Weekend at the Cabin - Cover

Weekend at the Cabin

Copyright© 2021 by cv andrews

Chapter 11: Another Weekend; Tanya Learns LOTS from Grandpa (plus a few ideas of her own!)

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 11: Another Weekend; Tanya Learns LOTS from Grandpa (plus a few ideas of her own!) - Tim and I were driving up to enjoy a long weekend, just the two of us, at a buddy's cabin - a "boys' weekend," if you get my meaning – when a strange young girl manages to invite herself along (much to Tim's displeasure). She quickly figures out that Tim and I "do queer stuff' – and she wants to help!

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Fa/ft   Ma/Ma   Mult   Consensual   Gay   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Sharing   Slut Wife   Wife Watching   Incest   Mother   Father   Daughter   Grand Parent   InLaws   Group Sex   Anal Sex   Analingus   Cream Pie   Double Penetration   Fisting   Food   Oral Sex   Squirting   Water Sports  

Tim phoned me.

“Hey, Chase, howya doin’, buddy?” Then without waiting for an answer he said, “Hey, I just got a call from Brad and he says the cabin isn’t rented for the weekend after next. You free?”

I thought for a moment and decided I had no obligations that couldn’t be moved.


Then I remembered something.

Tim responded so quickly it took me by surprise. “Sure – why not?” I know Tim, and I know that despite the casual, quick reply, this was something he’d thought about before he even picked up his phone to call me. When it became clear that we were in agreement on the matter, he asked the next logical question. “So ... how do we do this?”

I thought for a moment. “Wait – I got an idea. Lemme try some things and I’ll call you back.”

What I didn’t mention to Tim was that that weekend would make it 84 days from our last trip – exactly three 28-day cycles from Tanya’s last ‘safe’ period.

Anyway, the first thing for me to do was to see if I could find Tanya’s grandfather’s store on Google maps. And sure enough, I looked in the general area and then zoomed in, and there it was. Of course, there’s no way that he’d have his own Website, but apparently some fast-talking Google business services sales person had persuaded him into listing his business with them – “that way your customers will be able to find you!” – and it showed the highway address – and the phone number.

I called Tim back and explained what I was going to do, then put him on hold while I dialed the number for Tanya’s grandfather’s store. The phone rang five times, and I was afraid no one was going to answer, but then I heard the click and an older man’s voice say “Koop’s.”

I said, “Hi, I’m Chase A_____ – my friend Tim and I’ve stopped in your store two or three times a year for the past several years, and...” and before I could go on he said, “Oh, yeah, yer th’ two fellas that T went off with that weekend a few months ago...”

Now it was me who interrupted him to say, “Uhhh, ... yeah, that was us...”

At least, I hoped it was us, and for just a moment I had the thought that there might be some other “two fellas” that T had gone off with some weekend. I have to admit, the thought of that – of Tanya with two other guys – well, it made me feel a little sick in the stomach.

I went on, “Anyhow, I got my buddy Tim on the other line, and I’m going to put him on with us if that’s OK?” I pressed a key and heard the slight hiss of Tim’s line, then Tim’s voice, “How are you, Mr. Koop?”

Well, it turns out Mr. Koop was really good, thank you very much! “Hey, I gotta tell ya – I don’t know what’s your guys’ secret, but whatever it is, since T got back from that weekend with you two she’s been about a million times happier.”

And as soon as he said that, I got this really good feeling – first of relief, of course, that there were no “residual” problems, but then of ... almost elation. Tim chimed in, “We’re really glad, Mr. Koop. Tanya’s a great girl – we really enjoyed having her with us.”

A cosmic understatement!

Mr. Koop jumped in, “Yeah, I kinda got that idea, too.” Uh-oh. Trouble?

Nope – just the opposite.

Mr. Koop went on, “ ‘Fact, since she’s got back it’s made her Grandpa’s life a whole lot better, too.”

And the way he said it, I’d bet the old goat was actually leering. Well, good for him!

Tim caught it, too. “Well, we’re glad you’re both good.” He waited a beat. “In fact, that’s kinda why we called. See, we’re going to be coming up to our buddy’s cabin the weekend after next and we were thinking, maybe, if she’s free, Tanya might like to come up with us again?”

We kind of held our breaths, but old Koop didn’t hesitate. “Sure – I think that’d be a splendid idea – if it’s OK with T, o’course.”

“Of course. But – you’re sure it’s OK? I mean, you won’t need her at the store or anything...?”

“Nahh, business is slowin’ down fer th’ year, and by then it’ll be no problem if she ain’t around.”

I went to wrap up the call. “We’ll probably be up there about 2 o’clock – we’ll call you when we hit the road and know for sure.”

Well, those ten days seemed to drag, yet before we knew it, it was Friday and we were packing up Brad’s truck. Another two hours and we were pulling into the gravel parking lot of the remote country store.

Tim put the truck into park and went into the store. Tanya’s Grandpa – Mr. Koop – was with one customer, but once he finished and saw us, who we were, he got this big smile on his face and came over to greet us. He reached out and shook our hands, and it seemed like he was genuinely pleased to see us.

“Chase ‘n’ Tim, right? It’s good t’see you fellas. Lemme call T – let her know yer here.”

He hollered toward the back of the building, and we heard Tanya’s voice saying she’d be out “in a minute.” We all smiled, because we all knew what that meant.

But then Tanya’s Grandpa pulled us aside and lowered his voice and said, “You’re prob’ly wonderin’, why a man would let his young granddaughter go off with two young fellas your age, right?”

We kind of shuffled and mumbled some kind of non-response. But, yes, from the very beginning we’d wondered that same thing.

“Well, fact is, life here for her ain’t real great, ya’ know?.

“Now you fellas have probably seen, there’s so much love in that girl, and around here there’s not a lot a’ ways for her to show that love. There’s not really much of a life here for a girl – or a young woman, really – and I figured there’s not much opportunity for a girl like T to learn ... about stuff ... learn much about the world, if ya’ know what I mean? And I figured that I needed to give her a way – some kind of chance to learn that kinda stuff. Right?”

Tim and I both nodded. Yes, we knew what he meant. And it hit me, what it must be like for this old man, having to take care of a young girl – young woman – and seeing that she learns about life, and not having any resources or anyone to help him with it.

“Anyway, that’s why I thought that maybe if you two took her with ya’ – if she spent some time with you – that maybe that’d give her a chance to get to know some of what life’s about. And I figured, what with you two bein’ gay...”

Whoa! Hold on – where did that come from??

But we made no attempt to ‘correct’ him, because, well, you know...

He went on, “ ... I knew that you’d take care o’ her, and that you wouldn’t hurt her or nothin’ and that she was safe with you, and I kinda got the feelin’ that maybe you two were bi-sekshul and that there’s some things a girl in T’s situation could learn from fellas like you.

“So anyhow – thanks fer takin’ such good care of my T. Like I said, I never seen her so happy in her entire life.”

Right then Tanya came out from the back of the store, and Tim and I both did double-takes.

She looked just the same – yet, somehow, completely different.

Her pale lips now bore the light gloss of lipstick, some color Tim’s wife might call coral or tangerine or something like that. Also, there’s certainly no way she could have been to a beauty salon, but her normally unruly drab brown hair was combed into – well, you couldn’t exactly call it a style, but it was brushed, and it looked – shinier, somehow.

I guess our surprise at her “new” appearance was obvious. It was also obvious that she was eagerly hoping we’d say something about it.

“T, you look...” I was actually going to say “sensational,” but then I thought that might sound too over-the-top, so I said, “really nice – really great, actually. Your hair looks different, too.”

She tried to conceal her delight, but we could see she was pleased that we noticed and that we liked what we saw. “I was able to get some more of that shampoo you gave me the last time,” and I remembered that Tim had let her use some of his wife’s shampoo that he’d brought for the weekend.

Then there was something else. It took me a few moments, but I finally figured out what it was. Her eyes. They looked bigger and somehow – I don’t know exactly how to describe them – “softer,” maybe. Then I realized – she was wearing some eye shadow, some kind of smoky shade that didn’t have a definite color yet somehow went just right with her eyes, which I noticed for the very first time are hazel.

She looked great – or at least, great for her – and she knew that we saw it, and her delight was unmistakable – she was happy that Tim and I had noticed, and that we liked how she looked.

Then Koop spoke up, “Yeah, she does look pretty, don’t she?” Tanya smacked him on the arm and reprimanded him, “Oh, Grandpa...,” but it was obvious that she was pleased.

“Bet you three need to get goin’ though.”

Yes, we did. Tim and I picked up our last minute groceries and supplies (this time we didn’t bring as much as we usually do so we could buy more at Mr. Koop’s store). As we did this, Tanya said, “I’ll go back to my room and get my stuff.” Tanya had ‘stuff’?

Anyhow, we finished our shopping and paid, and that’s when Tanya appeared from the back with a paper grocery bag. The bag did, indeed, seem to have ‘stuff’ in it.

As we headed out the door, Koop hollered, “You all have a good time this weekend. And you be sure to take good care of my special girl, hear?”

We hollered back thanks and we would and got into the truck, Tanya between us, of course, and steered out of the parking lot and onto the two-lane that heads up toward the lake.

Unlike that first drive up, three months ago, Tanya was a lot more animated this time. Not that she was “chatty” – that’s not Tanya, by any stretch of the imagination. But as soon as we got rolling, she wanted to know how we’d been, and if we’d done anything fun, or at least interesting, since – since...

We told her what we’d been doing (“the usual”). But then we added how we’d talked about our last trip up here, and how much we enjoyed having her with us that weekend – and about maybe trying to get up here again, soon – and how we were hoping that she’d be able to come with us again.

Then we asked her what she’d been doing the past few months, the months since...

And, as we’ve become used to, Tanya didn’t have a lot of things to say. Part of it, of course, was that not a lot is happening out here where they live – no restaurants, no picture shows, no music – and no friends.

But she did confess, “I thought about you guys a lot. And I was wonderin’ – hopin’ – that maybe you’d want to come back again...”

Then she got this big smile and bounced in her seat and said, “Guess you did, huh!” She looked at each of us – and put a hand on each of our thighs. I couldn’t tell if it was a sexual touch – after all, that’s pretty close to... – or if it was just friendly contact.

Also, there might even have been a little possessiveness in her touch – a little ‘ownership,’ maybe?

Anyhow, we realized that if we wanted to get any more conversation going, we’d have to take the lead ourselves. Before I could think of anything, Tim got things going.

“You told us that you’ve ... done things,,, to try to make your Grandpa ... feel good?” making it into kind of a question.

Not certain what we were getting at, she just responded, “Yuh?”

It was obvious we were going to have to make a greater effort if we were going to get her to tell us any more.

“I mean, you told us that you sometimes try to make your Grandpa feel good ... by putting his cock in your mouth and, you know, trying to make him cum?”


“So ... have you tried to do that lately ... like, since you stayed with us?”

Now she started to get the idea. “Yuh. In fact I tried the first night after I got home, ‘cept after the weekend with you guys I know a lot more about what feels good to guys.” I felt a little surge of satisfaction – almost pride – when she said that. I might even have smiled a bit.

Still experiencing the need to tease some information out of her, Tim asked, “So, what kinds of things did you do those times to make your Grandpa feel good?”

“Oh, yeah. Well, not that first time, but the time or two later, I was sucking on him – on his cock – and I guess I musta been doin’ it OK – pretty good, in fact, ‘cause he was bigger than he usually is – longer even. And that’s when I thought, maybe I’ll do that thing that Tim ‘n’ Chase like, and I took my mouth off Grandpa’s cock and licked my finger and got it good and wet and started wiggling it into his butthole, ‘til I got it about half-way in, and then I put his cock back in my mouth.

“He kinda jumped when I did that and I was afraid that I did something bad, but then he put his hand on my head and says, ‘Oh, T, that feels good,’ so I wiggled it a little and then I pushed it all the way in, and then I wiggled it some more.

“And the thing was, it was like his cock got bigger when I wiggled it – my finger – so I wiggled it some more, and then I remembered that thing Tim told me, so I curled my finger up and tried to rub against that place Tim said – his prostrate or something – and that’s when he starts bucking up and down and I thought I might get hurt, but then all of a sudden he says ‘Oh shit!,’ and Grandpa almost never cusses, but he did then, and then he squirted. And it wasn’t like when you guys do – it was thinner and it wasn’t as white and there was nowhere as much as when you guys do, but it was a lot for him, so I knew I’d made him feel real good.” Again, she smiled, like she was really proud about what she’d just told us.

But then, it seemed like once she got started talking there was a lot more that she wanted to tell us, so we waited and she went on.

“So anyhow, I thought that if that made it so good, with my finger and all, I’d do that again the next time. So the next time, maybe a week later, when we were doing it – when I was doing it for him – I started, and I took him in my fingers and into my mouth, and it seemed like he was waiting for something, ‘til he said, ‘Tanya’ and I said ‘What?’ and he said ‘Tanya, Sweetheart, can you do that thing like you did last time?’ and he kinda waited, and when I didn’t do nothin’ he said, ‘With your finger...?’

“And then I knew what he meant, so now I knew he really liked that, and I was thinkin’ about whether I should do that again or not, so anyhow I licked my finger like before and pushed it into his butt like before, only this time, since I knew it was OK, I stuck it in all the way and started wiggling it around like before.”

She stopped to catch her breath, and then it was like the dam burst.

“But then he says – he asked me if I could put my other finger in there – alongside with the first one. I was afraid it might hurt him, but then I remembered what I did with you guys and how many fingers you guys like.” She smiled, a knowing, almost taunting smile. We smiled at her smile, like we understood what she was getting at.

“So anyhow, so I put my first finger in alongside of my middle finger and started wiggling ‘em together, and Grandpa says “Harder, Honey,” so I wiggle them around harder inside him, and also I started jamming them in and out, like you guys like, and he musta liked that ‘cause he started grunting and humping his hips up at me so I just take his prick that’s bigger than it’s ever been and I lock my lips around it and concentrate on shoving my fingers around in his bum and in no time he’s, like, exploding into my mouth, and he cums more than he’s done before, ever.”

I didn’t know about Tim, but I realized that Tanya’s account of her sucking off her old Grandpa was getting me turned on, and I wondered where this all was going.

“So after he shot off in me – in my mouth – and it was even more than the last time...,” she paused, and then she kind of smiled, shyly – but also, slyly – at Tim and me, “ ... but still not as much as you guys.

“But anyway, he petted my hair and he pulled me up to him and he kissed my forehead and hugged me and told me how he much he loved me and how good that was. And then he started to tell me, ‘Honey, you know how much I liked it – how much I like it – when you put your fingers in ... in my rear end? Well, now that you and I have done that, I guess I can tell you why I liked it so much when you did it, ‘specially since you spent the weekend with those two fellas, I guess I can tell you why I reacted so strong when you did that ... with your fingers.’

“So he said to me, ‘Back when I was in the Navy and your grandmother and me were engaged but I was stationed two hundred miles away, I had this friend – his name was, well, I guess you don’t need to know his name – but anyhow, he was away from his girlfriend, too. And so we used to do things to make each other feel good, and one of the things we used to do was ... what you did for me. So that’s why I reacted like I did when you ... when you ... you know ... with your fingers.’”

So Grandpa was into a little guy-guy action when he was younger. That old perv. Good for him!

Tanya’s story about the things she’d done to “make her Grandpa feel good,” in addition to turning me on big-time, reminded me of something else.

“Tanya, since you’re able to do things to make your Grandpa feel good – really good, it sounds like!” – I smiled, trying to tease her a bit – “have you and your Grandpa been doing anything to make you feel good?”

She paused for a moment, like she was thinking about whether she should say anything. Then she started.

“Yeah. Since those times with my fingers, he’s been doin’ stuff for me, too.” We waited until she went on. “Like I told you how I tried to get him hard so he could...” She hesitated. I think she was having a hard time bringing herself to say “fuck” about her grandfather. “Anyhow, we could never get him hard enough to put it in me. But then after I started using my fingers when I had him in my mouth, I guess it kinda reminded him of something that he and Grandma used to do, so he started licking and sucking my kitty, like you guys did.”

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