Getting Sis Pregnant - Cover

Getting Sis Pregnant

Copyright© 2021 by Master Jonathan

Chapter 2

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 2 - His sister is a model who wants to quit the business. Only problem is she needs to get pregnant to break her contract. She asks for his help in getting her pregnant. Will he accept? Will her plan work to get her out of her contract? What will Mom have to say about this?

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Romantic   Heterosexual   Fiction   BDSM   MaleDom   Lactation   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Pregnancy   Tit-Fucking   Illustrated  

“I’m glad you agreed to show me around town, Chris. I have been wanting to talk to you alone,” Anna said.

“I wanted to ask you something too Anna,” I said.

“You go first then, Chris. What did you want to ask me?”

“Well, it’s about this new you, to be honest. I mean before you left, you and I barely recognized each other’s existence. We didn’t fight, but we didn’t talk either. We just happened to live in the same house together. But since you’ve been back, it’s like I’m an old boyfriend you still have a thing for! And what was that holding hands thing last night? I nearly jumped out of my skin when I felt your hand! If Mom hadn’t been right there, I probably would have!” I said.

“That’s kind of what I wanted to talk to you about too, Chris. I have been doing a lot of thinking lately about my life and what I want out of it. And I want out of the modeling business. I have missed my family too much and missed out on a social life – basically, I have just missed too much. I want to come home and be with you and Mom.

“Dad’s death made me finally realize that time is too short to not take advantage of every minute. I wish I had figured that out a long time ago but I have now and I don’t want to waste any more time,” Anna told me.

“But what about your modeling? What will you do if you leave that?”

“I have thought about that and for the last six months, I have been studying to become a real estate agent. I had been working with a company, a big well-known company, and they have been helping me to learn the business.

“They told me that if I wanted to get out of modeling, they would help me get my license and put me to work with them. They told me I could do really well being a former model, and that I wouldn’t be selling little starter homes, but I would be doing bigger deals – corporate deals and real estate for the wealthier clients. Like I said, this is a big-time real estate company,” she said.

“That sounds pretty good, Anna, but what does this have to do with me? You said you wanted to talk to me about this. Why? It sounds like you have this pretty much figured out.”

“Chris, I have contracts that I need to get out of if I am going to quit modeling. You can’t just up and decide you don’t want to play anymore. And while I could go through the long and costly legal battle to get them broken, it would take a long time – months and months – and cost a small fortune in legal fees.

“There is an easier and faster way that one of my model friends used to break her contract. She got pregnant. Getting pregnant when you are a fashion model is a quick and sure way of getting fired. Very few models can do the pregnant fashion look. And my “look” is that of a young twenty-something crowd, so I wouldn’t be able to pull it off. If I was to get pregnant, I would be fired as soon as they could prove it.” she explained.

“Yeah, but how ... how would you get pregnant? You said yourself that you haven’t got any kind of social life and haven’t had sex in two years.”

“That’s where you come in, Chris. I want you to get me pregnant,” she said flatly.

I looked at my sister like she had just told me she was from Pluto. It took me a long time to come up with anything in response.

“Are you crazy Anna? You and are brother and sister! That’s incest and not only illegal, but Mom would have a shitfit!” I said, trying to keep the car on the road after that bomb.

“First off knucklehead, we aren’t brother and sister – my father married your mother. We are not blood-related, but only related by our parent’s marriage. That makes us stepsiblings and as such it’s perfectly legal to marry in any state. It’s not incest unless we shared a blood relation like Mom was both our biological mother or Dad was both our biological father.

“Secondly, you saw how Mom was when she first saw me. How do you think she would feel to have me back home for good? Once we explained why we did this and explained that it isn’t illegal or incestuous, I’m sure she would jump on board with the idea. And don’t forget, she would be getting a grandchild out of it!” she said.

“Yeah, but what about your work ... won’t they wonder how you managed to get pregnant on such a short break and who the father is?”

“I thought of that too. I got pregnant accidentally when an old boyfriend found out I was in town and we went out. They don’t need to know who specifically the father is, so you won’t even be asked about it. All I have to do is show them a positive pregnancy test.

“They may send me to a regular doctor to get tested just to verify the results but if I am pregnant, they will release me. I will get chewed out and they may threaten to sue me, but it’s right in my contract that if I get pregnant, the contract is null and void. I will just have to remember why I’m doing this.”

“But Sis you are fucking beautiful – I’m sure there are hundreds of guys around that would love to bed you and make a baby with you.”

“I don’t have the time to go out on dates and go through the elimination process to find someone suitable. I already have someone who I know and who knows me. Someone I care about, and who I won’t have to worry about taking the baby away if it didn’t work out.”

“I hear what you are saying Anna, I really do. But I don’t know ... it just feels wrong.”

“Look, Chris, let me try to explain this to you. You have seen my commercials on TV and in magazines, haven’t you?”

“Sure, Mom has a whole binder full of your magazine ads and we always look for your commercials on TV, why?”

“Well, do you think you are the only guy who sees those ads?”

“Of course not. You are in lots of magazines and on TV. I’m sure thousands of people have seen your ads.”

“And a lot of those thousands are probably guys, wouldn’t you say?”


“And what do you suppose they say or think when they see me?”

“I don’t know.”

“They probably say how hot I look and how they wish they could have me just once, wouldn’t you say?”

“I guess.”

“Since I have been home you have told me at least four or five times that I was beautiful and once or twice you put fucking in front of that. Didn’t you mean it?”

“Of course I did. You are beautiful Sis!”

“Well, you have a chance right here to bag yourself a beautiful, desirable model – a chance that not every guy will get. Are you going to turn it down just because you think it’s ‘wrong’? Would it be wrong if we met in a bar and didn’t know each other?”

“No, of course not. But...”

“Chris, honey, I don’t want to go back to modeling. I want to stay here with you and Mom. But if I don’t find a way to get out of my contract – a way that doesn’t involve the long, slow, legal process and cost me everything I’ve worked so hard for – I’m going to have to leave. And that is going to hurt me and Mom. You are my only chance, big brother. Won’t you please help me? Please?”

I looked into my little sister’s eyes, starting to tear up. I thought about all that she had said. She had an answer for every argument I put out there. She had thought this through. How could I say no? I would be hurting the two women I care most about in the whole world!

“Okay, Anna I will do it.”

“You will? Oh, Chris thank you! Thank you, thank you, thank you!” She leaned over and kissed me again and again on the cheek.

“Hold on a minute there are a couple of conditions that I want you to agree to before we do anything.”

“Anything you want, bro.”

“Well for starters. you will be my slave from now on. I am not a love ‘em and leave ‘em type. I am not just going to fuck you, get you pregnant, and go on about my business. If we are going to do this it’s going to be a commitment for both of us. Agreed?”

“You mean I am to be your slave to use whenever you want in any way you want. I am to call you Master and serve you at your beck and call – that kind of thing?”

“Something like that. You aren’t the only one who has changed, Sis. You probably don’t know this – Mom doesn’t even know it – but I am pretty into the BDSM thing. At least I am interested in it. I haven’t really done anything with it because I don’t have a girl. Or I didn’t until now. But now that I do, you will belong to me and I will be the only one who fucks you. And by the same token, you are the only one I will fuck as well.”

“That works for me. I agree. What else?”

“This next one is a bit tougher. I grew up, Anna, bouncing around between fathers. I had Paul, my biological father, then Allen, Mom’s second husband, and then Michael. All these different men made it really tough to form a bond – well except for Michael, your dad. He stayed around longer than the other two. But I was already nearly grown by then.

“If I make you pregnant, I don’t want that for this baby. I want him to know who his father is and that he loves him – or her. So if we are to do this, I want us to get married. If we can legally have a child, we can legally get married. I won’t be responsible for bringing a bastard child into this world. It’s too hard on them. Our baby will have both parents.”

Now it was Anna’s turn to look at me as if I had two heads. “You ... you want to marry me?”

“That’s what I am saying. I don’t want this child feeling anything but completely loved and wanted. No running out on him – or her!”

“Yes! Oh, Chris, I would love to marry you! Oh, this is even better than I thought it would be! I was willing to raise this baby by myself – with you and Mom around to help from time to time. But if you want to be a real father and get married, then that’s even more wonderful! Oh, I’m going to cry!”

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