Charley - Cover


by Mushroom

Copyright© 2021 by Mushroom

Drama Sex Story: Chuck Larson had a great life he thought. A beautiful wife, and a 15 year old daughter that was the apple of his eye. Then he meets Charley, his daughter's best friend. And his life is never the same after that.

Caution: This Drama Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   ft/ft   Teenagers   Drunk/Drugged   Teen Siren   BiSexual   Cheating   Interracial   White Male   White Female   Oriental Female   Hispanic Female   Cream Pie   Oral Sex   Petting   Pregnancy   Voyeurism   Small Breasts   Caution   Revenge   .

It was not until years later that I realized what had actually happened.

My wife and I had been growing more distant as the years went on. Her work was frequently making her take trips out of town for two and three days at a time, and sex between us had gone down to maybe once or twice a month. And I had started to wonder why that was, as when we were younger we often did it four or five times a week. Sometimes more.

I had never cheated on her, although there had been a few chances. But I believed in our vows, and I also loved our daughter. Kelly was the apple of my eye, the true love of my life. But like all girls, she grew up. The tea parties and my saying she was my princess had now become often sulky silence in response. She kept saying she was 15, and that she wanted to date. And my wife was agreeing, but I put my foot down, saying she had to wait until she was 16.

I knew what guys were like at that age, I should as I had been one of them. I had managed to get a fair share of groping and fondling at that age, even talking a few girls into handjobs, two into blowjobs, and one into letting us cop each other’s cherry when we were 15. And I did not want my baby girl falling into that trap until she was married. Not when she was 15.

Thankfully or maybe unfortunately, Kelly takes after her mom. Very fine and light blonde hair that falls straight to her mid-back with only light waves, slight body, 5’2” and barely a B cup. But her hips were widening nicely, reminding me of her mom when I met her as a Freshman in college. Kelsey had been a B also, with narrow hips. Until after she had Kelly, when she gained several inches on her hips and a cup size. But she still looked fantastic to me, even after 17 years of marriage.

But Kelsey was out of town again, this time on a fact finding mission for a contract her company was bidding on she had told me. She was a PR specialist, and she was having to spend the weekend in Vegas seeing what a new hotel that was opening had to offer so she could help prepare the promotional material. I had hinted that it might be nice if we could all go, but as usual she said she was sharing her room with one of her aides. So it was just Kelly and I, and now Charley who was spending the night as she often did...

Charley was a friend of Kelly’s, and they had been best friends for years. And during the summer, about half the time Kelly would spend he night at her house, or Charley would spend the night here. And Kelly never let me forget that she had been allowed to date since she was 14. And being a normal hormone fueled teen she often broke into crying, screaming, even threats, when she would again try to get me to change her mind. And she often sulked for days after those fights.

On Friday I got home from work, and I saw the girls were in the pool. So I went and took a shower, then changed into shorts and a t-shirt then with a beer in hand I went out and joined them. And both girls had on some of the smallest bikinis I had seen. Two band-aids and a cork would not have exposed much more of them than those outfits did. The triangles over their breasts were so small, that I could even see a hint of their aureole peeking around them, Kelly’s a light pink while Charley’s was a dark tan. “Kelly, where did you get that?” I asked.

“Oh daddy, Charley’s letting me borrow it. I knew you would not approve, but it’s only the three of us here after all. She’s taking it with her when she goes home, and it’s not like you have not seen me naked.”

“Yea baby, but not since you were like 6. Go ahead, but could you both please put on shirts when you are done in the water?

“Sure thing Mr. Larson” Charley said, and they went back to splashing around. After I finished my beer I realized I did not really want to cook, so I just ordered two pizzas. I was part way through my second beer when they arrived, and once I paid the delivery girl I set them on the table and opened the sliding glass door, letting them know dinner was here. One good thing about teenagers, they never turned down pizza for dinner.

Thankfully they went into Kelly’s room and got on two shirts before they rejoined me, and I was not sure if it was a help or not. We sat around the table and chatted as we ate, and I noticed that the shirts were some of my old white ones, somewhat thin and with a few holes here and there. And both girls had at least removed the tops, as I could see the now clear circles of their aureole through the fabric, and that their nipples were hard.

“Daddy, there’s a movie Charley and I wanted to watch, can we go downstairs and finish there?” I told them to grab one of the boxes and head down, I was going to my office to do some work. So grabbing another beer I went into my office and spent an hour looking over invoices. Finally I was done, and I decided to go to the basement and check on the girls. It had largely been a storage room, until after I got a large bonus and Kelsey wanted to turn it into a home theater. And it was a great place to watch movies, the ceiling and walls thick with soundproofing so that unless the volume was blasting nobody in the house was disturbed.

I went down the stairs, and saw that the french doors were not completely closed. I heard the girls talking, and noticed the sound was almost all the way off on the TV. Kelly was sitting in front of Charley, her back against Charley’s front. Charley was running a brush through my daughter’s hair, and it was more than a little erotic watching them. I remembered how I used to brush Kelsey’s hair like that long ago, and realized I missed it.

I announced myself, and they told me to come in. They both went quiet however, and I mentioned how much I loved doing that with her and her mom. Both girls remained quiet, and Charley asked if I would do her hair then. I tried to refuse, saying it would not be appropriate. “Oh nonsense daddy, you used to do my hair all the time! Go ahead, it’s not like you two would be having an affair or anything.”

And that is how I found myself sitting on the ground, a 15 year old girl sitting with her bottom pressed against my groin, and my daughter sitting the same way against her. Charley had hair just a little longer than shoulder length, but a deep luxurious black. Being half Hispanic and half Korean, she got the absolute best from both of her parents. From her mom she got the slightly darker skin color and figure that you rarely see on Asian girls. Even at 15, Charley was almost a C cup. And from her dad she got the smooth delicate skin and facial features. Including her eyes, which always seemed deep and fascinating to look into. I always thought it was an interesting blending, and they were the only mixed race couple I knew where the husband was Asian and not the wife.

I was running my brush and fingers through her hair, making sure I got out all of the knots from their swimming earlier. And occasionally she would lean forward to work on Kelly’s bangs, bending way more than needed I thought, causing her bottom to press against me. I was only hoping she was not noticing that my cock had grown half hard during this.

I asked if they had washed their hair after the pool, and both said they had not. So I told them to go upstairs and do so, I would get some more sodas and we could finish afterwards. And when they took off, I got the sodas out for them, and another beer for myself. I remembered how they had both grown silent when I came in earlier, and was wondering what they were up to. I then remembered on the wall the old intercom system, and walked over to it.

It was an old 70’s monster, and one we rarely used because of the many problems it had developed due to age. The box down here was stuck on and it transmitted all the time, only accepting buzzes from other rooms. I grinned, and went over to turn it on, and selected the station in my office. Once done I sat back on the floor and waited, and a few minutes later the girls came back in.

Their hair was still damp, and their nipples were now clearly obvious as they had their hair in front of themselves. And when they brushed it back over their shoulders before they sat down, it was obvious the fabric had gotten wet and now hid almost nothing. But Charley got back in front of me, this time her bottom firmly pressed against my groin, and Kelly sitting in front of her.

Now there was no way she could have not felt my erection pressing against her bottom. And the way she sometimes giggled and pressed back against it was telling me she was enjoying the naughty contact. Her tight little bottom felt heavenly against me, slender and tight and with just enough of a spread and shelf to make me hard within moments of seeing it.

Finally the hair of both girls was brushed out, and Charley’s hung straight, black, and gleaming down her back. Kelly’s was dry enough that it was regaining her usual soft curls, and without any other excuse to remain downstairs I said I would be going back up to my office for a bit. I grabbed a beer on the way up, and walked over to the wall and turned on the intercom next to the door. And while it was faint, I could hear the girls talking. And after a few minutes, I heard Charley say to my daughter that she thought I was hot!

Kelly acted like she sounded disgusted, but Charley continued. Saying that for an older guy I looked damned good, and that she could feel my cock against her ass. Which means I was also obviously still potent, and not in need of “medicinal supplements”. Kelly told her to knock it off, and Charley did so, but first saying that she would do me if she could. And since I had kept her mother happy for so many years it would probably be great.

“Yeah, but you don’t know my dad. I mean, he will not even let me date yet! If not for you and that secret present you got me last year I would probably go crazy. I still have another six months to go until I can go out with boys, at least he has never forbid me from seeing girls.”

And things after that got kind of quiet, but I did hear some soft whispers and then sighs. I continued to listen and drink my beer as I tried to imagine what I had heard, and was hearing. I had not stopped her from seeing girls, and seemed to have been implying that Charley had been helping her out. Were they lovers?

I heard a long moan, and realized that I had to see for myself. Finishing my beer I went downstairs as quietly as I could, and saw that the French doors were still open a bit. And peeking in, I saw that they had turned off all the lights except for the flickering of the TV. And laying on her back in front of it was Charley. Kelly was laying nearby, but on her belly. And she was much lower, with her hands up and squeezing Charley’s breasts as she was apparently licking her pussy.

Charley looked like a goddess of sex. Her breasts were being mauled in my daughter’s hands, and I saw her hips moving up and down in response to what my daughter was doing to her cunt. And I heard the same moans as I did upstairs, but now much more clear.

“Oh yes Kelly baby, just like that. You do this better than any guy who has ever eaten me out, you know that? Yes, oh yes like that! Fuck, I’m lucky if they lick me for more than four or five minutes before they are sticking their tiny cocks into me. But you make me cum every single time Kelly. That is one thing you have on the guys, you always make me cum. They rarely do, they are so fast and shoot so quickly. That’s why I wanna try a real man, like your dad. I bet he could rock my world and ring my bell, and then do it again and again.”

“Now Charley, stop talking about my dad that way, or I’m gonna stop!” Kelly said, raising her head away from Charley’s cunt and admonishing her. And I could clearly see her lips, cheeks, even her chin was covered in Charley wetness. “Well, I have to question that, since mom is away so much” Kelly said. “Almost every time she goes on a trip, she goes with her assistant Chris. And I know daddy never questions her on it, but she once told me about how great of a dancer Chris is, and how much she loves these trips with Chris. If I had to guess, Chris is a guy. And I bet they are in Vegas right now, fucking as dad is stuck here with us.”

I saw Charley grab her head and push it back down between her thighs, and I quietly slipped back upstairs. My mind was awash with conflicting thoughts and emotions. I grabbed another beer and sat in my recliner, considering what I had seen and heard. Obviously my prohibition on dating had done nothing to stop her from having sex. The girls had been having sleepovers for years, and now I had to wonder how long these kinds of games between them had been going on. As the way Charley was talking, this was far from the first time my daughter had gone down on her.

And I even thought about what Kelly had said. While my wife and I still had sex occasionally, it was nowhere near as often as it had once been. I still loved my wife, but in the last year or so I had become more and more concerned that she might be having an affair on me. And having heard Kelly say that she thought Chris was a guy, it all made perfect sense! She was off fucking her assistant, as I was stuck here being a cuckold.

Sometime later I fell asleep, the remainder of my fifth beer unfinished. Then later later I heard the girls as they went back upstairs, and I finished my now warm beer and headed upstairs into the bedroom that Kelsey and I shared. I took off my clothes, and naked I laid on top of the bed. I was just drifting back to sleep, my mind full of images of Kelsey fucking Chris and wondering what he looked like. Her dark areola, somewhere around an inch to an inch and a half across. And of seeing Kelly eating out Charley, her face between her thighs and her hands on her breasts. And when I looked up at a barely heard noise, I saw a shape slip inside the room.

I started to cover up, and realized it was Charley. She walked the few steps to the bed, and pulled away the blanket I was using to cover my nakedness. “Wow Mister Larson, I knew I was right when I felt you against my butt. You’re big.” She reached out and lightly touched my cock, running the palm of her hand over it, from base to tip with a butterfly light touch. I had not even realized as I was laying there thinking of her and my daughter I had gotten hard again. She did this again and again as I took in that she was also naked. Her firm breasts seeming to defy gravity as they stuck out from her chest, her aureole still puffy, and her nipples tight and hard.

I gasped as she wrapped her fingers around me, and started to slowly stroke my length. I moaned, and she whispered “You are bigger than any guy I have ever seen or held before, Mr. Larson. Can I please play with it a bit more?” As she said that, she sat on the bed at my hips, her hand now stroking up and down my length.

I knew this was wrong, even if Kelsey was having an affair, I should not. And especially not with a 15 year old girl, and the best friend and sometimes lover of my daughter. But all the beer I had deadened my responses, and her hand just felt so good. Whispering “Please, call me Chuck”, I reached up and gently grasped her breasts.

She continued to stroke me, her tiny hand making my cock feel even larger in it. And I let my hands rub and caress all of her. I was feeling 15 year old boobs for the first time since I turned 17, and the tight wet snugness of her dripping cunt when I slid my fingers down and into her was even tighter than my wife’s when we started dating. She squeaked as I slipped a finger inside, then a second one. I slid them in and out of her, causing her to moan and whimper as I also stroked her clit and engulfed her nipple with my lips.

“Oh fuck Mr., ahhh Chuck. I wanna feel you in me! Get in me, I wanna feel if you fuck as good as you feel. You will not be my first, but you are by far the biggest guy I have ever wanted inside my pussy.”

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