The Runaway Girl - Cover

The Runaway Girl

Copyright© 2021 by Vanessa Evans

Chapter 1

Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 1 - A fourteen year old girl decided to run away from her domineering parents who treat her like a housekeeper.

Caution: This Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Fiction   Exhibitionism  

Tom is a self-made man. At the age of twenty eight he sold his tech company for a cool £25m. He had plans to start another company but before doing that he decided to take a year out and do some touring around the northern coast of the Mediterranean.

Tom is a fit, healthy man who works-out three or four times a week and had often been told by girls that he is very handsome. He is also a very down-to-earth man who still values his modest upbringing. He was lucky in that he had a great tech idea in his late teens and he had the gumption to develop it and turn it into a very profitable business.

Tom’s idea of touring the northern coast of the Mediterranean could easily have been going from one five star hotel to another but that wasn’t what he wanted to do. Tom had always been the independent type so he bought a luxury, but not too big, motorhome and started driving south, his plan being to head for southern Portugal then slowly move east whenever he got tired of his current location.

After avoiding the big cities Tom was driving west from Madrid when he came across a village in a huge forest where he decided to stop and stock up with food and water. Being such a small place Tom didn’t bother locking the doors of the motorhome even though he’d parked it at the back of the car park next to the forest. But he automatically took the keys out and put them in his pocket.

When he got back to his motorhome with his loaded trolley he transferred everything into the cupboards, then filled up with diesel and set off driving.

About twenty miles later Tom heard a noise that he didn’t recognise so he pulled off the road and went to investigate. When he opened the bathroom door Tom got the shock of his life, he was looking at a young girl cowering in the corner.

“Who the hell are you and how did you get in here?” Tom asked.

The girl just tried to shrink herself into a smaller space whilst trying to look past Tom.

“Looking for an escape route.” Tom thought.

“The doors are all locked and the windows don’t open enough for you to get out young lady,” Tom said, “so you may as well get up and come and tell me what this is all about.”

The girl didn’t move and after a couple of minutes Tom started to wonder if she spoke English wondering if she was Spanish even though she didn’t look very Spanish.

Tom got his phone out of his pocket, went to the translation app and keyed in,

Are you Spanish?

¿Eres español? came up on his phone and he held it in front of the girl who gave him a blank look.

Tom stared at her a little more and saw that through all the dirt her hair was blonde. He changed the app to translate to German then held his phone for the girl to see.

Sind Sie Deutscher?

The girl smiled a little and nodded her head so Tom smiled back before changing his translation text to.

Do you speak English?

Sprechen Sie Englisch? His phone displayed.

“Some.” the girl replied when she saw his phone.

Tom sighed then smiled and said,

“Thank gawd for that. Come on out of there, you look like you could do with some food and a damned good wash.”

The girl slowly got to her feet and came out of the bathroom. Tom saw that things were just as bad as his first impression. The poor girl wore only a filthy, badly torn tank top showing half of her tiny right tit, her short skirt was also filthy and torn revealing enough of her skin for Tom to know that she wasn’t wearing any knickers, and the sandals on her feet were in such a state that Tom wondered how they stayed on.

“I’m Tom, what shall I call you?”

Tom could see her looking at the door so he said,

“It’s locked but I’m not going to hurt you. Once I’ve got you fed and cleaned-up you can leave if you want to but I would prefer it if we had a good talk before you go running off.”

“Ingrid.” A timid voice replied.

“Well Ingrid what would you like to do first, watch me prepare some food then eat it or have a shower then eat the food. Sorry that I don’t have a bath for you to soak in.”

“Shower please.”

“Okay, you know where the bathroom is and you’ll find soap, shampoo and a new toothbrush and toothpaste in the cabinet, but you probably know that already. Go and make yourself the beautiful girl that I suspect is under all that mud.”

Ingrid actually smiled at Tom before turning. As she took the few steps back to the bathroom Tom could see a tear in her skirt that revealed a fair bit of her bare butt. The door shut and whilst he got started with the cooking he thought,

“If she’s anything like the girls that I’ve been out with she’ll be in there for at least an hour.”

Tom went outside and had a pee against a tree then went back in and got out two pans, He half filled one with water and put it on the gas stove. He then opened two tins of meat balls and tipped them into the other pan. Finally he broke some dried spaghetti into the water. Then he sat at the table and started thinking about the situation.

All sorts of scenarios ran through his head from Ingrid growing up in the forest to her being kidnapped, raped and then dumped in the forest and left to die. But Tom is a sensible, logical man so he put all the unlikely possibilities to the back of his mind and waited for Ingrid to emerge.

When she did Tom was stunned. A very beautiful, naked young nymph stood in front of him. He instantly absorbed the sight of the shoulder length, blonde, wet hair, the small, conical perky tits with small areolae and larger than he expected, hard nipples pointing straight at him. She looked like some invisible hands were pinching her nipples and pulling hard. The contours of her ribcage, the small tuft of blonde hair that did nothing to hide her coin box slit with the tip of her little finger sized clit sticking out between the lips. Her clit also looked like some invisible fingers were pulling it down. All that and a narrow waist and larger, but still narrow, hips.

“I was right Ingrid, you are a beautiful girl, a very beautiful girl. Sit down, I’ll get your food.”

As Tom was putting the food out on the two plates he realised that Ingrid had no clothes to wear and that he should have offered to lend her some. Then he realised that she hadn’t tried to cover her naked body, nor asked to borrow something to wear. He decided to leave things as they were and see how things went. After all, he wasn’t lying when he told her that she was beautiful.

Tom watched as he slowly ate his food and Ingrid ate at such a speed that he wondered when she last ate anything. He wasn’t even half way through his food when Ingrid was finished and she looked at his half full plate. He smiled at her and pushed his plate to her. That too emptied in record time and Tom feared that she would get indigestion or something worse.

“A drink?” Tom asked.

“Yes please.”

Tom got a bottle of water out of the fridge and passed it to Ingrid. She drank half of it in one go then flopped back on the seat. Tom could now see all of her torso right down to her blonde short and curlies.

“Better?” Tom asked.

“Much, thank you Tom, you did say that that was your name didn’t you?”

“Yes I did. Now Ingrid, would you like to tell me why you were in my van and why you were dressed like you were? Judging by the way you demolished that food I’m guessing that you were hungry?”

“Yes, I haven’t had a proper meal for months, I’ve been living on berries, what I could find in rubbish bins and what I could steal.”

“Do you want to start at the beginning Ingrid?”

“Okay, what date is it?”

“Twentieth of August.”

“Well three months ago my family came to Spain for a camping holiday and I ran away from the campsite and I’ve been living rough ever since.”

“Why did you run away?”

“My father is a pig, he treated me like a slave, a dog, no, worse than a dog and my mother wasn’t much better. My life had been horrible for years and I finally found the courage to run away. I thought that I could survive in the forest eating berries and drinking from streams.”

“You probably could have, if you knew what you could and couldn’t eat but I’m guessing that you’ve never had any training in survival skills.”

“No, and I’ve made myself sick a couple of times but I didn’t do too bad to start with, you’d be amazed at what people on picnics throw away.”

“No, I don’t think that I would, but go on.”

“I hid in the forest during the day and at night I went into the villages looking for food and at one shop I saw a German newspaper with a story saying that my parents thought that I must have hitch-hiked back to Germany and that the Spanish police were no longer looking for me. It was obvious to me that my parents had just said that to stop the police looking for me. I bet that they never even reported me missing back in Germany. Please don’t hand me in to the police. I don’t want to go home. You seem like a nice man, can I stay with you?”

“Whoa there Ingrid, that’s a big ask, I’m going to have to think about all this.”

“Please, I’ll do anything for you?”

Tom’s brain went into dirty old man mode for a few seconds. He looked down at her naked body and wondered what it would be like to have her as his sex toy, his sex slave, but that just isn’t what Tom is.

“Let me think about this, sleep on it, and talking of sleeping, I’m going to have to move this van to somewhere more off the road for tonight.

Tom cleared away the plates then moved into the driving seat to move the motorhome and just as he was pulling away the naked Ingrid climbed into the passenger seat.

“Are you not afraid that someone will see you like that Ingrid?

“What do you mean Tom?”

“With no clothes on.”

“I’ve been running around these wood with no clothes on for weeks, I only kept my top and skirt for when I went into the villages at night. Besides, I don’t like clothes.”

“Wow, I guess that explains the all-over tan...”

Ingrid looked down at her body then replied,

“Yes, I guess so, it’s nice being naked in the sun, it makes me feel all warm and sexy.”

“Sexy?” Tom thought then said,

“Just how old are you Ingrid?”

“Fourteen, why?”

“You seem to be quite grown-up for a fourteen year old.”

“I had to be to survive both at home and here.”

“I can imagine.”

A car came the other way down the road with its lights on and Ingrid didn’t even try to cover her little tits.

Tom found a side road and drove down it then reversed into a little clearing. Turning to Ingrid he said,

“Do you want to borrow something to wear Ingrid?”

“I’m not bothered if you aren’t Tom, as I said, I spent a lot of time without any clothes on in the woods, even at night but I’m pleased that I waited until we got to Spain to runaway.”

“Yes, and summer time as well, I bet that it can get quite cold in Spain on a night even before winter.”

“I hadn’t thought that far ahead Tom.”

“Oh, the innocence of youth.” Tom thought then continued,

“So how far ahead had you thought about Ingrid?”

“My next meal.”

They climbed into the back of the motorhome and Tom noticed that Ingrid sat on the long sofa type seat, leaning back and with her knees wide apart.

“You look tired Ingrid.” Tom said as he looked down on her naked front complete with cute little pussy and protruding clit...

“I am, I don’t think that I’ve had a comfortable, full nights sleep since I ran away.”

“Well you can definitely sleep here tonight, we’ll worry about tomorrow in the morning.”

Ingrid sat up then spun herself round and lay along the sofa.

“No not there Ingrid, just wait a minute, I’ll make up the spare bed for you.”

“A proper bed, that sounds amazing.”

Tom turned and set about putting some sheets and a blanket on the spare bed then he turned to Ingrid to tell her that the bed was ready for her but he saw that she was already asleep. He looked down on her, one of her legs has slid off the seat and was on the floor leaving her little pussy spread open. Her lips looked perfect, no flaps of skin just her lips with her clit sticking out between them. Tom was surprised that her clit hood wasn’t covering her clit but he certainly wasn’t complaining.

If only she had been a few years older he would have loved to jump her bones right there and then. Tom laughed at his choice of words because Ingrid was just a bag of bones covered in skin, not an ounce of fat anywhere on her body, not even on her pubis or vulva. Her hip bones were sticking up like a skeleton. He imagined that she looked like that when she was half her age.

Tom considered just leaving her there and covering her with a blanket but he was worried that she might slide off in the middle of the night and frighten herself so he gentle picked up the lightweight body and lowered her on to the bed before going to the bathroom and getting ready for bed himself.

When back at home Tom usually just slept in his underwear but as he’d driven further south it had been so warm that he had started sleeping in the nude and he didn’t even think about leaving his underwear on before he climbed into his own bed and just lay there thinking about everything that had happened since he had got back to his van and found Ingrid.

He thought about her naked body and found himself stroking the erection that had appeared when an image of the naked Ingrid had come into his head. Tom kept wanking then cleaned up his cum with some tissues before again trying to decide what he was going to do about the little nymph.

He fell asleep still trying to come to a decision.

Tom woke thinking that he was dreaming, he was feeling someone snuggling up to his naked body, a naked, bony someone, and when he was fully awake he remembered the previous days events and realised that it must be Ingrid that was pressing her naked body against his naked body, what’s more, her hand was resting on his soft cock. It was still dark so he knew that it was the middle of the night.

“Ingrid,” Tom whispered, “what are you doing?”

He got no response.


No response.


Tom tried one more time before deciding that she was in a deep sleep and he tried to go back to sleep himself.

It was very difficult for him because of the naked girl half on him and her hand on his now hard cock but eventually he went soft and managed to go back to sleep.

When he woke again he could smell coffee. He jumped out of bed to find out what was going on and when he saw the naked Ingrid it all came back to him. Then he realised that he was as naked as Ingrid was and that he had a morning woody.

“Good morning Tom, I hope that you don’t mind me making some coffee. Nice cock by the way.”

Tom’s hands went to cover his cock and Ingrid laughed.


“I’ve seen lots of cocks before today Tom, I’m naked so why shouldn’t you be?”

Tom couldn’t fault her logic so he moved his hands and went and sat at the table. Ingrid put a mug of coffee in front of him and then sat opposite him with her mug of coffee.

“We have sex education lessons in Germany as well Tom and I’ve seen lots of men naked before.”

“Oh yes, you’ll have to tell me about that sometime.”

“There’s going to be a sometime then, you’re not going to drop me off at the next police station that we come across?”

“No Ingrid, I am not.”

Tom realised that his subconscious brain had been working on the problem whilst he slept and that he had come to a decision.

“Ingrid, I couldn’t possibly get you sent back to your parents from what little you have told me and the fact that you suffered so much escaping from their clutches, my conscious wouldn’t permit me to return you. I still don’t know what I am going to do with you but I am not going to turn you over to the police.”

Ingrid got to her feet, went and sat on Tom’s lap and started kissing him all over his face. In between the kisses she said,

“Thank you, Vielen Dank, Thank you so much, Vielen Dank.”

Whilst he was getting over whelmed by Ingrid kissing him his cock went form a semi to a full erection again and when Ingrid stopped kissing him she looked at him and said,

“I can take care of that for you if you want.”

Tom looked at her for a few seconds then replied,

“No, we can’t, you’re only fourteen.”

“Fourteen is the legal age of consent in Germany so it’s okay.”

“We’re not in Germany, we’re in Spain and I don’t know what the age of consent is here.”

“I don’t care, I’m a German.”

Ingrid got to her feet, climbed onto the seat, put one foot either side of his hips and squat down so that her cute little pussy was right over the tip of his cock.

“Shall I?” Ingrid asked.

Tom looked at her face.

“So beautiful, so inviting,” he thought then he nodded his head.

They both moaned as Ingrid impaled herself right down until Tom felt his cock hit her cervix. Ingrid stayed still for a few seconds as she enjoyed the ‘full’ feeling then she stared raising and lowering herself. She looked down at Tom then bent her head and started a long, tongue wrestling kiss.

Once Tom had got over the shock of what was happening his natural instinct was to go with the flow and enjoy the experience. He rapidly came to the conclusion that this wasn’t the first time that Ingrid had had been fucked although he he didn’t know if it was by a real live cock or some substitute. He also realised that when Ingrid had first impaled herself she went down so easily that she must have been very well lubricated and as she hadn’t had the opportunity to use some artificial lubricant it must have been natural, the girl must have been dripping.

Up and down Ingrid’s body went and Tom could tell that both of them were rapidly reaching their climaxes. It had been a while since Tom had orgasmed through proper fucking and he knew that he couldn’t last long and as expected he groaned then started pumping his seed deep inside Ingrid.

That appeared to trigger Ingrid to cum and she screamed,

“Oh verdammt, Ich kümmere mich, I’m cumming.”

Tom wrapped his arms around the girl to try to control her shaking and after quite a few seconds Ingrid’s fell onto his shoulder then after a few more seconds she said,

“Oh Tom, das war wunderbar, du weißt nicht, wie sehr ich das brauchte. Sorry Tom, I said that that was wonderful, I really needed that. It was so good doing it that way because my clit got squashed each time that I went down and that was nice.”

Tom held Ingrid firmly to his chest, Ingrid happy to rest in his arms.

Tom’s cock was slowly going soft but neither of them moved for ages and after a minute or so Ingrid started to feel Tom’s cock growing hard inside her. When it was well on the way to being fully erect she lifted her head and looked at his face.

She had that young teenage girl’s expectant, cheeky smile on her face as she started to raise then lower her body again.

This time it was a much more leisurely ride with both of them staring at each other, both with cheeky grins on their faces.

Their orgasms took longer to arrive and when Ingrid orgasmed Tom felt her pussy clamp onto his cock as she again said something in German before her whole body jerked again and again.

That squeezing of her vaginal muscles was enough to push Tom over the edge and he pumped a second load of his cum deep inside Ingrid.

After another long rest with her head on Tom’s shoulder Ingrid pushed up with her legs and nearly banged her head on the roof of the motorhome. She stood there for a few seconds, her pussy being at Tom’s head height and he saw her skinny pussy start to literally drip his cum down onto him.

When Ingrid stepped down onto the floor she turned and sat on Tom’s lap with her arms round his neck. She kissed his lips then said,

“Thank you for that Tom, I was starting to think that I’d die out there before loosing my virginity.”

“Well then Ingrid, I guess that it’s a good job you tried to steal from me. Go and have a shower while I get some breakfast ready then I’ll have a quick shower. After that we’ll have breakfast and talk, you still have a lot to tell me.”

Ingrid grinned then went to the bathroom. As Tom was getting the breakfast he thought about what he should do about Ingrid.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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