Charlotte's New Job - Cover

Charlotte's New Job

Copyright© 2021 by Master Jonathan

Chapter 4

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 4 - Charlotte is applying for a position that will hopefully get her out of the secretarial pool and upstairs with a promotion and a much-needed raise in pay. But when she finds out just WHAT the job entails, it's more than she figured on!

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Workplace   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Sex Toys   Squirting   Public Sex   Illustrated  

The following day Charlotte woke up with an excitement she had never felt before. Charlotte never minded going to work, it was just something you did and there was no point in making a fuss about it. But today was different – today she was genuinely excited about going to work!

She went to her desk and began clearing things out she had brought a couple cardboard boxes to work with her to put everything in and make it easier to move. She turned in the work she had been doing to her supervisor so the next girl could pick up where she left off and then she went around saying goodbye to the girls she worked with.

She wasn’t leaving the company, but she didn’t know how often she would be able to get down here to visit. They were usually too busy for idle chit-chat and she didn’t know yet what her work schedule would be like, either.

Before she left to start taking things upstairs one of the girls, Jennifer, came up to her. “Now Charlotte you know we can’t let you go without a proper sendoff so we got this cake for you,” she said. A couple of the other girls wheeled out a small sheet cake decorated with “Goodbye and Good Luck, Charlotte” written on it.

“Oh, how sweet of you all!” she said. “I think I might just cry!”

“Well, it isn’t every day one of us gets a chance to hobknob with the top executives here, much less the boss himself!” one of the girls said.

“Yeah, just don’t forget where you came from! Come down once in awhile and tell us what life uptown is like!” another girl said as everyone laughed.

“Ir was wonderful working with all of you. I’m going to miss the gossip and chatter we had ... I’m going to be up there pretty much alone – only the receptionist is up there and I don’t know her much at all. I’m going to miss you, girls!

“I don’t know what my work schedule is yet, but maybe we can get together on our lunch breaks and you can catch me up on the goings-on around the pool here. And if I have any news of upcoming changes or anything I can share I will be happy to,” Charlotte said.

And so with kisses and hugs all around, she loaded the two boxes of her things onto a cart she borrowed from the mailroom and headed for the elevator to go upstairs. She turned around to wave goodbye and then pushed the cart into the elevator and pushed the button to go up.

The elevator opened and Charlotte wheeled her cart and her belongings off the elevator and headed toward the door to Mr. Atwood’s office.

“You must be Charlotte,” the receptionist said, coming around her large desk. “My name is Angela. I’m sorry we didn’t get a chance to meet like this before on one of your visits, but I wasn’t sure who Mr. Atwood was going to hire for this job.

“He’s been called to another appointment, but he left word for me to show you to your desk and help in whatever way I can to get you settled in. Let me get the door for you,” Angela said. She held the door for Charlotte and then showed her to her new desk.

“Oh, my! It’s twice the size of the one I had downstairs!” Charlotte said.

“Well, I will let you get your things put away and afterward come out to my desk and I will show you the break room, restrooms, and other things up here,” Angela said.

“Okay, thank you, Angela,” Charlotte said. She seems nice ... maybe I will have someone to talk to up here after all! Charlotte thought to herself.

After Angela left, Charlotte busied herself getting her desk set up the way she wanted it. She put her mom’s picture on her desk right where she could see it. She put the other things on her desk as well – the pencil cup her niece made in art class for her, her regular desk items, and she pulled the phone closer so she could reach it easily.

When her desk was the way she wanted it, she walked around the large office getting acquainted with where things were. She went to the filing cabinet to see how the files were kept, she went to look over Mr. Atwood’s desk. She took a quick glance through his appointment book to see what upcoming things he had already scheduled. Then she went over to the closet to check it out.

There hanging on a hook was his coat. She couldn’t help herself – she took a long deep sniff, inhaling the scent of him ... his cologne, the wonderful smell this man had all on his own. It made her damp to know that she was now his and that she would be getting him regularly.

She went out to see Angela and the two took a quick tour of the fourth floor. Angela showed her where everything was and introduced her to some of the people there. Then they went back to the office and Charlotte, not having any work yet, sat in the reception room with Angela and they got to know each other a bit. About that time it was lunch and so the two decided to go to lunch together so they could talk more.

The girls sat and talked about everything – where they were from, growing up, how they came to work at Silver Hills, and other things. They found out they had a few things in common, including the fact that they once lived less than five miles away from each other! Eventually, though the talk turned to work and Charlotte’s new job.

“You’re gonna love working up here, Charlotte. Mr. P is a wonderful man to work for,” Angela said, “Oops! Don’t tell him I called him Mr. P – he doesn’t like that. He’d turn me over his knee if he found out I called him that!”

“H-he spanks?” Charlotte said incredulously.

“Oh yes ... but only for little things like calling him Mr. P or something. And then he only spanks certain people. Like you and me and maybe a couple other girls. You have to be special to him to get a spanking,” Angela said. Charlotte leaned forward obviously wanting to know more.

“Okay, the last time I got a spanking, I accidentally broke his coffee cup trying to carry too much. He had told me I should make two trips, but I didn’t listen. Anyway, when I broke his coffee cup, he called me into his office and made me stand in front of him while he scolded me.

“I felt terrible about breaking his cup, Mr. Atwood loves his coffee. After a good tongue lashing, he made me hike up my skirt and lay over his knees. I was wearing panties that day, so he rubbed my ass over my panties for a bit. I was already getting wet – I knew what was coming ... this wasn’t the first time I was in this position with him!

“He pulled my panties down and off me, and made me stuff them in my mouth. He said it was to keep from alerting the whole building with my screaming. Then he began spanking me. He spanked me and spanked me and I got wetter and wetter as he did. By the time he was done, my ass was red as an apple and my pussy was dripping.

“He saw that and he finger-fucked me to a screaming orgasm! Not just once either – he made me cum three times! I hadn’t made much more than a whimper during the spanking, but I made up for it with the fingerfucking! That’s one thing about his spankings – you feel terrible in getting one, but afterward, he makes you feel sooo good!

“Anyway, after the spanking and orgasm, he made me stand in the corner with my skirt hiked up so he could see my red ass. I stayed there until quitting time.

“The next morning I came in and there was the most beautiful flowers on my desk with a note that said: ‘You’re Forgiven, Love Peter’. I came into his office bawling like a kid! I told him how sorry I was, and apologized for breaking his cup and he held me until I quit blubbering.

“That day at lunch I went out and bought a World’s Greatest Boss coffee cup and when he came back from lunch I gave him the cup with his afternoon coffee. He still has that cup and it’s the only cup he takes his coffee in,” Angela told her.

“Wow!” Charlotte said, astonished.

Yeah, there are lots of things about Mr. Atwood that you probably don’t know. Angela said.

“I’ll say! When I was downstairs we all looked at the fourth floor as some sort of castle or something and Mr. Atwood as a king. We didn’t even think of him as human – he was almost a god to us. When I was first called up to see him I was as scared as the Cowardly Lion going to see the Great Oz!” Charlotte said.

“Well he is a businessman and he has to keep order and a certain respect and discipline. But once you get to know him personally he is a great, great man and you can’t have a better boss,” Angela said.

“Well, he’s not like any boss I have ever had!” Charlotte said.

“How’s that?” Angela asked.

“Well for starters no boss I have ever had ever kissed me or...” Charlotte blushed.

“Yeah, Mr. Atwood does get grabby! Hell, he’s like an octopus with a cock!” Angela giggled. “A few people have tried to get him on sexual harassment charges on him. But Mr’s Atwood always makes sure that any groping or anything is completely consensual which takes the harassment right out of the picture. And believe me, you will come to want to be ‘harassed’ before long!”

“I already do!” Charlotte laughed.

After a nice girls lunch, the two went back to the office and Angela went to her desk while Charlotte went into Mr. Atwood’s office and her desk. A minute or two later, the office door opened and Mr. Atwood came in.

“Good afternoon, Sir. I hope you had a good lunch. I am all moved in and ready to start work,” Charlotte said standing up to address him.

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