Aiden and the Ring
Copyright© 2021 by INtrinSicliValud
Chapter 8
Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 8 - A young college student, Aiden Wilson, is staying with his best friend’s family. He finds a ring that changes both him and his friend’s stepmother. While they struggle with revealed desires, he must master the ring’s effects on her and others. This is Aiden’s origin tale, setting the stage for future adventures to be documented in two more novel-length serials. (Warning: Male consensual sissification and MM in certain chapters as well as over-the-top race play.)
Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa Ma/Ma Mult Mind Control Reluctant BiSexual Heterosexual Fiction Magic Light Bond Rough Spanking Gang Bang Harem Interracial Black Female Anal Sex Double Penetration Exhibitionism Facial Masturbation Oral Sex
Did that just happen?
Though trying hard to focus on the drive, tremors shot through Gina as she struggled to control her vehicle. At first she’d thought about straightening her panties, but with a sigh she decided to leave them just as they were - scrunched to one side and crumpled by Aiden’s strong fingers. All along the road, each time a soft jolt sent the binding lace biting into her flesh, she whimpered at the memory of those fingers.
Yes. Yes, it had happened. And ... And the impish young man had recorded them fucking!
“Oh, God, I want to see that recording,” she murmured, as her insides flared with heat. While squeezing her thighs and chewing her lips, she sucked in air and glanced at her purse where the thumb drive lay.
Just in time, the tires screeched as she swerved back into her lane.
Once Gina tightened her grip on the wheel, she stole a quick glance at herself in the rear-view mirror; flushed, hair a mess, lipstick smeared, and still breathing as if Aiden was delving inside her right now. And all he had done was squeeze her. A whimper slid from her parted lips as she yanked the car once more.
“God ... I am owned by him!”
After reaching the highway, Gina tried to calm her racing heart and her flickering insides, but, as the long miles wore on, the events with Aiden kept returning. Her phone chirped. She jumped. One after another, chirps sounded until she could snatch the device from her purse. As soon as she saw the first image, her eyes widened.
“Oh, my god!”
Gina’s jaw trembled as she stared at her glistening body impaled high in the air on Aiden’s bright red, thick cock; her mouth wide as she screamed across the bedroom.
All the way home, chirp after chirp heralded more screen captures of Aiden driving her all over his bed. And her riding him, eyes wild and unfocused, arching as she glided over him. No sound was needed. Every hungry groan was wrapped tight in her memory; so deep—like him.
By the time Gina’s neighborhood streetlights appeared, her hands, white-knuckled, were shaking as they slid along the sweaty steering wheel. Wetness seeped, and she squeaked across the leather seat with each restrained whimper. When at last, Gina caught sight of her house, she sighed with relief. Neither Dan’s nor her husband’s cars were there, and she slipped into the dark garage. After shutting off the engine and lowering the garage door, she sat in the car, staring at her phone.
One after another, backwards, then forwards, Gina thumbed through the pictures, heart racing and fingers trembling. Whatever she had presumed would happen at the lake with Aiden hadn’t happened. Instead of satisfying him once and being done, she had clearly, beyond the faintest shadow of a doubt, found herself a master. Finally, after all these years. And he had been right in her home the entire time. In the fucking basement. Ring or not. Her ... fantasy? That seemed so nebulous. Her desire. Perhaps.
“A fucking master!” With another groan, she let her forehead drop to the steering wheel.
Now that Aiden was her master; Gina hadn’t even realized how much she wanted ... No, needed one. And what would that mean, anyway? For him? For her? For them both? Aiden was no dark scary power figure abusing her. Unlike her limited experience and fantasy version of a “master.” Aiden was kind and ... God, he could do things to her she never imagined ... Never even contemplated, or hoped, anyone could do to her.
That kid under the bleachers? He could never have been a master. Not like this. Over the years, she had thought it little more than a fantasy, but...
God, Aiden is so good at it, though! Gina raised her head and stared in the mirror. Her pulse raced beneath her fingers when she ran them along her neck. A simple press where he had pinned her sent vibrations through her core as air slithered from her open lips.
“And it’s not just the damned ring either.”
Even though she had risked pushing Aiden, Gina knew she was right about him not needing to use the ring. In the short time she had been with him, he had already changed so much. He was no longer the nervous, but kind, kid who had jogged out into the rain that fateful morning. Aiden had “expanded.”
That afternoon at the little lake cafe. Aiden had not only been nothing like Paul, he had slipped comfortably into his new role. Well, maybe not comfortably, but he had not abandoned her. Her husband would have. Everything Gina had said, and done, she would do for Aiden, ring or not. As she struggled for air, her insides flaring with heat at the sharp memories, she stared into the rear-view mirror. Aiden could have easily taken the waitress. For that matter, with the ring, he could take any woman he wanted.
Instead, Aiden had only clasped her tight to him, their hearts synchronized as he let Gina play. And Gina had never felt so safe in her life. Ever. Is that what it meant to have a master? At least for her, perhaps, she hoped. As she swallowed, she stared into her own gleaming eyes in the mirror.
In such a short period, Aiden had subsumed the power of the ring and was becoming a powerful, though not frightening, force whenever he unleashed himself. A nervous giggle escaped Gina as a tremor ran through her. Oh, and how she loved it when he unleashed himself on her. As she squirmed deep into the soaking leather seat, her fists crushed the wheel again. And she was his. All his.
“His horny little slut.” A chuckle slipped from Gina before she tensed, whimpering, when another aching tremor sliced through her; her thighs squelched.
After a slow exhale of every molecule of air from her lungs, Gina lowered her head and collapsed. With an equally lengthy inhale, she rose and looked in the mirror once more. Now she was owned by a ... Not a boy! No, Aiden was young, but he was powerful. More powerful than any man she had ever known. And she was owned ... No, she had let herself be owned by this him!
Yet, also a kind man. A magical man who drove her completely fucking crazy.
“Without even trying!” Eyes wide as she shook, she swallowed, gazing in wonder at her reflection and repeating his words in a lower voice. “Without even trying. He just winged it...”
A force of nature. Aiden just is. Just like she knew she belonged to him. Simple math. No muss. No fuss. He was who she needed, but...
That damned “but” again.
“But does he even need me?” Another low, wavering whimper slipped from her and she flicked her tongue across her parted lips. Now that Aiden is young, and handsome, and, oh God, also, with the ring, so full of vigor and confidence... “Why would he keep me?”
Unease first, but then fear, crept into the darkest recesses of her mind. Heart slowing, Gina inspected her reflection. Her eyes widened; all of a sudden, the wrinkles around her eyes seemed deeper. The aches inside her ... Those were of a younger woman. After another long gulp, she unpeeled her fingers from the wheel, squeaked along the leather seat and stumbled from the car, leaving it smelling like raw sex. The tangy aroma of an older woman’s pure lustful desire.
After spending most of the day cleaning the lake house, it was already dark when Aiden returned to his apartment. While pulling his backpack from the trunk, he caught sight of the lithe brunette, sans her friends, standing nearby. Though expecting her to ignore him, Aiden’s chest tightened and his palms became clammy when she flashed him a demure smile.
With a nervous grin, his fingers glided over the heating ring in his pocket. It called to him as he tried to rip his eyes from her. Desire unfurled from far inside him, sharpened, became focused on the young woman. But Mrs. Davis would know. And so with a sigh, Aiden let the ring slip from his fingertips, bobbed his chin at her, and leaped up the stairs, two at a time. But even as his key slid into the lock, Mrs. Davis’ concern and ... He swallowed.
Her fear, almost terror, reverberated into him.
Oh, how Mrs. Davis had changed. Now she wanted him all to herself. An impish grin slid across his face, and he hummed while unpacking. Wave after wave of insatiable desire swept from her as he made himself a quick meal. And her gorgeous face, her slick sun-kissed body, her cries, all became distracting as he struggled to study for tomorrow’s test.
Mrs. Davis hungered. Oh, wow, did she hunger for him. Shivers sliced over Aiden as he bent over his books, attempting to focus.
Over the next several days, tremors cut through Aiden each time Mrs. Davis reminisced; he knew she was reviewing the photos and the videos. With a groan, Aiden decided. Well, they had decided already, he just finally admitted. If being her master, whatever that meant, was Mrs. Davis’ need, and, as each hungry wave sluiced through him, it sure seemed like it was ... Well, he’d have to go far beyond his limited, porn-based knowledge of being a “master.”
As such, Aiden sat down and put his college-trained mind to work, sifting through all the crap he could to discover whatever he needed to know. And there was a lot of garbage: fantasies, poorly written “guides,” tall tales, and just plain ... Well, garbage. And, as he sorted and attempted to grasp the basics ... Doubts began to bubble up within him. Would he be any good as her “master?”
He barely had time to complete his thought before air shot from his lungs. An immense wave of the ring’s power coursed through him; it most definitely thought so. His body flared with heat at the image of his grabbing and using Mrs. Davis. A moan ripped from Aiden’s lips as her hunger whipped through him. Oh, she knew what he was studying. The ring sang. It shared between them everything. Aiden swelled. Somewhere, Mrs. Davis cried out.
There was no question. This was what she wished, and it ... Flashes of intense heat raced through him as his frame twisted in the chair. More than anything else in the Universe, Aiden wanted to pleasure her. The ring—it was not just singing; it was playing music as it flared with power. Inside him.
As he gasped for air, a calmness descended on his heaving body. Aiden would always keep her safe. Always.
But he also had things to do. That had to be done, so this new relationship would become sanctified. Official. For her. So she should not worry. And for him. So he would ... So he would become what he needed to become. With a final flare, the ring simmered to hum once more while Aiden learned.
A week later, after having received everything he had ordered, Aiden drove to Mrs. Davis’ job. At first, he got off on the wrong floor and wandered the unfamiliar hallways. He’d only visited her office once before, and that was with Dan. Her stepson had to get her to sign a release form. As he paused, he could sense her; hunger ... Love?
And she knew he was close. But he also sensed her nervousness peak when he stepped from the elevator onto the correct floor. After following the signs, at last he walked through a long, familiar corridor on the top floor towards the corner office. The glass doors glided open as he arrived at the end, and he walked into the gold-trimmed blonde wood reception area. Plush brown leather couches and chairs flanked a long counter.
“Hi, Aiden,” Mrs. Davis’ young administrative assistant called out.
Aiden’s eyebrows raised, and he swallowed. Huh, she remembered him? As he scanned the pixie-cut redhead’s slim frame in her tight powder blue dress, the ring in his pocket heated. Though her brilliant green eyes glimmered, Aiden squeezed the wooden box, nodded and flashed her a smile. Since Mrs. Davis was a senior executive, this was the most difficult, if interesting, part.
“Hi, Sandi. Is Mrs. Davis in?” Aiden maintained the tight grin on the plain brown box. “I, uh ... I have something for her.”
“Oh, um, hold on a minute. She is in a video meeting.” Sandi looked at the box, then at his face before asking with a warm smile. “I can give that to her, if you want to leave it with me?”
“No. I’ll wait.”
“Okay, hold on.”
After flashing him another toothy grin, she messaged Mrs. Davis. When Sandi barely had a chance to lift her eyes before the response arrived, her eyes expanded, and she glanced at Aiden.
“Uh ... She um ... Well, uh, she just dropped out of the meeting.” Brows knitted in confusion, Sandi gestured to the elegant, carved wooden and gold-trimmed door beside her. “Mrs. Davis will see you, uh, now. Go on in.”
After grinning at the still confused assistant, Aiden pushed on the handle, shoved the door open, and strode into the office. Matching the reception area, wood, trimmed in golden swirls, covered the walls, exuding elegance. Two long flanking walls were nothing but floor-to-ceiling glass panels, while behind Mrs. Davis’ carved mahogany desk, a pair of doors broke a matching cedar and gold wall. One was open to a conference room, while the other was closed.
A whimper slipped from Mrs. Davis, sitting behind her desk, nails clattering on the wood as Aiden smiled. Once he pulled the door closed behind him, he strode nearer, sensing her need. Her eyes, unblinking, were locked on him as her tight ivory blouse heaved upwards with every gasping breath.
As his smile widened, Aiden set the box on the shiny mahogany top before pulling two smaller boxes from it and positioning them closer to her. With a loud gulp, Mrs. Davis stared at the boxes, chin quivering. As his heart hammered, he scanned her reddening face.
She knew ... Oh, she most definitely already knew what they contained. After sweeping aside a stray hair from her face, she raised her shaking fingers to the pair of boxes. Her golden trimmed red nails caught the slanting sunlight.
Without uttering a word, Aiden stood motionless while Mrs. Davis lifted the lid from the first box. He chuckled at the sharp intake of air; her eyelids fluttered as she gawked inside. When she lifted her gaze to him, her glistening cherry lips parted as her jaw trembled. No words came from her. They weren’t necessary. The powerful emotions whipping through her sent echoing tremors through him.
As her quivering fingers lifted a thin golden choker, the pair of small diamonds sparkled in the orange sunbeams; they flanked a single small gold ring affixed to the front. Though she sucked on her lips and opened her mouth to speak, Aiden raised his finger to his lips.
Mrs. Davis’ puffy red lips closed.
Aiden remained silent as she moved to the second box. When her eyes flicked up to him, Aiden let a grin slide across his face. Aiden could sense her heartbeat racing as her hands trembled, clawing at the top several times before getting purchase. But, just before opening the lid, she stopped and a long breath of air slipped from her as a tremor slithered through her entire frame. Yes, this one ... Oh, she already knew what waited for her inside. Surprises between them would be difficult from now on.
A moan slid from her lips as Mrs. Davis pulled the shiny leather collar from the box. Her eyes shifted from it to Aiden. He had done his research. It was one of the best in the market. Strong, yet beveled for comfort, and thick enough for safe use. The heavy circle had large, functional, and solid metal rings at the front and rear.
As she glided her fingers along the rounded edges and dug them into the rings, she rotated the collar. But then she stopped, stared and emitted a low feral moan. Aiden chuckled; she had found the inscription inside. Aflame, her eyes gleamed at Aiden’s smiling face.
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