Pissing Pants Trick in Kck Hospital - Cover

Pissing Pants Trick in Kck Hospital

Copyright© 2021 by Bob Watergate

Chapter 1

True Sex Story: Chapter 1 - While visiting an aging uncle in the hospital, Bob thought he would have some fun acting as if he needed help using the toilet. By chance, he found a walker, a Family Toilet, and a lady that fit the bill!

Caution: This True Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Consensual   Heterosexual   True Story   Humiliation   White Male   White Female   Hispanic Female   Exhibitionism   Oral Sex   Water Sports  

We were in Kansas City, the town that we just happened to meet and fall in love. The two of us drove there to help a 91 year old Aunt and 94 year old Uncle. This particular aunt is the last remaining sister of my mother, who has passed on now. Uncle Dean was in the hospital due to a major increase in his Loss of Memory. During his life to date, he was a brilliant man, creating many new products at the business he worked for. Aunt Naomi had been a Nurse during her working years and had shared many a story with me as I was growing up about her shifts at this same hospital.

My wife Susan and I, both now 66 years old, arrived today, that would be Tuesday. If possible we planned to stay until that following Monday to ensure we accomplished all the tasks my aunt had requested of us. We first visited the Hospital Cafeteria for a quick bite to eat. Susan of course went for their Ruben, which is her favorite sandwich in the world. I chose their Double Cheeseburger and Onion Rings. Following that we worked our way up to my uncle’s room and sat for several hours visiting with the both. By then I had to pee and thought I would snoop around the floor and see what is going on ... you know one just never knows where the next exciting situation might pop up!

I picked a back hallway of this older hospital, still with the 12x12 inch tiles covering their floors. As I moved along I didn’t see anyone around and then I had an idea! I grabbed a Push Walker ... you know the one without wheels and got myself about 25 feet from the nearest toilet; this one being a Family Toilet. So I stood there with my hands on the Walker watching for someone, anyone, but preferably a woman. I was beginning to almost bust to pee when I saw a woman come around the corner and start down this hallway! Yea, and this woman was in scrubs and appeared to have a name badge on her blouse. Now to put my plan into action.

As I approached the Toilet door I let out enough pee to prove that I had wet myself. As the woman was almost upon me I started to moan and then I looked up at her and asked if she could help me please. I’m sure what helped me the most was my white hair along with my white beard that was about 5 days old! And I made sure my shirt was buttoned up incorrectly, like I was some sort of derelict.

“Do you need to some help sir?” she asked me.

“Yes please. I am trying to get to the Toilet, I mean I really have to pee and this stupid walker isn’t scooting well at all!” I said in a cry, still standing there with the front of my jeans shining with a large pee spot!

“Well, please let me get the door open and we’ll get you inside. I see sir you have already wet yourself somewhat!” she told me.

“Yes miss,” please don’t laugh at me I asked, “I knew I had to pee and before I could get in here ... well it starting coming out ... you know when I didn’t want it too. These last few years I’ve been having more and more pee issues ... you know wetting myself on accident.”

“Do you want to use the Urinal or the Toilet?” she asked me.

“Urinal please, it’s so hard for me to get up and down from the toilet with my bad back.” I told her.

“Ok the Urinal it is sir.” Letting me know I was here, she shared.

She started to move away just a little like she wasn’t sure if she should leave me or not. So I took my right hand off the Walker, like I was going to unzip my jeans but made sure she saw me start to lose my balance!

“Oh sir ... be careful please!” she cautioned me! “Can I help more sir ... well with your zipper and all?”


“Well my balance has been really bad also which is why I am using a Walker. If I could just hold on to the Walker... “ I said with my mind spinning, “If you could unzip my pants ... no you can’t do that ... please just never mind ... please.”

“Sir I assure you that I can help.” she shared, “My Father isn’t doing well himself and I need to help him to his toilet several times a day! Trust me I know how to unzip a man and to pull his ... well you know ... get you out so you can pee.” She moved up again by my back, reached around both sides and unzipped my pants. Then she reached in ... to split open my underwear and then pull my cock out so I could pee. I felt her frustration since my penis is pretty much in the Micro Penis category as she kept groping around as if still trying to find him.

“I know you’re having trouble ... it’s because of my tiny penis! God this is so embarrassing ... shit it’s bad enough that you ... can’t find it! Ohhhh no!” I cried. With that, knowing her hand was still inside my pants I started peeing again!

“Oh sir ... hold on ... oh shit you’re pissing on yourself and my hand sir!” she called out only removing her hand after it was fully covered with my pee!

“I guess if you pull my pants and underwear down then I’ll be able to pee.” I suggested. Sure enough still standing behind me she unbuckled my pants, dropped them, and then lowered my underwear. “Miss I am so sorry to cause all this trouble, I should have used the Toilet but it is so hard for me to get over it with my Walker and then to get my clothes off ... and ... and... “ I said.

“This is no trouble at all sir. I just didn’t realize your cock ... I mean your penis was so small ... so hidden!” she spoke with a little speed now. “Ok, here you are, ready to fire away sir!” So I started peeing again knowing my entire penis was STILL withdrawn inside my body.

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