Georgina - Cover


Copyright© 2021 by richardthomas666

Chapter 7

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 7 - our hero becomes a transexual

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/Ma   Coercion   Lesbian   BiSexual   TransGender   Fiction   DomSub   MaleDom   FemaleDom   Spanking   Orgy   Anal Sex   Analingus   Double Penetration   Fisting   Oral Sex   Sex Toys  

On Thursday morning, I phoned Holeway House and spoke to Suzanne. She sounded worried, imagining that the previous night had not been a success and they were about to lose a star performer - i.e. me! I promised her that my client and I had had a great time together and that he was planning on re-booking me very soon.

I asked if she had some time to see me later that afternoon. We agreed on 2pm, and I mentioned that I would bring Timo with me, if she didn’t mind? I almost heard her have an orgasm down the phone, but she recovered sufficiently to say that he would be very welcome if I would like to bring him.

I arrived in good time, and Timo and I walked round to the side door which led to the offices. I wore a full-length summer frock (which allowed me to wear my tail, I never really felt comfortable without it now) and I had made Timo wear a smart shirt and trousers – I knew I was going to have difficulty keeping Suzanne from raping him anyhow!

I was shown into Suzanne’s office by Geraldine, another very attractive and petite young woman of the ‘white shirt and black skirt brigade’, who was the secretary for Suzanne and Michelle. Suzanne’s room was completely the ‘senior executive room’, leather chairs, mahogany desk and prints of Old Masters on the wall. I smiled inwardly at how the roles had reversed between us – there she was now, every inch the smart executive and me, the little bitch in her summer dress!

She asked me again how last night had gone, and, deciding to tease her, I chose not to give some anodyne remark such as ‘Good fun’ or ‘Great time’, but launched into a blow by blow account of what had happened, the size of his cock, how great his warm spunk tasted and the tightness of the grip of his anal ring. Geraldine was still in the room and was positively drooling with excitement at my description - she was definitely another young woman who was in the wrong job and would be much happier flat on her back with a large cock stretching her young cunt. I could see that Suzanne was desperately trying to avoid blushing – and failing – and eventually I had mercy and stopped rabbiting on and got to the point of my visit.

I said that I loved the House, I thought the set-up was brilliant and that I was sure that they would make a fortune out it. However, I had spent the last six months visiting many sex clubs with my Master, and a thought had occurred to me that might interest her. It was my experience that if the venue had a house dress style, then everyone there adopted it. Walking round the previous evening, I was surprised that Kyl, Carol and Geraldine were in a different outfit (I refrained from saying ‘bloody boring’) instead of the sexy coloured skirt for Lovers.

Suzanne came back immediately with “Ah, you see Georgina, we thought that our Members would be happier dealing with staff who looked efficient, and would not then confuse them with the Lovers.”

“Darling Suzanne,” I replied, “I am sure that if you asked them, most of your clients would be just as enthusiastic to take Carol, Kyl or Geraldine to bed as any of the Lovers, and doubtless, if the girls just wore the skirts, the ‘lust factor’ would ensure that Carol would take a lot more bookings, Kyl would sell a lot more drinks. and Geraldine would leave a lot of Members with satisfied grins on their faces!”

“Well darling, it is a nice idea, but I think you will find that if we ask the girls, they would not want to be on show like that wearing only the staff skirt. I will speak to them tonight, but I think I can guess what their answer will be.”

I KNEW what their answer would be, but didn’t wish to rub Suzanne’s nose in it, and thanked her for the time. Just as I was leaving, I asked if she would mind if I sewed two of the staff skirts together so that I had a skirt long enough to cover my tail – “the Members do seem rather taken with it,” I said quietly.

“Oh fine,” she said distractedly, because I had timed my question just as she was fondling Timo and saying how much she was looking forward to working with him VERY soon.

On the Saturday, because it would be Tomi’s first day, we agreed to arrive about 4pm to have time to show Tomi around and relax. But as we walked into Reception, imagine my delight to see Carol walking out of the staff changing room, wearing only the staff skirt. She had really beautiful pendulous breasts, probably a D cup, which were going to draw customers like a magnet. She grinned at me, and said, “Kyl and I both know who is responsible for this, and we can’t thank you enough. We could hardly believe our luck when Suzanne called us in and asked us if we wanted to wear this, and we both said ‘Yes please’ in the same breath!”

I kissed and hugged her, she was certainly going to wow the Members. I said she looked lovely, although she might think of spending some time under a sun lamp, as her white skin was not flattered by the skirt. She looked downcast and said that Kyl had a lovely suntan, but she had only just left University and had no money to pay for sun treatments. “That’s decided then,” I said immediately, “you will come round to our house and join us using the sunbeds there. Three 15 minute sessions three times a week, building up to hour long sessions. OK?”

“But I couldn’t do that – I would be in your way.”

“Of course you wouldn’t, silly girl. Timo, Master and I will enjoy your company. You will start tomorrow at 3 o’clock – there, it is decided, no going back.”

“Thank you Georgina, I have a feeling that in you I have met my Fairy Godmother.” There was a second’s pause, and then she realised what she had said, and we both howled with laughter.

As we were laughing, Rebecca came running out into Reception, with a look of panic on her face. “Oh Georgina darling, thank God you’re here. We have a crisis and I don’t know what to do. Lover Jenny, who was going to partner you at 6pm, has called in sick – I am sure she is telling the truth as it was her father calling from the hospital. What am I going to, it is too late to get a replacement and everyone here, including all the Directors, are booked to be working with Members at 6pm?”

I turned to Carol and looked her straight in the eye. “You have five seconds to answer this question, but your answer may change your life forever – do you still really want to be a Lover?”

Carol looked stunned, and Rebecca was just about to interrupt when Carol loudly said “Yes please – am I going to work with you – but my hair is a mess, I would look a mess.”

I turned to Rebecca and told her to call Mr & Mrs 24 and explain that Lover Jenny is ill and that I am bringing a lovely replacement friend who they will both adore. Then go and get your sexy secretary Geraldine, put her in a skirt and get her out here to take over Reception. Now scram.”

I pulled my mobile out of my bag and phoned Toni at the salon. “Hi darling,” I said when his receptionist brought him to the telephone, “I am nearby and I have a hair and beauty problem that only the best man in Surrey can solve. Can you possibly be at Holeway House in 15 minutes with all you’ve got?”

Toni sounded worried. “For my favourite girl of all time (he says this to all the clients, but it is still nice when he says it about you!) I will do anything, you know that. But what is wrong with your hair darling?”

“Long story, darling, see you as soon as you can make it,” and disconnected. I called to Gerry, the doorman and asked him to show the hairdresser into the staff dressing room when he arrived, and went back inside, took Carol’s arm and led her back into the changing room. “Take that skirt off and come with me,” I snapped, as I ripped my outdoor clothes off. Carol had no idea what was happening but, bless her, did as she was told and the two of us ran naked into the showers together. I washed her hair, soaped her body all over, noting that she did not seem to have shaved her pubic hair since the old King died. I quickly dried her off and then told her to climb on the massage table which was set up in the room. I grabbed a canister of shaving foam and my razor and went to stand by her – the clock on the wall said 5.15 – and counting.

“My favourite hairdresser Toni is on his way here as we speak and will work miracles on that hair of yours. Meanwhile I am going to shave all your pubic hair off. In 45 minutes you will accompany me for 2 hours fun with Mr and Mrs 24. Mrs 24 is very keen to have her husband fucked by me, and we know she is bi-sexual and wanted to make love to Lover Jenny – are you OK to do that – have you ever fucked a woman with a strap-on – are you OK if she licks you out – are you OK to be fucked by Mr 24 if he demands it?”

Her pubes were covered with foam which I was rubbing in. Carol had caught the sense of my urgency and answered immediately, “She’s a lovely lady, Mrs 24, happy to do anything with her that she wants, I had a roommate at University who taught me to use a strap-on on her, Mr 24 is an absolute sweety and I will love it if he wants to fuck me, and any possibility that I get to play with that beautiful cock of yours if the chance arises?” She grinned cheekily at me as I carefully removed the last of her pubic hair and applied perfume to her crack.

“We’ll see, baby doll,” I laughed. “What I can tell you is that you are absolutely my type of friend, and if you deliver with me tonight, you have a friend for life who really will be your Fairy Godmother!”

We were both laughing when Toni, followed by his top manicurist and beautician came running into the staff changing room. “Where’s your problem, darling, and what sort of place is this anyhow?”

“Darling, I’m sorry to mislead you, but my hair is as perfect as it could ever be. However, Carol here has a complete mess of hair that you now have 32 minutes to fix so that she and I can lead two of our richest clients into one of the bedrooms upstairs and fuck their brains out for two hours. If you and you lovely staff can achieve that, Carol will become a very rich and successful young woman who will frequent your salon with her young friends for years to come, and I will tell everyone in the county that you are the greatest hairdresser there is. Oh, and by the way, this is a high-class knocking shop and if you or any of your staff ever mention that to anyone, I will get some of my larger black friends to take you away and castrate you without benefit of anaesthetic.

OK, can we get started please?”

As I knew he would, the wondrous Toni started cutting and snipping immediately while his two girls went to work on her nails and make-up. There wasn’t time to colour her hair, but the transformation, as the clock ticked up to 5.57, was amazing. I kissed Toni and the girls, tried to stuff a wad of notes into his hands which he imperiously waved away.” I will see Carol for free on Monday morning to finish that off,” he said crisply, “I hope it works darling, now go!”

Carol was so excited that I had to call her back to put her skirt on before she ran out into Reception stark naked. Once her skirt was on, I clipped a steel loop around her neck and attached a chain to it so I could lead her out as my slave. I was delighted to see that Geraldine, Suzanne’s secretary, had stepped into run the reception, and her transformation from smart demure secretary to semi-naked receptionist was sensational - I could see that she loved displaying her body (she had gorgeous little A-cup breasts) and being the centre of a lot of lustful attention from men and women Members - she was going to be booked to be a Lover very soon, that was obvious!

I saw that our Members for the evening, Mr & Mrs 24, were just checking in. As they completed that, I moved forward to greet them. Mrs 24, who was called Pat, and Mr 24, David, were both clearly glad to see us, and their eyes lit up as I introduced Carol. What was interesting was it took them two more weeks to realise that Carol was the same person who had manned the reception for the previous fortnight.

When we got up to our room our clients couldn’t wait to remove our skirts. David whipped Carol’s off and started kissing her breasts and fingering her newly smooth pussy whilst she undressed him. However, the sight of my tail and branding really excited them both, Pat really loved it. Within a couple of minutes she was naked on her knees with my cock in her mouth playing with my great ball sack and holding my butt plug and I suggested that that Carol would love to take Pat off for a shower together whilst David and I made ourselves comfortable. Carol was amazing - she looked as if she had been doing this all her life – she chatted to Pat, helped undress her, complimented her on her body and her freshly cut hair, and then took her off to the bathroom, winking at me as she went by.

By then David had not hesitated to remove my skirt and whistled when he saw my tail and branding. “You are one hell of a girl for a guy like me to be confronted with for the evening,” he said. “But you are sexy as hell and I know you are going to give me one hell of a good shagging.” As he said that I was slipping his trousers and shoes off as he removed his shirt. I was delighted to see that he had a large delicious thick cock, cut, with a large crown that I knew was going to give me great pleasure when he fucked me. Meanwhile, I knew that Pat was keen to see him with my cock in him – she had told Carol when she made the booking that she knew he had been cheating on her by making visits to gay clubs and she wanted to see him in action. When he was naked I led him to the bed and made him lie on his back with his arse just over the edge of the bed. I lifted his legs and rested them on my shoulders and applied some lube to his rosebud hole – he was clearly excited about the prospect of being taken, and I was glad to see that my cock was also fully erect as well.

I decided that I couldn’t wait for the women to return, so pushed my cock right into him in one go, and he groaned in pleasure as my groin hit against his - clearly he was an experienced sodomite. He told me to fuck him hard, and I was just about to start pumping him when the two women came out of the bathroom – Pat was looking very flushed, so I guessed that Carol had been pleasuring her in their shower together. Carol grinned at me – she was definitely the cat who had got the cream!

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