Getting Sis Pregnant - Cover

Getting Sis Pregnant

Copyright© 2021 by Master Jonathan

Chapter 4

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 4 - His sister is a model who wants to quit the business. Only problem is she needs to get pregnant to break her contract. She asks for his help in getting her pregnant. Will he accept? Will her plan work to get her out of her contract? What will Mom have to say about this?

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Romantic   Heterosexual   Fiction   BDSM   MaleDom   Lactation   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Pregnancy   Tit-Fucking   Illustrated  

I lined up my achingly hard cock to her wet, glistening fuckhole and pushed into her slowly. She moaned loudly as my cock penetrated into her tight young model’s body. I watched her face as I parted her thick soft lips, stopping just as my cock head nestled up against the entrance to her tunnel.

“Look at me slut, I want to watch your face as I push my cock deep into your dirty cunt. I want to see your expression when I fill your womb with my Master seed!”

Anna groaned again at my words, and her cunt spasmed. I gathered myself together to push on into what I soon hoped would be our babies’ birth canal. As I started pushing slowly into her, opening her up, Anna moaned.

“Oh my God, Master! Oh, I never knew you were so ... Oh, your cock ... stretching me so wide!”

Her eyes grew as big as saucers and she let go of one leg to cover her mouth as I pushed onward. Fucking Anna was just like I’d always thought it would be, her cunt wet and quivering around my shaft.

She moaned and squeezed me tight, moving her ass slowly as I held myself inside of her. I could feel her walls shifting around my cock as she moved. I slowly slid my cock back out until only the head remained inside of her.

Her pussy felt like it was trying to suck me back in as I rested just inside of her. I smiled, she had a pussy that guys always dream about. And now that pussy belonged to me. Until I got her pregnant, her pussy was mine to fuck as much as I wanted.

I began to fuck Anna with a firm, steady rhythm, pushing into her until my hips met her ass with a wet smack. She helped me by thrusting her ass back toward me as I pushed in.

Each time I pushed into her she moaned, softly at first, feeling me open her and stretch her with each firm thrust.

I increased both my speed and power with each forward thrust, working myself up until I was slamming into her dirty whore cunt at full force.

“Oh God yes! Fuck me, Master, I’m going to cum! Oh, your cock is making me cum! Ohhh!”

I felt her cunt tighten around my cock and her juice pour out over my balls as I fucked her. I could feel the muscles in her pussy walls rippling as if milking me and trying to draw out the cum I had to offer it.

Both Anna and I hadn’t been with anyone seriously in over a year – her because of her busy schedule, and me because I just couldn’t find anyone I was interested in. So we were both in need of a good fucking and as soon as I felt Anna let go, it triggered my own orgasm.

I groaned and pushed into her deeply as my cock exploded inside her. My cum poured into her needy body, filling her pussy and mixing with her own fluids.

“Oh yes Master, yes! Cum inside my slut pussy. Put your hot seed deep in my belly. Oh God, I feel it surging into me. Give me more, Master, make me pregnant. Breed your dirty slut, and I’ll be yours forever! Please, Master, give me a baby. Your baby, please!”

She pulled me closer to her, hoping to trap as much of my cum inside her as she could.

I stayed there between her splayed legs, buried deep in that warm, tight pussy for as long as I could. But after a while, my cock shrank and became too soft to remain inside her and it fell out with a wet plop. Anna then quickly covered her pussy with a hand and kept her hips as high in the air as she could.

Curious at the bizarre sight, I asked. “What are you doing?”

“I am making sure none of your cum leaks out of my pussy until it has had its chance to get to my womb.”

I laid down next to her and put my hand over hers. This was to be our baby and I wanted to be a part of everything. She smiled. “I love you, Master. Thank you for doing this for me. And thank you for making me your slutwife.”

We laid there side by side, holding what we hoped was the first beginnings of our new life inside her.

“Master, what are we going to tell Mom when and if we get pregnant?”

“Well, Mom is a practical, sensible woman. Once we explain what it is we are doing and why we are doing it, she will understand. She might be a little shocked at first, as I was when you approached me on this.

“But just like I came around, she will too. When the time comes and we are sure you are pregnant, we will both sit down with her and tell her what is happening and explain why.”

“Oh, I hope it does work. I want to get pregnant and get out of modeling so I can come home to be with you. It kills me the way I treated you before. We wasted so much time we could have been happy together.”

“Well, I think that had we been more brotherly and sisterly towards each other, we might not feel the way we do now. You don’t know how much you want something until it’s gone. If you and I had been like regular siblings, we would never have realized we actually love each other, romantically, not just as brother and sister.”

“You’re probably right – I didn’t realize how much I missed this town until I was thousands of miles away from it!” She snuggled a little closer to me and I held my new slut closely and tenderly.

We fucked a couple more times that first day and at least twice a day for several days after that. Anna wanted to make sure that she would get pregnant and I was more than willing to bed my beauty anytime she wanted. After that first day, I started teaching and telling her what I liked and what I wanted her to do in service to me.

I laid down some simple ground rules such as she wasn’t to play with herself or masturbate without permission, she was to ask permission before she came when we were having sex. She was to call me Master when we were home alone, but Sir in public (we used Chris and Anna or Sis around Mom of course!).

I also gave her a few protocols to learn too – never touch a doorknob in my presence, always wait to be seated, and wait until I begin before eating. Ask to be excused before you leave me and let me know where you are going. These things were more manners than rules and she smiled when I said them.

She, like me, believed in the old way men and women treated each other and the roles they played. She used to watch the old sitcoms and I could see in her eyes how she wanted to be like them ... a 1950’s era happy housewife. Perfectly content to stay home and take care of her home and her man.

One day I came home from the shop and Anna was there to greet me as I had instructed her – kneeling on the front room floor with her back straight and her knees apart, head up and chest out. But I could tell this day was special ... as she knelt there, she was shaking with excitement.

“Hello, my sweet wonderful Master! Oh, I am so very happy you are home!” she said, nearly busting out with excited happiness.

“Hello, slut ... what’s wrong? You seem like a kid waiting to open a Christmas present or something!”

“Oh, Master, it is wonderful! Look!” She showed me a home pregnancy kit and it read POSITIVE – not a plus or minus sign or some color that could be misinterpreted, but the definite, absolute, word POSITIVE.

“It looks like all that hard fucking has done the trick!”

“Oh yes, my beloved Master. I am late for my period. I am normally regular as clockwork, and I am a week late. So I got this test at the store and took it. I’m pregnant!” She practically glowed as she spoke.

“Well, that is wonderful. But we should take you to the doctor and see for sure – get a second, professional, opinion before we break the news to your work and to Mom.”

“Yes, I agree. We could do it next week!”

And so it was settled. She made an appointment with an OB/GYN doctor and I took the day off to take her. When the day came for her appointment, Anna could barely sit still in the doctor’s office until her name was called. Anna introduced me as her boyfriend just to keep the questions to a minimum and we went in to get her checked out.

“Yes, Anna you are definitely pregnant. About two or three weeks now. It’s just a tiny thing, about the size of a poppy seed right now, but your blood test tells me you are definitely pregnant and soon your baby will start growing and becoming more noticeable. And before long you will start seeing it in the mirror.”

“Oh thank you, doctor! Thank you so much! This is wonderful news!”

Then it was my turn to ask the all-important question: “Doctor this is our first baby. How long do we have before we can’t have sex until after the baby is born?”

The doctor smiled. “Well, there is no real cut off. So long as there are no complications like bed rest or anything, you can have sex as long as it’s comfortable – even up to the delivery day if you want. Now she might have to be on top in the later stages, but if it works then go for it!”

I looked at Anna and she was blushing but smiling.

Anna had taken off three months to be home with the family and we were just coming to the latter end of the first month when she got pregnant. We decided to wait until closer to when she would have to go back to announce anything ... just to give the baby a chance to get bigger.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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