The Runaway Girl - Cover

The Runaway Girl

Copyright© 2021 by Vanessa Evans

Chapter 8

Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 8 - A fourteen year old girl decided to run away from her domineering parents who treat her like a housekeeper.

Caution: This Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Fiction   Exhibitionism  

Tom woke first and quickly discovered that his cock was as hard as usual on a morning and it had found its way back inside Rachel, if it had even completely left its warn, wet, silky glove. Not wanting to wake her he just lay there thinking about the previous day’s fun and where they were going to move on to that day.

Fortunately, or not, Tom’s thinking about Rachel running around naked, what had happened the previous day, thinking about scenarios where she was the only one naked, and where his cock was at that moment proved too much for him and his balls emptied themselves inside Rachel.

Tom wasn’t sure if it was his body’s slight movement when he orgasmed or the involuntary jerking of his cock inside her but she woke up and after a couple of seconds she said,

“Did you just cum inside me?”


“I’ve missed all the foreplay, why didn’t you wake me?”

“You could always suck my cock to get it hard again.”

Rachel smiled and started to get up.

“Aargh, I shouldn’t have gone to sleep like that.” Rachel said as her limbs protested at being moved.

But that didn’t stop her from giving Tom some oral pleasure followed by a proper cowgirl ride until they’d both cum.

“You’re managing to to have reasonably quiet orgasms these day Rachel.” Tom said.

“I’m try Tom, I know that I will cum in places that screaming when I’m cumming would do me more harm than good so I want to try to get to where I can stay silent if I think that it’s best, and that I want to.”

“Good girl. I’ll be able to make you cum in some very public places and no one will ever know. That is if you don’t want to be arrested.”

“No Tom, that might get you arrested as well and I don’t want that.”

Over breakfast Rachel asked Tom if he was going to tie her up like the previous day,

“See if I can beat my record of twenty two.”

“No, we’re moving on today, find a proper campsite.”

“Please Tom.”


“Please, please Tom.”

Tom knew that the pestering could go on for ages so he said,

“Tell you what, I’ll give you just one hour tied up. I doubt that you’ll reach twenty two but it will be good practice for you.”

Of course Rachel was happy and she rushed to do the dishes and tidy up. Soon she was carrying the ropes over to the high beam and waiting for Tom who came out of the motorhome carrying all the other bits that he needed.

Once suitably restrained with the Lush and the Wand in place Tom switched them on and set a timer on his phone.

“Can you put them both on full blast for me please Tom?” Rachel said as she started doing involuntary Kegel exercises and shivering and shaking.

He did, then he left her to it whilst he started getting the motorhome ready to leave.

Tom kept looking over to Rachel and each time her body was shaking a little and she seemed to be in some sort of trance but to Tom she didn’t look like she was cumming so he just got on with what was needed to be done.

It was around forty five minutes later when Tom was organised and he went over to Rachel and he saw her lift her head to look at him.

“I can’t stop cumming.” Rachel said then Tom saw her clenching her pussy muscles.

A minute or so later she said,

“Can you turn the vibrator down please?”

Tom picked up his phone and turned it off. Rachel instantly giving a sigh of relief then said,

“I think that full blast on that thing all the time is a bit too much for me.”

Switching that Wand off as well Tom said,

“I’m releasing you now Rachel, I don’t what you exhausted all day. Did you count the orgasms?”

“I tried but it felt a bit like it was just one long never ending one. I doubt that it was just one but it felt a bit like it was.”

Tom had to support Rachel a bit when he released her wrists but after a couple of seconds she was able to stand on her own.

“Go and have a shower Rach, I’ll retrieve everything here.”

Ten minutes later they were ready to move on, Rachel telling Tom that they’d run out of water.

As they drove back to Marbella and came to the big shopping centre and Rachel asked if they could have a McDonalds again. Tom looked at Rachel and saw that he could still see the contours of her ribs so he pulled into the huge car park and told Rachel to put some clothes on.

Tom half wished that he’d been more specific about what to wear because when he turned to look at her she was wearing a top as a dress that just managed to cover her butt and pussy but it was also very sheer, even in the motorhome with no lights on he could clearly see her tits and her slit.

“Oh well,” Tom thought, “I did buy it for her and she was bound to wear it sometime.”

Then he said out loud,

“Come on girl, let’s go.”

Again there was quite a breeze but Rachel’s ‘dress’ didn’t fly about as much this time, in fact she didn’t get many people looking at her at all. That was until they started getting close to people near the McDonalds. There was a group of workmen walking out of the restaurant and Tom saw one of the men nudge another and point to Rachel.

Inside they joined the short queue and Tom looked at the man behind Rachel and saw that he was staring at her butt. The girl serving gave Rachel a double take but all she could see was Rachel’s tits, nothing special in that part of the world.

They managed to get the same table and Rachel teased people coming in just the same way. When Tom was smiling looking at Rachel she said,


“Nothing my love, enjoy your Big Mac.”

When they left they nearly bumped into another group of workmen but none of them seemed to notice what she was wearing.

As they drove east along the coast road Rachel spotted a sign for a campsite so Tom took the off ramp and up to a little roundabout. Over the other side of the coast road they could see the campsite so Tom parked in the little car park outside a restaurant and they walked into the campsite, Rachel having slipped on one of Tom’s T-shirts at his request, him saying,

“I’m going to try that Vulvodynia trick so I want you to look as though you’re not wearing anything tight, oh, and tie your hair in pigtails to make you look even younger.”

“That conversation will be embarrassing for you Tom.”

“Yes, but it’s worth a try, I want you to be naked here just s much as you do.”

“Thank you Tom.”

“Don’t thank me yet, the staff might be miserable prudes.”

After a quick look around the immediate area they decided to go into the reception and see if they had any vacancies.

They did, so Tom asked to see the manager. It was a middle-aged woman which maybe made the next part of his enquiry a little bit easier. With Rachel at his side and them holding hands, Tom said,

“I’m thinking of staying here for a week or two but my daughter here has a bit of a medical condition that might mean that you don’t want us here.

“Does she need medical assistance? We can call an ambulance or a doctor.”

“No, thank you, she has already seen a doctor back in England and she is taking all the medication that she needs, it’s just that our doctor has told us that she can’t wear anything that tightly covers her err vulva.”

“Oh you must be the unfortunate family that was staying at the campsite on the other side of Marbella. Yes, I heard about you at dinner the other night with the owners of all the campsites in this area. Is this your pretty daughter?”

The woman was looking at Rachel who was putting on a sad face and holding on to Tom’s arm with both her hands.

“Yes, this is Rachel, say hello to the nice lady Rachel.”

“Hi.” Rachel quietly said then turned her face to bury it in Tom’s shirt.

The woman replied,

“Hello Rachel, don’t you worry niña, it will be okay for you to run around without any clothes on.”

“Oh muchas gracias Señora,” Tom replied, “I hate having conversations about female anatomy.”

“Don’t you worry Señor, she is only a little girl, it will not be a problem. Two weeks you say, and you have a motorhome?”


The woman turned and said something in Spanish that Tom didn’t understand then turned back to Tom.

“I have told Mariana to put you in a corner site to give you some privacy. It is near the bar but there shouldn’t be much noise.”

“Gracias Señora.”

Tom looked over to Mariana who was already looking at him and Rachel. Mariana waved for Tom to go over where they sorted out the booking and the payment. After Mariana had shown Tom where his pitch was on a little map the conversation ended with Mariana saying,

“It must be embarrassing for you sir, if there’s anything that we can help you with just come and see us.”

“Gracias Señora.” Tom replied as they walked out, Rachel still clinging to Tom’s arm.

“That was a great performance Rachel, you could become a great actress.” Tom said as they walked back to the motorhome.

“In porno movies?”

“That wasn’t what I was thinking of but I’m sure that you would be great in those as well.”

Tom reversed the motorhome onto the pitch which meant that the motorhome door opened facing a row of bushes but leaving enough room to have the table, chairs and sun loungers all out there and not be cramped. To see anyone passing by they would have to walk to the front of the motorhome.

Rachel kept Tom’s T-shirt on while they both got everything organised then off came the T-shirt and inside she went to get a bottle of beer and a bottle of cola out of the fridge. She took them back outside and sat on Tom’s lap.

After taking a swig of the cola Rachel said,

“Thank you Tom. Can I pull your shorts down and thank you properly?”

“Not right now Rach, but later I’m going to fuck your brains out and if you promise to be quiet I’ll do it out here.”

“I’ll try and I can’t wait.”

“Well first we are going for a walk around the site to what they have here.”

“Can I go like this?”

“Well the manager said it would be okay so lets test what she said.”

“Good. Come on.”

“Hang on, the water tank is still filling up. We’ll go when it’s full and I’ve disconnected the hose.”

Five minutes later they set off, Tom just wearing shorts and sandals and Rachel just wearing flip flops. They held hands as they started walking up the slight incline and quickly came to the bar. People were sat at tables and a few looked over to Rachel and Tom but no one said anything. Using the A4 map of the site that Tom was given in reception they walked round most of the site seeing all the facilities that the site had to offer and it was a lot more than the previous big site that they’d been on. A few people had stared at Rachel but no one had said anything so on their way back to the motorhome they stopped at the bar, Rachel asking if she could have a cola.

“Good a time as any to see what reaction we get here.” Tom thought as they walked towards the bar. Tom could see a huge sitting area mostly full of tables and chairs. The area that didn’t have tables and chairs was raised up and Tom guessed that it was a makeshift stage.

It was early afternoon and there weren’t many people in the bar and only one man stared at Rachel as they sat at a table. They talked about the facilities that they’d seen as they walked around and Rachel told Tom what she’d like to do. After a while a middle-aged man went over to them. As he confidently walked to them Tom thought that he was going to say something about Rachel’s nudity but then Tom realised that the man wore an apron and Tom relaxed.

“Buenas tardes, ¿acabas de llegar?”

Tom understood the first bit and replied,

“Good afternoon, do you speak English?”

“Sí, señor, have you just arrived here?”

“Yes, the motorhome just over there.” Tom replied pointing to his motorhome.

“Ah, I saw you arrive, and this must be the beautiful little girl who has a little problem.”

“Yes, is it going to be a problem bringing her here?”

“No señor, not at all, it is okay for young girls to run around with no clothes on and many of my customers want to see beautiful girls naked. It will be my pleasure serve and look at your beauty. My name is Chico and if anyone say anything about you being like that tell them that Chico will sort them out.”

Rachel smiled at the man, regretting that she hadn’t sat lazily so that her slit and clit would have been visible to him and also hoping that many customers would see her naked.

“Good, gracias, could we have two colas por favor Chico?”

“Of course, and would the beautiful little lady like anything with that?”

“Not at the moment thank you, do you serve food here?” Tom asked.

“Sí, señor, would you like to see the menu?”

“Not at the moment thank you but we will be back this evening to eat.”

“Gracias, two colas coming up.”

As the Chico walked away Tom sighed and said,

“That’s one hurdle over, I wonder if it will be the same in the two restaurants, have you had Indian food before Rachel?”

“No, my parents only ever wanted traditional German food.”

“What about Italian, pasta and pizzas?”

“Pizzas are Italian? I thought that they were German. I had to buy lots of pizzas for my parents which was good because they were easy to cook.”

Rachel saw the man returning with their drinks so she lay back in her chair and spread her legs a little. Tom saw what Rachel had done and remembered that the table didn’t have anything other than beermats on it. He quickly realised that the man would be able to see right up Rachel’s legs as he approached them. Tom looked at the man’s eyes and saw that he was indeed looking at Rachel’s legs.

“Rachel is going to want to come here a lot.” Tom thought.

The man stood next to Rachel as he transferred the drinks from his tray to the table. Tom was still looking at the man’s eyes and guessed that he was looking at Rachel’s slit.

Tom let the man stare for a few seconds then asked how much he owed him.

“Señor, beautiful girls get their first drink here for free.”

Then the man’s eyes moved to Tom and he added,

“No charge Señor.”

“Muchas gracias señor.” Tom replied.

As the man returned to his bar Rachel said,

“Do you speak Spanish Tom, you used a lot of Spanish there?”

“No, only a few of the basics,. That man liked the show that you put on for him Rach.”

“You saw that then, I’m not in trouble am I? You’re not going to spank me are you?”

“No you are not and I am not going to spank you, but you be careful if you come here on your own. I would have told you that he would be trying to get into your knickers but that’s impossible.”

“I will Tom and I still can’t understand why girls want to wear knickers, it’s so much fun without them.”

“I’m sure that there are millions of men all around the world that will agree with you on that Rachel. What do you want to do when we’ve finished these drinks, apart from getting me to fuck you?”

“Spoil sport. Okay, how about we go looking for the beach? It can’t be far away and with a bit of look it will be better than the last one.”

“Right my naked little nymphomaniac, the beach it is but you will need some sunscreen on before we go. Oh, I see what you did, if I won’t fuck you you want the next best thing, for me to make you cum as I put the sunscreen on you.”

Rachel gave Tom that cute, cheeky grin that she has then she sipped her cola.

Ten minutes later Rachel walked out of the motorhome with the bottle of sunscreen and Tom said,

“You are going to have to wait for me to make you cum, can you put some of that on my shoulders please?”

“Yes Master.” Rachel replied and she started doing what she was told to.

As she rubbed some on Tom’s chest her hands drifted down to his shorts and one slid inside them but Tom pulled it out and said,

“Stop that, you said that you wanted to go and look at the beach and if I let you get hold of me it will be dark before we go,

With a little giggle Rachel handed Tom the bottle of sunscreen.

Tom quickly covered Rachel’s body with the cream just like any parent would do with their young child, then he did what not many parents would do and went and rubbed the cream on her pussy. Half of Tom wanted to just quickly rub some over her vulva and stop there, and the other and winning half wanted to make her cum. Guess which half won?

Holding her ‘daddy’s’ hand and swinging it back and forwards, Rachel led her ‘father’ along the little road to the reception and the main gate.

Mariana was stood outside the reception and when she saw Tom and Rachel walking towards her she waved at them. Rachel gave a typical little girl’s wave back and Tom nodded his head to acknowledge her, then they walked out of the main gate.

The little road and roundabout was surprisingly busy and they had to wait for a minute or so to safely cross the road. None of the cars and vans beeped their horns or crashed so Tom wasn’t worried about Rachel being naked. As they walked over the bridge over the main coast road they saw one of those bendy-buses pulling up at a stop almost under the bridge. Rachel stopped, quickly followed by Tom because the path was very narrow, and she looked down at the bus, then along the road at the vehicles hurtling towards them.

“Do you think that they can see me Tom, see that I’m naked?”

“If they look up but not many drivers will look up, they should be concentrating on the road.”

“But the passengers might see me.”

“For a second or two, if they look up.”

“Where is that bus going?”

“Pure guess but I would say Marbella.”

“Can we go back there, have a proper look around?”

“Sure, maybe get on one going the other way, see where it goes.”

“Okay, which way are we going to walk at that roundabout?”

As they walked the few metres to the roundabout Tom said,

“Well the exit on the right is the way that we came and this first left is back onto the coast road so that leaves just one way.”

They were soon walking down (it was a hill) the only sensible way and saw blocks of apartments.

“Looks like a bit of a village.” Tom said.

Just before they got to the first building they saw an entrance to a car park.

“I bet that that goes down to the beach.” Tom said and steered Rachel that way.

No sooner than they were on the car park they saw that the car park was long with trees on the beach side and scrubland on the road side.

“We’ll explore over there some other time.” Tom said and they kept walking towards the beach.

Then they saw the sea with a man-made wall going out to sea. On the left was a beautiful but smallish beach with lots of people on it. Almost next to them on their left was a beach bar that looked busy. To their right was a long, narrow beach with sand dunes that were obviously between the beach and the car park.

“Which way?” Tom asked.

“Left.” Rachel replied and they walked onto the sand.

“Trust you to pick the way with the most people.” Tom said.

“Yes, and so far I haven’t seen one naked person, apart from a little kid.”

“I guess that you are going to be the first today then.” Tom replied as they headed for the water’s edge.

Walking along it Tom saw a few people looking their way but they could just have been looking out to sea where there were a few boats slowly sailing by. When they got to the end of the beach they turned and walked up the beach passed a little kiosk that looked like it was selling all the sorts of junk that kids need on a beach.

They came to what looked like a cafe but there was an alleyway where people were walking so Tom led Rachel that way. They were both surprised to come out right next to a small harbour with some small fishing boats and a few small yachts. On the land they could see a cafe and a restaurant and a car driving along a road between the harbour and the buildings.

Tom decided to follow the road that went away from the harbour and after a good five minutes walking they realised that they had gone in a circle, they were back at the entrance to the car park which they went into again.

This time when they got to the beach the turned right and walked along the narrow beach. They soon realised that this was where the naked people sunbathed, Rachel soon seeing a variety of different cocks.

“Look at all those cocks Rachel.”

“Nothing new, I’ve seen hundreds of cocks, the only one that I’m interested in is yours Tom.”

“Oh yes, I forgot, the FKK.”

“Are you going to take your shorts off Tom, I want to see your cock swinging about.”

Tom thought for a second then unfastened his shorts and let them drop to the sand.

“I’m glad that you let me use that laser hair removal thing on you Tom, I can see you cock much better, especially in this bright sunlight. We must remember to bring the sunscreen next time we come here, I don’t want to miss out because you have a sunburnt cock or balls.”

As they waked they saw more people on the beach, most were men but there were women of all ages as well and Tom was pleased that the sight of them didn’t have any effect on his soft cock. They passed what looked like a bit of a run-down restaurant then finally came to a wall and a bit of a path up towards where Tom guessed the road and maybe the end of the car park that they had seen. Tom took the decision to go up that path and they did come to the end of the car park but Tom didn’t fancy walking along the car park so they went back down the path part way then turned into the dunes.

There were many little paths through the dunes and they could see a handful of men walking the paths. When they came to an area where they couldn’t see anyone Tom decided that he wanted to fuck Rachel. When he told Rachel she squealed with delight and dropped to her knees to get Tom’s cock hard.

By that time Rachel had got good at sucking Tom’s cock and it didn’t take long for it to be ready to penetrate Rachel’s pussy. Rachel got to her feet, turned her back to him then bent at the waist ready to receive Tom who wasn’t going to waste a second. Needless to say that Rachel’s pussy was dripping so when Tom’s cock touched the entrance he thrust straight forward, grabbing her hips to pull them to him.

Rachel gasped and dropped her hands to the sand to stop herself from falling over as Tom rammed into her over and over. Rachel was the first to cum but Tom kept going until he held Rachel’s hips hard onto him and shot his load deep inside her.

As they both started coming down from their highs they both looked up and saw that they had an audience of three middle-aged men. Rachel immediately thrust her hips back but Tom’s cock was already going soft so she stood up straight letting the three men get a full frontal look at her her stood there with her legs a good shoulder width apart.

Tom put his arms round her and tweaked both her nipples.

“Ouch, what was that for?”

“For those three, and now you’re going to wave to them before we walk away.”

Rachel did wave, and smiled at them as well. Tom put his shorts back on and they walked away, going towards then passed the three men Rachel said,

“Can we come back here tomorrow please Tom?”

“We ARE going to come back here most days, I know that you like an audience.”

Neither Tom nor Rachel knew if the three men would be able to understand them but that short conversation was for their benefit. Tom wanted Rachel to be seen having some sort of sex just as much as she did.

They came to a track that Tom guessed was to get vehicles to the run-down restaurant and decided to follow that instead of going into the dunes on the other side and found themselves in a huge area of scrubland. There were a few vehicles spread around and Tom decided to keep walking straight on to see if there was a way out onto the side of the coast road.

They got to an area with trees and bushes, and a track that had obviously been used by vehicles. Then they saw an embankment with some roadside crash barriers which Tom assumed were at the side of the main road, especially as he could hear the traffic.

As they turned a corner they saw a car parked in amongst the trees with a man stood at the open rear of the car. The thing was, he was in the middle of getting dressed as a woman complete with stockings, suspender belt and a bra.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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