The Runaway Girl - Cover

The Runaway Girl

Copyright© 2021 by Vanessa Evans

Chapter 2

Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 2 - A fourteen year old girl decided to run away from her domineering parents who treat her like a housekeeper.

Caution: This Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Fiction   Exhibitionism  

Tom woke the next morning to the feeling of Ingrid bouncing up and down on his morning woody.

“Good morning Tom, you did say that you’d like to wake up this way.”

“I certainly did Ingrid. You know that there are other ways for a man to be nicely woken up?”

“You mean blowjobs, yes I know but I’m not very good at those, I never got much of a chance to learn, will you teach me please Tom?”

“It will be my pleasure Ingrid, in more ways than one.”

Ingrid didn’t take the T-shirt or wrap a towel round her when she went to the shower block and Tom watch as she walked past people without them reacting badly, and after Tom had been to the bathroom and they had had some breakfast Ingrid reminded Tom about the walk that he promised.

Tom packed everything away and got ready to leave the site then he took Ingrid’s hand and led her out and down the path.

They walked for a good twenty minutes with Ingrid only getting a couple of stares. Tom wondered if it was because she looked like a youngish kid or if people just didn’t care. That walk gave Tom some confidence to let her wander around naked at other places.

“Where are we going next Tom?” Ingrid asked as they drove out of the gate.

“Well, I had intended to bypass all big cities but you coming along has made me have to change my plans so we are going into Lisbon, to the first big shopping centre that we can find.”

“So I’ll have to wear one of your T-shirts then?”

“You certainly will, but it can be a short one, just so long as I can’t see you pussy or half your butt as we walk.”

Tom did a bit of internet searching on his laptop then keyed a destination into the satnav and they left the campsite with Ingrid again sitting in the front passenger seat totally naked except for the seatbelt that Tom insisted that she wear.

As they got closer and closer to Lisbon there were more and more vehicles on the road. The beeping of a few horns gave Tom the impression that some people were seeing Ingrid’s bare tits, and her feet because she kept putting her feet up on the dash. Tom wasn’t worried about that, they may have been a bit dirty but she wouldn’t scratch anything.

There was queues to get into the car park at the shopping centre and Tom was sure that people were seeing that Ingrid was at least topless but he was getting used to that and Ingrid definitely was unconcerned by it.

Once parked at the back of the car park Tom told Ingrid to go and put on a T-shirt. She actually chose a polo shirt and Tom told her that she looked good in it, even though it barley covered her butt and pussy.

In they walked, Ingrid linking her arm in his and him wondering if her doing that caused the shirt to rise up and reveal something that shouldn’t be on display. It was a big shopping centre and Tom hoped that they could get everything that they wanted there. He was pleased when they came across a shoe shop quite quickly.

Inside, Tom told Ingrid to choose three pairs of sandals and off she went. He kept seeing her bend over to look at sandals on the lower shelves and Tom was sure that at least one man had seen her bare butt.

Ingrid wasn’t sure what size she wanted so Tom went with her to where she had seen each of the pairs and they had a guess at her size before taking boxes of that size and the size either side over to the seats that were for trying shoes on.

At first Ingrid bent over on the seat to put the sandals on but Tom saw that that meant that her shirt was half way up her back leaving the people walking by under no illusion that she wasn’t wearing any knickers, so Tom tried a different approach, he knelt down in front of Ingrid and put the sandals on for her.

Fortunately, or not, Ingrid was in a playful mood and she kept leaning back and spreading her knees so that Tom got an eyeful of her pussy that was all set and shiny.

“The little minx is all aroused.” Tom thought as he fought to concentrate on the sandals.

It took a while but they finally settled on the three pairs that they wanted to buy and they headed to the checkout. As they queued Tom said,

“You young lady are a big cock tease and cock teasers often get spanked.”

“I’ve told you Tom, you can spank me whenever you want.”

Tom knew that he was beaten but he wasn’t upset by it, on the contrary, he was turned-on and was trying to imagine Ingrid over his lap and him turning her cute little butt red.

Once paid they went out of the shop and to one of the many seats spread around the place.

“Which pair?” Tom asked.

“I’ll let you choose daddy.”

“Tom smiled and gave Ingrid that ‘you naughty girl’ look.

Ingrid smiled then gave no one in particular a quick flash of her pussy by opening her knees quite wide for a couple of seconds then closing them. Tom shook his head sideways and smiled.

“Do you want me to put them on you as well you naughty little girl?”

“Yes please daddy.”

He did, Ingrid leaning back on the seat and spreading her knees a lot more than was necessary. Still smiling Tom got on his knees and put the sandals on Ingrid’s feet. He was sure that any of the numerous people who were walking by would be able to see her pussy but he was also sure that the vast majority of those people wouldn’t even look towards them.

When he was finished Tom thought that he’d give Ingrid something to think about so just before he got to his feet he reached forward and gently pinched the clit that always seems to me sticking out between her lips.

“Ouch.” Ingrid said as she closed her knees.”

“You tease me, I tease you.” Tom said as he rose to his feet.

“Okay, got me, but I’m not going to stop teasing you Tom.”

“Then I’m not going to stop pinching your clit or your nipples if I can get to them.”

“I think that our partnership is going to be very interesting.” Ingrid replied getting to her feet and moving them around to get used to the new sandals which made her a few centimetres taller, but her head was still at Tom’s shoulder height.

“Come on trouble, let’s go and find you some proper clothes.”

Ingrid linked arms and they started walking, again Tom wondering just how much of her butt was on display.

They found a fashion shop that looked as though it may well have something suitable and went in. Ingrid immediately went over to the racks of tops and when Tom caught up with her he said,

“Those are tops Ingrid, we want dresses.”

Ingrid pulled one garment off the rack, held it up in front of her and said,

“Look this is long enough for me, I won’t wear anything that comes down to my knees.”

Tom knew that it would take a battle to get her into a knee length dress and he didn’t want that, in fact he would be quite happy for Ingrid to wear short dresses, even ultra short dresses, just so long as no one could see her pussy and butt when she was just stood there.

“Okay, find a few that you like and then try them on.”

Ingrid did select half a dozen tops and then asked where the changing rooms where.

“No idea.” Tom replied then looked around. All he saw was a couple of curtained cubicles at the side of the store.

“Not a lot of privacy here is there?” he thought and led Ingrid over to them.

Ingrid went in one and partially closed the curtain. Tom stood outside and went to close the curtain properly but by the time he did that he saw that Ingrid was already totally naked. He watched her for a couple of seconds and again thought that her body was amazing.

When the curtain opened Tom saw a vision of beauty. If the top had a belt it would look like a short dress, and it wasn’t too short.

Ingrid leant forward and said,

“Can you see my tits?”


She turned and bent over again and asked,

“Can you see my butt?”


She stood up straight and asked the last question again.


“Then this one will do.”

And she turned and went back into the cubicle and again only half closed the curtain. Tom moved in and closed it properly.

That sequence of events was repeated for all six tops that Ingrid had selected but after the third one Tom gave up on closing the curtain properly and just watched to see if anyone looked in and saw her naked.

After the sixth top was shown to Tom Ingrid asked him which ones to get.

“No Ingrid, it’s your choice, pick the three that YOU like the most.”

Ingrid looked through all of them and selected three. Tom wasn’t surprised that she picked the three made of the thinnest fabric. Tom had remembered them on her and on each of the three he could see where the skin of her areola is a few shades darker. He was also sure that if she’d had a dark bush he would have been able to see that as well.

Happy with the three ‘dresses’ they went looking for accessories. Ingrid is a ‘basics’ girl but she chose a couple of belts and some little stud earrings. Whilst looking at those she asked if she could get her nipples pierced.

“Certainly not, well not today, let me think about that one.” Tom replied.

Ingrid led the way to the sales counter and something caught Tom’s eye half way there. It was a display of one particular type of top and there was a mannequin wearing one. It was made of sparkly mesh, it had a polo neck and very large arm holes leaving the shoulders and half the way down to the mannequin’s waist uncovered. The front was narrow, only just covering the mannequin’s nipples and the whole thing went just to the waist.

On an impulse, Tom thought that Ingrid would look good in one of those once he’d managed to get her to wear a skirt. He picked up one of the packets and added it to the three tops then quickly caught up with Ingrid.

Tom paid the cashier and they went out to the main walkway.

“Toilets now, so that you can change into one of your dresses and look more like the beautiful girl that you are Ingrid.”

“Hold this please?” Ingrid said passing Tom the bag that the dresses were in.

Then Tom got one hell of a shock, Ingrid got one of the dresses out, put it over Toms arm then pulled the polo shirt up and off leaving her naked in the walkway. Swapping the shirt with the dress she put the dress on then straightened it out. Finally she got a belt out of the bag and fastened it loosely round her hips.

Tom was watching all this but he was so surprised that he didn’t say anything until it was all over,

“Bloody hell Ingrid, are you trying to get us arrested.”

“I don’t see any policemen, come on, where to now.?”

“You keep on surprising me Ingrid, come on before the cops come looking for us. I need a drink.”

They walked to a cafe and took a seat at a table. Soon they had drinks and food and Ingrid was still eating like there was no tomorrow. When Ingrid was finished she lay back in her chair and rubbed her stomach.

“That was nice Tom, thank you.”

Tom was sat upright finishing his food and he could see what Ingrid was doing, in fact he could see her stomach right down to her slit and clit.

“Hair.” Tom said.

“I shaved it off, you said that you liked my new look Tom.”

“I do, you have a very nice pussy Ingrid but I didn’t mean that hair, your head hair.”

“Ah yes. Can we get it cut please?”

“Yes, we’ll go and have a look for a hairdresser now, do you now what style you want?”

“No, I just want it a bit shorter.”

After walking for a while they found a hairdressers and went in. There was the usual language barrier but they had lots of photographs for Ingrid to browse through and after a few minutes Tom saw her pointing to a blonde girl with her hair looking very much like Ingrid’s already was but a bit shorter and a lot tidier. Thirty minutes later they were walking out, both happy with Ingrid’s relatively new look.

“Now we need some knickers and a couple of bikinis for you Ingrid.” Tom said as they walked.

“No, I’m not going to wear knickers and I don’t want to wear a bikini, can’t we do what we did at FKK one year, paint a bikini on me?”

“I’m going to have a problem getting you street and beach legal at times aren’t I?”

“If it means me wearing a bikini, yes you are Tom.”

“Body paint you say?”

“Yes, it was waterproof because I went swimming with it on.”

“I guess that that could work but I don’t know what we’d do about your clit, what did you do at the FKK do?”

“Nothing it is what it is.”

“I guess that it didn’t really matter at your FKK did it.”

“No it didn’t.”

“I always fancied myself a bit of an artist. Okay, let’s try and find somewhere that sells body paint.” Tom added.

When they got back to the motorhome Tom got his laptop out of the lock-box and was soon on the internet searching for body paint suppliers in Lisbon and he was amazed when he found three places that sold it. As they were driving to the nearest one Tom told Ingrid that he was always, he thought, good at art at school and that painting basic clothes on her would re-kindle the peaceful times that he had when he was painting.

“So can you paint a portrait of me please.”

“Sorry honey, I was never that good.”

Ingrid was disappointed but not that disappointed because Tom was confident that he could paint a bikini or shorts and a top on her and that would mean that she could go almost anywhere wearing just the paint.

Again there were language problems in the shop but the app on Tom’s phone came to the rescue and they left with quite a stock of waterproof paints, brushes, stencils and some special paint removing soap, the sales girl using Tom’s phone to tell him that the special soap would not damage Ingrid’s skin. Tom smiled when he realised that the sales girl had correctly assumed that he was going to paint Ingrid and he wondered if she guessed what he was going to paint on her.

As they left Ingrid said something that made Tom think that she was convinced that she’d be able to wear just paint wherever they went where clothes would be expected.

After stopping at a supermarket to get a lot of toiletries for Ingrid and some fresh food they set off driving again, continuing into the night before stopping at a rest area where Ingrid proved that she wasn’t just a pretty face by cooking a very pleasant meal for the two of them, Ingrid saying that she had to learn to cook because her parents were too lazy to cook.

They ended the day with Tom showing Ingrid how good he was at eating her pussy.

Ingrid returned the compliment when she woke before Tom who taught her the etiquette of giving a good blowjob and it’s fair to say that Ingrid was a very enthusiastic student.

By the time that they’d stopped the previous night they were half way to the Algarve so when they finally got moving again it was only a couple of hours before they were looking for somewhere to park up for a couple of days.

They struck lucky as they came to a long, narrow car park right next to the beach. There were no buildings or ticket machines and there were a few other motorhomes parked there along with quite a few cars. What’s more, some of the motorhomes looked like they’d been there for days.

Tom reversed that motorhome into a vacant space then went outside to lower the stabilisers. Ingrid followed him out still totally naked. Tom looked around and as he could only see one person, an old man, he ignored Ingrid’s nakedness and got on with his tasks.

When he was satisfied that the motorhome was level he looked for Ingrid and saw her, still naked and walking across the beach towards the sea.

Tom had a quick panic until he saw that no one was really staring at the naked fourteen year old girl. Not knowing if the people didn’t care that any person was naked on the beach of if they were ignoring her because they thought that she was just a kid, and who cares what a kid wears or doesn’t wear, Tom locked the van and started walking after her.

He didn’t quite catch up with her because by the time he got to the water’s edge, Ingrid was swimming a few metres from the shore. Tom watched as she frolicked around, sometimes diving down leaving her legs and butt out of the water for a split second.

When she finally walked out of the water and up to Tom she said,

“I always did love swimming naked, the feeling of the water rushing past my pussy is awesome” Ingrid said as she walked out of the water straight to Tom who looked at her and saw a vision of beauty. “You should try it Tom, it might feel the same on your cock.”

“I will Ingrid, but not right now, I just want to have a couple of very relaxing days doing nothing, I just hope that the other vans don’t leave before night time because if they do I’m guessing that it’s illegal to stay overnight.”

“So do I Tom, assuming that we stay here for a few days will you make an exception to not doing anything? I want you to do me lots of times.”

Tom smiled and replied,

“I’ll make an exception for you Ingrid.”

Some of the other vans didn’t move so neither did Tom’s and it wasn’t just Ingrid that he did for a couple of days, when they got up each morning Ingrid persuaded Tom to go skinny dipping and Tom did enjoy it. So much so that he was as eager as Ingrid to do it again.

They again made love that first night there and at least twice each of the subsequent days.

When they were around the motorhome, and that includes just outside, Ingrid stayed naked and it was the same when they went for walks along the beach. Apart from the odd man staring at her no one took any notice of her nudity which made Tom more confident that they would be able to get away with her being naked a lot more than he had originally expected.

On the third day, after a naked swim a good fuck, breakfast and a shower, Tom decided that he needed to find out if it was possible for one of his lawyer’s contacts to obtain some British documentation for Ingrid. Telling Ingrid to go for a walk along the beach whilst he made a phone call. Tom phoned his lawyer and told him that he had met an eighteen year old German woman who had escaped from an abusive relationship and she had to get as far away from her abuser as possible.

When asked if the woman had any German identification documents Tom told him that the woman had to leave everything behind when she escaped and hitched a ride to Spain. Tom told his lawyer that he wanted documents to enable her to travel abroad, get a job and get medical care if she ever needed, all in a new name.

Again when asked, Tom assured his lawyer that the woman definitely wasn’t running from the law.

The lawyer told Tom that he knew a man who might know another man who may be able to help him but it would cost him and he’d need a passport type photograph of the woman. He also told Tom that they should keep email and text contact on this subject down to an absolute minimum. This didn’t surprise Tom because he was quite aware of cyber security and what analysts can find out if they really set their mind on something.

Tom gave his lawyer a long encryption key that he would need to decrypt the file that he would email to him that would contain a photograph of the woman and they agreed that the lawyer would send an email to Tom when he had any news and that the email would contain just two words, ‘phone me’.

Satisfied that the phone call had gone as well as he had hoped, Tom went outside to look for Ingrid. At first he wasn’t too worried when he couldn’t see her anywhere so he got a beer out of the fridge and went and sat outside looking out over the beach.

About an hour later and no sign of Ingrid, Tom started having some worrying thoughts, the girl had gone off totally naked, anything could have happened to her. Tom worried for nearly another hour before she appeared behind him saying,

“Hey Tom, there’s a restaurant about a kilometre along the beach, we could have eaten there instead of you having to put up with my cooking.”

“Ingrid, Ingrid, Ingrid, you naughty girl, you shouldn’t have gone so far and judging by the direction that you came back from you didn’t stay on the beach.”

“No, when I found that restaurant I looked through window then walked back down the road, I’d forgotten how hot roads can get so I had to stop a couple of times for my feet to cool down. I’m sorry if I scared you, I didn’t mean to go off the beach, are you going to punish me?”

“Do you think that I should punish you Ingrid?”

“Well you did tell me to stay on the beach and I didn’t so I guess that I do deserve to be punished.”

“And what do you think would be an appropriate punishment Ingrid?”

By that time both of them knew where the conversation was going and both were looking forward to the inevitable.

“I think that you should spank me Tom.”

“So do I Ingrid, but before I spank you I have to tell you that there is an etiquette for being spanked.”

“A what?”

“A set of rules that the spankee is expected to follow.”

“And those are?”

“The girl must be totally naked and she must lay over the spanker’s lap with her stomach resting on the spanker’s erection. The girl must then spread her legs as wide as she can and when each swat lands she must verbally count the swats and thank the spanker for each swat. Do you understand me Ingrid?”

“Yes, I think so, where did you learn all these etiquette things?”

“Watching videos.”

“You mean porn videos Tom?”

“Yes I do.”

“Can we watch porn videos together please Tom?

“Are you just trying to delay the spanking Ingrid?”

“No, honest, we can start right now if you want.”

“No not yet Ingrid, I need to take some photographs of you today, the spanking will be in a few days, give you time to think about it.”

“Photographs of me? Why?”

“Because I want to?”

“Okay, where do you want me?”

“I need some of the photographs to have a blank, white background so I have decided to hang a bedsheet on the side of the van and use that as a background.”

“Okay, I can get that ready. Will the spanking hurt Tom?”

“Yes but I’m hoping that it will do more than hurt.”

“Like what?”

“That needs to be a surprise for you Ingrid.”

Ingrid got one of the bedsheets and together they wedged it on the side of the van.

“Go and brush your hair Ingrid, I want you looking at your best.”

“Then point the camera at my little tits and pussy Tom.”

“I will but I want some photos of your face and your whole body first.”

When Ingrid came back Tom looked at her and thought that she could have a modelling career if she wanted one. Then he got her to stand in front of the bedsheet and started taking photos. At one point Ingrid asked him why he wanted a photo of just her face with a serious expression. Thinking quick Tom replied,

“So I have a contrast with the next few shots that you will be smiling in.”

Ingrid accepted that and continued posing as directed. Then they moved on to the more interesting photos with Tom getting Ingrid to pose in quite a few normal, holiday maker situations, but with her being naked.

Finally he moved on to the more explicit photos, some with Ingrid just standing there with just her slit and clit on display, some with her legs spread at various distances, and then the real money shots, just her pussy, some with her fingering herself and some with her playing with her clit.

When they were done Tom led her into the van and they fucked for a good half hour before they went for another swim. That was the first time that Tom had gone onto the beach during the middle of the day having left his shorts in the van. It was only when they were walking back to the motorhome that Tom realised that he was the only naked adult on the beach. But having said that, as he looked around he saw that no one was taking any notice of what looked like an innocent father and daughter walking back to their motorhome after going for a naked swim.

Tom was please with himself.

Later that day Ingrid went for another swim and happily strode off onto the beach as naked as the day she was born. Tom had told her that he’d follow her soon because there was a little job that he had to do. As soon as she had left he got out his laptop and selected one of Ingrid’s photographs. Then he cropped it so that he was left with a photo that met the requirements for a passport photo.

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