Charlotte's New Job - Cover

Charlotte's New Job

Copyright© 2021 by Master Jonathan

Chapter 10

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 10 - Charlotte is applying for a position that will hopefully get her out of the secretarial pool and upstairs with a promotion and a much-needed raise in pay. But when she finds out just WHAT the job entails, it's more than she figured on!

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Workplace   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Sex Toys   Squirting   Public Sex   Illustrated  

Peter and Charlotte spent the next couple of days being typical tourists. They saw as much of the sights and sounds of Los Angeles as they could. They both decided that visiting Disneyland and the other theme parks would be fun, but would also take up too much of their time so they decided to see them another time. Peter took her to Venice Beach, they went to the La Brea Tar Pits, and they walked down Rodeo Drive, amongst many other places.

Sadly, all vacations have to end and Friday came too soon for either of them.

“Are you all packed, Charlotte?” he asked her.

“Yes, I just have my makeup to put away and then get dressed and I’ll be ready to go,” she said.

“Okay, good. Our flight leaves in a couple hours so we need to get going,” he said. The pair hurried to do the last few things needed and then left for the airport. He dropped the rental car off at the counter and put the cost on his expense account.

Then they went to the ticket counter and got their tickets set up. Peter was able to flag down a shuttle car – basically, an electric golf cart that carried people around the airport – and they went to their gate. Security wasn’t a problem, and they made their gate with a little time to spare.

“So what did you think of your first official business trip with me?” he asked.

“Oh, Peter I had such a wonderful time! Los Angeles is an amazing place – so much to see and do here! I can’t wait till we come back!” she said.

She knew that she should be sad to be leaving and heading back to home and work, but she kept remembering what he had told her about how often he made this trip to Los Angeles for Mr. Reynolds and other clients.

She knew that it wouldn’t be long and they would be returning to sunny Southern California. And of course there were other trips as well and other adventures yet to be had.

“Yes, we will be back here before too long. And maybe we can hit some of the things we didn’t have time for this trip,” he said.

“I would like that very much,” she said. He took her hand in his as they sat there waiting for their plane to arrive. Charlotte couldn’t be happier or more proud – Peter was much more than her boss now.

He had become her boss, her lover, and the most important person in her life. He was the only real relationship she’d had in a very long time and she only hoped that she meant as much to him.

The more she thought about this, the more concerned she was about it. She was having a wonderful time with Peter, there was no doubt about that. Both at work and away from work, being with Peter made her feel better than she could ever remember being.

She was completely and utterly happy being his secretary – and his slut – and would be for as long as he wanted her. The question was how much did he want her? Was she just a convenient piece of ass that could type and take care of him, or did he have some level of real feelings towards her?

The announcement over the airport PA system interrupted her thoughts “Flight 120 to New York will begin boarding at Gate 4 in five minutes.”

“That’s us,” Peter said, “We’d better get ready.”

“Okay,” she said. Charlotte put her thoughts away. There would be time for that later.

When the boarding call came, Charlotte and Peter walked down the jetway and boarded the plane. They moved into the First Class cabin and found their seats. He let Charlotte sit by the window so she could watch as they took off.

They waited for a bit before they started moving. Charlotte watched out the window as they taxied to the runway and sat at the end of the runway waiting for clearance to take off.

“What are they waiting for?” she asked as they seemed to sit there for a long time.

“Relax, they have to call the control tower and get permission to take off. Maybe there’s a plane coming in that we can’t see or something. We’ll be taking off soon,” he said, patting her leg. It was about a minute later when she heard the engines rev up.

“Here we go!” he said. Charlotte grabbed the seat and pressed her nose against the window. The plane lurched and began moving. It moved faster and faster and she saw the terminal building go by. Then suddenly the ground dropped away and she could no longer feel the bumps of the runway.

“We are up!” Peter said. She watched as the ground got further and further away below them. They turned and headed west towards the ocean (which is typical for LAX since it cuts down the amount of noise for the houses close to the airport) Then they made a slow turn around and headed back over the city but at a greater height.

She could see the thousands and thousands of houses below her – L.A. seemed to stretch on forever! But as they continued heading east and climbing, the buildings gradually thinned until there was nothing but mountains and then high desert under them.

“We may as well get settled in – we’re going to be here awhile!” Peter said.

“What time are we supposed to arrive?” she asked.

“Well let’s see, it’s noon now and this is a seven-hour flight. But since we are headed east, there’s the time difference to take into consideration. So for us, it will seem like 7:00 pm, but local time it will be 11:00 pm.” he said.

“Oh wow! That pretty late to be getting in! That means if everything goes right, I will be home about midnight!” she said.

“Yeah, that’s why we are going back today ... you’ll have the weekend to reset your body clock to New York time and rest up before going to work Monday. I always give myself at least a day to get adjusted when I travel,” he said.

“I can see why now! It’s going to take me awhile to get back on schedule! I’m just glad I did all the housework before I left – I wouldn’t want to come home to a dirty house after arriving there so late!” Charlotte said.

“It’s funny, with all our technologies we still haven’t found a way to fix time zones!” Peter said. “It’s not so bad going to California, but coming home is a real pain in the ass!”

“So now that we have Los Angeles over and done with, are there any other trips in the near future or on the horizon?” she asked.

“Well, I will be needing to fly down to Miami, but that’s not for a couple months yet. And I do have to go overseas to London sometime this year. I don’t know when though,” he said. “I think the next time we fly to the west coast, I will try to combine Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Seattle all in one trip – maybe then we can stay home for awhile!”

“That would be nice. I can see how traveling too much can be wearisome!” she said.

“You’re not tired of it already are you – this was only your first time!” he laughed.

“No, it’s just that with all the sightseeing and everything, this was more than just a business trip,” she said.

“Well, you did make this one of the most enjoyable trips I have taken in a long time. Thank you for all your help on this,” he said.

“Oh Sir, it was my pleasure, believe me. This trip was wonderful and I want to thank you for taking me with you. I had the most amazing time!” she said.

“Well you know ... our trip isn’t over just yet. We might be able to squeeze in one more ‘attraction’ if you’re game,” he said, leaning over to her and speaking quietly.

“What do you mean?” she asked.

He stood up and got a blanket from the flight attendant saying that Charlotte was a little chilly. He took a look around and the few people in First Class were already starting to fall asleep. He took the blanket from the flight attendant and put it over Charlotte and sat back down.

With the blanket covering his actions, he moved his hand over and slid it up her nylon-encased leg. He had specifically asked her to wear a nice dress, her stockings, and heels for him and now she was beginning to see why!

When he reached the hem of her just above the knee dress, she opened her legs allowing him better access to her. She knew where he was headed and she wanted him to arrive just as much.

His fingers continued up the inside of her leg and reached her panties. he began to rub her pussy through her panties and Charlotte laid her head back on her seat and gripping the armrests.

“Mmmm” she moaned softly, letting him know she was enjoying herself.

Peter smiled and rubbed a little harder so she could feel him better. He rubbed her slit up and down, teasing her pussy lips thru the thin fabric. And Charlotte could feel herself dampening.

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