The Real Story of Barbara and Myself - Cover

The Real Story of Barbara and Myself

by Ctwistedpair

Copyright© 2021 by Ctwistedpair

Erotica Sex Story: The real story behind "Because I love her. The original was a mix of truth and fantasy. This story is how it happened in real life.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Romantic   True Story   Sharing   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   First   Oral Sex   Pegging   Sex Toys   Water Sports   .

I figured that I’d write the real story of Barb and myself. To help the reader understand the progression of events. The first story, ‘Because I love her’ is loosely written around this historically accurate tale.

The real story of Babbs and myself. Barb and Jim had been friends since childhood. They dated in their teens and married at twenty. They were head over heels in love. Perfect couple, right? Read on...

They were each other’s first and only lovers. Barb was short and medium build, not busty, very cute. Jim was six feet three and rather thin when they met. Jim, sadly, had what the medical profession calls a micro-penis. Fully erect, he was barely an inch or two long. (a lot depends on weight.) Mother nature can be such a vindictive cunt.

Not having had any previous lovers or experience with boys, Barb had no real idea what a normal (average) penis was. Jim used to please her orally and with his fingers. Barb also had a pocket rocket, a three-inch vibrator. For most of her life, she knew nothing of the art of sex. He got her off and for the most part, she was happy.

Fast fwd a few years ... Barb and Jim are forty years old. Jim had a sedentary job and lifestyle. He gained weight very quickly and at forty-one years old, weighed almost 425 lbs. His belly hung down to his knees. I don’t think he could even reach his penis because of the panis(hanging belly). He had a very difficult time pleasing her orally because of his breathing difficulty. She was hurting and in desperate need of release, but she never nagged him about it.

As with anyone that has been denied sex, she became increasingly irritable. I was now divorced from Satan’s daughter and wasn’t getting any either.

Jim invited me out for drinks one day after work. We met at a local bar and talked about lots of nothing. After he’d consumed enough liquid courage, he got very serious and the following conversion ensued.

Jim said, “Listen C, I have to speak at multiple seminars over the next two years, I’ll be away in Chicago or Las Vegas for long weekends. I’d really appreciate it if you’d go to my house and take care of Babbs while I’m away...”

I could do that, “Sure Jim, I’ll call her to check on her over the weekends.”

Shaking his head, “No C, I want you to go there and Take care of her. Do you understand what I mean?”

Dummy that I was, I had no clue as to what he was asking me to do. I said, “I’m lost here Jim. Speak English and tell me what you need me to do at your house.”

Jim was slightly upset, “ You know my problems with weight and my ... tiny dick ... I want you to go to my house and Fuck my wife!”, “I can’t please her anymore and I don’t want her to miss out on anything. I’m asking you to do this because I know I can trust you to be a gentleman and I know you’re incapable of hurting her.” “Also, she loves you and I know she trusts you.”

You could have knocked me over with a feather! My eyes agog, “ You can’t be serious.”

Nodding, “ Dead serious, I want her to be happy, I want her to feel all the things a woman should feel. I don’t want to lose her...” “ She only knows my pathetic little dick. She needs you.”

My head was spinning. Was it the alcohol or was it his request making me feel weird? I’d only had one beer ... so you figure it out. I asked him, “ how does Barb feel about this?”

Again, shaking his head, “I haven’t told her yet, I was waiting to see what you’d say. It has to be you. I don’t trust anyone other than you. Not even my younger brother.”

I love Barb, but could I handle this?, “ This is some pretty serious shit dude? Are you certain you’re gonna be ok with this?”

A big deep sigh and a nod, “Yeah. I am. If my wife is happy, I’ll be ok.” “ Will you please do this for us? It’ll help you too. You haven’t had any in two years either, right?”

He had me there, “Yeah, my well ran dry a while ago.” “ I have to think about this though ... I can’t make a snap decision on something this serious.”

He brightened considerably and shook my hand, “That’s all I can ask. You just proved your quality by the way you answered.” “Please let me know soon though, as I have to leave in two weeks.” “By the way, if you agree and do this, I really don’t want details from either of you, no juicy tidbits. Just do your best to please her. OK? ... Good.”

I drove home in a mental fog. I don’t even remember parking the car. I thought about everything he had said and realized that this guy loves her beyond what is humanly possible. I never had a relationship like that. Far from it. She was lucky to be so loved.

As strange as his request was, everything he said made sense. If they needed this so badly, I wouldn’t be able to turn them down. Don’t worry, I thought of myself too. I’m gonna get some happies out of this as well.

I called him and told him that I would be honored to help them. Now he had to convince her. It took three days of endless conversations with her to get her to capitulate. She was already on birth control pills for hormonal problems, so that worry was off the table.

I told him that I would have a complete std blood test done so that she was sure of being safe. He had her do the same. Not necessary, but as a show of good faith.

The next day, Barb and I met at the same bar to discuss the big event. For the first time, I was at a loss for words. I felt like a shy child in a new school. So did she. One of us had to move the first chess piece.

I told her, “Look at us, best friends and we can’t talk to each other. Listen, we’re both understandably uncomfortable with this and we won’t get anywhere if neither of us can decide what to do. How about we just get together on Friday night? We’ll have some wine and watch tv for a bit and let things progress without expectations or pressure.”

She started to relax, I saw her shoulders droop as the tension left her. She said, “ I don’t want to rush into this and we both get hurt or end up hating each other.”

I was happy with that. “Jim is leaving on Friday morning, I’ll come over that night. I’ll bring dinner and wine, I think we’ll be fine.”

Friday morning came and I was shaking like a leaf. I was a teenage virgin going on his first date. Calm down and think of her and how to make her relax and enjoy this. I dug around in my closet and found a Kimono that my father had brought home from Japan after WW2, 1947. It had been professionally cleaned and sealed in a special plastic wrapper in the mid-’70s. It was made to fit a small woman. Babs was a small woman. The kimono was silk and lined with satin. It depicted cherry trees and was handmade. I would bring this for her to wear so she wouldn’t feel strange getting undressed in front of me. She would love it. On the way to her house, I picked up Italian food, pastries, and wine.

I arrived at her house at six pm. She was as nervous as a long-tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs.

“Come on Babbs, nice light meal and we’ll get drunk on this wine”

She looked skeptical, “Forget the wine we’re gonna do lemon drops (vodka with lemon wedges dipped in sugar ... chased with a Corona (beer, not virus)) Vodka makes me very horny.”

I smiled, bowed, “Vodka it is milady! (so posh of me) I love lemon drops.” We had a nice relaxing dinner of Angel hair pasta Aglio e’ olio with sauteed shrimp. We chatted about radiation physics. (We’re both radiation workers.)

I suggested that we light the fireplace and sit on a beach towel to have our lemon drops. Très Romantique. I gave her the gift box containing the kimono and told her to go into her room and come back wearing only the kimono. With shaking hands, she accepted the box from me and retired to her room. I snuck off to the kitchen and took a viagra. A few minutes later, a beautiful shy barefoot lady appeared in the living room wearing a kimono. She took my breath away! I was dizzy from how beautiful she looked.

I walked over to her and took her in my arms and held her tight to me. I could feel her heart beating rapidly. Looking down at her, I gently kissed her lips and led her to the beach towel by the softly crackling fireplace. If I hadn’t rubbed one out before I left my house, I would certainly have cum in my pants where I stood. I helped her to sit on the blanket and held the front of her robe closed to preserve her modesty. She was nowhere near ready yet.

With a little pout, she said, “I’m in a kimono and you’re fully dressed ... It doesn’t seem right.”

“Your wish is my command dear lady,” I said as I bowed to her.

I stood up and did a little striptease, slowly taking my clothes off. As I removed my pants, she gasped and then giggled. I was wearing Mickey Mouse boxers. That broke the tension so I sat next to her and poured two very healthy shots of frozen Stoli. She accepted a shot and a sugared lemon wedge. I toasted, “To a wonderful evening with a lovely lady.” We drank and munched the soury sweet lemons. The frozen Stoli went down like water, not so much the lemons. We laughed at each other’s sour lemon faces and then chased them away with a swig of beer. We were both loosening up a bit.

Two, three, four lemon drops ... down the hatch. We were laughing and rolling around on the blanket like toddlers. Then our faces met, everything went silent. I touched her cheek with my hand as we leaned towards each other. Our lips touched, ohhh sooo gently, gently. The touch of her lips sent an electric shock through my body and I moaned. She pressed her lips against mine and then I felt the probing touch of her tongue. So softly did her tongue brush my lips that I thought I had imagined it. The probing became ardent, ardent but inquisitive ... unsure. I touched her tongue with mine and fireworks exploded! The kiss became more passionate but still unhurried. There was no rush. We kissed like this for minutes ... I wanted it to last. Our tongues probed and we melted together. I had never been kissed like this. There was hunger hidden in that kiss.

First kisses were usually rushed and ended all too soon. This was a flame being fanned, slowly, steadily ... it would soon turn into an insatiable inferno. I’ll never forget that kiss, I get hard every time I think of it.

We finally came up for air and slowly stood. I took her hand and led her to the bedroom. She was shaking a bit but breathing heavily. She was almost ready.

Standing in front of her, I took the ties of the kimono in my hands and looked into her dark brown eyes. There was a fire in her eyes. I asked, “May I?” Imperceptibly, she nodded. The belt released and fell to the side. Now I was shaking. Slowly, slowly I pulled the lapels to the side exposing her shoulders and breasts. Small beautiful perky breasts. So delicate. I leaned in and took a pert pink nipple between my lips and flicked my tongue across its engorged surface. Her eyes rolled back in her head and her knees threatened to buckle.

She was falling ... for me. I let the kimono fall to the floor and stood back a bit to admire her body, her tiny tummy, leading down to a freshly shaved pair of full lips that did little to hide her clit. I was starving and needed to taste her, but I told myself ... slowly, don’t frighten her. “Turn around Babbs, I’m dying to see your bottom.” She turned and gave her ass a teasing wiggle.

“Oh myyy, sooo beautiful”, I whispered in awe of this tiny tush. Kneeling behind her, I reached out and brushed my hands across her skin. “Your skin is like silk ... sooo soft.”

I could smell her excitement, her wetness ... I could no longer resist. I gently buried my face between her cheeks and inhaled the most divine scent ever encountered. I turned her around and gently pushed her back towards the bed. She fell back onto the bed and as her legs came up, I pushed them over my shoulders so that her heels were on my back.

I kissed her thighs working my way slowly, always slowly, to those full dark lips. The lips glistened with the essence that I would soon bathe my face in. I had planned to tease her with my tongue, but my resolve weakened. I dove face-first into her vulva, sucking those swollen lips into my mouth. Any doubts that she might have had, disappeared in a flash. She grabbed my head and pulled my face into her pussy and gyrated on my face, crushing my nose against her clit. Her clit!! It was magnificent! Now engorged and erect, it stood out from her body like a small cock. It was almost the size and thickness of my thumb! I had only seen clits like that in porn! I was in heaven. I wanted to suck that beautiful clit ... I wanted to get it between my teeth and hummm, but her hold on the back of my head was relentless, merciless.

She rode my face with a vengeance. Within a minute or so, she came. An orgasm that was years in the making exploded out of her with bestial fury. Her grip on my head only tightened, humping my face and crushing my nose into her vagina ... The sounds that came from her were primordial, a soul-rending roar.

She finally ceased gyrating and mercifully released her grip on my skull. I fell/sat back on my ass. She slid off of the bed and landed on top of me, unintentionally planting her tiny wet ass right back where it was only moments ago ... on my face. She sat on me, breathing as though she’d just run a marathon. I was just happy to be breathing ... breathing my favorite scent. Eau d’ pussey.

This normally eloquent radiation physicist was mumbling incoherently. She sounded like a confused two-year-old Martian baby. I was finally able to discern one word, water ... she was thirsty. I begrudgingly rolled her off of my face and lifted her onto the bed. “I’ll be right back with some water babe.”

“Mrejgbergj, bleveuit.” Whatever that meant ... She greedily drank the water and took a long cleansing breath. “OHH MYYY GOOODDD, What did you do to me? That was a thousand orgasms all rolled into one!”

I plead innocent, “I didn’t do anything, you rode my face and caused all that yourself. You bellowed like a wounded buffalo! Where did all that come from?”

Still, a bit confused, “It came from before I was born! And, you absolutely DID cause that! Jim eats my pussy three times a week and he NEVER caused anything like that.”

I laughed and said, “Well, drink all your water like a good little girl because I’m going to work on that glorious clit of yours.” I didn’t wait for a reply. Kneeling in front of her, I pushed her onto her back and went clit hunting. It almost poked me in the eye. (try explaining that to your eye doctor)

This was not one of those elusive clits (we’ve all been there) This was like Reindeer Rudolph’s glowing red nose. You could easily find this on a dark night. It was still swollen and so erect that it was stretching the hood.

I took it gently between my teeth and flicked it with my tongue all while humming a deep rumbling note. She felt the humming vibrations and began to moan and squirm. She tried grabbing my head again but I caught her hands and held them tightly. I like breathing ... almost as much as I like eating pussy. I hummed, flicked, and sucked her pulsing appendage as she drummed her heels on my back. She came like an express train rampaging through the station, never stopping as she built to two more painful (oww, my back) releases. I love a multi-orgasmic woman. I would soon find out just how multi-O she was.

When the express train had stopped, she sat up and hugged me tightly, saying, “I may have to kidnap you and keep you chained in the basement. I’m not letting that talented mouth of yours out of my sight.”

She finally released me and looked down at my groin. I still had my Mickey’s on and was sporting a throbbing hardon. She knelt in front of me and began to unwrap her gift. As she pulled my boxers down, my erection got caught on the waistband and was being pulled down. Boiiingggg, a very hard six inches popped up and just missed her jaw by a millimeter. She stopped pulling my drawers down and froze. She stared at my cock with the eyes of a child that had just seen the Rockefeller Center Christmas tree being lit for the first time in her life. Her mouth opened in a silent “OHHHHHHHH!”

The last word that anyone would ever use to describe my genitalia is ‘large’. Six on my best day, six and a half with Viagra. It is thick though and gets hard as stone.

To her, it was the Empire State building of cocks. Remember, poor Jim has at best, a visible inch. She reached out with two small hands and held it. (good thing she has tiny hands) She crept closer to me and examined it with wonder in her eyes.

“Ohhhhh, it’s beautiful!” She examined it like the research scientist that she is. She felt the bumps and veins. She hefted my sack and rolled my balls around in her hand, “They’re so heavy and huge.”

Damned right they’re heavy, they haven’t been emptied properly in two years. My dick was throbbing with my pulse. I was so excited that I began to leak a steady stream of precum onto her hands.

She looked up and asked, “Did you cum?”

This was all new to her so I explained about pre-ejaculate fluid. She licked a drop off of her hand and a big smile came across her face. “It’s sweet and very slippery, not bitter like Jim’s.” She opened her mouth and engulfed the head, which was now a swollen, throbbing purple mushroom. She slowly stroked me and sucked at the same time. She wanted more of this slippery sweet treat. There’s plenty where that came from honey, it’s been building up for years.

I pulled her up so she stood in front of me and kissed her, tasting my own cum. “You’re right, it is sort of sweet. Come up on the bed with me.” I lay on my back and again she took me in her mouth, running her tongue up, down, and around my shaft, as if she was reading Braille with her mouth. She explored me with her soft tongue and lips for what seemed a lifetime ... Soooo soft, sooo hungry.

She finally came up for air and crawled up to me. I told her to straddle me cowgirl style. This was the step that would turn this quiet reserved little lady into a ravenous beast. As she placed her leg over me, her pussy dragged across my cock causing me to moan loudly. She slid her swollen clit up and down my shaft bringing forth deep guttural moans of her own. More slippery fluid pulsed out of me. I would slide in with no difficulty.

She was worried and quietly said, “I don’t know if it will fit inside me, I’m very tight. You have to go slow. Please.”

“Don’t worry Babbs, you’re gonna control everything.” I placed the tip at her very wet entrance and put just the tip in. She had a death-grip on my hands and then ... she slowly started to sink onto my cock. She threw her head back and let out a loooooong sigh as she slowly, but surely slid right down to the root.

“OHHHHHHHHHHH!, this is sooooo wonderful! Give me a minute to get used to it. I’m sooooo fulllll!”

She sat there with her virgin vagina tightly wrapped around me. She could feel my cock throbbing within her. Now she began to grind her pussy and clit into my pubic bone, clenching her teeth as she was being stretched by this invader. These were all new experiences for her and she took the time to feel everything. Her box had never known anything other than Jim’s fingers. No comparison to a penis. She slowly rocked back and forth, experimenting with these new feelings. First leaning forward, then leaning back ... slowly humping her pussy in circles.

“Babbs, you’re so fucking tight! It’s like a fist squeezing me!” “Start to go up and down slowly.”

She pulled up and went too far, my cock popping out with a loud slurp. I reached down and repositioned my lad in her opening. “Don’t worry, you’ll learn how far up you can go and still keep me inside.”

Now that I was in her she slammed down onto me and buried me balls deep in lovely warm silkiness. This learning phase was torturing me. I was gonna come too soon if I didn’t do something to hold it off.

I thought of grandma making pizza, I thought of old fat naked men. I even thought about the obnoxious witch that I worked with. It was working ... the impending flood was receding, being held at bay. Once that feeling passes, my cock becomes sort of numb. I can then fuck for twenty minutes or more at ramming speed.

Now, more confident, she started to slide up slowly and then came crashing down, smashing her clit into my pelvis. I could feel her thumb-sized clit pressing into me on the merciless downstroke. These new feelings soon overwhelmed her and she came with a silent jaw-clenching explosion. It looked as though her head was going to explode.

“Don’t hold back, let it out! The neighbors are too far away to hear you. If you hold your breath like that, you’re gonna pass out,” I told her. When came her next release, she screamed ... loudly. I remember thinking, ‘ good thing there are no houses nearby or we’d have a visit from the Police.’

Without warning, I held her to me and rolled us over. I was now kneeling between her legs with my cock buried in her sweet little gash. I pulled her legs up so that they were on my shoulders, and proceeded to woo her by kissing her toes, feet, and ankles. She moaned appreciatively at this new experience.

Now, with her legs under my control, I could pin them back against her and fuck her pile driver style, just the right angle to drag my mushroom across her G-spot. At the time, I was six feet tall and 230 lbs ... definitely not a wee lad. I pounded into her tight little twat throwing my weight into every stroke. Deep crushing thrusts that made my cock head crash into her cervix, another piece of her anatomy that had never been touched.

Both of her hands had become clenched fists pulling at the bedclothes. She repeatedly thrust her pelvis up to meet my downward drives. Her pussy repeatedly spasmed with such force that it threatened to push me out of her vagina. (Thank you, Dr. Kegel!)

She had many small releases, interspersed with a few monster ‘O’s. She produces unbelievable amounts of fluid. So much that it gushed out around my shaft with every plunge. The bed would be sodden by the time we were finished.

This pounding went on and on till finally, I started to run out of steam. With great relief, I felt a deep tingling in my toes. The flood that I had held back was now about to come forth. The tingling became spasming electric shocks that pulsed through my pelvis and I exploded, growling like an enraged Grizzly bear. (I have shocked a few girls with my growling) It felt as though my body was being pulled through the tip of my dick as I emptied myself into her. A look of awe came to her face as she heard the wild growl of her lover.

After I’d finished spasming into her sweet hole, I collapsed on her and rolled us on our side. She wrapped her legs around me and we held each other tightly for ages. Please, don’t let this night end.

May the gods of science bless Pfizer for the invention of Viagra. I was ready for the next delivery within ten minutes! That’s more of a Twenty-year-olds recovery time than a forty-year-old.

When Babbs had recovered a bit, I showed her a vibrating butt plug that I had purchased (among other toys) on the way to her house. (Amazon wasn’t born yet, so you had to go to a sex store for toys, barbaric!)

Yes, she was surprised and a bit nervous. “My butt is an exit-only door buddy! ... So I don’t know where you think you’re gonna stick that!”

I told her not to worry, as it was a long gentle taper and very soft. “You trust me, right? You are gonna loooove this. Try it, if it hurts, I’ll stop and take it out.”

A little more liquid courage (vodka) and she said, “ If I didn’t trust you, you wouldn’t be here ... sooooo ... ok ... just ... you know ... gently.”

I pulled my pretty little lass up onto her knees and entered her from behind. Warming lube and plug at the ready! As I slowly thrust into her, I rubbed her cute little starfish with my lubed thumb. No penetration yet. Every time she came, I would insert my thumb a little bit, thus letting her associate anal penetration with the pleasure of an orgasm. Pavlov’s Pussy.

She soon started to push back into me, trying to get my thumb deeper in her asshole. It’s time!

I pulled my thumb out and heard a moan of disappointment. Time to load the cannon Sergeant! I introduced the tip of the plug into her waiting rosebud and as soon as she felt it, she pushed back impaling herself on the first three inches. Deep moans of approval were my reward. With every torturous slow stroke, I advanced the plug until the widest part was just outside the entrance to heaven. Much to my surprise, Babbs reached back and pushed it to its limit. It popped in and she came again, tossing her head back and forth. She began to growl again. The neighbors would definitely have called the cops had they heard this.

“Stop teasing me!! Fuck meee, hard! OOOHHHH ... Fuuuuuuuuccckkkkkk!!” She bellowed. (This from a woman that had never uttered a swear word in her life.)

I began the old freight train build-up till the engine was plowing at full speed. I had purposely waited to use the vibrating function of the plug till now. As another “O” started to crest, I pushed the vibrate button and brought the plug to life.

Her release, which has almost ebbed, took on new life. She grabbed her pillows and buried her face in them, screaming as if she was being fucked to death. I guess that’s why they call it Le Petit Mort.

She fell forward onto the pillows, causing me to ‘POP’ out of her pussy ... the plug still happily buzzing away in her spasming anus. She was experiencing something that I’d only seen once ... spontaneous orgasms. An orgasm that self perpetuates, each wave of spasm brings on the next “O”. I had counted twenty-three “O”s when she reached back and yanked the plug out. She was completely drained of all strength. Orgasms like that should be on every woman’s bucket list.

She lay there with her rear end up in the air so I brought a warm wet face cloth and washed her still pulsing rosebud.

“Oh no! Please! Overstimulated! I’m gonna die if you make me come now!”

Correct me if I’m wrong, but it sounds as though she might be a wee bit sensitive back there. Time to let her rest.

I held her and whispered lovey mushy stuff in her ear as her breathing finally slowed. Within a minute or so, she was asleep. I had finally fucked someone to exhaustion ... with a bit of help from my vibrating buddy. (I’ll have to try that one day ... maybe with her) I wrapped us both in her blanket and we slept for almost two hours.

I awoke to the sounds of crying, she was sitting up, sobbing softly into her pillow.

“Oh, Babbs! What’s wrong baby girl? Why are you crying!?”

She looked at me with a sad smile, “I’ve just realized that there has been so much missing from my life. I never dreamed that sex could be this way. You took me to outer space tonight. Now I want more. I want to try everything! I’ve heard of threesomes with two men, two women, foursomes. I want all of that and I’m gonna tell Jim when he gets home. He probably should have kept me in the dark. I’m afraid that this will destroy his fragile ego. He’ll be heartbroken.”

I dried her tears and held her, rocking her gently. “Babbs, Jim didn’t know about these pleasures because he’d never experienced them himself. You were each other’s only lovers till now. He wants you to be happy, so if we approach this gently, we might be able to save his ego and get you what you want. Let’s not worry about it now. We’ll talk during the week. We still have two more days of lovemaking.

Babbs looked shocked” You’re going to stay with me and love me until Sunday night?”

“Yep, you’re going to have to throw me out. I have 8 viagra left and we still have lots of Stoli and lemons. If you need protein, I can supply that too.” Insert devilish grin here.

We got to talking, and Barb asked me about anal ... had I ever done it? Wouldn’t there be poop? Etc ... I told her that I had done it quite a bit when I was in my teens and also with my ex.

“If you go to the bathroom beforehand, your rectum will be empty for the next four hours. Sooo no poop to worry about. You can’t go from ass to vag though.” “Do you want to try a butt full?”

She thought for a minute then said, “The butt plug felt great and so did your thumb, but I think that your cock will feel so much better because it has veins and bumps. You’ll just have to go in slowly.”

“I tell you what Babbs, you’re gonna sit on me so you can control the whole thing. Then, if you want, I can take over and fuck your pretty little asshole raw.”

Big bug eyes, “ Raw!? Not raw! Just till I can’t walk.”

I lubed her little rear pucker with the warming lube, I even used the little tip to squeeze some internally. She felt a warmth spreading throughout her entire pelvis. It opens up the blood vessels so everything gets more sensitive and lots warmer. I poured a good amount on my cock as she straddled me. She placed my tip at her anus, then looked me in the eye, “Now what, do I just wait?”

“No honey, waiting won’t do it. You’ll have to take slow deep breaths and do your best not to clench your sphincter.”

She sat on my cock, putting pressure on her hole, and started taking deep breaths. I instructed her, “Concentrate on your breathing, sloooooow deep breaths in, loooong slow breaths out. Concentrate on that and the rest will happen naturally.” I held my cock at her hole as she slowly breathed in and out, and while she was concentrating on breathing, I was rubbing her clit. She had another orgasm, and as her pelvic muscles relaxed, so did her anus. The head penetrated slowly, almost unnoticed. By the time she had come down from her high, I was halfway in.

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