The Runaway Girl - Cover

The Runaway Girl

Copyright© 2021 by Vanessa Evans

Chapter 5

Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 5 - A fourteen year old girl decided to run away from her domineering parents who treat her like a housekeeper.

Caution: This Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Fiction   Exhibitionism  

By the next morning Ingrid’s energy had returned and Tom awoke to her riding his morning woody.

It was a peaceful, quiet day on their own after Ingrid went to the shop for some fresh food. She wore the same ‘dress’ even though it didn’t cover her slit or half her butt and when Tom saw her walking back he smiled when he saw that she had pulled the bottom of the dress up and all her bald pubis was showing.

As they lay on the loungers Tom looked at Ingrid’s pubis and decided that it was a good job that one of the packages that he’d ordered was a laser hair removal device. He hadn’t told her about anything that he’d ordered and he was looking forward to seeing her face when she saw her new toys, clothes, documents and the other things that he’d bought for her.

The ‘quiet’ day didn’t include the sounds of pleasure as they made love to each other out on the loungers, not caring if anyone walked by and saw them. At one point Tom was sure that he heard someone but he didn’t bother looking.

That evening they again walked to the village and went to the same cafe to eat. Ingrid wore the ‘dress’ that was see-though and in the light of the cafe everyone who looked could see that she wore nothing under the dress.

The next morning it was putting everything in the proper storage lockers and getting ready to leave. Ingrid again insisted on travelling naked and as they drove off their allotted space they waved at their ex-neighbours, Ingrid saying that she’d miss teasing the boys.

Tom hadn’t planned on travelling far but they had problems finding a campsite and in the end they spent one night parked on the side of the very quiet road but that didn’t stop Ingrid from wanting to go for a walk into a wooded area, totally naked, her telling Tom that it reminded her of her days on her own in the forest.

The next morning they continued driving east and Tom found a campsite just north of Gibraltar. It wasn’t brilliant campsite and it didn’t have a lot of facilities but Tom wanted to visit Gibraltar. The only problem was that Ingrid didn’t have any identification documents and Tom had been told that the Spanish were a bit touchy about people crossing the border.

Tom told Ingrid that they’d spend a few days there and after they’d parked up and got the motorhome stable and hooked up he went back to the reception to see if he could get a parcel delivered there for him. As he walked back to the motorhome he sent an email to his lawyer with the address and asked him to get the parcel to him with a 48 hour delivery guarantee.

Back at their pitch Tom found that Ingrid had got out the table, chairs and loungers and was just soaking up the sun. Their pitch was separated from the others but it was on a main walkway and quite a few people were walking by, some looking over and seeing the naked Ingrid.

“Has anyone complained about you being naked yet Ingrid?” Tom asked.

“No, it’s probably my child-like body.”

“Good, because I want to stay here for a few days then get a taxi to Gibraltar. That’s one of the few places that I want to visit.”

The next couple of days were quiet and lazy for them except when they attacked each other’s bodies. Ingrid wasn’t too happy because she had to wear a dress whenever they went anywhere except the beach, which wasn’t that brilliant. When they did go to the beach Tom painted another thong on Ingrid which pleased her.

Ingrid wondered why they walked to the reception on the second evening leaving her outside when he went in. When she asked Tom what he was doing he made-up a story about checking the site’s Wi-Fi.

When they went there on the third evening and Tom came out with a big box Ingrid was very intrigued but Tom ignored her many requests to know what was in the box right until they got back to the motorhome, then he told her that it contained presents for her.

Ingrid’s eye welled up and she went and leaned of Tom telling him that she’d never really had any presents from her parents.

“Well take that dress off and get opening Ingrid.”

The very excited Ingrid started ripping her way into the box only to find more plain packages. She was like a kid whose Christmas’ that she’d never had, all came at once. The only thing was that there wasn’t any kids toys in the box, only adult women’s toys and some clothes.

Ingrid cane across a large, plain brown envelope with the name ‘TOM’ on it and she passed it straight to Tom. To him that was the most important thing in the box. Ingrid ignored Tom as she opened package after package, some causing her to gasp then say that she couldn’t wait to try the various dildos, vibrators, beads and a laser hair removal device. When she came across the double and single, pearl string thongs she held them round her neck and said that they were beautiful but she didn’t know what the thin strips of flesh coloured plastic were for. Tom decided to keep that surprise for later.

The remote controlled vibrators also had Ingrid a bit confused,

“Another surprise for later.” Tom said.

There was a few items of clothing in the box that Tom hoped Ingrid would like, one of them being a black, totally see-through dress which Tom was looking forward to seeing Ingrid in.

Ingrid positively squealed with delight when she saw the top of the range mobile android phone and the Go-Pro camera that was in there, telling Tom that she’d never had a phone of her own before.

When Ingrid had finally opened the last package she sat back, sighed and said,

“Where do I start?”

A few seconds later she got up, went to Tom and unfastened his shorts. Pulling them down she said,

“I start by fucking you Tom, a thank you fuck.”

But it wasn’t a fuck to start with, Ingrid dropped to her knees and took Tom’s cock in her mouth and started going up and down, getting his cock deeper and deeper into her mouth then throat. She swallowed all of his first load and kept on fucking her throat on his cock until he was hard again then she got to her feet, knelt either side of Tom’s thighs, impaled herself on his cock and rode it right through her first and her second orgasm until Tom shot his second load deep inside her.

After a short rest Ingrid started trying all the items whist Tom prepared some food for them then told Ingrid to stop and eat. She did so with a dildo deep inside her before continuing where she left off.

As soon as Tom got the camera he got it working and videoed Ingrid using her new toys on herself. In between doing that he set up her new phone and when Ingrid picked it up she saw the name Rachel Matthews as the owner.

“I don’t mind Tom but I think that you’ve got me a second hand phone. It’s got someone else’s name on it”

Tom handed Ingrid her new passport and when she looked at the photo she said,

“That’s me.”

“Yes it is Rachel. I’ve got you a whole new identity, one which will allow you to live in England as if you were born there.”

“This says that I’m eighteen years old and my birthday is wrong.”

“I know, eighteen so that you are an adult and I’m sorry about the birthday, it was all that I could get but it means that we won’t have any legal problems.”

“Tom, I don’t know what to say, I’d fuck you again if I had the energy.”

“Rachel, all you have to say is that you will come to England with me and live with me.”

“Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, of course I will Tom. It’s a nice name is Rachel Matthews, did you choose it?”

“No, and I think that it’s best if you don’t know where the name came from but we do need to invent a plausible background for you, one that explains you German accent.”

“Okay, Tom, can we go to bed early tonight, and not fuck, I’m so tired.”

“Of course we can, we can just cuddle all night.”

“And can I hold your cock all night as well?”

“You never have to ask that question Rachel.”

They did just that, two happy bunnies falling into a very contented sleep.

Ingrid, sorry, Rachel woke up first and woke Tom giving him his first fuck with Rachel as she rode his morning woody. Then, for her, it was straight back to going through and trying all her presents. In all the excitement Rachel forgot all about breakfast and Tom had to prepare it and almost tie her down to eat it. Even when she was eating she was telling Tom about how her new toys made her feel when they were doing their thing.

It was whilst they were eating that Tom decided that Gibraltar was out of the question for that day and he’d think about it for the next day.

Most of the day was spent with Rachel experimenting with the toys and trying on all the clothes. When she came to the pack of ten crotchless G-strings she said,

“Well if I have to wear knickers anytime at least my pussy won’t get all hot and bothered.”

Tom laughed and replied,

“I’m sure that I could make sure that it was.”

Rachel turned and kissed him.

Rachel also wanted to go for short walks wearing different clothes and toys. Most of the toys made her aroused as she walked and she liked those. She had a couple of ‘accidents’ when her Ben Wa balls cane out but she soon learnt how to control her pussy muscles.

The remote controlled vibrators were another hit with her. Firstly she liked the idea of the pink antenna sticking out of her vagina but the main thing that she liked was that Tom could control it from his phone. Rachel really loved it when he made her cum in front of strangers. Which is what he did that evening, they went out to find a restaurant. Rachel wore just her sandals, one of her new dresses that was opaque and her Lush remote control vibrator.

As they walked the streets Tom kept turning the vibrations up but not to the maximum because when he does that Rachel can’t stop her body from shaking and she has an almost irresistible urge to hold her pussy and one of her tits. That didn’t seem to bother Rachel but Tom thought that it wasn’t a good idea when strangers were around.

The street lighting wasn’t that good and Rachel only saw one person looking at her. She decided to only wear that dress when she was going somewhere with powerful lighting.

In the restaurant Tom made eating difficult for Rachel, a lot of the time she was eating with just a fork, her other hand pressing on her pussy.

Tom took Rachel beyond the point of no return a couple of times and she struggled to stay silent. A woman on a table nearby asking Tom if his daughter was okay. The occupants of just about all the other tables changed before Rachel finally finished her desert.

During the walk back to the motorhome Rachel was begging Tom to pull the vibrator out and fuck her brains out but he refused. What he did do was tell her that from time to time he was going to ‘edge’ her for days on end. He had to explain what ‘edging’ was and Rachel told Tom that she both loved and hated the idea.

Back at the motorhome Tom told Rachel that they were getting up early in the morning and getting a taxi to Gibraltar and that she should decide that evening what she was going to wear for the day. At one point Rachel picked up the pearl beads and held round her neck.

“I can’t see how to put these round my neck Tom and I don’t understand what these funny strap things are for.”

“That’s because it’s not a necklace Ingrid, oh sorry, Rachel, it’s actually a pair of knickers.”

“Girls wear knickers like this?”

“Yes, bring them here and I’ll show you.”

Rachel did and she giggled a bit as Tom held then for her to step in to. As he pulled them up she said,

“They don’t cover anything do they, but I guess that they look good. Oh. Oh, am I suppose to wear them with one string of beads on each side of my clit?”

“Yes you are, they will keep agitating your clit as you walk.”

“That sounds like fun, I’ll wear them tomorrow.”

Rachel took ages sorting out what else she was going to wear which was sill because Tom knew that she’d wear next to nothing and he was nearly asleep when she finally joined him. But that didn’t stop her going straight to his cock with her mouth as soon as she climbed on the bed.

Rachel was reluctant to get out of bed so early but Tom carried her to the shower in the motorhome and turned the cold water tap on. After a few German words which Tom assumed were swear words, Rachel was wide awake and getting ready.

Rachel chose to wear another of her new opaque dresses, this one slightly shorter than the one from the previous night, in fact this one was longer at the back meaning that when Rachel was stood her butt was covered. In the shorter front her slit and clit were just about covered. If she bent, twisted or raised her arms even the slightest bit anyone looking would see her slit and clit.

Rachel was wearing three other things, a pair of sandals, a pair of designer sunglasses and another remote controlled vibrator, this one an egg that had no parts sticking out of her. Tom told her that he’d pick the time to switch it on.

It took a few minutes to flag down a taxi then Tom opened one of the back doors for Rachel to get in and was rewarded with a great view of her pussy. He followed her in and as she slid over to the other side Tom saw that the driver’s head was turned and he was looking at Rachel’s pussy.

The journey didn’t take long and they were dropped off a bit short of the Spanish border then they had to walk the rest of the way along with what seemed like hundreds of Spanish people going to work.

At the actual border there were lots of Spanish police and they appeared to be stopping anyone who didn’t look vaguely Spanish and that included Tom and Rachel. Tom presented their passports and he breathed a sigh of relief when the policeman returned them to Tom and waved them through. As the walked on Tom said,

“Well it looks like your passport is good Rachel.”

It didn’t take them long to find a cafe where they had some breakfast. As they ate Tom looked at the way Rachel was sat and he could see the strings of pearl beads and her clit between them.

“Do those pearls feel nice Rachel?”

“Yes, I’ve discovered that if I walk a bit like models do, putting one foot directly in front of the other the pearl move around a bit and massage my clit.”

“I wondered how long it would take for you to discover that.”

With that Tom put his hand in his pocket and switched the vibrator on to a low setting but that was enough to make Rachel jump a bit in her seat. As she got used to the vibrations she asked,

“Are you going to make me cum lots of times today Tom?”

“Once or twice Rachel.”

“But you’re definitely going to make me think about cumming all day aren’t you?”

“I am, are you complaining?”

“Hell no.”

The cafe was in a sort of town square and lots of people were walking through. Looking at them quite a bit Tom realised that most of the people were no longer looking like workers going to their jobs, but they looked like tourists. He smiled to himself as he thought about Rachel ‘accidentally’ letting some of them see her pussy, and, if they got close enough, see her tits and slit through the opaque dress.

Breakfast over they left the square and started wandering all around. Tom had heard that the place looked quite like an English town, only with decent weather, and he soon saw the similarities.

“Is that an English policeman Tom? What is he doing here?”

“Gibraltar belongs to the UK and they choose to do things like they do in England and that includes the policemen dressing like they used to in England.”

“Complete with those silly hats.” Rachel added.

“Yes, those hats are supposed to be hard enough to withstand a brick landing on them.”

“Shall we test that?” Rachel asked.

“No.” Tom quickly replied and turned the vibrations up to maximum for a couple of seconds causing Rachel put her right hand on her crotch.

“No hands on your pussy nor your tits Rachel, if you do that policeman might arrest you for public indecency or lewd behaviour.”

“I’ll try Tom but that vibrator sends shock waves to my clit and nipples.”

“But you are enjoying it aren’t you?”

“Yes I am.”

Just as they were leaving the square Tom saw a minibus and realised what all the writing on the side was.

“Do you want to go and see the monkeys Rachel?”

“What monkeys?”

“Gibraltar is famous for its wild monkeys or to give them their proper name, Barbary Macaques, there’s hundreds of them living wild on the rocks.”

“I didn’t know that, but yes, why not.”

Tom looked where the minibus had stopped and saw a place where they could book tours. There were already a few people there and Tom and Rachel went and joined the queue. Soon they were climbing into a minibus with Rachel accidentally showing her bare butt and pussy to the men that were behind her waiting to get in. Rachel sat on an end seat near the back which meant that some of the people in front could turn and see her bare legs right up to her stomach but she acted like she was wearing jeans.

Off they went with the tour guide sat in the front and frequently turning as he addressed the passengers. Rachel didn’t appear to notice him looking as she sat with her knees apart but Tam saw where the tour guide was looking and smiled.

The tour guide wasn’t the only man looking at Rachel, a couple of the passengers saw her when they turned to look at something out of the window and from then on Tom thought that those men always wanted to see something out of the back of the minibus.

The tour stopped at a few places and each time they got out of the minibus it gave the men more opportunities to look at what they thought was a girl who was oblivious to her exposure. Rachel actually did know that the men were looking at her and she had many deliberate wardrobe malfunctions all with her apparently not realising.

At one stop there was an ice cream van and Tom bought one for each of them. The seller told Tom to watch out for the monkeys which the tour guide had already warned them about.

Rachel managed to dodge the first monkey that came to try to steal her ice cream then three of them were stood on the ground in front of her. One tried to grab the ice cream but missed and grabbed her dress pulling it up as it jumped up onto the wall. Rachel screamed which brought her to attention of all the other people there as the monkey pulled at her dress, it getting higher and higher revealing her body nearly up to her tits.

Meanwhile another monkey had succeeded in taking her ice cream form in her hand leaving her free to try to get the monkey to let go of her dress. After about twenty seconds she succeeded, the monkey ran off and Rachel managed to pull her dress back to its proper place.

“That was embarrassing.” Rachel lied as she spoke to just about everyone who had been in the minibus and the occupants of a couple of cars that had stopped at the same place.

Tom bought Rachel another ice cream and stood in front of her whilst she ate it. Whilst she was eating it Tom whispered that she looked good in her pearls underwear that made her clit look even bigger.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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