Charlotte's New Job - Cover

Charlotte's New Job

Copyright© 2021 by Master Jonathan

Chapter 9

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 9 - Charlotte is applying for a position that will hopefully get her out of the secretarial pool and upstairs with a promotion and a much-needed raise in pay. But when she finds out just WHAT the job entails, it's more than she figured on!

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Workplace   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Sex Toys   Squirting   Public Sex   Illustrated  

“Well, Peter, since it is 4:30 now and it’s already been a busy day ... can we just go to see the Grauman’s Chinese Theatre and the Walk of Fame?” she asked. It took about twenty minutes to drive the eight miles or so to the theater due to the afternoon traffic. But they made it and they were able to find parking nearby.

They crossed the street and began walking down Hollywood Boulevard looking at all the stars on the famous Walk of Fame. They walked past Grauman’s Chinese Theatre and she asked Peter to take her picture in front of the iconic theater. They continued walking down the street, looking at the famous names on the stars embedded in the sidewalk.

After they had walked six of the eighteen blocks the Walk of Fame stretched, they decided to turn back. They had seen a lot of the stars they had seen on TV and both were tired of walking.

“How about getting something to eat before we go back to the hotel?” he suggested.

“That sounds wonderful, I’m starved!” she said. Since Charlotte was in a sightseeing mood, he knew just the place. He didn’t tell her where they were going, he just let her enjoy the ride. Soon they pulled up to the restaurant.

“Philippe’s?” she asked. It didn’t look like much from the outside – just a small sandwich shop on the corner of Ord St and N. Alameda Blvd. She looked at him quizzically.

“Philippe’s is a world famous eatery. It was established back in 1908 and is reportedly the original French Dip sandwich. The story goes that in 1918 the owner of the restaurant, Philippe Mathieu, accidentally dropped a French roll into a pan of juice that was still warm from the oven.

The patron who was a policeman didn’t want him to waste the roll and said he would take the sandwich anyway. He returned the next day with some friends and asked for more ‘dipped sandwiches’ and so the French dip was born!” Peter explained.

“Oh wow!” Charlotte said. They went inside and enjoyed a couple world-famous French dip sandwiches.

Phillipe’s also happened to be not too far from their hotel so after they had eaten it only took a few minutes to get back to their room.

Once back in their hotel room, Charlotte went first into the bathroom. When she came out she was wearing just her panties and an oversized sleep shirt. Peter was lying in bed with the sheet up to his waist covering only his legs.

He had gotten undressed and was wearing only his boxers while he waited for her. She saw him in bed and came over to him smiling and hopped into bed. She moved over to him to straddle him, sitting on his hips.

“Peter, I just want to thank you once again for hiring me for this position and for bringing me out here to California with you. Both are a dream come true for me. I never in my wildest imagination could have imagined all of this. And it’s all because of you, you dear, sweet, wonderful man.

“You took a chance on a plain, lesser trained and lesser experienced woman from the typing pool and because of your gamble, I am living a life so far above anything I could have dreamed of that it isn’t funny.

“You are like my Prince Charming, my knight in shining armor, who rescued me from a life of being a faceless nobody in the typing pool to being ... well being a princess in a wonderful high castle,” she said. Then she leaned down and took his face in her hands and kissed him tenderly.

“Well I don’t know about the whole Prince Charming, knight in shining armor thing, but I do know that you are no princess, Charlotte. You are every bit a queen. Princesses are little girls and usually spoiled at that.

“You are by no means an immature bratty little girl. You are a fine, beautiful sexy woman and as far as thanking me goes, it is I who should be thanking you. Thanking you for applying for the job, thanking you for accepting the job – with its unique working conditions and job requirements – and thanking you for all that you have done and will be doing for me in the future. This may be your dream job, but you are my dream secretary!

“You see when my last secretary quit I was worried I would never find anyone that meshed with me like she did. I mean we had one mind between the two of us. She knew what I wanted before I even asked her. She was like my right arm – I depended on her for everything.

“In fact, on the rare occasions that she would be out of the office sick or on vacation or something, I often times didn’t even come in myself because I knew some issue would come up that I didn’t have an answer for. But she always did. She was amazing and I never figured I would find a decent replacement for her.

“Then you applied and I’ll be truthful, you are not what I expected. When I read your application, I figured you for just another mediocre secretary who I would have to take by the hand and show them how to do everything several times. But I couldn’t have been more wrong.

“You have shown me that you are beyond competent and that you are willing to go above and beyond to get the job done, no matter what that job might be. If you hadn’t told me you weren’t interested already, I’d want you to become a broker – you have the drive, the tenacity, and the persuasive skills to be a hell of a broker.

“But then you wouldn’t be my secretary and I don’t think I would like that. I want you right by my side. I need you by my side, Charlotte,” he said.

“And I want to be by your side, Peter. No, I wouldn’t want to be a broker, because that would take me away from you. And I am not leaving you. I am your secretary, your assistant, and your slut for as long as you will have me. And I will make sure you don’t need to look for anyone to replace me!” she said.

“No one could, my dear. No one could,” he said.

The next morning they woke up bright and early. “Today I thought we would drive through Beverly Hills and show you some of the movie stars’ homes then go see the famous Hollywood sign if you like,” he said.

“Oh yes! I want to see both of those things!” she said excitedly.

Peter and Charlotte got dressed and went downstairs to grab a quick breakfast and then headed out towards Beverly Hills. As they got to Beverly Hills they started seeing people standing on the street corners selling what they claim to be maps to the movie stars homes.

“We should pick one of those up – it might help us find the stars houses,” she said. He was skeptical, but wanted her to enjoy herself so he stopped and got one for her. If nothing else it will make a good souvenir, he thought. They entered Beverly Hills, and began to follow the map. As he drove, she read the map and pointed out the stars homes as they passed them.

“There’s Groucho Marx’s home!” she said

“There’s Judy Garland’s home!” she said a moment later.

“That’s Fred Astaire’s house!” she called out.

They weren’t able to see too much – most of the houses were hidden behind tall hedges or high solid fences, but that didn’t matter to her – she was in Beverly Hills!

They drove around for about three hours looking at all the big mansions and following the map. Charlotte was in her glory – all the stars she had watched all her life were now suddenly real people!

She wished she could catch a glimpse of somebody but it was not to be. That was okay with her, just being here was enough for her. Besides, as Peter had told her, he comes here to California several times a year – she knew she would be back!

Finally, they had covered the Beverly Hills area pretty good. Charlotte had checked off the stars homes she had seen and now had a wonderful souvenir map to keep. She was a regular chatterbox as they headed to their next destination – the famous Hollywood sign.

As they drove Peter explained. “The best place to see the Hollywood sign is from Griffith Observatory. It’s not the closest you can get to the sign, but it gives you the best view. You don’t have your view blocked by brush or rocks and you can see the hill its on as well.”

A few minutes later they arrived at Griffith Observatory. The Observatory was closed for maintenance when they were there, but that was no problem for them – they were there to see the Hollywood sign and to get an amazing view of Los Angeles.

Because the observatory was closed at the time, there was only a handful of people there which suited Peter’s purposes perfectly. They walked around the large building to the terrace that overlooked the Hollywood sign and he let Charlotte up to the railing to see the sign.

Charlotte had worn a flirty pink skater dress with a deep V front and a metallic gold belt. This also fit in with Peter’s scheme. As Charlotte stood there looking through the coin-operated binoculars on the terrace, Peter ran his hand over her ass and down her thigh.

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