Aiden and the Ring
Copyright© 2021 by INtrinSicliValud
Chapter 32
Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 32 - A young college student, Aiden Wilson, is staying with his best friend’s family. He finds a ring that changes both him and his friend’s stepmother. While they struggle with revealed desires, he must master the ring’s effects on her and others. This is Aiden’s origin tale, setting the stage for future adventures to be documented in two more novel-length serials. (Warning: Male consensual sissification and MM in certain chapters as well as over-the-top race play.)
Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa Ma/Ma Mult Mind Control Reluctant BiSexual Heterosexual Fiction Magic Light Bond Rough Spanking Gang Bang Harem Interracial Black Female Anal Sex Double Penetration Exhibitionism Facial Masturbation Oral Sex
As Aiden leaned back in the driver’s seat, he let out a low chuckle. With Mrs. Davis’ slowing, but steady need pulsing over him, he stared at her reply on the phone. As much as he wanted to return to the lake house with her, it was her turn. She’d select a place for them to be together, undisturbed. Alone. Just the two of them.
After a quick sigh, he shifted to the trees. At midday, the park was quiet. With only a slight warm breeze, the water was glass. He’d parked at his favorite spot close to where Mrs. Ow—Kendra had ridden him. In broad daylight. He glanced at the phone, his finger hovering. As his chest tightened, he rolled his lips. His digit dropped.
“Unblock Number”
It dropped again.
“Unblock Number”
With his pulse pounding, Aiden tapped on the glass.
I need to talk to you both.
Heart racing faster, Aiden struggled to hold his trembling fingertip steady before adding.
Kitten. When can I call?
After dropping the phone to the center console, Aiden shifted to follow a pair of bicyclists. The ring still seethed. Aiden chortled. A stinging whorl of flames, it had raged, struggling, flaring, singing, as he’d talked with Mrs. Davis’ receptionist, Sandi.
“No more,” he mumbled. “No more.”
Just as he sighed, the ring grumbled.
“Yeh, I know she’s cute and ... And she wants me. So what?”
When its music sputtered to life, Aiden’s eyes narrowed.
“Bullshit. You’re fucking lying. Not everyone’s a ‘key.’”
Just as he was going to pull from the space and head home, his phone pinged. With a smile slipping across his face, Aiden lifted it.
Tonight, sir? Six?
The park wavered as Aiden’s heart sped. His fingers quivered as he tapped out his reply.
Six. I miss you, Kitten.
I miss you too, sir.
At precisely six o’clock, Aiden, after sucking in all the air from his apartment, braced himself against the back of the couch, his chest tight, and dialed. With each ring, more air eased from him while he struggled to calm his heart. It didn’t work; his pulse soared. They’d talk. Aiden would explain. Mrs. Ow—Kendra would explain. And they’d all return to—how things were. At some point they’d go away together—he scratched his head—to somewhere. And she could play ... No, they could play. All of them. Kitten, too.
He’d spent the past hour pacing, gazing across the balcony towards Kim’s still empty apartment; languishing as Mrs. Davis pulsed her insatiable need over him. She couldn’t help it, but her craving kept him on edge. All the fears, the concerns, the hopes roared back into him—again. For the millionth time.
Though he possessed a plan—more like the start of a plan—for Kendra, that still left Kitten. And Catherine. And perhaps, Dan? At least Mrs. Davis—Gina had already begun her own preparations.
When the phone connected, Aiden was still grinning. Gina had rushed into planning before he’d even left her office building.
“Sir!” The pure relief in Kitten’s voice sent ripples through Aiden’s heart.
“Hi, uh,...” Aiden sputtered for a second before whispering. “Kitten.”
“My wife needs you, sir.”
“I know. Gina told me. I’m ... Well, I—” Aiden shifted as his eyes flicked to the ceiling.
“She’s terrified of—”
“Yes. I know. I shouldn’t have run. I should’ve let her explain.”
“No. Not that. She understands. You ... Your caring. It’s ... Well, she knew you’d call and she’s ... She’s so scared, sir.”
“Of what, Kitten? I’m confused.”
“Of failing you, sir. Now. She’s never failed in her entire life. She hates to lose.”
“She wants your collar, sir. She knows she has to earn it. That’s what you’d said. And it’s become her—obsession. I don’t know ... I don’t know what she’d told you before.” Kitten’s voice dropped low and his racing breaths filled the phone. “What secrets, sir. But this is deeper. As soon as you left her—us—she sobbed for hours. She’s been wandering, dead inside, since. But after she talked with Gina ... Well, she’s been both bouncing with energy and terrified of her own shadow. She’s on edge, sir. The razor’s edge.”
With a lengthy sigh, Aiden leaned back and drifted to the sky before nodding. So much for his plan. No simple getaway would work. When he returned to the phone, his eyes narrowed. One eyebrow raised.
“Is she there, Kitten?”
“Yes sir. Right next to me. She’s, uh,...” Kitten gulped. As he added, his voice faded; he was looking at her. “She’s kneeling. And, um, naked sir.”
“Put me on speaker, Kitten,” Aiden said with a grin.
At the click and sudden arrival of ambient noise, Aiden’s grin broadened.
“So, let me get this right. If I continue with—Kendra—and I haven’t decided yet. Do you actually believe she’s ready for her final test, Kitten? Could she really earn a collar like Gina?” Aiden swallowed as Kitten’s breathing raced. In the background, Kendra’s hitching breaths echoed.
“I mean, could such a beautiful, intelligent goddess as her truly be happy—serving me? Could you see that, Kitten?”
“I, uh ... I don’t know, sir,” he replied; his voice wavered.
“Kendra. My pretty little pet doesn’t think you’re ready for my collar. And frankly, despite what you’ve said, I doubt you’re ready to continue at all.”
“I—” Kendra’s low voice began.
“Nobody told you to speak. None of those were questions.” As he gazed at the wall, Aiden let his heart spin upwards. Chest tightening, he dropped his tone. His words became ice. “First, Let’s clear some things up. I left you because you were petrified. You don’t know me. And now you’re still frightened of me.”
In a blaze of white light, the ring flared so brightly, Aiden jolted and clawed at the couch. As he struggled to breathe, he gripped the phone tighter and focused the ring back towards its darkness. This would be her choice.
“This is not my decision,” Aiden continued. “I’m not ordering you to do anything. Nor will I command Kitten to do so. Only you can decide. And I don’t want it to be out of fear. If you hang up now, I’ll...” At Kitten’s sharp breath, Aiden paused—he’d miss the man—before finishing. “I’ll never call again. You’ll never hear from me. Thank you for everything. I mean that, but I won’t impact your lives anymore.” Aiden’s voice weakened, and his breathing hitched as he added. “I won’t be feared, Kendra. I simply won’t. Not like that.”
There was nothing but silence and a low whimper from Kitten as a soft breeze rustled the speaker on their end. Aiden slew his gaze to the scudding gray clouds building on the horizon. After he’d let the quiet go on for a long while, Aiden swallowed and his eyes flashed back to the phone. He’d been an idiot!
“You may speak now, Kendra.”
“Yes!” Kendra’s strident cry echoed as, grimacing, Aiden lifted his ear from the phone. “Yes, Aiden. I want it. The collar. Your collar. And you. I want to ... I want to serve you. I want to prove myself—to you. I don’t care. Yes, I’m scared, but not of ... Of that other stuff. I’m just nervous. If I fail—”
“I will test you, Kendra.” Aiden let his voice cool and drop. “If you fail, you’ll be punished. And then I’ll test you again. And again.”
At Kendra’s moan and the loud smacking of Kitten’s lips, Aiden smiled, yet his heart raced. When it came, the plan had him swallowing a chuckle. As he nodded, he swallowed several times before clearing his throat.
“Yes, sir.” Though nervous, Aiden caught the happiness in his voice.
“Have your wife pack for a weekend in the hills. I’ll pick her up Friday at noon. She’ll accompany me to Kesler Mountain. My family goes there all the time. It’s off-season and we’ll have the place mostly to ourselves.”
“What should she bring, sir?”
“She’s going to be my paid escort. So, anything that would make me want to fuck her.”
At her winding moan and Kitten’s soft gasp, Aiden let his smile broaden.
“Yes, sir.”
“And Kitten.”
“Yes, sir.”
“When this is done, I’m taking you. Just us. Somewhere. Maybe the beach. My folks own a timeshare.”
There was nothing but heavy breathing for several seconds before Kitten gulped.
“Yes—yes, sir.” His voice was an airy whisper.
Friday could not come quick enough, and Aiden pulled to a halt once more before the Owens’ home. This time under cloudy skies. His heart pounding, he clambered from the car, straightened his black trousers, buttoned his textured gray sports coat over a light blue button-down and walked towards the front steps. When a stiff breeze sliced across, it brought with it a hint of cool rain.
As soon as Aiden climbed the first step, the door pulled open to reveal Kitten. In a curve-hugging red wrap dress, his shiny brown hair swirling around his shoulders, the slender man vibrated. Red lips, full and glossy, he flashed a nervous grin. Even as the ring roared into arching flames, Aiden leaped the last steps and shoved Kitten from the doorway. The man’s heels scraped and dragged on the tile until Aiden pinned his heaving chassis against the wall.
Once Aiden had thrust his powerful frame hard into the man, his hungry lips devoured Kitten’s shaking mouth. With wet sloppy moans flying from Kitten, the thin man wrapped his arms and one leg around Aiden while grinding his little form. As they rolled and pressed, their tongues entwined and moaning ever louder, his hardening reed surged against Aiden’s cock.
Alight with blue flames, Kitten’s eyes expanded when Aiden rammed his hand under the man’s dress, tore aside his panties and yanked his swelling flesh free.
The ring detonated.
After dropping his open lips from Kitten’s, Aiden flashed a quick grin before sinking to his knees on the hard marble.
“No! No sir! You don’t—”
Kitten cried out, his hands on Aiden’s scalp as Aiden drew Kitten’s silken, warm shaft between his lips and over his tongue. As Aiden pulled it deep into his mouth, he twisted his head, lashing at the searing rod with his tongue and sucking with all his might. One fist racing along the pulsating stem, Aiden slurped and suckled, while pinning Kitten flat to the wall with the other. Kitten’s nails clawed deeper into Aiden’s hair.
“Sir! Sir! You don’t have ... You shouldn’t ... I don’t—” Kitten’s voice disappeared into a series of hitching breaths before the first growling grunt flew from his wide glossy red lipstick-smeared lips. “Oh, God ... Oh, God, sir!”
As the ring spun, encircling them with flaring blue-tipped flames, Aiden lurched downwards, accepting Kitten’s jerking pole into his throat. Just as Kitten shuddered, his back slapping the wall, and his pelvis thrusting in a chaotic frenzy, the first jet of warmth pulsed into Aiden’s stomach.
Beneath Kitten’s clenching fingers, Aiden bobbed and swirled his mouth, taking every spurt deep into him before sliding from the draining shaft. When all he kept between his lips was Kitten’s softening bulb, he looked up into Kitten’s bright red face. The man’s blue pools blazed. Beyond lust. Beyond enthrallment. Pure love.
With spiraling flames tearing into the darkness above it, the ring sang.
When Aiden’s cheeks sank, his tongue sweeping around the shrinking helmet, Kitten’s outstretched hands flew to the wall; his nails scratched as his rapidly blinking eyes fluttered upwards. Only when the last of his essence filled Aiden’s mouth did Aiden pull from Kitten’s drained stem with a loud slurping plop.
While keeping his mouth sealed, he stood and found the slender man’s parted lips. Kitten’s eyes exploded into gyres of desire when Aiden thrust his tongue deep into Kitten, pushing the briny seed between them as they again kissed. Ripped from the wall, Kitten’s shaking hands slapped and clawed at Aiden’s back as Aiden once more pressed into him.
At long last, Aiden drew away and gazed into Kitten’s white-rimmed blue pools. As they both panted for air, Kitten’s arms tightened; Aiden’s hands slid downwards along his shaking flanks.
“I will never. Never. Abandon you again, my pet.” Kitten shuddered when Aiden’s fingers took the slim man’s drained shaft and replaced it inside his panties. “You’re mine, Kitten. Mine.”
“Ye—yes, sir,” Kitten whispered, shaking again as Aiden moved his lace back into place and lowered the man’s dress. “You didn’t have to—”
“I did, Kitten. Words ... Words wouldn’t have worked. You didn’t deserve to be abandoned. No matter—” Aiden stopped to look around until he spotted Kendra kneeling in a yellow-orange flower print sundress. Though her head was bowed, her eyes were wide and tremors rippled through her taut, black frame. “No matter what misunderstandings occurred, my pet.”
“Yes ... Oh. Oh, God sir. Oh. Oh.” Kitten’s breath hitched as Aiden cradled his soft, sharp shaking jaw and smiled into Kitten’s eyes.
When Aiden leaned forward to run his wide tongue across the slender man’s lips, catching the last salty ooze, matching whimpers escaped Kitten and his wife. After a final grin at Kitten, Aiden spun with a sigh and walked to Kendra.
“Remain here,” Aiden said before lifting her suitcase and heading for the car.
When Aiden returned, he smiled at Kitten, now standing on wobbly legs behind his wife. Aiden looked down at the shimmering raven hair atop Kendra’s bowed head.
“Let’s be clear about this. No more misunderstandings. This is for real, right? Not fantasy? This is what you want? You, Mrs. Kendra Owens, want this? Not some scared ni—er girl?”
“Yes.” Her voice was so low a sudden chilly gust almost swallowed it. She jerked when Aiden slid his fingertips under her chin and lifted her glossy black eyes to meet his. “Yes, Aiden. It is ... Really. What I want.”
“Okay.” Aiden nodded while running his fingers along the silken, dark skin of her shaking jaw. “Now, face-to-face, Mrs. Kendra Owens. Aiden Wilson doesn’t want your money. Nor your power. I only want you.”
Even as Kendra began a whimper, it ceased when Aiden tugged the circle of black leather from his pocket. Her eyes widened and Kitten gasped when Aiden held it up. Emblazoned across the front was WHORE in silver block letters; a thick silvery ring formed the “O.” Despite tremor after tremor slicing through her, her white-rimmed dark pools remained on his while Aiden slid it beneath her swirling black tresses.
“I don’t want anyone to mistake ... Everyone will know I own you this weekend.” Kendra only nodded as Aiden sealed it around her neck and replaced her hair. “If you do well, I’ll give you a nicer one—like Gina’s.”
A whimper slipped from Kendra as Aiden pushed his finger into the ring and lifted her to her yellow and white heels. After he passed behind her, at the touch of his fingers on the top button of her dress, her entire frame bucked.
“You won’t be needing this for the drive.” One by one, he undid each button until the dress crumpled to her shaking ankles, leaving her naked ebon frame trembling in the stiffening breeze. “Take the shoes off.”
With two swift kicks, they sailed across the tiles and Kendra’s small feet settled on the cool marble. As she mewled in his grip, Aiden tugged her while moving to Kitten. With the fingers of his other hand splayed in the center of the slender man’s back, Aiden pressed closer.
This time, heart thumping, Aiden remained still while fixing his gaze on Kitten’s glittering azure pools. He didn’t wait long. With a groan, the slim man lurched forward to mash his gnawing soft lips onto Aiden’s mouth; his little frame molded to Aiden.
After a lengthy kiss, Aiden pulled away, smacking his lips. Still alight, Kitten’s blue eyes blazed. The ring’s flames flickered lower when Kitten nodded at his wife. At Kendra’s moaning tug, Aiden shot his gaze to her; she froze.
“I’m taking her, Kitten. I’m planning to use your wife. She’s going to—”
“Love every minute,” Kitten added before chuckling, rolling his lips and pressing his shaking chin into Aiden’s once more cupping fingers. Even the ring held in a chortle.
“We’ll see. Either way, I’ll bring her back—unharmed.”
“I know, sir. I—we trust you.”
Both Kendra and Kitten tensed with sharp gasps when Aiden drew a long leather lead from his pocket. Their chests froze as he snapped its clip into place with a resounding “snick.” After a last nod at Kitten, he bent to pick up the dress and shoes before leading Kendra from her home into the swirling, chilly, mist-laden breeze.
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