Georgina - Cover


Copyright© 2021 by richardthomas666

Chapter 3

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 3 - our hero becomes a transexual

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/Ma   Coercion   Lesbian   BiSexual   TransGender   Fiction   DomSub   MaleDom   FemaleDom   Spanking   Orgy   Anal Sex   Analingus   Double Penetration   Fisting   Oral Sex   Sex Toys  

I awoke slowly the following morning, knowing instantly that my body had been horribly abused during the last 48 hours, especially my anus. I also realised that Christian was asleep beside me, although I was relieved that his huge long cock had slipped out of my anus during the night. Looking around, I saw that there was a note pinned on the back of the bedroom door. I got out of bed gently and padded naked to read it.


I quietly opened the door the bedroom door and went downstairs. Sure enough, on the table was another note. Beside it was my washbag.


I looked at the clock and saw it was 7 o’clock, which I estimated should give me enough time to do all the things on the list. Having washed in the downstairs bathroom, I took the cock cage and started to put it on. I had splashed my cock with cold water to make it shrink, and so managed to fit the cage in place and finally closed the padlock to complete my humiliation.

I worked quickly on the housework – I had always been a stickler for tidiness at home so tidying the house and making the breakfast came easily. Just as the clock approached 10 o’clock, I went up the stairs with a tray of coffee cups.

I decided that I should start with Mistress Rebecca’s room, and quietly opened the door – but silence was clearly not important. Mistress Rebecca was on her hands and knees on the bed, and Mistress Cathy, my wife only in name now, was wearing a strap-on which I had not seen before, really long and thin, not unlike Christian’s cock which had been in my arse most of the previous night. She had already pushed it into Rebecca’s damp cunt and was rocking slowly as Rebecca groaned loudly as it reached further and further into her. Neither girl took any notice of me and so I put the two coffee cups on the bedside table and closed the door behind me. I then went to the spare room, not knowing who would be in there. As I came in, I saw that Suzanne was lying on her back on the bed, her legs wide apart, and Michelle had managed to insert her whole hand, right up to her wrist, into the girl’s tight cunt. Less than a month before I had spent the night with my cock in there, and I knew that Suzanne had the tightest cunt I had ever fucked, and so the pressure of Michelle’s hand in there must be extreme. Suzanne was whimpering and sobbing as Michelle rocked her hand in and out, but again both girls were so absorbed in their mutual sex orgy that they totally ignored my presence, and I put their cups down and left the room.

Finally I went into the bedroom which Christian and I had shared that night, to find him sitting up in bed already, his beautiful cock (for that is how I now felt myself thinking of it) lying limp and invitingly across his thigh. “Good morning, Georgina darling,” he said, “come here and give your Master a kiss.” I put the cup on the table beside him and knelt on the bed and put my mouth to his as he kissed me gently.

After a couple of minutes, he moved back and patted the bed beside him, indicating for me to sit down. He told me that he had really enjoyed fucking me, and he was going to ask Rebecca and Cathy if they would be willing to gift me to him. He had decided that I would come and live with me as his personal slave and would be available to him and his friends whenever they wanted him. I thought he was asking me whether I wanted to do this, but then he said that he would discuss this after breakfast with the Mistresses and he and they would decide – naturally I would not have any say in the matter. Meanwhile, I was to address him as Master. He kissed me again and then told me to go and wait downstairs as I had been told.

I stood in the dining room for at least 45 minutes before the five others came down for breakfast, and so had plenty of time to reflect on what Master had said. 24 hours earlier, his whole suggestion would have been preposterous – I was a sales executive with a high-powered job – how was I ever going to reconcile that with being the bitch who was permanently available for a gay man, admittedly a very handsome gay man. When the others came down, they were all wearing silk robes, and the next hour kept me busy, serving them with food and drink, and then clearing away the dining table and doing the washing up. By the time I returned to the lounge as instructed, all of them had discarded their robes.

Mistress Rebecca was sitting on the sofa with Suzanne laid across her knees with two or three fingers inserted in her rosebud anus, rapidly masturbating her as her victim wriggled and sighed in pleasure. Mistress Cathy was in the armchair with Michelle’s head trapped between Cathy’s thighs, with the unmistakeable sound of Michelle lapping at Cathy’s engorged sex lips. Christian was sitting calmly in the other armchair, smoking and watching the show.

Christian put out his cigarette, stood up and moved to me and kissed me firmly on the lips, then clapped his hand and announced “Time to deal with the bitch!” The four girls disentangled themselves, and Rebecca got up and moved to the corner of the room, where she undid a contraption and passed it to Christian. It turned out to be two leather cuffs, each on the end of a steel wire. Each cuff was attached to my wrists, and then Rebecca pulled them tight, so that my hands and arms were drawn up to the ceiling, my hands about three feet apart. Rebecca and Christian then carried into the room a heavy steel bar, about three feet long, with cuffs attached to each end. The cuffs were attached to my ankles, so that I could now no longer stand with my feet flat on the floor, but was effective on tip-toe. I also realised that the steel bar was so heavy that I could not move my feet. I was trapped, star-shaped, and totally at anyone’s mercy.

Christian asked the girls to sit down – I noticed that Suzanne immediately went and sat on Mistress Rebecca’s lap, and Cathy ran to cuddle up to Michelle and slipped her fingers into Michelle’s cunt.

Christian explained that he realises that Georgina (here there was raucous laughter and clapping from the girls at the announcement of my new identity) is there to be humiliated and punished, but if afterwards they have no further use for her, then he would be happy to take her off their hands as his own bitch. He added that he is quite happy to bring her back anytime for their use as slave or plaything.

Rebecca said that she is happy to agree – otherwise we are just going to have to feed the bastard and keep him alive. But Cathy angrily said that the bastard nearly destroyed my life and happiness, and only Rebecca has saved her and shown her what a great time she can have. Before I left, she wants to inflict real pain on me to equate to the mental pain I inflicted on her.

Rebecca got up and went to Cathy and kissed her deeply whilst stroking her breast, and promised her that Georgina was going to leave the cottage with the most terrible memories of this morning. Turning to me, she said, “We are prepared to agree to our lovely friend Christian’s request on one condition. In front of us as witnesses, you are to agree now to divorce Mistress Cathy on the grounds of your infidelity and, in settlement, to transfer the ownership of your house to Mistress Cathy. If you agree, you will leave here as Christian’s personal property and he will doubtless make you his slave and bitch. If you don’t agree, or try to argue later when I send you the paperwork, I will send Simon and his friends to collect you and they will castrate you without the benefit of anaesthetic. So, do you agree?”

Although Mistress Rebecca and her threats terrified me, my frightened brain still functioned enough to ask the question, “But how will she live? She has no job and no income.”

“You are so pathetic, wimp,” said Rebecca angrily, “She is going to become a very rich young woman. Once she has sold your former house, the four of us – she indicated the other two girls who were grinning at him – are going pool our money to buy a large country house down the road from here and turn it into an exclusive private club run by the four most glamorous courtesans in the county! It will only available to members paying a huge subscription so that bored men and women will be able to come and indulge in every sexual perversion imaginable – assisted in this by we four owners. You never know, you might be useful to us one day when we have a member who has a perversion for baby cocks!” The four girls howled with laughter at this idea. “Well,” she asked, “Your answer? Do you agree?”

I knew they had worked everything out. “Yes Mistress, I agree.”

“Good – sensible bitch,” said Rebecca. “Now, let’s get her ready for her finale.” She stood in front of me. “I would normally arrange for you to be gagged at this point, because the suffering you are going to suffer is extreme. However, because Mistress Cathy hates you so much, I have agreed to let you scream as much as you like. We are two miles from the nearest property – no-one will hear you.”

Just then Cathy appeared beside her, carrying some small objects in the palm of her hand. “Can I do this please?” said Cathy. Rebecca moved aside and Cathy took one of the objects and squeezed it open between her thumb and forefinger and attached it to my nipple. It was a nipple clamp, and the end of each of the spring-loaded clamps had sharp metal teeth which bit viciously into my nipple, and blood immediately ran out. I screamed in pain, but Cathy took no notice and immediately fixed the second clamp to the other nipple. I screamed and begged her to take them off me. She looked straight into my eyes, then spat out “You are a fucking whore!” No sooner had she said it than she swung her arm around and hit me very hard across the cheek with the palm of her hand, then just turned and went back to join Michelle on the sofa.

The pain in my nipples was horrific, and the slightest movement brought more tears to my eyes. Christian moved to me and said quietly, “My dear Georgina, in a moment, you are going to be flogged by your current owners, and then you will be mine. The nipple clamps are their farewell present to you. So that you can remember during your torture that you are going to be mine, I am going to fit you with my present. You may have a small cock, but you have beautiful balls, and I want you to develop an even bigger and better ball-sack to show them off. From now on you will be fitted with these ball stretchers – he opened his hand to show three heavy stainless steel rings of different sizes. Let’s see if we can fit the medium-sized one already?”

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