The Runaway Girl - Cover

The Runaway Girl

Copyright© 2021 by Vanessa Evans

Chapter 3

Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 3 - A fourteen year old girl decided to run away from her domineering parents who treat her like a housekeeper.

Caution: This Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Fiction   Exhibitionism  

The next morning Tom woke to the sounds and motions of Ingrid cumming. His hand was still on her pussy but, as far as he knew his hand had been there all night and his fingers hadn’t been moving. At first he was puzzled but then he realised that she had cum in her sleep and he wondered what she had been dreaming about.

Unfortunately, when she woke up she couldn’t remember a thing about her dream and she thanked Tom for making her cum.

After what had become their morning sex routine they got off the bed and Tom started thinking about some breakfast.

“I fancy some croissants for breakfast.” Tom said.

“We haven’t got any.” Ingrid replied.

“They might have some left at the site’s shop shall we go and see?”

“I’ll go Tom, you start some coffee.” Ingrid said.

“Hang on a minute Ingrid, are you planning on going like that?”

“Not quite, I’ll need some money.”

“I meant clothes.”

“No, I’ve still got my bikini on.”

“That will be interesting, let me check your paint.”

Tom checked the paint and was satisfied that it was still intact even after a night of sexual pleasure and with a slap on her butt Ingrid left the motorhome. He watched the essentially naked Ingrid walk off their little pitch and disappear along the track. As he started the coffee and took the necessary breakfast things outside to the table he looked up and saw two older teenage girls walking by.

“Good morning.” Tom said when he saw that they were both looking at him.

“Morning.” Both girls replied then giggled.

It was then that Tom remembered that he was even more naked that Ingrid had been.

The giggling girls kept walking and Tom thought,

“Oh what the hell, it didn’t appear to bother them so why should it bother me?”

He got on with getting things ready hoping that Ingrid was successful in her mission. Breakfast things ready, Tom went into the van and started making the bed and tidying up. That done he picked up the pot of coffee and went back outside and sat waiting for Ingrid to return.

He was just starting to worry that someone had realised that it was only paint that she was wearing and that there had, or still was, some sort of altercation when a smiling Ingrid appeared walking along the track.

“Everything okay?” Tom asked.

“Yes, why shouldn’t it be?”

“No problems with your bikini?”

“No. Oh, I heard one old woman saying something about kids these days, and girl serving in the shop was grinning as she served me. She dropped my change because she wasn’t looking where my hand was, but apart from that, no problems. Well apart from the two older boys who stared at me as I walked towards them near the kids playground.”

“Why were you near the kids playground, that’s not on the way to the shop?”

“I know, I saw the boys heading that way so I took a detour so that I could walk near them.”

“You didn’t drop something and bend over in front of them did you?”

“Yes why?”

“So they got a good look at you pussy then?”

“Yes they did, it took ages to pick up all the coins.”

“Wow Ingrid, I’ve really dropped lucky finding you.”

“And I’ve ‘dropped lucky’ whatever that means finding you Tom.”

“It means that you are the girl of my dreams Ingrid. Beautiful, sexy, you love your body and you’re happy for other people to see it.”

“You missed a bit Tom.”


“That I WANT people to see me naked because it makes me horny and want you to fuck me. Can I sit on your cock while we eat breakfast?”

They did just that, a couple of times Tom’s erection started to wane and Ingrid ground her butt round and round until the blood started rushing to his cock to get it hard again.

Breakfast finished Ingrid ground her butt round and round whilst she rested her head on his shoulder. She kept doing that until Tom got the point of no return and dumped another load of his cum deep inside her.

They just sat there, both of them thinking how lucky they were and not knowing that the other was thinking exactly the same thing. Two couples walked along the track and glanced over to them. What they would have seen was a fourteen year old girl in a bikini sitting on her father’s lap and having an innocent cuddle.

Finally, with Tom’s soft cock still inside Ingrid only because her tight pussy was gripping it and not letting it go, Tom lifted Ingrid up and off him with her protesting that she was enjoying just sitting there then Tom said,

“We’re staying around the van today Ingrid, just lazing about and enjoying the sun.”

“Okay, I’m happy to do that.”

“But I don’t want you to get any tan lines Ingrid so the paint is going to have to come off.”

“But I’m a golden brown all over Tom.”

“But the tan might get darker where there’s no paint.”

“Okay, I suppose that could happen. Does that mean that I can be really naked all the time, even going around the site and to the cafe tonight?”

“No, you’ll have to wear something to the cafe, and maybe around the site, we’ll see how that goes. But now it’s bathroom time my girl. Get your things and off you go. Take some of that special soap and see if it does get the paint off. I’ll tidy up here then come and join you. If you get back before I do I’m sure that you won’t mind sitting in the sun and waiting for me.”

Ingrid got her things and with her towel over her arm she set off. As she walked away Tom was watching her and once she got a few metres away she really did look like she was wearing a bikini.

Tom got out his phone and saw that there was an email from his lawyer saying just ‘phone me’, so he did. He was pleased to hear that his lawyer had found someone who could provide Ingrid with a new identity, that of a woman who had died in a road accident a couple of years ago who actually did look a bit like the photograph that he had emailed to his lawyer.

Tom was told that it would take a couple of weeks to get all the documents to make Ingrid ‘legal’ in the UK as one Rachel Matthews. Tom being the punctilious person that he is, asked his lawyer to get Rachel Matthews a medical insurance policy the same as his own.

Tom didn’t ask how much all this was going to cost him because he didn’t care, he would have paid half his fortune if it really came to that – which it didn’t.

Quickly tidying everything Tom then grabbed his shower things and locking the van he walked to the shower block and at the family showers he called out Ingrid’s name. A door opened and he went in only to find that Ingrid looked a mess. The front parts of the paint job had gone but the sides and back were still there looking silly.

That problem was soon resolved and Ingrid was soon back to her beautiful, totally naked self. Tom put his hand onto her pubis and told her that she was starting to get a little bit of stubble. To which Ingrid replied that she hadn’t got round to shaving yet, and she lifted an arm to show Tom the bit of stubble on her arm pits.

They both shaved at the same time then Ingrid asked Tom if she could shave his pubes saying that a couple of times she’d got a hair in her mouth and that it had annoyed her.

That seemed a fair request so Tom agreed and he watched Ingrid trim then shave his pubes, erect cock and scrotum before devouring his cock so deep that he felt her nose on his pubis, a new feeling for Tom that he liked. He also liked that fact that she kept his cock in her throat when he told her that he was about to cum.

After that Tom thought that it was only fair to make her cum too so he lifted her up onto the baby changing counter and devoured her freshly shaved pussy until she to had an orgasm.

Shortly after that two sated people left the family shower room, Tom wear his shorts and Ingrid wearing nothing. They got a funny look from a middle-aged woman who was waiting to use the room with two little kids.

As the walked back to the van Tom told Ingrid that she should really have her towel wrapped around her body.

“I’ll do that if someone complains.” Ingrid replied.

No one did, in fact the few people that saw her didn’t pay any real attention to her state of dress at all. That gave both Tom and Ingrid some confidence that she could remain totally naked all of the time, well the daytime anyway.

Back at the van they hung up their towels on a makeshift line that Tom had made with some blue nylon rope going from one of van’s wing mirrors to a branch of one of the trees behind the van, then he got fresh towels and spread them over the loungers that were positioned between their van and the hedge between the site pitches.

They were in full view of anyone walking by so Tom was going to keep his shorts on, unlike Ingrid who never even considered putting anything on, other than some sunscreen that Tom insisted on.

That task was one that they both enjoyed, Tom picking his moment to spread the cream on her pussy and making her cum when he hoped that no one saw what he was doing. Unfortunately, his looking around to make sure that no one was watching wasn’t that thorough and two older teenage boys watched what Tom was doing to Ingrid who had seen the boys but said nothing.

The oblivious Tom brought Ingrid to a glorious orgasm with his fingers whist she stared at the boys who stared at her.

Orgasm going into Ingrid’s mind as a VERY satisfying one because she was being watched, she just lay there with her legs spread wide as Tom started covering himself with the sunscreen as the two boys took in the sight of her little pussy for a minute or two before coming out of the bush that they had moved behind hoping that they wouldn’t be seen voyeuring the totally naked girl being sexually satisfied.

All the time Ingrid had been watching the boys and when they finally broke cover and continued their walk Ingrid smiled and waved to them. Both of them being too embarrassed when they discovered that they had been seen.

“That was very good Tom, thank you, but did you know that we were being watched?”

“No, I thought that I picked a time when no one was walking past.”

“There were two teenage boys and I’m sure that they enjoyed the show.”

“And you didn’t think to tell me that they were there?”

“You would have stopped if I had told you Tom, wouldn’t you?”

“Yes I would, so I’m guessing that you liked being watched.”

“I did, it sort of gives me a little something extra.”

“A little something that you like I take it.”

“Yes Tom, I always liked it when I entered the competitions at the FKK events and everyone there watched me on the stage.”

“You didn’t make yourself cum did you Ingrid?”

“No, no, I was too young for that and I didn’t understand why it felt good. Now I know why.”

“Way beyond your years young lady.”

“So will you make me cum when people are watching again?””

“How could I possibly refuse a request like that, but it’s not going to happen every day, nor when I think that it might get us into trouble. Now will you just lay back and enjoy the sun. I’ve got a couple of books that you could read.”

“Err no thanks Tom, my generation reads everything on their phones but I haven’t got one of those.”

“I’ll get you a phone Ingrid but not right now. We have to think about keeping your identity secret, we don’t want your family coming across your name anywhere. Some thing to think about another day. How do you fancy hiring a jet-ski tomorrow?”

“That sounds like fun. Have you ever been on one before?”

“Nope, so we’ll learn together.”

Ingrid liked that idea and she lay back and imagined herself zooming along on the open sea. Tom meanwhile, was pleased that he had deflected Ingrid from thinking about the future. Once he had the documents for Rachel Matthews with her face on them he would enjoy introducing Ingrid to the new her.

They actually had a very relaxing day doing very little except for each other. Ingrid was on the lounger nearest to the path so whenever a young man walked by she opened her legs hoping that they would look over and see her pussy. She was rarely disappointed.

That evening Tom got Ingrid to put on one of her ‘dresses’ and they walked out of the site in the opposite direction from when they arrived and were surprised to find that the village was bigger than they thought and they soon found a cafe where they could eat and drink. Although Ingrid kept wanting Tom, and anyone else who cared to look, see her pussy, she was starting to show signs that she was settling in to a steady relationship with Tom.

By the time they left the cafe it was late and they were both ‘happy’, not drunk, just ‘happy’. Ingrid being happy enough to take her dress off and walk back naked. Tom didn’t try to stop her but he was grateful that they didn’t see anyone else, not even on the campsite.

“Do you want me to go and get some croissants for breakfast Tom?” Ingrid asked when they finally got off the bed the next morning.

“And what were you thinking of wearing whilst you went to the shop Ingrid?”

“Well I went there naked yesterday so,”

“No you weren’t naked Ingrid, you had a paint bikini on.”

“Can you paint one on me now?”

“No Ingrid, not today, I want to see all of your body.”

“Well maybe we should look for something skimpy that I can wear that will look like I’m covered but doesn’t actually cover me.”

“Like a crotchless g-string,” Tom replied, “thanks Ingrid, that gives me an idea, but first I’ve got something that you can wear that you might just like.”

Tom went and got that package that he’s bought on impulse when they went shopping for dresses for her.

“What’s this Tom? Where did it come from?”

“Just open it and put it on Ingrid.”

She did and Tom watched her face as she realised what it was and that when she pulled it to make it long enough to cover her butt it was very see-through, the sparkly bits on it distracting people from the fact that it was see-through.

“I love it Tom, can I wear it all the time?”

“No Ingrid, just long enough to go to the shop.”

Off Ingrid went and fifteen minutes later she came back with some croissants and some items for lunch. When Tom asked her if anyone had stared at her or said anything Ingrid said not which surprised Tom a little as the ‘dress’ had ridden up and her slit was clearly visible as she walked up to the motorhome.

Ingrid went into the van and ten minutes later the totally naked Ingrid carried out their breakfast for them to eat outside.

Breakfast over, dishes washed and all put away Ingrid asked Tom what his plans for the day were.


“Can I go like this Tom?”

“Hmm, I’d love to say yes but I’m not sure that you’d get away with it. There’s bound to be some narrow minded prudes on the beach, maybe even the guys hiring out the jet-skis.”

“Well there’s only one real way to find out,” Ingrid replied, “can you put some sunscreen on me please Tom, and can you pay particular attention to my pussy please?”

Tom knew exactly what she meant and he did just that, Ingrid getting a bit vocal when her climax hit her but Tom wasn’t worried about that, there were no other campers close by. Tom hoped none would appear whilst they were still there.

Ingrid’s orgasm now history and her having rubbed sunscreen on Tom, the nervous Tom and the totally naked Ingrid set off walking to the beach. Tom looked at her and he could see her tiny, conical tits with very hard and sensitive nipples leading the way and a clit that looked like the end of her little finger. He suspected that that was throbbing and tingling all the time. He took hold of her hand and they walked down onto the beach. A middle-aged couple were leaving the beach and apart from a smile they said and did nothing to indicate that they disapproved of the naked young girl, probably holding the hand of her father.

Even as they walked along the water’s edge no one said anything and Tom’s nerves were settling as well. However, as they approached where the jet-skis were hired out his nerves raised their ugly head again. Ingrid must also have been feeling the same because she gripped his hand harder.

Two young men saw them approaching and stared at Ingrid.

“Hi,” Tom said, “can we hire a jet-ski please?”

“I thought that we were both going to have one daddy?” Ingrid said.

One of the jet-ski guys spike,

“If you like one of us could accompany your daughter for a short while until she gets used to driving it.”

Tom looked at Ingrid and saw that she was smiling.

“That’s a good idea, thank you. We don’t know how long we want them for.”

“That’s okay, just leave us some form of photo ID.”


They settled the arrangements with both the locals staring at Ingrid’s body a lot.

Then it was time to get started and one of the guys said,

“Sorry but both of you have to wear life vests, it’s a requirement of our insurance.”

“That’s okay, I understand.” Tom replied as two life vests were handed over.

Tom quickly worked out where all the straps went but Ingrid looked a bit bemused.

“Can someone help me with this please?” she asked.

Tom looked at her face and guessed what her game was. As he was still fastening his straps he looked at the nearest local and nodded. The guy smiled and stepped in front of Ingrid.

As he finished fastening his life vest Tom watched and smiled as the guy’s hands somehow managed to brush against first her nipples causing her to let out a little moan, then her clit as he went for the strap that goes from her back, between her legs and clicks into the front of the life vest Ingrid gasped and shuddered.

The guy pulled the strap tight and Ingrid gasped again as the guy told her that she needed it tight because the vest was too big for her.

Next they went to the jet-skis that were partially in the sea. Tom and the guy pushed the two machines back until they were floating then turned them. Then he explained the controls and the safety cut-off to Tom. Next he turned to Ingrid and told her to climb on. As she did so she had to lift one leg over the seat and the watching Tom was sure that she lifted it higher than she needed just to let the guy have a good look at her pussy.

Climbing on, the guy shuffled up behind Ingrid and reached round both her sides.

“Right, what shall I call you young lady?”


“Okay Ingrid, put your hands where mine are

As Ingrid did that she looked down at her chest and could see that there was a gap between her body and the vest. She could see her tits and as the jet-ski guy was looking over her shoulder he too could see down to her nipples.

Anyway, the instructor explained a few things to Ingrid with Tom listening then he started the machine and they started moving. Tom followed them as they went out and did a few turns. Then the instructor got Ingrid to drive back to the beach where he jumped off leaving Ingrid to it.

Ingrid picked-up driving the jet-ski as quickly as Tom did and soon they were zooming across the relatively flat sea. They had some fun turning and going faster before Tom led the way out of the bay and into a deserted little bay with steep cliffs all around it explaining why no one else was there.

Tom led Ingrid to the little beach where he slowly grounded his machine and jumped off to guide Ingrid to ground her jet-ski. When both machines were silent Tom asked Ingrid if she was okay.

“Hell yes, this is fun, I just wish that I didn’t have to wear this thing.”

“Sorry Ingrid but you have to when you are on that thing, but you could get off it and let me strip you.”

Ingrid smiled and climbed off. Before long they were laying on the sand making love.

“You like getting fucked in the open don’t you Ingrid?” Tom asked as they both lay there getting their breath back.

“In the forest there was no cover so I got used to bringing myself off out in the open and before that at the FKK events I saw lots of people having sex in the open air. Besides, it seems so much more natural.”

“And there’s the chance that other people will watch us.” Tom replied.

“Yes, seeing people watching me makes me cum quicker. Can we fuck where people can watch us Tom?”

“We sure can but we have to pick our places, we don’t want to do it where prudish idiots can see us.”

“You mean where there’s a chance that they can complain to the police before we can get away?”

“Now how did I know that you were going to say that Ingrid?”

“Because you’re getting to know me.”

“Way before your time, and there’s that German logic coming out.”

“What’s wrong with that?”

“Absolutely nothing Ingrid. Are you up for a round two?”

Ingrid sat up and grabbed Tom’s cock. Before long she was riding it reverse cowboy whilst she looked out to sea.

“Do you think that the people on that boat can see what we are doing Tom?”

“Probably,” Tom replied. “That’s if they are looking, but they’d need binoculars to see any detail.”

“Maybe they’ve got a really high powered telescope and can see my juices every time that I raise up?”

“Yeah, and maybe they’ve got a camera attached to it and are making a movie of us? Talking of cameras, I’m going to get one of those Go-Pro cameras that can record videos underwater.”

“Oh yes, then we can watch ourselves fucking underwater.”

All those scenarios running through Ingrid’s mind made her cum again quite quickly but she kept on going up and down until Tom came for a second time as well.

After another rest they put the life vests back on, Tom having a little play with Ingrid’s clit as he fastened the strap between her legs, then Tom pushed Ingrid’s jet-ski free of the beach then chased after her as she confidently rode fast back to where they had come from. Tom’s jet-ski wasn’t as fast as Ingrid’s, but he wasn’t complaining, and she got back to the beach first. This time more young men came to help Ingrid out of her life vest, again, hands ‘accidentally’ coming into contact with her nipples and clit.

After collecting his items that needed to be kept dry, Tom paid the young man and asked about the parasailing and scuba diving. Ingrid wondered if Tom asking was so that they young men could stare at her body for longer, especially as she had stood with her feet about shoulder width apart.

“Thank you Tom.” Ingrid said as she liked arms as they walked.

“What for?” Tom replied.

“Everything, you’ve been so kind and generous to me. I’ve met kind and generous men at FKK before but my horrible parents were always there and if they though that I was enjoying myself too much they made me sit by them”

“Well you are a grown-up girl now Ingrid, you are old enough to make up your own mind as to what you want to do.”

“I want to do you Tom, over and over until I collapse and die.”

“Hey, I don’t want you wearing me out too much Ingrid, I’ve earned a lot of money and I want to enjoy it before I die, and I want to enjoy it with you.”

Ingrid squeezed Tom’s arm against her side then looked around to see if any of the people were staring at her. Seeing none she said,

“Tom, can I come to this beach like this every time from now on?”

Tom looked around and seeing nothing to worry about he said that he would like that.

Ingrid again squeezed Tom’s arm against her side.

As they approached the motorhome they were, and were not really surprised to see a big car reversing a caravan into the pitch beside theirs. Tom gave a welcoming wave to the driver whilst Ingrid gave a welcoming wave to the two teenage boys who had stopped guiding their father’s reversing and were staring at the naked fourteen year old girl.

Tom had to almost pull Ingrid the rest of the way back to Tom’s van.

“Do you think that those two boys liked looking at me like this?” Ingrid asked when they were sat outside the van.

“No Ingrid I don’t think that they did.” Tom replied then waited a few seconds seeing the disappointed look on her face before continuing, “I KNOW that they enjoyed what they saw and I bet you anything that they are hoping that you will stay like that so that they can see you again. They will both be wanking in their beds tonight recalling the image of what they saw.”

“You think so?”

“I KNOW so.”

“You say all the nicest things Tom.”

“And I mean them, now we need some lunch, put something on and we’ll walk to the shop.”

“Do I have to, I was just getting back to my days in the woods when I wouldn’t wear anything for days.”

“Yes Ingrid, you do have to put something on, it’s highly unlikely that someone in the shop wouldn’t say something.”

“But they might not say anything.”

“True, but do you want to take that chance, they might tell the site management and we’d get told to leave the site then those two boys wouldn’t see you like that again.”

“Hmm, can I just carry a dress until we get to the shop then put it on to go inside?”

“Way too clever for your age Ingrid, okay, we’ll try that, go and get something to wear.”

Ingrid did, and soon they were walking away from the motorhome with Ingrid swinging a dress in one hand and looking over to see if the boys were watching her. They were and Ingrid had a smile on her face.

Again, Tom was happy and surprised that no one said anything about Ingrid being totally naked and just outside the shop Ingrid slipped the dress over her head and let it fall into place covering her ‘interesting’ bits. As they shopped Ingrid kept pulling the dress up to let Tom see her butt or her slit, not even looking to see if anyone else was looking at her. Tom didn’t bother looking either and soon they were walking out carrying bags of fresh food and beer, Ingrid insisting that they stop so that she could take her dress off.

As they got close to the motorhome Ingrid slowed her walking pace and smiled when she saw one of the boys nudge his brother to let him know that the naked girl was back. If Ingrid’s hand weren’t full Tom was sure that she would have waved to the boys.

Together they prepared some lunch, fresh Baguettes with cheese, salad and wine, most of the latter being for Tom. When they were nearly finished, the woman from the new arrivals appeared and asked if either of them knew if the shop closed for a siesta. When Tom said that he didn’t think so, he continued talking and introduced himself and Ingrid, not saying what their relationship was. The woman replied, introducing herself as Angela and saying that her husband was Ian and that her boys were Daniel and Elliott. Then she looked at Ingrid and said,

“It’s so difficult to get them to keep some clothes on isn’t it?”

“Yes, especially in this heat, the weather really is glorious isn’t it?” Tom replied.

“Yes, still, I guess that it doesn’t really matter about clothes in this heat, it isn’t as if they are adults and have something to hide.”


“So her mother isn’t here to pester her to put something on then?”

“No, she’s in Germany.”

“Oh, you’re German then?”

“No, not me,” Tom replied, “but Ingrid is.”

“Oh, I see.”

Tom smiled and thought,

“No you don’t see, and I sure as hell ain’t going to explain.”

What Tom did say that pleased Ingrid was,

“Maybe you and your family could come round later for a drink or two, I’m sure that the kids would like to get to know each other.”

“Good idea,” Angela replied, “I’ll suggest it to Ian, right, better go and see if we can get some fresh supplies.”

“They still had lots of fresh Baguettes when we were there.” Ingrid said.

“Oh good.” Angela replied, “The ones you get over here are so much better than the ones back in England.”

With that Angela turned and left. When she was out of earshot Tom said,

“Just being nosey.”

“I wonder if they will come here later.” Ingrid replied.

“You just want to show off to those boys, Daniel and Elliott.”


“So I hope that you get a lot of pleasure out of it.”

“I’m glad that you aren’t the jealous type Tom.”

“So am I Ingrid because if I was I’d be locking you in that van and making you wear a Nuns habit.”

“Yuk, you’d never do that to me would you Tom?”

“Relax Ingrid, I would never do anything like that to you.”

“Good, and I’d never let anyone else fuck me.”

“I’m pleased to hear that Ingrid.”

“If they do come round later will you tell them how we met?”

“No, I’ll tell them that we met when I was working in Germany and that you promised to be my slave whore if I let you come with me.”

“You’d do that Tom?”

“Of course not, I’ll say that I married your mother and then she died.”

“You would never want to marry my mother Tom, she’s ugly.”

“Yet she managed to produce a very beautiful daughter.”

“Thank you Tom. What are we doing this afternoon?”

“Sunbathing for you but I want to do some online shopping.”

“Can you get things delivered here?”

“Probably but we probably won’t be here long enough to find out. I’ll get them delivered to my lawyer then when he’s got everything I’ll get him to organise a courier to deliver all of it to wherever we are next.”

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