A Small Town Teacher - Cover

A Small Town Teacher

Copyright© 2021 by Westside24

Chapter 5

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 5 - This is another spinoff from the Dr. Brandle story. It covers a period in the life of a teacher in a small town in northern California. There is sex in this story but it is not overly descriptive. Readers looking for more graphic descriptions should take a pass on reading this story.

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Heterosexual  

In thinking about how Jack could surprise Amy he knew he needed some information on how to do that. He phoned the courthouse and asked for Judge Amy Mitchell. The call was transferred and answered by Amy’s secretary. Jack explained who he was and he was dating Amy and wanted to surprise her in some way this Sunday. Martha the secretary didn’t have any suggestions other than to say Sunday was Amy’s birthday. Jack thanked her and now he had something to work with.

The baseball game Friday night had a large crowd in attendance since this was a rivalry game between these two towns. Amy as usual looked good in the slacks and sweater she was wearing. Nothing was mentioned about the prior week when she fell asleep.

The game was a close game with the hometown leading two to one after four innings. Between innings, there was a scuffle in the stands which Jack could see was between two men who he would guess were the fathers of the players. The two police officers that were there came and had the fathers come down from the stands. It looked like they were going to take these fathers to the police station.

“Excuse me,” said Amy. “You stay here and I will be back.”

Jack didn’t know what was happening as he watched Amy walk down the stands and then walk over to where these police officers and these two men were. He saw her presenting what he assumed was her credentials to the police officers and then she started talking to the fathers. Jack couldn’t hear what she was saying but it looked to him that she was giving these fathers a good dressing down. He saw the fathers nodding their heads at what Amy was saying and then shaking hands with each other. The officers released these two men to go back to the stands. Amy came back and sat next to Jack.

“What just happened?” asked Jack.

“I just told them that if they were to come in front of me I would give both of them forty hours of community service along with a day or two in jail for creating this disturbance. I also said they were embarrassing themselves and their daughters and were not being good examples. They sheepishly admitted I was right and shaking hands promised to behave themselves. The police officers were reluctant to take them in and released them.”

“I am proud of you for what you just did.”

The game ended without any more runs being scored and the hometown team winning the game.

Back at Amy’s condo, she invited Jack to come in. Once inside she offered him a drink and he asked for a diet soda. They were sitting on the couch and he asked her if she was going to go in the bedroom and go to sleep. This was the first time that incident had been mentioned and he wasn’t sure how she would react.

Saying, “No I’m not,” she took his glass from his hand and put it down. She then put both of her arms over his shoulders and brought him to her for one long open mouth kiss in which she slipped him some delicious tongue. His arms went around her and he returned the kiss. This kissing went on for a while and while it was nice Jack wondered if this was the extent of what was going to happen. If it was, that was fine with him as Amy was a good kisser.

That question was answered when she took his hand and placed it on her breast. He caressed her breast and then started to unbutton her blouse without receiving any objection. Having opened her blouse he was able to reach behind her and with one hand he unsnapped her bra. She stood and presented him with an erotic picture with her blouse open and her bra unsnapped as she extended her hand to him.

In her bedroom, they undressed and then they made love. Making love with Amy was a little different in that there was no rush to get to the most intimate act. He was content just to exchange kisses with her for a considerable length of time. It was Amy who indicated they should proceed to the ultimate act of intimacy. When that finally happened and he was inserted into her there was no rush to complete the act. He nibbled on her ears and licked her neck as his hips moved to thrust his shaft into her. When he knew he was about to cum, he asked and she told him she wasn’t safe which had him withdraw just as he ejaculated.

After he secured a damp towel to wipe up his spend, he cuddled with her and had some thoughts about her. She acted just as a normal woman would even though she was a woman who was in a powerful position. The bottom line however was she was just that, a woman. She had the needs and wants most women have and he was glad or maybe blessed was the word, for him to be the one to help satisfy those needs. He wanted to be the one to satisfy more of her needs in the future.

“What are you thinking about?” she asked.

“Not much, only how nice you are and how nice this was.

There was more cuddling and kissing before they went to sleep.

When they both awoke in the morning there was more kissing and cuddling before she agreed to shower with him.

The showering together was interesting in that he had her giggling like a schoolgirl. In toweling off, she saw the smile on his face and asked him what is so funny.

“To be honest, I was just thinking about what the people in your courtroom would say if they knew what a hot and sexy number you are under that black robe you wear.”

Reaching to and clasping his testicles in one hand she said, “If you want to keep these I would suggest you keep that information to yourself.”

He just nodded his head and in faked high voice said, “Yes Your Honor.”

Jack left later that morning saying he had some stops to make and then was going to do some school work by preparing the final exam for his students. Amy said she was going to the hairdresser and after that would be at her parents this evening celebrating a birthday. She didn’t say whose birthday it was.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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