Georgina - Cover


Copyright© 2021 by richardthomas666

Chapter 2

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 2 - our hero becomes a transexual

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/Ma   Coercion   Lesbian   BiSexual   TransGender   Fiction   DomSub   MaleDom   FemaleDom   Spanking   Orgy   Anal Sex   Analingus   Double Penetration   Fisting   Oral Sex   Sex Toys  

After a couple of minutes I heard the car pull away, and all was silent in the house. I lay there, face down on the bench, my hands and feet shackled to the legs of the bench, my anus ravaged and throbbing from being buggered by Rebecca’s strap-on, and my mouth full of the taste of my wife’s sweet cum and the spunk that her lover had pumped down my throat. At that moment the shock of the events of that morning hit me, and I started to cry. I guess the crying must have relaxed me so that in a couple of minutes I must have fallen asleep.

I awoke to the sounds of an obviously merry threesome returning to the house, and before I could gather my thoughts, Rebecca grabbed my hair and pulled my face up to look at her.

“Oh look lovers,” she said mockingly, “our little slave has been crying for his lost virginity!” In the background I could see that Simon had sat on the sofa opposite me and Cathy had immediately taken off her dress and shoes and gone and sat on his lap. She was kissing him and he pinched her nipples – it looked as though I was going to have to witness my mousey wife being shagged again by his monster cock.

“OK wimp,” snapped Rebecca, “here are the rules.

1) You will never mention anything about this to anyone, do you understand, ANYONE outside of this house.

2) Your wife is to have complete access to all your bank and credit card accounts – you are not to even consider concealing anything from her.

3) If your wife chooses to spend the night in your house, you are to sleep in the spare room.

4) You are never to make any sexual advance to ANYONE, I repeat ANYONE, ever again without Cathy’s permission.

5) You are to obey every instruction given to you by Cathy and me, as well as any instruction by any of our guests in this house or yours.

6) If you break any of these rules, Simon and his friends will take you a long way away and castrate you without benefit of anaesthetic – I mean that.

OK Simon, untie him for me please, and Cathy, time for you to give him his present.” Cathy got off Simon’s lap excitedly and ran over to the sideboard, and Simon came across and unshackled my legs and hands and lifted me to my feet, but kept his massive arms around my waist. Cathy moved forward and spoke straight into my face.

“You have betrayed me ever since we were first married – you never treated me as a sexy woman, you shagged with every bit of skirt you could lay your hands on, and all the time pretending to me and everyone else that you had a real cock worth being fucked by. Well Tom, I have now been shagged for the last few weeks by a succession of wonderfully large and talented cocks, and I am going to make sure you never molest any other women again.” She and Rebecca moved forward and I saw in Cathy’s hand a small metal cage with straps attached to it. She fitted the cage over my now flaccid cock, and pulled the straps tight so that my cock could not possibly become erect. She took a hand-held riveting machine and punched rivets through the straps, which fitted round my waist and the tops of my thighs, so that they could not be undone. She then completed it by fixing a small padlock to two of the straps so that there was no escape.

Cathy looked at me pityingly. “You are nothing but my slave from now on. If that cage is ever removed without permission from anyone but Rebecca or me, all the film we have taken today of you will be broadcast to everyone you know – AND Simon will castrate you.”

Rebecca put her arm around Cathy’s naked body. “Right wimp, off you go, get dressed and go home. Here is your wallet – we had a really good lunch, you will be pleased to know. You will have to walk to the village to call for a taxi – it is about two miles in that direction. Oh, and by the way, Simon mistook your jacket for a rag and wiped his cock on it. Don’t worry, we’ll get it cleaned in due course, but you’ll just have your shirt and trousers to wear.

Tomorrow evening you are to be here at exactly 5.30pm. You will bring a wash bag but nothing else. For every minute you are late, you will receive one stroke of the lash – and I am very good at administering punishment to slaves who disobey me. Now fuck off.”

Whilst I found my clothes and dressed, Rebecca and Simon had undressed and my last view of them as I left was Simon seated on the sofa with the two young women kneeling in front of him licking his rapidly rising member.

As I staggered up the road, I opened my wallet – no wonder they had had a good lunch – they had spent nearly £500 on lunch at the Michelin starred restaurant nearby, and there was only £30 left in there. Not only did I have the pain in my anus from being buggered by Rebecca, but the cock-cage was also uncomfortable and gave me a ‘waddling’ gait as I walked. I hoped that, because it was a summer’s evening, the fact that I only had a shirt on would be OK, but in less than a mile the rain started, and by the time I got to the telephone box in the village, I was cold and soaked though. Eventually I tracked down a taxi, and finally arrived home cold, wet and very, very frightened.

The following morning, having had very little sleep, I called the office explaining I was unwell, and went back upstairs to sit in a bath and ponder what I could do. Despite all my thinking, by mid-afternoon I realised that the two women had worked out every angle and that I had no option but to obey their instructions. I got dressed and packed a washbag, and ordered a taxi.

I assumed that Rebecca meant what she said about not being late, and so the driver dropped me off just short of their house at 5.25pm. I had checked my watch, and so rang the doorbell at exactly 5.29pm. After a few seconds, Rebecca came to the door, wearing only a beautiful short kimono which came nowhere near to covering her exposed sex, as well as matching high heels.

“OK, you’ve avoided your first beating. Go upstairs into the small bedroom immediately in front of you. Undress completely, wash and shave – you are to use no products that smell in any way, and when you have done that, lie on the bed and wait.”

I went upstairs into what was just a small box room, just room for a narrow bed and a wash basin in the corner. I washed and shaved and made a pile of my clothes in the corner and lay on the bed and waited.

After a few minutes, Rebecca came in carrying a small bag. She took out a key and unlocked the padlock which secured my cock cage and removed the cage. Then she took an aerosol out of the bag and squirted a handful of cream into her and slowly massaged it around my cock and groin area. “This is depilatory cream – we want our slaves looking their best at our party – but if you get any kind of erection while I am doing this, you will be severely punished.” After a few minutes she had covered and massaged the whole area, and told me to get up and wash the cream off in the sink. When I came back to the bed, she inspected the area carefully and said it was perfect. Then she said, “You are to remain without the cage for this weekend, in case any of our guests – only male ones, of course – wish to use this pathetic object for any reason. However, there will be many attractive men and women here, and if you have an erection at any time, you will be punished. Now then, under the bed is your uniform, take it out and put it on.”

I reached under and brought out a box and opened it – it was a French Maid’s outfit. “Stand up and I will dress you,” said Rebecca. She put the corset on me, leaving my arms and shoulders bare, and tightened the cords hard at the back. The corset had a minute skirt attached to it, but it was so short that my cock was clearly visible below it. Then she made me put the fishnet hold-up stockings on, and gave me high-heels to put on – exactly the right size but very difficult for anyone who had never worn them before. She made me go and look at myself in the mirror – a frightening sight, as I realised that I was not unattractive and might be prey to those who enjoy men over women.

Rebecca told me to come and bend over with my hands on the bed. She took a very long dildo out of her bag and then a container of lube. “As you have just realised, you are going to attract attention tonight, so we must make sure you are completely ready for their pleasure.” She pushed the lube into my anus with her fingers, then took the dildo and pushed it right up my bum. She quickly removed it, put more lube in and repeated the exercise several times, until my anus was crammed with lubrication.

She tidied away everything into her bag then told me to stand up. “You are to serve drinks, tidy away dirty glasses, wash-up and generally do everything a maid would do. If I catch you slacking, I will beat you. In addition, you will submit to any sexual or physical demands that any of my guests make of you. You will from now on call me Mistress Rebecca, you will call your former wife Mistress Cathy, and everyone else Sir or Madam, even if you already know them. Understood slave?”

“Yes Mistress Rebecca.”

“Good. Oh and one last treat for tonight.” She reached in her bag and took out a long pink ribbon with some small bells attached to it. “No-one is going to have any use for that pathetic little cock, so it might as well be decorative.” She tied the ribbon tightly around my cock so that the bells hung down between my legs for some six inches. “Perfect. Now come downstairs and work.”

With great difficulty I walked downstairs in the high-heels, my progress made the more embarrassing by the tinkling bells every time I moved. I followed Rebecca into the lounge, and was confronted by Cathy – but barely the mousey wife I had known 48 hours later. Her wavy unkempt hair had been cut short and dyed red and she was wearing a black revealing bustier which did not cover her gorgeous breasts, suspender belt and black stockings and the highest heels I had ever seen. And the fact that she had no knickers also showed that her pubic bush had also been dealt with, and replaced with the narrowest of landing strips. Frankly, she was sex on legs, and even in my degradation, I could not control myself and my cock twitched at the vision – which fact was revealed by the tinkling of bells.

“You have been warned, slave,” said Rebecca, “bend over the back of that chair NOW.” I did as she said, and as I bent over, saw her take a cane off the sideboard and move behind me. “This is the first time, so it will be one stroke,” she said sternly, “but each time I do this, the number of strokes will increase.”

Before I had time to fully understand what she had told me, I heard the swish of the cane as she swung it, and a burning pain seared across my buttocks and I heard myself squeal with the pain. “Stand up slave,” she said, calmly, “and thank me.”

“Thank you Mistress Rebecca,” I said.

Cathy spoke in a confident tone I had never heard before. “Now go and wait by the front door, and greet our guests when they arrive.”

“Yes Mistress Cathy,” I replied.

I stood by the door, the pain of the cane still throbbing on my bum, and after about 15 minutes the bell rang, and I opened the door. Standing there was a tall slim man, immaculately dressed in chinos and a white silk shirt.

“Oh darling,” he lisped, “how simply divine, dear Rebecca told me she had a treat but you are something else. I love this – he put his hand on my cock and jiggled the bells – now baby doll, turn around.”

I turned and immediately felt him push his fingers into my arse. “Oh gorgeous, all lubed up and ready for action.” He turned me round and kissed me full on the mouth. “You are going to love having my cock up there, baby doll. I am Christian, and trust me, I am going to fuck that gorgeous arse of yours more than once tonight.”

He swept off into the lounge and I heard him greeting Rebecca and Cathy loudly. But before I could close the door, I saw two beautiful young women coming towards me – to my amazement, they were Suzanne and Michelle, the secretaries of two of my biggest clients, and I had fucked both girls within the last couple of months. I did not know that they knew each other or that they knew Rebecca or Cathy. They were both wearing high heels and raincoats, which seemed unusual as it was a bright summer’s evening. Both screamed with laughter when they saw me, and Suzanne reached out and rang the bells between my legs.

“The perfect decoration for such a pathetic object, Tom, don’t you agree?” Suzanne mocked.

“Yes madam,” I replied.

“Take my coat, slave,” said Suzanne and turned her back as she undid the buttons. I reached forward and took the coat, and she turned, revealing that, other than an onyx jewel in her belly button, she was wearing nothing other than her high heels. At the same moment, Michelle removed her coat to reveal a similarly naked body. The last cunt I had fucked had been Michelle’s and the sight of her body reminded me of the vision of her riding me in the hotel bedroom with her magnificent breasts bouncing as she screamed for more. Unfortunately, the memory of that night translated itself into a reaction from my cock and the bloody bells tinkled away. Both girls squealed with laughter and walked into the lounge. After a few seconds, I heard Rebecca call out,” Here slave, leave the front door open!”

I walked into the lounge and Rebecca was already holding the can. “You know why, you wretched wimp. Over the chair.” I went immediately and bent over the chair, but saw that as I bent over, Rebecca handed the cane to Cathy. “Unless you get that stupid imagination under control, your arse will be bleeding by the end of the night,” she growled. “And now Mistress Cathy is going to give you the treatment she has been dreaming about for years.”

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