked, and pleasuring herself, they saw quite a few vehicles going along the same roads. None stopped but a couple did beep their horns which Rachel acknowledged by waving at them

Making friends

Quite a few of the mornings Rachel went to the main outdoor pool. Tom went with her the first couple of times but once she got to know some of the other teenagers there he let her go on her own. There were one girl the same age as Rachel that she got the most friendly with. The girl Mandy was staying in one of the cabins with her parents who thought that she was old enough to do what she wanted whilst they were there so she and Rachel started hanging around together after their morning swim.

That curtailed Rachel’s and Tom’s plans a little but Tom was happy to go along with Rachel’s wishes although it did surprise him a little that Rachel was happy to forgo a day’s fucking in the dunes. Rachel did however convince Mandy that they should go and at least look at the nude beach getting her to swear that she wouldn’t tell her parents which beach they were going to.

The first time that they all went started with the usual morning love making then Rachel going to the shop for fresh bread and croissants for breakfast followed by Rachel’s exercise routine which she had taken to doing in the privacy of the corner beside the motorhome.

She was just coming to the end of it and standing on one leg with the other one reaching for the sky when Mandy appeared round the front of the motorhome.

“Jeez Rachel, your dad’s there looking at you.” Mandy said.

“That’s okay, he’s seen everything before and he’s coming with us to the nude beach.” Rachel replied as she lowered her leg then raised the other one.

“Are you going to get naked on the beach as well as Rachel?” Mandy asked Tom.

“Would that be a problem for you Mandy?” Tom asked as he looked at the second fourteen year old girl. This one wearing a string bikini over a more average sized body for that age including a pair of tits that looked to be between an ‘A’ and a ‘B’ cup.

“I guess not, I saw my dad’s cock accidentally a couple of days ago.” Mandy replied.

“So are you still going to strip Mandy?” Rachel asked as she lowered her leg.

“I think so but I might chicken out.”

“Well Mandy, no one is going to force you to do anything.” Tom said. “If you want to keep your bikini on or a towel wrapped around yourself all day that’s okay with me.”

Mandy looked a bit nervous so Tom continued,

“Cheer-up Mandy, I’m sure that you’ll have a great day. Have you covered yourself with sunscreen? That job was next on my list for Rachel.”

“Yes thanks, mum did it before they left.”

“Good, Rachel, come here.”

For once Tom didn’t put sunscreen on Rachel’s tits and pussy, nor did he make her cum but Rachel said,

“Dad normally puts sunscreen on my tits and pussy but I guess that he didn’t want to do that with you watching, might give you the wrong idea.”

Tom smiled at Rachel’s little lie.

A few minutes later they set off, Tom with his backpack full of towels and the necessary supplies and Mandy carrying a bag with her things. As they got near the main gate Mandy said,

“Are you going like that Rachel?”

“Yes, why?”

“You’re naked and it’s a public road.”

“And it’s a sort of public campsite Mandy. I haven’t worn anything when I’ve been out here before and a police car passed us one time and it didn’t stop.”

“Wow, I didn’t think that this country was that liberated.”

“Hey, how old did you think I was when you first saw me?”

“Okay, point taken but even so, I could never walk around out here without any clothes on.”

“That bikini doesn’t exactly cover much does it Mandy?”

“It covers the important bits.”

“Just, three band aids would cover nearly as much as that bikini.” Tom added.

That got little giggles from both girls.

“You’re so brave Rachel.” Mandy said as they crossed the bridge with all the cars whizzing by underneath them.

“It’s no big deal, it’s only a body, we’ve all got one.” Rachel replied.

“Yes but.”

They kept walking and soon they were on the narrow road down to the beach.

“So Mandy,” Tom said, “decision time. Turn left and we go to the beach that you’ve probably been to before with your parents, or turn right to the nudist beach. No one will force you to get naked, it’s entirely up to you, but I have to warn you that you will see naked men, including me.”

“You’re going to get naked Tom, with your daughter here?”

“Yes, why not? Ahe gets naked in front of me.”

“What if you get, you know, a boner?”

“Then I get an erection, it’s no big deal, Rachel has seen me with an erection before.”

Tom was looking at Rachel when he said that and Rachel was nodding her head and smiling. The thing was, Mandy was looking at Rachel as well.

“So I don’t have to take my bikini off then?”

“Nope, entirely up to you.” Tom replied.

“Think of all those cocks that you will see.” Rachel said.

Tom saw a hint of a smile on Mandy’s face and wasn’t surprised when she said,

“Okay then, turn right, but if I change my mind can we come back?”

“Of course we can,” Tom replied, “just tell us that you want to go and we will without any questions.”

Tom started walking towards the nude beach and Rachel and Mandy followed. As they walked the two girls talked, maybe thinking that Tom couldn’t hear them.

“Don’t you get all squishy when you see all those cocks?” Mandy asked.

“Sometimes, look there’s your first one.”

“It’s not hard.”

“They’re not all hard Mandy but when they see you they might get hard.”

“You mean see you Rachel, you’re the one that’s naked.”

“Yeah but you look more like a grown woman than I do.”

“I don’t know about that Rachel, your clit is a lot bigger than mine.”

“But you tits are bigger than mine and men like looking at big tits.”

“My tits aren’t as big as my mum’s.”

“But she’s not here and you are so men will look at your tits. Wouldn’t it turn you on men looking at your bare tits?”

“They’re not bare.”

“But don’t you want to take your top off and let the men see your tits, think of how wet you will get.”

“I don’t know.”

“Just try it for a bit Mandy, you can always put your top back on.”

“But your dad will see me.”

“So what, he sees my tits every day.”

“Right girls,” Tom turned and said, “will here do for us?”

Rachel looked around and saw a middle-aged couple on one side and three men on the other side, all as naked as Rachel was. Both groups about ten metres apart.

“Good with me.” Rachel said.

“Okay I guess.” Mandy said.

As they spread their towels Rachel said,

“Relax Mandy, look at the cocks and imaging what it would be like to have one of them inside you.”

“RACHEL,” Mandy jumped back at Rachel. “You can’t say things like that.”

“Why not, I will be thinking that.”

By then the towels were spread and Tom was already sat watching the girls get themselves organised. He got the sunscreen bottle out then said,

“Rachel, you haven’t put this on your sensitive parts yet.”

“Will you do it please?”

“Come here Rachel, get on your knees.”

Rachel did, and she spread her knees as well. Her little tits were right in front of Tom’s face. Mandy looked a little surprised but she didn’t say anything, just stared. She was still staring as Tom’s hand went down to Rachel’s pussy and started rubbing causing Rachel to moan,

She moaned again as Tom’s middle finger penetrated her vagina and started finger fucking her. Seconds later Rachel managed to have a nearly silent orgasm but her body did shake a little.

“All done Rachel.” Tom said, “Good to go.”

Rachel went back to next to Mandy who was still staring, not believing what she had just seen.

“What!?” Rachel asked.

“Err nothing.” Mandy replied as Rachel lay back like Mandy had.

After a minute or so Mandy quietly said to Rachel,

“Did Tom just make you cum Rachel?”

“Yes, he’s good at that.”

Mandy was quiet for a while as her brain continued to process what she had just witnessed then finally she said,

“But he’s your father.”

Rachel got up onto her elbows, looked at Mandy then over to Tom who had heard everything and guessed what Rachel was going to ask him.

“Mandy,” Tom said, “can you keep a secret, a really big one.”

“Yes, a really big secret,” Rachel added, “because if you tell anyone, even your parents we will get thrown off the campsite.”

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