Georgina - Cover


Copyright© 2021 by richardthomas666

Chapter 6

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 6 - our hero becomes a transexual

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/Ma   Coercion   Lesbian   BiSexual   TransGender   Fiction   DomSub   MaleDom   FemaleDom   Spanking   Orgy   Anal Sex   Analingus   Double Penetration   Fisting   Oral Sex   Sex Toys  

The morning after Timo came to live with us, I got up early – it had become a habit – and went downstairs for some water. As usual, I got my X472 tablets down and took my daily tablet – it was these wonderful tablets which had converted my pathetic man’s body into a beautiful transsexual one with luscious breasts and a larger cock that was much admired by all the men who I had pleasured. As I stood there, a thought crossed my mind, and when Timo was tidying the house later upstairs, I went into Master’s study and asked why Timo did not have any tablets to take.

Master explained that the tablets I took were very expensive and that Timo’s former Master, Master John, could not afford them. “Could we not afford them for him now?” I asked. Master went to the door and called for Timo to come down. When he arrived, looking alarmed, Master explained that there was nothing wrong, we just needed to know some information.

Master explained that when he first brought me to this house, he had promised my former owners that I would never fancy a woman sexually ever again. In order to do this, Georgina had been taking special tablets which have turned me into the beautiful Transsexual I am today. Because I now own you, Timo, as my slave, I am very happy to change you into a Transsexual as well, but only if you want me to. So, tell me Timo, who do you like to have sex with?”

Timo immediately said “Everyone, Master. I love having sex with you and Georgina most of all, and my Master John used to take me to Gay Clubs where some of the men were very kind to me and taught me how to suck cock and to really give them great orgasms. But before I came to England, I used to fuck the girls in the town where I lived – as you know, Brazilian girls are very sexy, and they used to tell all their friends how good I was, and so lots of them used to come to me to be their first lover.”

“Listen Timo,” my Master said slowly, “I think you are totally bisexual like me, and that is a very good thing to be. I could give you the same tablets as Georgina, but you would never want to fuck the girls of your home town, or any other girl or woman for that matter. You will not have breasts like Georgina here, but you will have a great life putting your cock into every man or woman who fancies you. Do you understand?”

Clearly Timo thought that Master was going to make him become a Transsexual, and the relief on his face when he discovered he was not was one of total relief. Then Master told us to come in and sit down as he had some news. We had all been invited to the opening night tomorrow of a new club nearby which had been started by some friends of his, he had put some money into the project as a result of which he was also a Director. He had booked appointments for all of us the following morning at Toni’s hair salon so that we were all going to look our best.

He then told us that, from now on, Timo would be Georgina’s personal slave, and that he wanted every hair removed from Timo’s body by the following afternoon. Toni would shave his head, but Georgina was responsible for shaving and depilating him today. Timo looked slightly shocked, but because I was going to shave him, he went upstairs quietly with me.

First I took the canister of depilating cream and carefully smeared it into every pubic hair around his cock and crack and arse. After ten minutes, I walked him into the shower and carefully washed it off. Having dried him, I checked that every square inch there was smooth and hair-free, and then got the shaving foam and razor and started to remove the hairs from the rest of his body. Luckily he had quite light thin hair and it took me less than an hour to have him smooth all over. Finally I got a bottle of body oil, and by the time I presented Timo to the mirror, even he loved his new look. I took Timo downstairs and showed Master who praised my work and said how much sexier Timo was now.

The following morning we went to Toni’s and one of Toni’s assistants took Timo off to have his head shaved. Toni had come to treat me as his personal client and would not let anyone else in the salon touch my hair. Today it just needed a slight trim and recolouring, whilst the manicurist made sure my nails were perfect and the beautician applied creams and mascara to my face. When I stood up to leave, the whole salon applauded, to my acute embarrassment, but also pleasure. Just then Timo appeared, his head shave absolutely bald, not even a shadow of hair, and then oiled and polished so you could almost see your reflection in it! I had had reservations about this idea of my Master for Timo, but I could see now how perfect he was, and if he was fully naked, the effect of an entrance at a party would be sensational – Timo would be assailed immediately by potential lovers of both sexes.

Master suggested that we rest quietly in the afternoon, and so we all went to the lounge and watched an enjoyable and very explicit German porn film involving all types of sex with men and women – we were certainly ready for a party by the time that finished! Master told us that we were invited for dinner at 6pm, and the party started at 8pm. I went up to change into my new dress which I had bought for myself in my first shopping trip since I had been branded. I took off my ball stretchers and fitted my special pouch to hold my balls and cock back between my legs. Then I fitted the plug with my tail, and then put my dress and high heels on. Finally, around my neck I put a beautiful polished steel ring, with a silver “G” hanging from it – a present from my Master the day after I had been branded with his mark.

The others were in the lounge and heard me coming across the hallway and turned to look – and gasped. I was wearing gold 4” high heels, and a gold lame dress cut on the bias, which came down to just above my ankles. “Glorious, darling,” my Master said as he leapt to his feet and came and kissed me on the mouth. Timo look thunderstruck – and finally said “You are soooo fuckable, Mistress!” We all laughed.

It had been decided that Timo would be absolutely naked at the party, so Master, who was wearing a dinner jacket, wrapped a full-length cloak around Timo’s shoulders and led him to the car. The journey was very short, barely five miles, and we swung into the driveway of a large country house, with a noticeboard which read HOLEWAY HALL – Private – Members only

As we pulled up at the door, a young, and frankly very fuckable, man in a valet outfit appeared and opened the driver’s door and said “Good evening, Mr Christian, the other Directors are expecting you in the Dining Room.” “Thank you, Gerry,” Master replied, and the young man came round and opened the doors for Timo and I. He offered me his hand to get out of the car, and I took it, stood up and then gave his hand a squeeze - he blushed gently and I knew who I would be giving Master as a Christmas present!! We walked through the main door, which Gerry opened for us, and then he said to Timo, “Can I take your cloak, Sir?” Timo looked at Master in alarm, but Master just said “Thank you Gerry” and removed Timo’s cloak with a sweep and passed it to Gerry, who took it, indicated the direction of the Dining Room, and calmly moved away. I took a steel ring in my hand and clipped it around Timo’s neck and then clipped a thin silver chain onto it, and we moved towards the dining room. Master put his finger over his lips for us to be quiet, and indicated that we were to stand behind the door in the passageway outside the dining room, and whispered that we were to come in when he announced us. With that, he moved into the room, and left us waiting.

Inside, Master was greeted by the four new owners of Holeway Hall – Cathy, Rebecca, Suzanne & Michelle. Those of you with good memories will have remembered these four from Parts 1 to 3 of this story, and that until recently, Cathy had been my mousey wife. The five greeted each other warmly, and then Rebecca asked what happened to the bitch you took off our hands six months ago? Master said that she was no longer his bitch, but he now had a new Brazilian Cock and Bitch to service his partner and him. The girls looked confused at the mention of a partner, and then Master moved back towards the door and called for me to come in with Timo. As I came through the door, leading the shining and erotic Timo on a chain, Master turned to the four women and said, “Fellow Directors, let me introduce Miss Georgina and her slave Timo.”

There was a stunned silence, then Rebecca broke it with “Fucking bloody hell, she’s the sexiest person here!” This broke the tension and everyone laughed, and moved forward to kiss me, even a somewhat surprised Cathy, my former wife. I also noticed that they could also hardly keep their hands off Timo, whose already erect cock they all fondled as they greeted him.

Eventually we all sat down, but a stream of questions to me followed – had I had an operation for those breasts, did I still have a cock, can I have orgasms, who did my hair? I looked at Master helplessly, and he calmly said to me, “I think the quickest way would be to show them.” I nodded and got up and undid the shoulder clasp which held my dress, which slipped gracefully to the floor. I pulled my pouch off quickly and stood in front of them, naked except for my high heels.

“I am a Bi-sexual who has been taking tablets for the last six months which have caused my breasts to grow, my body and facial hair to disappear and my cock to get larger. I am now totally bisexual - I love having a cock in my anus just as much as fucking men and women.” I turned around and they all gasped. “I wear the tail because I love it and because it keeps my anus ready for my lovers. And I wear my Master’s branding mark with pride because he asked me to have it done as a sign that I will be his Mistress till the day I die. Any other questions or are you now going to tell me about this beautiful club of yours?”

I didn’t bother to pick up my clothes but sat down. Rebecca stood up from the other side of the table, walked round, took my head in her hands and French kissed me. When she had finished, she said, “You are simply fabulous, Georgina, and we are sooo happy to see you. We all think you look sensational, and I rather suspect all four of us, even five perhaps as I am sure Master Christian always has good ideas, are trying to work out how we can ask you to be involved with our new club.”

I said, “Now that I have my own slave, Timo here, I have little housework to do at home. I am looking for a job. Tell me about your club and then see if you can find something for me to do, if Master agrees?”

Cathy, who was clearly not the mousey creature I had been married to for all those years, spoke up. “I am the Managing Director of this exclusive Private Club. Membership is £1,000 per year, which just gets you in the front door, access to the bar and the right to eat in this superb dining room – meals and wine will usually cost you another £100 per head.

From Wednesday to Friday from 10am to 5pm, ladies only are welcome. They can meet their friends for drinks or lunch, and we have a number of private and very comfortable rooms where they and their guests can meet one of our staff of Lovers for a sexual encounter. These Lovers include all four of us and several young male undergraduates we have recruited from the local university.

Encounters cost £500 per Lover per hour – half of that fee is given to the Lover, unless it is one of us.

From Wednesday to Friday from 6pm until midnight, the same system applies except this is reserved for men only, and our supplementary Lovers are young women from the University.

On Saturday night, from 6pm until 6am Sunday morning, Men and Women may come in any combination – they can be connected or just with their mistresses or lovers. Before you ask the obvious question, our membership list is already closed at 300 members, and nearly every sexual encounter slot is booked for the next two weeks.”

I said, “ Dear Cathy, that is fantastic, I am truly impressed.”

Michelle, who was sitting next to Timo and who had been fondling his gorgeous cock during Cathy’s speech, said “Tell us about lovely Timo here. Is he available for sex with us ladies – he is sooo sexy and I would certainly pay good money to have him in my cunt.”

My Master then spoke up. “Timo is totally bi-sexual and is happy to fuck or be fucked by anyone, male or female. However, he belongs to Georgina, and it is her decision how he spends his time. However, I know that my lovely Mistress would like an occupation, that is why I brought her to meet you this evening. I am sure that amongst your clients, there will be a number of men who would pay top dollar to have sex with Georgina, and certainly a number of women who would love to see their husbands or partners being fucked by her. Provided she is happy to do so, I am perfectly content for her to join your team of Lovers on whatever basis she desires.”

I knew instantly that my lovely Master had worked this all out in advance, but cleverly made it sound totally spontaneous so the girls would agree instantly. I said to Cathy, “I would love to join your team, if you are all happy to have me. May I suggest that I could be available on Wednesday evening for the men and on Saturday night for the couples. Timo will be allowed to come here with me on Saturday evenings. My Master usually plays bridge with his friends on Wednesdays, and goes to one of his sex clubs on Saturday night. Might I suggest we try this for a trial period of say two months to see if there is any interest in us, and then review it.”

“You are one fucking clever girl, Georgina,” said Rebecca cheerfully. “And looking around this table, I can see that everyone here agrees with me and wants you on the team. As for Timo, we are all working out how to make sure we get to fuck him as soon as possible!!” Everyone laughed, except Cathy, who was still looking concerned.

“The last time we met,” she said seriously, “the four of us gave you the worst whipping imaginable. Why should I believe that all has been forgotten and we can start all over again?”

“For the simple reason that all has been forgotten. Until that point, I had been a total shit to you and my life with Master here has shown me how I really want to live my life. I am truly happy in my life now, and I really want you to be truly happy in yours, and I will do anything you ask me to help you achieve that success.”

Cathy looked at me hard for a few seconds, and then smiled gently. “Friends?”

“Friends.” I said and at that point the waiters arrived with our food. I was impressed that they were so well trained that they took no notice that Tomi and I were sitting there stark naked, and carried on completely normally.

After a simply delicious meal, with lots of wine, the bill for which Master insisted on paying, Cathy announced that they needed to get out to reception to welcome their guests for their first evening of business. I said, “Shall we come with you?”

“Of course, said Rebecca, “but no need for you and Tomi to get dressed – I am sure that your glorious nakedness will help to set the tone of the place.” Master picked up my clothes for me, and I took Rebecca’s arm as we led the group out into the main hallway and reception desk. Michelle was still attached to Timo as if by glue. Two couples, one in their 50s and the other probably only in their later 20s, were at reception checking in for the evening. The younger couple looked somewhat shocked at my naked body and tried to ignore me. The older couple appraised me with smiles on their faces, and the woman, who had looked after her figure despite her age, came forward and put her hand on my cock and murmured “Darling, you are one of the most beautiful people I have ever seen. Are you one of the staff – I don’t remember seeing your picture on the website, and I certainly would have booked you if I had seen you.”

I explained that I had just been interviewed and would be starting the following week, on Saturday evening if she and her husband would like to try to make a booking. She said she would, and then she caught sight of Suzanne in our party and hurried to embrace her – clearly they were going to spend the night with her. As the lady moved away, Rebecca congratulated me – that was Mr and Mrs 24 (everyone was known only by numbers) and they had pots of money and expected to come once or twice a week. Interestingly, Mrs 85, her daughter, was also a member and mother and daughter were hoping to share a Lover one weekday and Rebecca now realised that Tomi could well be just the cock to take them on.

Gerry re-appeared with the cloak for Tomi, and I dropped my dress over my head and we headed out to the car. Just as I was going to get in, Rebecca put her hand on mine and said, “We are all very happy for you, Georgina. Just don’t be surprised if you become a very rich Lover in a very short period of time.”

I was tempted to chatter all the way home, but decided to keep my excitement to myself. When we got home, I told Tomi that he was to go to his bed immediately – he looked very vexed to be left out. By the time Master came into the bedroom, I had lit a couple of candles and was sitting naked on the bed. As he climbed beside me, I grabbed one wrist and quickly manacled him to the bedpost, then took the other and attached it to the other one. I pushed his legs up to beside his head and pushed my cock, already covered in lube, right into him so that our hips collided hard. Without giving him a second, I set up a fast pumping, screaming with pleasure as his anal ring gripped my cock tight. He clearly realised how excited the evening had made me, and continued to push his hips back at me to heighten the pleasure I was getting from shagging my clever and beloved Master. My hand was firmly round his lovely weapon and I was masturbating him as hard as I can. I felt the spunk building in my balls, and cried out “Master, Master, I love you sooo much! Please cum for me darling!” and I saw that he too was on the edge and so I fucked and wanked with all my might and spunk shot into his bowels at just the moment his cock squirted all over my hand and his chest. We lay in each other’s arms for a few minutes, then I released him from his cuffs. I thought he might get up and wash, but he just pulled me against him so that his spunk was smeared over both our bodies.

“What an amazing pair of fuckers we are,” he said, and within a few minutes, we were asleep.

On Monday afternoon, Master, Tomi and I were all working out in the gym when the phone extension in the bedroom rang. Naturally Master answered it, but after a minute, he came back grinning and said that it was Rebecca for me.

Rebecca was chattering away excitedly on the other end in a torrent of words. It appeared that most of Surrey appeared to have heard of my appearance at the Club on Saturday, and poor Carol, the receptionist had been inundated with calls requesting bookings. Rebecca had had to step in and help her, and wanted to check if I was willing to accept the following bookings:

Wednesday evening – dinner with Mr 118 at 6.30pm followed by two hours sex from 8 to 10pm (total booking fee £1,800).

Saturday evening – Mr & Mrs 24 (who you met on Saturday) – booking you (for Mr24) and Lover Jenny (for Mrs 24) for two hours sex from 6 to 8 pm (booking fee £2,400)

Saturday evening - Mr 9 – booking you and Tomi for sex from 10pm to 6 am (booking fee £6,000)

Rebecca explained that Mr 118 an elderly City businessman who was wants you to fuck him. Mrs 24 wants you to fuck her husband while she is taken makes love to the bi-sexual Jenny, and Mr 9 expects all three of you to fuck each other all night.

“So, said Rebecca, “are you happy with that arrangement or is it too demanding?”

I laughed out loud. “Darling Rebecca, if you had been to as many gay sex parties as I have, you would know that this is a complete doddle! If I understand right, you will pay Tomi and I just over £5,000 for a little light sex – sounds good to me. I will go and discuss it with my Master and call you back as soon as I can.”

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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