Desk Job - Cover

Desk Job

by Master Jonathan

Copyright© 2021 by Master Jonathan

BDSM Sex Story: She has always wanted to see her Master at work and one day she gets her chance. She gets to spend the day with him, but not exactly the way she had anticipated!

Caution: This BDSM Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Workplace   BDSM   MaleDom   Light Bond   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Illustrated   .

“Have a good day at work Master!” she said as she sent him off to his job one morning. The day was like any other and the routine was pretty predictable. She had made him breakfast, he had given her the chores she was to get done, and she sent him on his way. But during their breakfast conversation that morning, Michelle had said something to him that stuck with him during the course of the day.

“Master, I would really love to come down to your work and see what you do all day. I know you have a very important job, and I would love to see you in action there one day.”

Tony thought about the idea of bringing her to his work all day. He knew that his boss would be out of town for a few days starting tomorrow, and so he thought it would be the perfect time to surprise her and bring her to work with him. That afternoon as he was driving home, he thought out his plan for her.

“Welcome home, Master!” Michelle said as he walked in the door. She met him as she always did when he came home from work, coming up to him to stand in front of him with her hands behind her back, her feet together, back straight and chest out, and her head lowered look at his feet.

This is how he taught her to greet him and how he liked to see her when he got home. He reciprocated in his usual manner, lifting her chin to look at her eyes and kissing her soft ruby lips as he possessed her again. Michelle’s response was predicatable ... at his first touch she became wet and her breath was taken away once more.

“Hello precious. How was your day?” he asked. Precious was the pet name he had given her. She loved hearing it too, because he had told her she was his precious. His precious jewel, his precious treasure.

“Fine, Master. How was your day?” she returned.

“It was okay. Long, but okay.”

“Aww, poor Master. You work too hard at that office! Want a neckrub?” she asked.

“That would be wonderful. You know I always love your neckrubs!” he said, taking her by the hand and walking into the living room with her. He sat down in his favorite chair and she moved around behind him. Placing her hands on either side of his neck she began to massage the day away.

“Speaking of work,” he began, “My boss is going to be gone for the next few days and I was thinking – how would you like to come down to work and spend the day with me?”

Michelle stopped what she was doing and came around to drop on her knees beside him. “Really Master? You mean it?” she asked excitedly.

“Yes, there won’t be anyone else from the office there except for Julie the receptionist. So you could spend the day with me without any problems.”

“Julie won’t think something is going on?”

“Well if ‘something is going on’, she won’t say anything. She knows how to keep a secret.” he said.

“As long as you don’t get into trouble, Master. I don’t want you to lose your job over me.”

“No worries. Julie is ok.”

“Then I would LOVE to go to work with you Master!” she said excitedly and moved back around to massage his neck with renewed vigor.

“Hey! Not so hard!” he said laughing as she worked on his neck

“Sorry, Master. I’m just so excited!”

During dinner, Tony laid out the plans that he had for her the next day. Michelle listened eagerly to what he had to say.

“Tomorrow you will come to work with me and I will show you where I work. We will be in the office all day – I need to catch up with some paperwork and work on a project that I am in the middle of. But it will give you a chance to see where I work and we’ll be together all day. I hope you don’t get bored ... the office isn’t the most exciting place in the world you know!”

“Oh, Master, I could never be bored as long as I’m with you!” she said “Thank you! Thank you!”

That night as they went to bed, Tony turned to her.

“Open your mouth!”

Michelle grinned, knowing that he was going to make her earn the priveledge of going to work with him tomorrow. She was fine with that. She’d do whatever he wanted!

“Open your mouth now!” he barked grabbing a fistfull of her hair and yanking her head backwards. It hurt. But it also felt soooo good...

She opened her mouth and with his free hand Tony shoved three fingers inside, poking around roughly. He shoved his fingers deep inside her mouth, almost to the point of gagging her. Then he pulled them back out.

Michelle gasped as she sucked in a breath. He shoved them back down into her throat and held them there for a couple of seconds. Again he pulled them out and again she gasped for sweet air.

Once more into her mouth and he held them there a little longer this time. When he pulled them out this time, he wiped her saliva from his fingers across her face. He very quickly replaced the fingers down her throat with his cock.

Gently for a few moments, Michelle wrapped her lips around it and flicked her tongue across the tip. But that didn’t last for long. He grabbed her head with both hands and pulled it towards him as he thrust his hips forward.

Tony’s cock slammed against the back of her throat. Michelle gagged and tried to pull away but he held tighter. After a few seconds he released his grip and pulled back, withdrawing from her mouth. She gasped for air, panting like a dog after a hard run.

“I was under the impression you wanted to suck me?” he enquired with a disappointed tone.

“I do, Master”

“Well enjoy it!” he commanded as he thrust back into her mouth, this time pumping his cock right down her throat.

Michelle choked on his cock, loving every second of it. Her eyes began to water and her face turned red. He released her head once more and saliva poured out of her mouth and down the front of her nightshirt. She looked up at him and smiled. “Thank you, Master. May I suck you some more please?”

“Sure thing, slut” he replied as he slapped her face with his saliva coated cock and then rammed it back down her throat. Pumping in and out, occasionally he paused with his cock resting on her tongue to give her an opportunity to breath before assaulting her throat again.

This cycle continued for what seemed to Michelle like an eternity. Eventually her face is drenched with saliva; her eye makeup had been destroyed by her tears, leaving black streaks down her face. Her nightshirt was wet and transparent. She was breathless and exhausted. Tony pumped his cock into her throat one last time before he pulled out and shot his cum all over her face.

“I love you, my dirty little slut” he whispered as she caught her breath, still holding her by the hair, and wiping his softening cock roughly across her cheek.

“Thank you, Master. I love you, too.” she panted in reply.

“Now get those clothes off. It’s time to go to sleep. You have a long day ahead of you tomorrow!” he commanded as he got up to go to the bathroom and clean up.

Michelle laid there for a moment catching her breath.

“And don’t wipe my seed from your face. I want you to enjoy wearing it for a while. I like the way it looks.” he said as he got to the bedroom door.

“Yes Master.”

She smiled to herself and struggled to her feet, still a bit wobbly from the intense workout. He returned in a few minutes and found Michelle in bed, naked, waiting for him. As he laid down she curled up to him and with her head resting on his arm, fell fast asleep still smiling.

The next morning as Tony woke her, He had special instructions for Michelle who was to accompany Him to work.

“Michelle, you will wear office appropriate wear, but nothing under.” He instructed.

“Yes, Master.” she said obediently.

Michelle got dressed and after they ate breakfast, Tony and Michelle left for the office. The morning traffic was light on the way to Tony’s office. Tony arrived at his office building and parked in his reserved spot.

He opened the car door and reached for Michelle’s elbow, helping her from the seat, waiting until she was steady upon her high heels before turning and waiting for her to follow. His voice reached her ears, low and firm:

“Eyes down slut, and remember what you’ve been taught.” He knew that her lowered eyes would draw less attention, and her dress and demeanor was meant to make her blend into the crowds, yet she knew that underneath the common, ordinary exterior, was a sexual animal impatiently waiting to bust out. Silently she nodded with an unseen motion, but he had no doubt of her compliance. Michelle stayed close behind as her Master’s long steps led her into the building.

They entered the elevator and as the doors closed, they found themselves alone in the elevator. Michelle’s eyes never rose even though Tony stepped up close to Michelle and traced the outline of her tits through the white fabric of her blouse.

He smiled when her nipples stiffened and threatened to poke through the fabric. Michelle moaned softly and she knew it would to be a long day for her! Michelle had no idea how many floors they had risen, and when the doors whooshed quietly open she was startled, but awaited his lead before following closely once more.

The scents of a place of business penetrated her thoughts and yet she still looked nowhere but at the back of his heels. Tony stopped upon reaching a door and she heard the soft click of a doorknob turning.

He waited until Michelle entered before closing the door once more and again she heard the lock, as the door closed behind her. He worked in the high rent area of Los Angeles, just off Wilshire Boulevard in an office on the 22nd floor. The office was good sized with a nice reception area, a meeting room, and his private office.

“Good Morning, Mr. Powell” the receptionist said as they walked up to her desk.

“Good Morning Julie. How are you this morning?”

“Fine, Sir. Would you like some coffee?”

“That would be wonderful. Thank you.” he said as the pair went into his office, closing the door behind them.

Tony’s fingers lifted to trace her jaw and he slowly lifted her chin, kissing her softly. “My dear, this will be a most enjoyable day at the office I think.” Michelle saw her Master’s smile and felt nothing more than the desire to please him, to make him proud of her, and to keep that beautiful smile on his face.

Walking across the room, he reached his large desk and sat in the high backed leather chair, motioning for her to come close. She approached as he directed to his side and stood silently, hands to her side, her eyes once more lowered.

“Your coffee, Sir.” the receptionist said as she entered the room.

“Thank you.” he said. She smiled and closed the door again as she left to return to her desk.

“Take off your clothes and hang them in the closet and return to me.” he directed.

Silently she complied, slipping her skirt down over her hips and letting it fall into a puddle on the floor around her ankles. Stepping out of it, she picked it up from the floor and folded it carefully, her movements quick and sure.

He watched as she softly tugged each button from the hole it occupied and slid the blouse down over her shoulders – exposing her soft tanned breasts. Her nipples stiffened in the cool air of the office as she turned away, the blouse and skirt draped over her arm and she carried it to the closet and hung them up as her Master had instructed.

As she turned back to him, she looked up ever so briefly, needing a glimpse of that smile. She was not disappointed. Once more her eyes lowered and he watched her return, her breasts softly swaying as she gracefully walked back towards him. Michelle knew the smile she saw upon turning was the result of his watching her tight, well-rounded ass sway gently as she went to hang her clothes.

She reached his side once more and she sank slowly to her knees beside his chair, thighs spread to his view, her back straight and her perfect breasts stuck out on display just as he had taught her. She slowly lifted her face to him, waiting her Master’s next command.

Tony unlocked and opened the bottom drawer of his desk and pulled out a collar and wrist cuffs. She pulled her long hair out of the way as he fastened the collar around her neck, locking it in place behind her head.

“Your wrists pet.” he said and she lifted them to him and he fastened them to her wrists. Then he clipped a chain from her collar to the wrist cuffs. The chain was just long enough that her hands would go no lower than below her breasts. He gazed at her, nodding his approval, then slowly rolled his chair away from the desk. He pointed into the knee space, his words spoken quietly,

“Your home for the day little one ... please...” and he motioned to the empty space under his desk.

Michelle ducked her head low and she crawled carefully on her knees, turning once in the cubbyhole, sitting down upon her ass, knees high and thighs apart, hands pressed to her breasts to take some pull from her neck. She lifted her eyes to him and nodded once, smiling with her eyes.

“Thank you Master, for giving me such a nice place to stay.” He reached down to her and caressed her cheek, then pulled away and rose, walking to the door. She heard the lock turn again, the door opening. He returned to his chair and pulled it in closer, as she pressed back to allow his legs room. Michelle heard her Master’s voice with one more command.

“Not a sound pet ... not a whimper, not a cough ... in fact, were I you, I would be very careful about breathing too loudly. Do you understand?” She leaned her face against his leg and nodded in reply, knowing the command began when it was uttered and her answer was not to be voiced. He replied, “Good girl,” and his approval sent her spirit soaring – once more she had pleased him.

Michelle leaned back into the semi-darkness of the knee space and listened as he begin the workday. Drawers opened and closed. The tap of the keyboard. A ringing telephone answered. Papers moved about.

Occasionally he reached with the toe of his shoe and pressed between her legs. Michelle carefully raised her hands so that she could lay her head against the wood, biting her bottom lip to keep the soft moans from escaping.

Several times he rose and left the desk, always careful to push the empty chair close in. And several times Michelle heard others enter, but the words spoken went unheard as she concentrated on being very still, on breathing very quietly. And after each visitor left he honored her with his gentle touch, a foot lifting to stroke it’s leather surface across her leg and into her heat.

When time for lunch arrived he spoke without ever leaning to look at her. “I’ll be back pet. Be a good girl and lay down please. Turn your back to me and face the wall.” She maneuvered her body so that the curl of her back faced him as he directed and pressed as close to the wall as her position would allow. Then she felt his touch as he spread her hair out far behind her. And then the wheels of his chair rolled across it, pinning her further in her space.

“Don’t move an inch girl. I’ll not see a hair out of place when I return.” She listened as his footsteps faded, realizing that he chose not to close the door and anyone could enter at anytime. Michelle breathed deeply before closing her eyes and wished for his quick return, fearing her discovery with every moment that passed.

An eternity seemed to pass before she heard footsteps once more. Michelle opened her eyes widely and focused on the shadowed wood grain in front of her face, listening intently. Then voices ... and it was not her Master’s voice!

Michelle trembled silently, holding her breath as long as she could between a silent exhale and search for new air. Finally the stranger was gone and the tears of relief welled up in her eyes, her breathing calmed and she tried to think how long he had been gone.

Just as Michelle was beginning to think that her body could no longer hold this position, she jerked ever so slightly at the sound of steps approaching the desk closer and closer. She felt the wheels glide from her hair, and tasted the blood from the bite into her lip as she waited to see who had discovered her.

Then a bone shuddering sigh of relief, soundless but felt to the soul, as she heard her dear Master’s voice and his hand touched her shoulder. “Well done girl.” she heard the smile in his voice as he spoke.

“I like to find my things exactly as I left them. Sit up now. I’ve got a drink of water for you.” With those words she twisted and turned her way back into a sitting position as he took his seat and slid close to the desk.

Michelle saw his hand come down the side of the chair, in it a bottle of water. “Drink pet. I’ll only hold it for a moment.” She leaned forward and clasp the small opening of the bottle with her lips, tugging upon it and pulling deeply, swallowing the cool water with quiet tilts of her head. Three, four, five deep swallows, and then the bottle is gone.

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