The Awakening - Cover

The Awakening

by Master Jonathan

Copyright© 2021 by Master Jonathan

BDSM Story: This is the story of how Jonathan became Master Jonathan. It is a story of how I found my path into the D/s world.

Caution: This BDSM Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Heterosexual   True Story   BDSM   MaleDom   Oral Sex   Slow   .

Authors Note: This is the first of a two part story on how I became a D/s Master. The final part is found in the story The Collaring of Pet.

We had been married for a couple years I guess and up to now, it had been a pretty good marriage. We were happy and doing well, living what most would call a “normal” life. I had a good job, she took care of the house, everything was as it should be in today’s society. Yet there was something missing...

One day I was surfing the ‘Net looking for something, I can’t even remember what it was now. But just like most everyone who spends any time online knows, when you search the ‘Net long enough, something you don’t expect will show up, and usually that means porn. That particular day it was my turn. What showed up on my screen that day was to change my world. And it hasn’t been the same since.

The picture staring back at me was one of a beautiful woman, kneeling on a table with her legs folded under her and sitting on her heels in front of her black-clad Master. She had her legs bound together at the ankles and the thighs, and her arms were bound behind her at the wrists and the upper arms. She sat there obediently while her Master pinched her lovely tits. This was the picture that began it all. It began a journey that was to take us places neither of us dreamed it would.

Over the next few months, I was able to keep this part of me hidden and silent. I visited websites and learned more about this exciting, forbidden world. This was the longing that had been burning inside me and had until then been unquenched. And even more exciting, I found I wasn’t alone in these feelings! The more I learned, the stronger the feelings I had became.

One fateful day, my beautiful wife came into my study wanting to know what I wanted for dinner. She saw my computer and to say she was shocked would have been an understatement! Our dinner that evening was a very quiet one. Neither of us spoke – she didn’t want to talk and I wasn’t going to push the issue. But that night, after we were in bed, she opened up the dialogue.

“So what the hell was that all about on your computer?” she said.

“Listen,” I said, “I have always told you that there’s a part of me that you don’t know. You have heard me talk of it many times before. Well, this is what I was talking about. I have always been interested in this sort of thing ... in D/s.

“It was something I was interested in when I was younger – before I met you. And I have fantasized about it ever since. I haven’t told you because I was afraid of this very reaction. But it’s a part of me, and now you know. I am a Master, although without a slave, I am just a frustrated, unfulfilled one.”

“Well, that may be ‘a part of you’ as you say but it isn’t a part of me and I don’t want anything to do with it,” she said with a note of finality that told me I had better find another way to deal with this. So I did ... for awhile. But it was always there, in the back of my mind, waiting ... waiting and smoldering.

It was about a month later ... we were sitting at the dining room table, eating the nice dinner she had prepared.

“So tell me more about this D/s thing ... what is it that you like about it?” she asked me out of the blue.

“WHAT!?” I asked after choking half to death on a mouthful of food.

“Well you said it’s a part of you, and you seem to be so into it. So what is it about this thing that interests you?” she repeated.

“I ... I...” I said. I still couldn’t believe she was opening up this conversation again. “I like it because it is a very loving, very devoted lifestyle. It isn’t just porn ... it is so much more than that,” I said.

“It is a lifestyle that goes beyond anything that the traditional lifestyle has. Look at how many divorces and breakups are going on these days. It seems like no one has any kind of dedication to the idea of ‘til death do you part.’ anymore.

“That’s because there isn’t any giving in the relationships these days. It’s all about what can I get from him/her. The idea of satisfying the other person has been lost in this dog-eat-dog world we live in.

“D/s is different – D/s is a relationship that is based on one person fulfilling the needs of the other. That is what it is. Traditional marriage is a you-plus-me-equals-we relationship. A D/s relationship is a you relationship. Each person is only concerned with the other, with no thought about what’s in it for them. In D/s, one person gets their pleasure from seeing the other fulfilled.”

“But aren’t there Masters and slaves in it?” she asked innocently. “And how can anyone like being a slave?”

“Well, honey, each of us is born with either a dominant personality, a submissive personality, and a few of us are born with a little of each. Those with a dominant personality are Masters or Mistresses, and those with submissive personalities are submissives or slaves. The ones that can play either part are called switches.

“As for the other part of your question, being a slave is not what you think. You are using the example you were taught in school ... of the African people kidnapped and brought against their will to America to work the cotton fields.

“That is NOT what a D/s slave is. Slavery in D/s is a voluntary, consensual agreement between two people because one of them, the slave, finds fulfillment and even pleasure in serving a Master.

“She – or he – finds being useful and pleasing another person gratifying and these are the types of people that usually have service-type jobs. Jobs where they work behind the scenes and aren’t so much concerned with getting the accolades and awards as they are of seeing the job done well. These are the types that make good slaves,” I explained.

“Masters or Mistresses are dominate personalities that find they need to rule over another to feel they are fulfilled. Why, I don’t know, probably for as many reasons as there are Dominants. But that’s what they need. These are aggressive, take-charge types that work well under pressure and usually stand in the foreground to lead others,” I told her.

“Okay, but what about all the pictures of women being tied up and spanked or whipped ... how can that be fun?” she asked.

“That isn’t D/s, honey. Spankings, whippings and bondage are games that some involved in D/s play, but they are not D/s. D/s is not about getting tied up or spanked or whatever anymore than marriage is about having a house. Yes, a lot of married couples have houses, but you don’t need a house to be married. And you don’t need to spank someone to be a D/s Master,” I told her.

“Well, I can see that this is important to you, Jon, so ... and I can’t believe I’m saying this, but ... I want to learn more about it. I want to see what the big attraction is for you. Tell me more,” she said.

I couldn’t believe it! My girl wanted to know about D/s! So I brought another chair into the study and I started going to some of my favorite websites – websites that explained the relationship between a D/s Master and a slave. Websites that described what it was like to be a slave ... not only sexually, but emotionally and mentally as well.

And the more she read, the more she understood that this was more than some twisted sex fantasy. This was real. Real people lived real lives in this manner. And she started to come around. The beautiful poetry, the stories of how slaves felt about their Masters and vice versa ... she started to understand that there was a lot more to this than pornographic pictures and bedroom games.

A few days later, my girl surprised me once again. We were getting ready for bed one Friday night, looking forward to a peaceful weekend at home. As I climbed into bed next to her, she turned to me.

“Jon, we don’t have anything going on tomorrow do we?” she asked.

“Not that I can think of, why?” I asked her.

“Then tomorrow I want to be your slave for the day. I want you to show me what being a slave is like. I want you to treat me the way you say a Master treats his slave. I will submit to you for the day – show me what it’s like to be a slave.”

(Now I ask you, my reader, how can I turn down an offer like that!)

So despite an understandable lack of sleep that night – on my part at least – we got up the next morning as Master and slave.

“Good morning Master,” she said. So it wasn’t a dream after all!

“Good morning slave,” I responded. “Are you ready to begin your training?”

“Yes Master,” she said.

“Good. Then the first thing we should get out of the way are some rules.”

“Rules, Master?”

“Yes, rules. You must learn that being a slave is as much a mental state as it is a physical one. So in order for you to start thinking like a slave I am going to give you a slave name. I think I will call you pet.”

“Yes, Master. My name is pet,” she repeated.

“Now since pets don’t normally wear clothes, you will remain naked for the day. Strip now.” she looked at me for a second then she began getting undressed.

“Very good. Now come here,” I said. She approached me and as she stood before me in all her naked glory. I was in heaven! My pet keeps herself in very good shape and her lovely form was before me now, so inviting and tempting. It was all I could do to keep from ravishing her where she stood!

There is more of this story...
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