A Small Town Teacher - Cover

A Small Town Teacher

Copyright© 2021 by Westside24

Chapter 2

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 2 - This is another spinoff from the Dr. Brandle story. It covers a period in the life of a teacher in a small town in northern California. There is sex in this story but it is not overly descriptive. Readers looking for more graphic descriptions should take a pass on reading this story.

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Heterosexual  

The basketball season would be starting up in a few weeks. Until that happened, Jack would spend his free time at the club playing some golf, hitting some balls at the driving range, and doing a little drinking in the lounge. Maybe he would meet some unappreciated woman that he could sweet-talk into doing the “nasty” with him. He knew that was highly doubtful but he could only hope it would happen since it had with Doris.

He was having a drink in the lounge when Trish Simon the assistant club manager took a seat beside him. Trish was an attractive woman, a few years older than him and she was single. He thought he knew what she was going to say and he was right. She was asking him to be a date she could put on the silent auction table at some upcoming charitable event. This was the third time she was asking him to do this and so far he had refused.

“I don’t mean to sound like a broken record Trish, but as I told you before, I don’t want to do this blind date thing because they have not worked out for me in that past. Now if you could guarantee she would be a good-looking woman like you that would be a different story.”

“Thanks for the compliment but you know I can’t make that sort of a guarantee. There is always a chance that she could be a good-looking woman.”

“And there is always a chance that she wouldn’t be that either. Tell you what I will do, if you will go out with me I will give strong consideration to doing what you want about me doing this silent auction.”

“Now why would you want to go out with me?”

“An honest answer is that I find you besides having a nice personality, to be an attractive lady and I would bet money that you would be a good date. I think we could have a good time.”

“You do know I am older than you.”

“Not by much and that only means you may be more experienced than me which could be to my benefit. If you do go out with me I will bite the bullet and do this blind date auction thing.”

He could see she was thinking about what he said. Finally, she said, “Okay, but we need to stay out of this immediate area as I don’t want to advertise I am dating a member, not that I haven’t done that in the past.” Arrangements were made for this Friday for him to take her out.

Even though Trish was a few years older than him, Jack thought that was offset by the body she had. He wasn’t sure if he would be able to bed her but he was going to give it one heck of a try to do that. He also thought about doing this blind date Trish asked him to do. If a woman was paying money to go out on a date with him the chances were that she found him good-looking and was wanting to have a good time. That could mean the date would end up with both of them being together in bed. He could only hope that this woman who was the high bidder would be at least average in the looks department.

Nothing out of the ordinary happened with Jack in teaching his history classes. His first year of teaching had been the hardest year for him being a teacher. That was because he needed to prepare time-consuming lesson plans but once that was done he used the same lesson plans year after year with only a few changes. History was history and it doesn’t change. He could say that even though currently groups were trying to change parts of it while at the same time ignoring other parts of it. Since the tests he gave could be passed around that was the only thing he changed yearly in doing the teaching. These “new” tests were ones he had given four years prior.

Trish looked damn good when he called for her. She was wearing dark slacks and what he would call but probably wasn’t the right way to describe it, an off-white embroidered blouse that wasn’t tucked in and came down to about her mid-buttocks.

He had not been to the newly opened Redwoods restaurant located in Lake Lancer which was a forty-five-minute drive. Trish hadn’t been there either and she mentioned she had heard people say nice things about it.

As it turned out it was a fine place to go and they had a good meal. The cocktail they had before the meal was a large portion that gave them both a rosy glow. Trish was a knowledgeable person which made the conversation during the meal interesting.

After the meal since it still was early Jack suggested they go to Ken’s West which was in town. At this lounge, there was a good group of people who seemed to be enjoying themselves. Jack ordered drinks for both of them. He could see he surprised her when he asked her to dance. Jack was not an accomplished dancer but he could do enough so as not to embarrass himself. Trish seemed to have a good time dancing.

The slow tempo dances were Jack’s favorites. That was because Trish who was up against him didn’t seem to have any objection to this closeness. She giggled a little when he would every so often nibble on her ear. In his opinion, things were progressing well and all indications were that they would be getting better.

When they had left the lounge and were back at Trish’s condo she asked him to come in. He thought he knew what would happen if he did go in with her which was what he had been wishing for all evening. He however didn’t want to assume anything so he asked her if she was sure she wanted him to go with her into her condo.

She put a hand on his cheek and said, “Yes I am,” which to him sealed the deal.

They were in her condo less than five minutes before he had her in his arms and was kissing her. She was eagerly returning his kisses. His hands were going up and down her body and he was either cupping her breast or caressing her ass.

Nothing was said and nothing needed to be said when she took his hand and walked with him to the bedroom. There they both undressed to lay on the bed and make love. Because of how she reacted he could tell she enjoyed the nibbling he was doing on her stiff nipples. When he moved down to do more nibbling, she twisted around so she would be able to mouth his rapidly stiffening shaft at the same time he was nibbling and licking her clit.

She was good and increased his excitement level to where he turned around and thrust his shaft into her. The only words she spoke when his shaft was plunging into her were, “yes, yes, yes.” When he said he was approaching that climactic moment she pushed him away and mouthed his shaft and swallowed all of his discharge. Her action in doing that surprised him since this was the first time a woman had ever done that to him in making love.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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