The Runaway Girl - Cover

The Runaway Girl

Copyright© 2021 by Vanessa Evans

Chapter 7

Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 7 - A fourteen year old girl decided to run away from her domineering parents who treat her like a housekeeper.

Caution: This Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Fiction   Exhibitionism  

Rachel woke up first so Tom was woken by Rachel sucking on his morning woody then a good thirty minutes of mutual pleasure was followed by Rachel going to the shop for some fresh bread for breakfast. There was a delivery guy at the shop and he just couldn’t take his eyes off the naked Rachel who took that as permission to tease him a bit by bending over in front of him.

After breakfast Tom decided that it had been too long since Rachel had done her exercises and he got her doing them outside the motorhome. She was just coming to the end of what has become a routine for her and was stood on one leg with the other leg vertical way above her head, when both Emma and Rick appeared in front of her.

“Wow Rachel,” Emma said, “I wish that I was that flexible.”

“Wow!” was all that Rick said as his eyes focussed on Rachel’s spread pussy.

“Hi guys,” Rachel replied, “going to the pool?”

“Yeah,” Emma replied, “but don’t stop whatever it is that you are doing for us.”

“That’s okay, I was just finishing my routine. I’ve got to keep healthy and flexible.” Rachel replied as she lowered her leg much to the disappointment of Rick. “I’ll get a towel.”

Tom had also been watching Rachel’s routine, in fact he’d been videoing it and Rachel had made sure that her pussy was facing the camera all the time, and he handed Rachel a towel as she waked to the motorhome door.

“Thanks DAD.” Rachel said with a grin on her face.

About an hour later Rachel returned, hung her towel up and sat opposite Tom.

“So what are we doing today Tom?”

“I don’t know my cute little exhibitionistic nymphomaniac, what do you fancy doing, apart from me that is”?

Rachel giggled and spread her legs to let Tom see her wet pussy, wet with a viscosity different to that of the swimming pool water.

“I know what we can do today and I promise you that you will enjoy it, do you remember me telling you that I was going to ‘edge’ you?”

“Yes, but I wasn’t sure what you meant.”

“I’m going to take to just short of the point of no return then stop, orgasm denial.”

“That’s a bit cruel isn’t it Tom?”

“In a way yes but it will leave you as horny as hell all day.”

“Well that sounds good. So how are you going to do that, can your tongue last all day?”

“Probably not but you have a few toys that can do a lot of the work for me.”

“Ah, nice, bring it on Tom.”

Tom waited until he heard their neighbour’s car drive away then he went into the motorhome and came back out with a handful of Rachel’s toys, a couple of his belts and a knife that he used to cut off some of the spare rope that he had used to make the improvised washing line.

“Are you going to tie me up as well Tom?”

“Tie you to the lounger Rach, you will get the urge to finish yourself and I don’t want you to be able to do that when my back is turned.”

“I wouldn’t do that Tom.”

“You’d be surprised at what a woman who is desperate to cum will do to get some relief Rachel.”

Rachel couldn’t argue with that as she remembered the vegetables that she’d stolen in the villages, just so that she could ram them into herself to give herself some relief when she was alone in the forest.

Five minutes later Rachel was tied spread eagle on the lounger and almost desperate for Tom to start. Even the thought of what Tom said he was going to do to her had got her quite aroused.

“Put it in me please Tom, and turn it onto full vibrations.” Rachel said when she saw Tom holding the Lush remote controlled vibrator.

“Not yet honey, I need to put a gag on you, I can’t have you disturbing the whole campsite.”

“That’s what I...” Rachel started to say as Tom got the ball gag out of its wrappings and lowered if to get face.

“The holes in the ball will let you breathe Rachel but you won’t be able to make much noise.”

It was another new experience for Rachel. Being tied down and feeling so vulnerable had already got her feeling extremely horny and then the ball gag so that she couldn’t even talk had heightened her helplessness even more. She may be quite an independent girl but the feeling that she was feeling right then were something new and something very nice, and knowing what Tom had said he was going to do to her just made her feel so horny, so helpless, so frustrated, so...

Rachel didn’t get to finish that thought because she felt the vibrator touch then press against her dripping vaginal entrance. As she felt it enter her then go deep inside her she had the stupid thought that she was glad that she didn’t have a towel under her butt because she knew that gallons of her juices would be leaking out of her over the next few hours and they would all be able to drip through the slats of the lounger onto the ground.

Then the vibrations started causing Rachel’s body to jerk a little and what sounded like a groan come through the ball gag. Her eyes closed and she missed seeing Tom’s mischievous smile.

Tom realised that he had his work cut out for him. He had gagged Rachel so that she couldn’t wake the dead but she also couldn’t tell him when she was about to cum. He was going to have to rely on her facial expressions and body movements. He hoped that he would recognise the signs.

Twice Tom turned the vibrations up to full speed then when he thought that her moans were sounding like she was about to cum he switched the vibrator off for a few minutes and when he looked at her face she had a pleading look. Both times he just kissed her sweaty forehead and told her that he loved her.

After the third time that he thought she was getting close and he’d switched the vibrations off, Tom slowly pulled the vibrator out of her and he could swear that Rachel was trying to tell him to leave it in and leave it on full blast, but he didn’t. He waited a few minutes then knelt at the foot of the lounger, leant forwards and started tongue fucking her and chewing her clit.

As he was doing that he saw that she was contracting then releasing her pussy muscles over and over. He got to his feet and put his camera between her legs so that he could record those actions. Then his mouth got busy again.

Again he stopped when he thought that she was getting close and he left her to go and get a drink of water.

When he got back to her he was still holding the small plastic bottle of water.

“Would you like some Rachel?”

Rachel nodded.

“Can you swallow?”

Tom saw her throat move as she obviously swallowed some saliva so he poured a little of the water through one of the holes in the ball in her mouth and saw her throat move again.


Rachel nodded.

“Would you like some more?”

Rachel nodded and Tom poured a little more.

Twice more Tom poured a little water into her mouth before she shook her head sideways. Putting the bottle down Tom’s mouth got busy again.

Twice more Tom brought her close to cumming then stopped but the last time he got to his feet and went into the motorhome. When he came out he was holding a small bowl and Rachel found out what was in it when her pussy suddenly went very cold. She tugged at her bindings as the ice cube did its worst before completely turning into water.

Next it was one of Rachel’s dildos that Tom pushed into her vagina. It was bigger than Tom’s cock but smaller than the Lush’s bulb. Tom fucked her with the dildo until he again thought that she was getting close.

After another few minutes break it was the middle two fingers on Tom’s right hand that invaded her pussy. They curled up and easily found her G-spot causing her garbled moans to escape from her full mouth.

After the ends of those two fingers on her G-spot nearly brought Rachel off Tom stopped again then after another break the two fingers went back in and really started pumping in and out, lifting her butt up as they went.

Tom was enjoying watching Rachel’s face so much that he nearly missed the expression on her face change to look like she was enjoying herself too much but Tom stopped as soon as he saw that she was really enjoying his administrations.

On and on Tom went, repeating what he had already done to Rachel. Then he just stopped, went and sat on the side of the lounger and unfastened the ball gag. As Rachel was moving her jaw from side to side to make sure that it was still working, Tom said,

“How are you doing Rach?”

“You know me too well Tom, I couldn’t keep a straight face and you knew when I was about to cum. Have you finished, can you make me cum now?”

“Not yet Rach, we’re going to the cafe to get a drink and a snack.”

“Can you make me cum first please Tom, I really need to cum.”

“Nope, I’m going to untie you and we are going to the cafe.”

“Please Tom.”

“Nope.” Tom repeated and started unfastening all the restraints.”

It was a glum looking Rachel that followed Tom over to the cafe where she went and sat at one of the tables.

“Hands on the table Rachel.”

Tom said just as the girl server walked over to them to take their order.

“Your condition playing up Rachel?”

“Err yes.” Rachel replied.

“It’s itching and hurting and she just wants to put her hand on her err, pussy and scratch herself. I had to bring her over here so that she won’t try and do anything in public.”

“Have you tried the cream?”

“Yes, that seemed to make it worse today and I didn’t want to rub it on for too long in case she started to get, you know, aroused and I’m her father, that wouldn’t be right.”

“Hmm, yes, I could get you some ice if that would help.”

“Oh, I forgot about ice.” Tom replied.

The cafe girl put her hand on Rachel’s hand and said,

“I’ll get you some ice honey, that should help.”

A couple of minutes later she was back with some ice cubes in a plastic bag.

“Put that between your legs Rachel, it will either help or freeze your goodies off.”

“Do it Rachel,” Tom said, “I’m sure that your future husband’s fun won’t be spoilt.”

Even Rachel had to smile at that silly statement and she picked up the bag of ice and pushed it between her legs causing her to gasp and wonder if it would get rid of her arousal.

“Thank you.” Tom said then asked for the menu.

When their order was taken and their drinks on the table in front of them Tom said,

“I’m going to slip up and people will know that we’ve been conning them.”

“Please don’t Tom, I’m enjoying being naked here.”

“Are you enjoying what we just did Rachel?”

“Yes, no, yes, can you fuck me just as soon as we get back?”

“Maybe, or maybe I’ll tie you down and do it all over again.”

“Hmm, that will be ni, no, please just fuck me.”

“We’ll see, look, our food is coming.”

“How are you feeling Rachel, does the ice help?”

“Yes, thank you, thank you so much.”

“You’re welcome, enjoy your food.”

“I feel rotten deceiving her, and the others like that.” Tom said.

“Yeah, but look at what it gets us.”

“You are a naughty girl Rachel Matthews, maybe I should spank you when we get back.”

“Maybe you should Tom. Can we eat this quickly then get back? We have some unfinished business.”

That unfinished business was more of the same Rachel got before lunch and she was so eager for it to continue that she ran back to the motorhome from the cafe. When Tom got there she was actually tying her own ankles to the legs of the lounger. Tom smiled and finished the job for her.

Rachel’s last words before the ball gag went into her mouth were,

“You will let me cum before you untie me won’t you Tom?”

Tom just smiled and seconds later the big end of the Lush was sliding into her vagina.

During the next couple of hours Rachel was edged eight or nine times and her body was getting so wet with sweat that the heat of the day was unable to dry her skin quick enough. To be honest, she looked a mess but Tom kept on going until finally he thought that she was going to pass out. Apart from that, his jaw and tongue were aching.

Tom sat on the side of the lounger and unfastened the ball gag only to hear Rachel say,

“You bastard, you haven’t made me cum. Please Tom, make me cum.”

Rachel was swearing in German as Tom started to put the ball gag back on her but as he fastened the strap he changed his mind and took it off her. Then he unfastened her ankles and wrists and lifted her up onto the table. Her legs automatically spreading wide and lifting into the air.

Tom looked down at her spread, swollen, quite red and very wet pussy then said,

“I think that the ball gag better go back on for the next part.”

Rachel didn’t complain because she correctly guessed that Tom was going to ram his cock inside her and keep doing that until she finally orgasmed.

It didn’t take long, in fact it was Tom’s fourth thrust that finally took her over the edge and Tom was pleased that he had put the ball gag back on her.

As Tom kept thrusting Rachel’s little body was shaking and jerking but he didn’t stop. How he managed to keep thrusting into her for so long before he too reached his peak he will never know. The thing was, Rachel was still up there shaking and jerking when he was starting to go soft. It was only when he started to slide out of her that Rachel’s body finally stopped moving and relaxed. When Tom let go of one of her legs it just dropped like a stone. He lowered her other leg then stood back and just looked at the totally spent and sated girl.

It took a good minute for Tom to remember the ball gag and he quickly removed it getting no response from Rachel.

Rachel just lay there, her torso and head on the table and her legs hanging off the end, for a good two minutes before she moved a hand and groaned. Tom lifted her body then lifted her and cradled her like a baby as he sat on one of the chairs.

After another minute or so Rachel looked at Tom’s face, smiled and quietly said,

“Thank you.”

Tom squeezed her to him a little more and replied,

“You are so welcome Ingrid.”

After another minute or so Rachel lifted an arm and Tom asked,

“Ready for round three?”

“No, no, I can’t take it, I’m totally done in and my pussy is throbbing like you just spanked it a thousand times.”

“You know what it’s like to have your pussy spanked a thousand times do you Rachel?”

Rachel didn’t answer that, instead she shuffled herself on Tom’s lap and got into a position where she could give him a proper kiss that lasted for ages, so long that Tom’s tongue was starting to ache again.

Then they just sat there quietly listening to the crickets and the everyday noise from the campsite.

Eventually, Tom stood up and lowered Rachel so that her feet were on the ground.

“Time for a shower young lady.” Tom said as he put his shorts back on and went and got their shower things.

They slowly walked over to the shower block and Tom took Rachel into one of the men’s shower cubicles where they showered in silence, Tom soaping and shampooing Rachel before they walked back to the motorhome. Tom put a clean towel on one of the loungers, raised the top end a bit then told Rachel to rest for a while.

Rachel happily obeyed Tom’s orders and lay down with her legs not as wide apart as she usually had them. Within a minute she was fast asleep.

Meanwhile, Tom wasn’t as lucky. The place needed tidying up and he quietly got on with doing that. A couple of times he looked down at Rachel feeling happy with himself that he had landed such a beautiful, sex crazy girl. He looked at her pussy from the foot of the lounger and saw just a trace of her juices escaping from between her lips that looked larger than usual and also looked quite red. So did her larger than usual clit which Tom just wanted to gently chew between his teeth.

Snapping out of his daydream he went and got his Go-Pro and took a few pictures of both her pussy and her tits that were standing proud on her chest without even a hint of sagging. After that he finished tidying then got a cold beer and sat on the other lounger.

Tom woke to the sound of Lucy asking him if they were going to the cafe that night.

“What, oh hi Lucy, what was it you said?”

“Sorry Tom I didn’t realise that you were asleep, it looks like Rachel has fallen asleep as well.”

“Yeah, sorry, what was it you asked me Lucy?”

“If you were going to the cafe tonight but I can see that Rachel doesn’t look too good, is she having a bad day?”

“She was around lunchtime, she really wanted to scratch herself. I sent her for a shower then gave her some paracetamol and told her to have a nap. It looks like she was scratching herself in her sleep doesn’t it?”

“Yes, poor thing.”

“Maybe I should tie her wrists above her head before she goes to sleep each night.”

“An oven glove on each hand might be a better bet Tom. Oh hi Rachel.” Lucy said when they both saw Rachel’s eyes open, “how are you feeling sweetheart.”

“Not too bad thanks, no actually, I feel okay now, that nap seems to have made me feel better.”

“Are you still hurting down there, you look awfully red sweetheart.”

“Actually, that err area feels a lot better now thank you.” Rachel said as she looked down to her pussy, then she continued, “yes, it doesn’t look good but it feels okay thanks, is there a cola in the fridge daddy, I’m feeling thirsty.”

“I’m sure that I can find one for my little princess.” Tom said as he got to his feet.

“I’d better go as well, I hate to think what my lot will be getting up to.” Lucy said, then continued, “see you later in the cafe then.”

“What was that all about?” Rachel asked when Lucy was out of earshot.

“Not the faintest idea. So how is my little ‘princess’ feeling?”

“I wasn’t lying when I said that I was okay, I am, it’s amazing how much a few minutes sleep can change you.”

“A couple of hours actually, you must really have been tired Rachel.”

“I was, and that was your fault Tom.”


“Yes you Tom, can we do that again please?”

“Of course we can, we can also do the reverse as well. In fact we’ll do that in a couple of days.”

“The reverse, do you mean me wanking you but stopping just before you cum?”

“No, I meant, I mean going for the world record of the number of orgasms that you can have in one day.”

“Now that does sound like fun, when can we do that?”

“Day after tomorrow, I was thinking of going to Puerto Banus tomorrow, look round the yachts there.”

“More yachts, are you going all nautical on me Tom?”

“Well I like the idea but it’s not too practical at the moment, maybe in ten years or so when I become a billionaire.”

“Wow, I hope that I’m still around then.”

“Unless you dump me you will be Rachel.”

“Like that’s ever going to happen. So we’re going to the bar again tonight are we, I wonder if those games computers will be working.”

“Wouldn’t you rather stand around in the bar with all those men looking at you?”

“Yes I would but I don’t want to disappoint Emma and Rick.”

“I’m sure that they’ll manage on their own. Do you want me to go and sabotage those PCs for you, I’m sure that I can do something to them that will stop them booting until they get a computer engineer to fix them.”

“Naw, I’ll just say that I don’t fancy playing computer games. Fancy a walk Tom, my limbs haven’t moved that much today, someone went and tied me to a lounger.”

“Oh you poor thing, come on, let’s go.”

They walked all over the site, Rachel slowing down when they got near to any new arrivals so that they could get a good look at the naked girl. All of which both amused and turned on Tom who wanted to get back to the motorhome and fuck her again. Something that they did before going over to the cafe when it got dark.

Rachel got her wish about the games computers and because there were a lot of people there she spent quite a bit of time either stood up or sat on Tom’s lap. She got a bit mischievous at one point and started grinding her butt against Tom’s hard cock through his shorts and Tom had to whisper to her to stop before anyone noticed.

Although quite a few men stared at her none of them said anything, well that she could hear, and Tom thought that it had been a very pleasant evening.

Back in the motorhome it was a heated love making session before they fell asleep, Rachel laying on top of Tom, his cock resting where it had slipped out of her.

Amazingly, they woke up in almost the same position as when they went to sleep. The only real difference being that Tom’s cock had woken before him and discovered where it was and grown slowly entering Rachel’s vagina without either of them knowing.

Tom woke first and realised where his hard cock was and he decided to not move and just enjoy the warm, wet glove until Rachel woke up some 5 minutes later.

When she did lift her head and look at Tom he said,

“So you didn’t play with your pussy and make yourself cum last night?”

Rachel just stared at him for a few seconds then replied,

“Have you been hard and inside me all night? The last thing that I remember is you being hard inside me and you were, still are, hard inside me when I woke up.”

“I don’t think that it’s been there all night, I don’t think that that’s possible but what a way to go to sleep and wake up.”

“Yeah Tom, but do I play with myself in my sleep?”

“I’ve watched you a couple of times Rach.”

“Well that might explain a couple of dreams that I’ve had recently.”

“Hey, don’t complain, you look like you’re enjoying yourself.”

“I probably was, I just wish that I could remember those times.”

“I’ll try to remember to video you next time. Now are you going to take advantage of me or do I have to rape you?”

Rachel giggled then started to take advantage.

Thirty minutes later they rolled off the bed, Tom put some shorts on and they went for a shower. On the way back Rachel went via the shop to get some fresh croissants and bread, getting some stares from a couple of men who were in the shop.

They had just finished eating when Emma and Rick appeared carrying towels.

“Not exercising this morning Rachel?” Rick asked.

“You only want to stare at her pussy Rick.” Emma said.

“So,” Rick replied, “I’m a man.”

Both Emma and Rachel laughed as Rachel picked up a towel and started walking to the pool with Emma, a slightly sulking Rick following them.

About an hour later the trio returned and Tom told Rachel to get ready because they were going to Puerto Banus. It doesn’t take a naked girl long to put a dress on and brush her hair, especially when her boyfriend brushes her hair for her. What Rachel’s boyfriend also did for her was to gently push her egg shaped remote controlled vibrator into her vagina much to her delight. Then they walked towards a taxi that was waiting for them at the gate.

Rachel sat in the middle at the back and she smiled when she saw the driver adjust the interior mirror so that he could look up her legs.

Puerto Banus is much like Estapona only bigger and more upmarket which was reflected by the size of the yachts in the harbour, even Rachel dreaming about running around some of them, naked and teasing the crew and guests.

Rachel’s dress was so short that even Tom who was stood beside her most of the time got glimpses of her bare butt, slit and clit but all the time she acted as if her dress was knee length. But she did keep looking around to see if she could see anyone staring at her.

Rachel was a little disappointed in the lack of attention but he had quickly realised that she wasn’t the only girl wearing an ultra short skirt and when she did see other girls dressed like she was she stared at them for a few seconds wondering if they were knickerless like she was.

Meanwhile Tom was yacht and people watching wondering what their lives were like, wondering if the men had a nymphomaniac like Rachel. It was after one such thought that he remembered pushing the remote controlled vibrator inside Rachel and his hand went into a pocket and turned the vibrator on causing Rachel to gasp and squeeze her thighs together.

The vibrations were only on low so Rachel sighed and continued her slow walk thinking that things would probably get interesting.

Meanwhile Tom’s daydreams of owning one of the yachts continued, especially when he saw one with three girls on it, all dressed in cute tiny sailor’s outfits, their skirts being as short as Rachels. This made him think that he’d have his yacht crewed by scantily clad young women, all eager to please him in any way that they could.

Then Rachel came into his peripheral vision and he came back to earth and he quickly realised that he was extremely happy with the girl that he was with. He put his arm round Rachel’s shoulder, stopped her walking and kissed her. When the kiss broke Rachel said,

“What was that for?”

“Do I need a reason? No, it was just because I remembered how lucky I am to have you.”

Rachel gave Tom a quick kiss back and replied,

“I’m the lucky one Tom.”

Tom’s hand went into his pocket and turned the vibrations up a little.

Rachel’s arousal level was rising and she started holding onto one of Tom’s arms with both her hands as they walked.

“I’m going to cum quite soon if you leave the vibrations at that level Tom.”

“Good, I’ll hold you tight as the waves crash over you.”

“Is this going to be the day that you make me cum as many times as you can?”

“Hell no, this will just be the warm-up event.”

Rachel squeezed Tom’s arm again and they started walked again.

It was about five minutes later that Rachel’s first orgasm of the outing hit her. Tom felt the grip on his arm get a lot stronger and he knew what was starting so he turned to face her and hugged her. As her body was shaking and jerking Rachel did her best to keep quiet but a couple of expletives escaped from her mouth, fortunately not loud enough for anyone else to hear.

As Tom hugged Rachel he realised that his arms were accidentally pulling the back of her dress up and he was sure that the bottom half of her butt would be visible to anyone who looked but he wasn’t concerned, he’d already spotted just about as much of other girls when they’d bent over slightly.

“Phew, that was good.” Rachel said when she had control of herself again.

Tom released his hug and Rachel stayed on her feet. He wondered if the back of her dress had fallen to its proper place but he didn’t check, he didn’t care. Quite the reverse, he too wanted Rachel’s body to be seen.

On they walked with the vibrator still purring away inside Rachel’s pussy. After around five minutes Tom could see that the vibrations were starting to get the better of her again and this time when Rachel increased her grip on his arm he went to hug her again but this time from behind her.

With his hands on her stomach he could swear that he could feel the vibrations through the thin fabric of her dress. One of his little fingers could also feel bare flesh and he realised that when he’d hugged her the front of her dress had ridden up like the back had done when he hugged her from the front. He assumed that her slit, clit and bald pubis were all on display. He tried pressing with his little finger to try to let Rachel know that he was touching bare pubis skin but he doubted that she could absorb that information right then.

The orgasm seemed to last longer and Tom wondered if Rachel was deliberately taking her time returning to normal to extend her exposure.

Finally, Rachel relaxed and Tom’s arms took all of her weight.

“Fuck, that was a good one Tom.” Rachel said as Tom released her, pulled his hands back and wondered if her slit was now covered.

“Are you going to hold me like that each time that you make me cum Tom?”

“You realised what was showing then?”

“Yes I did. Can you try and time the next one so that I’m stood in front of some young men please?”

“I’ll see what I can do. How about a drink Rach. You must be quite dehydrated by now, you’re leaking that much that even in this heat the insides of your thighs are all wet.”

“Are they, I can’t feel that, it must be the heat. Yes please.”

Tom turned the vibrations down to the minimum. It didn’t take them long to find a cafe and soon Rachel was sat lazily with her knees well apart and facing the tourists walking by. Tom ordered colas and ice creams without Rachel even looking at the waiter.

Still sat lazily and looking at the yachts and tourists, Rachel took the glass of cold cola when Tom held it in front of her face and she took a long draw on the straw.

“Your ice cream is melting.” Tom said.

Rachel turned to face the table and said,

“A knickerbocker glory, thank you Tom.”

As they left the cafe Tom turned up the vibration catching Rachel by surprise and causing her to gasp a little. They walked passed a place that looked like a strip club and Tom stopped, turned to Rachel and asked,

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