Hot Tub Love Machine - Cover

Hot Tub Love Machine

Copyright© 2021 by Redsliver

Chapter 22

Mind Control Sex Story: Chapter 22 - Thanks to a strange birthday gift from his, apparently, half-beautician/half-mad scientist mother, all the girls that share Lucas's hot tub are acting more and more affectionate.

Caution: This Mind Control Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Teenagers   Consensual   Mind Control   Lesbian   Fiction   Incest   Brother   Sister   Group Sex   Harem   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   First   Facial   Oral Sex   Tit-Fucking  

“How’d you sleep?” I woke up with Anna laying her chin on her crossed hands on my shoulder staring me deep in the eyes. Iggy slurped loudly on my morning wood.

“I hardly slept at all! Be quiet!” Ray moaned and buried her face in Dawn’s tits. Dawn absently patted the back of Ray’s head.

“I ... oh ... yeah...” I answered. Anna smiled.

“I love you,” she said, blushing.

“I love you too ... Oh, mother fucker...”

“Girls...” Knock, knock came from my bedroom door. “Two of you can use my shower if it’ll get you ready for school in time.”

Mom walked off.

“That sounds like us, Ray,” Dawn said.

“Stop talking back, pillow.” Ray grumbled.

Iggy bobbed her head wildly. She made loud overacted slurping noises. Ray moaned again.

“You’re wearing yesterday’s clothes, Anna,” Dawn said.

Anna frowned and blushed. She rolled off of me and covered her face. “They’re all gonna know we’re fucking!”

“So?” Iggy said, my cock popping from her sealed lips. “Now get down here and lick with me!”

“That’s mostly my need to pee, Iggy...”

“But part of it is Sex God,” Iggy said, slowly. “and that part is going on blushy’s tongue. Now get down here Anna.”

“Are we gonna fuck in the shower, Dawn?” Ray asked.

“No,” Dawn said strongly. I turned and frowned at her as Anna’s fingers scaled down my body so she could put her face next to Iggy’s.

“Not even the cheerleader sluts I know do this,” she said, licking around Iggy’s fingers as Iggy flicked her tongue at the head of my cock.

“Or they don’t brag about it,” Dawn said. “How many girls brag about giving head?”

“I know a bunch,” Ray said.

“In front of guys they’re trying to show off for? How about to their girlfriends?”

“Fewer, but not zero,” Ray said. “And we’re showing off for Lucas, right?”

“We don’t have to show off for Lucas” Iggy said, sitting up. She kept pumping my cock with her right hand and guided Anna’s head down onto the top of my cock with her left.

“That’s right--”

“We just have to fill his bed with love and sex,” Iggy steamrolled my supportive sentence. “Now, go shower and fingerbang Dawn. She didn’t cum as much as she should’ve last night.”

“I came three times! I literally begged you to stop before that last one Iggy.”

“Yeah, but I hadn’t gotten you off, and I had gotten everyone else off,” Iggy said. “Oh! He’s cumming!”

She shut down any more argument between herself and Dawn by pushing Anna’s blonde hair down hard. I groaned, pitched my hips up off the blankets and came, not much, they’d left my balls running on fumes, into Anna’s mouth.

“You don’t have to fingerbang me,” Dawn said, leading Ray out of the bedroom.

“Can I?”

“I just want a shower.”

“Where are you girls going?” Mom asked as they headed up the hallway.

“You said two of us were to get a shower,” Ray said, confusedly.

“If I knew you guys were gonna go together, I may not have hurried you as much,” Mom laughed. “Have fun! I’m not making anyone breakfast.”

Dawn and Ray bickered up towards Mom’s room. I smiled stupidly at the ceiling. Anna sat up and Iggy slipped from the bed. She tossed Anna a box of tissues.

“Shower all to myself!” Iggy paraded herself out of the bedroom naked and into the bathroom.

“That girlfriend of yours is naked in my hallway again!”

“It’s legal to go from Lucas’s bedroom to the washroom! I know my rights!” Iggy shouted.

Anna and I met eyes and started laughing. She climbed up and cuddled in on my side. I leaned over and kissed her.

“I love you,” I told her.

“I love you too.”

“Ready for weirdness at school?” I asked.

“Will you be there if I go crazy?”

“Always,” I said. “But aren’t we more worried about Iggy going crazy?”

Anna smiled and kissed me again. “Take me to the shower, Iggy’s not gonna fingerbang herself.”

“Really?” I asked.

“Maybe now, she used to ride her stuffed animals because Emi said she could masturbate that way and not worry about breaking her hymen before you finally nutted up,” Anna said. “No holds barred anymore.”

“How do you feel about the lesbian stuff?”

“It turns you on,” she said, burning fire truck red and biting her lip.

“Is that the only reason you like it?”

She found a deeper shade of red. She leaned in and whispered in my ear. “When I have to wait my turn for you, I can get really really worked up. Iggy makes me feel loved.”

“That’s sweet,” I said. “I’m glad--”

“And Dawn is just a bitch sometimes!” Anna laughed. “But if you get her going she has to prove she’s not a coward. If she had your upper body strength, I’d be in love!”

“You’re not in love with Dawn?”

“I’m in love with you,” Anna said. “I love all of my sister-girlfriends.”

“Sister-wives,” I said, deciding.

“Don’t you dare,” she shoved me with both hands. “I want the wedding dress and whole fairy tale princess thing first!”

“Um ... But, I can only marry one person.”

“On paper!” she snorted.

“So when?”

“When we graduate college?” she said. “A big six-way wedding and a honeymoon to match!”

“It’s gonna take us that long to afford it,” I laughed.

“That’s the only reason I’m OK with waiting,” she said. She took my hand and we crossed the hallway naked.

“And there’s my son’s penis!” Mom said, from the kitchen island sipping on coffee. “If you miss the bus and need to get a cab. I’ll make you work every cent of the fare off at sweatshop wages.”

“You’re the best Mom!” I said, beaming. I lost my smile when I closed the bathroom door behind me. I looked at Anna.

“Yeah, we know. She’s too good for your dad.”

“Who is?” Iggy asked. “Kate? No going to prison.”

“You want to play prison bitch?” I asked, pulling the curtain aside and slapping the soapy loofah out of her hand. The shower had her hair plastered to her forehead and toes when I grabbed her hips from behind. Anna washed us both as we fucked doggystyle.

I got to school to be hugged in a tackle by Emi. I lifted her up and spun her feet around as we walked as our sixsome up the front stairs. She just scissored her legs around my hips and refused to be put down.

We were getting looks and Iggy was born for the spotlight. She repeated grabbed mine or Emi’s asses when people looked in on us. I finally put Emi down when we reached our corner to hang out until first bell.

“I talked to your mom, Ray!” Emi said, rushing over and hugging the girl in question. “She’s gonna give me a job!”

“OK,” Ray said.

“I’m gonna be trying out all of my recipes on Lucas,” Emi said, spinning around as Ray groaned to have the excited girl across her lap. “Operation Sex-Burns-Off-All-Calories is in full swing.”

“Aye aye,” Iggy saluted.

“Should we be talking this up at school?” Anna said. Her cheeks were a vibrant shade of red and had been all this morning. “Lucas said he wasn’t recruiting.”

“I’m not,” I said.

“Pfft!” Iggy said. She hopped on my lap, flicked Anna in the nose and pointed at Dawn’s lap.

“Hey! I don’t mind waiting until after school like Anna!” Dawn said.

“Besides,” Anna leaned over and put her head on my shoulder.

“Dawn get taller, Anna likes a high head rest,” Iggy demanded.

“I was really hoping dick would calm her down,” Dawn said.

“You weren’t stupid enough to think that,” Emi said. “Anyway, shit! I gotta go!”

She hopped up and ran off.

“She didn’t bring a bookbag,” Ray said.

“No, weird,” I said.

“We’ve been kinda busy,” Anna said. “But we got a math test tomorrow. Study date at lunch?”

“Oh, I was gonna blow him in the hockey rink!” Iggy moaned pitiably.

“I need to get into as good of school as Dawn and Anna,” I said, squeezing Iggy’s hips. “Did she tell you about her big after school plans?”

“Today?” Iggy turned and frowned. “I figured she’d go to her place and get fresh clothes.”

Anna pinched me. She shook her head. I smiled. We’d talk about it later.

“So,” Iggy slapped her hands. “We’ve all learned we need to keep spare outfits at Lucas’s.”

“At Lucas and Dawn’s,” Dawn said, smugly.

“One sec,” Iggy turned to me and whispered. She got up and walked across the hall to Dawn and Ray’s bench. Iggy bent way far over, wiggling her jean clad ass at me. Dawn retreated but Iggy pushed her face forward until she touched noses.

“If I hear you didn’t satisfy him on any night where one of us can’t be there,” Iggy said, lips pulled back and teeth out. “Well, suffice it to say. I know where you live.”

“Alright! Jesus, claws in! You know damned well that’s what I want too!” Dawn said. Iggy popped up and smiled.

“Sure, but I gotta girlfriend!” She skipped back to me and launched herself onto my lap.

“You know,” Ray said, “She’d almost be less scary if she still had all that murder-jealousy in her eyes.”

“Oh, I do,” Iggy said. She poked me. “You’re not recruiting.”

“I’m not,” I agreed, smiling. “I have more than I can handle. That’s why I love getting your help with the herd.”

“We’re not cows...” Dawn said, flatly.

“Moo!” Anna smiled brightly.

“Iggy! That also means you’re not recruiting either,” Ray said.

“On paper,” Iggy agreed. “Oh!” she poked me and turned my head. “Hot redhead, six o’clock!”

“Twelve O’Clock is straight ahead and the rest of the hours tell you what direction to turn your head from there,” Anna said.

“My three and your nine o’clock,” Iggy said. She moved my head up and down to appreciate Kylie Preston. Kylie looked over and frowned at us.

“It’s OK! We’re all weird!” Anna said, blushing madly and shouting back. She flicked the back of Iggy’s head when Kylie walked off.

“I have to catch her when they throw her off the pyramid.”

“Take a grab next time and check out that butt,” Iggy said. “It’s probably fake.”

The bell calling us to first class rang. Dawn shrunk down and moaned. “Oh my god ... When is this day going to be over?”

“Lucas Greentree to the front office. Lucas Greentree to the front office.”

Barely twenty minutes into first period my name was announced over the school’s loudspeaker. I frowned. Anna frowned back at me. I got up, leaving my books, there was a whole hour of class left after all.

I’ve always liked walking the school hallways during classes. They were just comfortable empty. Mostly, I was just making occasional trips to the nearest bathroom. This time I meandered through the whole school. I wasn’t in any hurry.

“Jesus! You walk slowly.” Emi ambushed me in the last hallway before the office. She grabbed me and kissed me.

“I just gotta check in with the office,” I said, smiling.

“I paged you,” she said. “Did you know you could do that? Just walk into the office and have them call someone down?”

“Uh ... No?”

“Turns out you can!” she said, brightly.

“What’s going on?”

“I dropped out of school!” she exclaimed excitedly. “Just finished out the last of the paperwork they wanted and everything!”

“What? You can’t drop out of school!”

“Why not?” she asked. “It’s not like I was gonna go into university with you and Anna. Vonnie said I can get a red seal training as a chef without a degree as well.”

“Don’t you have to go through culinary school?”

“Not with a sponsor!” She hugged me. “I’m gonna miss hanging out with you at school.”

“Me too,” I said, still shocked.

“Plus, I’m gonna be working with your mom.” She grabbed my hands and led me out onto the front steps. “I’m gonna be your love potioner! Whatever you need.”

“I have the five girls I want,” I said.

“I know,” she said, hugging me and kissing me with a flighty spastic bounce in and out of my arms. “But I said need.”

“What are you talking about?” I asked.

“You gotta promise to take me to prom!” she said. “That’s the only bit of school I’m gonna miss.”

“I gotta take Iggy, don’t I?” I said.

“Well I wanna be asked out,” Emi said.

“By Anna? Dawn?”

“Oh...” Emi frowned. “Ray’s the only one who’d ask, isn’t she?”

“Not if I asked one of them to ask.”

“Right!” She kissed my lips again. She turned and saw a small Toyota pulling up. Vonnie was driving and she was wearing her diner uniform. “I gotta go to work! Come straight home!”

“Go to your place?”

“No, home,” she kissed me and squealed happily. “Where our family is. I’ll be waiting.”

I nodded and she ran excitedly down the stairs. I followed her. I looked in the window as Emi buckled her seatbelt. Vonnie waved at me.

“She’s really something,” Vonnie reached over and squeezed Emi’s thigh. “I’ll do everything I can for her.”

“Thanks!” I said. “I’ll see you after school.”

Emi couldn’t reach over to kiss me with her seatbelt on so she dragged me in the window of the car. I laughed and waved as they drove off. A minute passed as I processed things. Mrs Claiver put her hand on my shoulder. I looked up at the vice principal.

“I don’t think she made the right choice,” she said. “But she was adamant. I let you see her off, but now you have to go back to class Mr Greentree.”

“Thank you,” I said. I climbed back up the stairs.

Emi dropped out of school.

I passed the note to Anna. She looked at me as pale faced as she ever had. I didn’t learn a lick that class and we all gathered together to gossip about Emi until second period.

The rest of the school day was weird but school-focused. I studied with Anna over lunch. I dicked around with Dawn between third and last period.

I was sitting with Dawn and Anna, their bus came first. I guess it was just Anna’s bus now. Ray was already on her way home. Iggy stormed up at me. I had never seen her look so pissed.

“Iggy’s what’s going on...”

My words collapsed out of me as Anna flailed backwards off the stone step we were sitting on while Iggy made out with the cheerleader into the ground.

“Jesus...” I looked up at Pete and glared when he looked away from me.

“What’s going on?” Dawn asked, leaning over to whisper at me.

“See!” Iggy shot up as Anna covered her face. Anna’s backpack had kept the grass stains off of her top.

Iggy stomped right up in Pete’s face. “I don’t care that you saw my boyfriend with my girlfriend making out in the fucking library! They’re mine!” She took a big breath and amped up her anger a couple dozen decibels. “And you know what? If you keep that sneaky fucker shit up! Me and Lucas are gonna take your sister and your mom and your goddamned grandmother if we fucking want to! So stop trying to weasel into my pants by telling me Lucas is a manslut! He’s my fucking manslut!”

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