Aiden and the Ring
Copyright© 2021 by INtrinSicliValud
Chapter 27
Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 27 - A young college student, Aiden Wilson, is staying with his best friend’s family. He finds a ring that changes both him and his friend’s stepmother. While they struggle with revealed desires, he must master the ring’s effects on her and others. This is Aiden’s origin tale, setting the stage for future adventures to be documented in two more novel-length serials. (Warning: Male consensual sissification and MM in certain chapters as well as over-the-top race play.)
Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa Ma/Ma Mult Mind Control Reluctant BiSexual Heterosexual Fiction Magic Light Bond Rough Spanking Gang Bang Harem Interracial Black Female Anal Sex Double Penetration Exhibitionism Facial Masturbation Oral Sex
After peeling Mrs. Davis’ sweat-slick frame from him, Aiden helped her race around cleaning. Even as she’d help him dress, she’d pushed into him, hunger still on her quivering full lips, but Aiden had pulled from her and dashed out. Just in time. He’d rounded the corner as Paul’s car entered their street from the opposite direction.
Once at home, as he was about to stumble into an icy shower, he paused at a ping on his phone. With a grin, he let it continue; Mrs. Davis’ thoughts pierced deep. Exhausted, but still hungry. His smile disappeared into a series of whooping huffs while hopping on the icy tile; the chilled spray cut daggers into his skin.
By the time Aiden, wrapped only in a towel, lay on his bed, yawn after body-wracking yawn poured from him. After a quick check on his alarm, he rolled to his back. And let a low laugh slide from him while wave after pulsating wave flowed from Mrs. Davis. Though Paul was home, she remained Aiden’s. And she was making damned sure he knew it, even though he was taking her friends to dinner. And more.
Just as another chuckle left his drooping lips, a final yawn carried him into blackness.
After dashing around to dress and still groggy, he’d managed to make it to the Owen’s home on time. When the crunch of gravel ceased under his tires, Aiden lifted himself from the car with a wince. A long moan escaped him as he rolled his aching shoulders beneath the chilly evening sky.
“Only a little taunting. I can’t take—more. So, only some...” Aiden paused his murmur to chortle before adding. “Routine teasing.” He laughed aloud as he strode across the drive towards the mansion’s front entrance. Even the ring’s dim flames danced as it chuckled. “Routine? Really. What the hell, Aiden?”
While he was still ascending the stairs and raking his fingers through his hair, the door opened wide. Heart slamming to a halt, Aiden froze in mid-step.
“Good evening, sir.” With his gleaming brown hair piled high on his head and in flawless sultry makeup, Kitten flashed a nervous grin.
As Aiden scanned downwards, a shudder wriggled through the slender man. A hiss of air slipped from Kitten’s ruby red lips as his trembling dainty hands, tipped with golden nails, swept along his flanks.
“Hi, uh ... Wow! Hi, Kitten,” Aiden replied with a smile as he stepped closer, inhaling the man’s elegant jasmine and lilac perfume.
Aiden’s heart restarted.
Then seized when Kitten clicked to one side in his matching champagne heels. Once Kendra came into view, unsure whether to chuckle or gulp, Aiden let his jaw drop.
“My God.” Aiden mumbled, while pressing his sweaty palms into his thighs and scanning every inch of the charcoal goddess. “That’s—”
After his direction, Kendra had spared no effort. Her usually neat, shiny black hair was teased out into a broad, bouncy Afro. Add to that copious makeup, including glossy pink lipstick, and she was a picture out of a 1970s blaxploitation movie. In a curve-hugging, hot pink micro-dress, she wore huge, shiny pink hoop earrings. The pink fishnet stockings and tall, bright-pink, glittery platform heels had her towering over Kitten.
“Wow!” slipped from Aiden as his heart raced. A smile appeared on her shiny pink lips. “Where did—”
Rather than answer, Kendra only smiled, but Kitten cleared his throat.
“She ... Um, she said, she, uh, had this costume from college,” Kitten said, a sly grin on his face. “A, uh, a Halloween party.”
Yeh, she’d taken his guidance and run with it. Fast and far. The added benefit was nobody would ever recognize her as staid, if sexy, Mrs. Kendra Owens. And Halloween? When Aiden’s eyes caught hers, the black pools blazed; she’d purchased it after her little night encounter with those boys. Any doubt in Aiden’s mind vaporized when, though still silent, Kendra ran her tongue around her lips.
With the sleek dress swaying from his hips, Kitten only grinned; he’d no idea why his wife would buy such a costume. Or keep it. All these years.
Just as Kendra was about to speak, Aiden grasped Kitten’s tensing hand and led him towards the car. Kendra tapped down the steps behind them, racing to catch up. After Aiden flung open the rear door, he gripped Kitten by the shoulders and sought his lips. With a moan, the slim man lurched into him, driving his soft mouth onto Aiden as his shiny dress rubbed along Aiden’s suit.
After holding the kiss just long enough for Kitten’s long nails to rake his back, Aiden pulled away with a smile. As his empty fingers still clawed where Aiden had stood, Kitten, his blue eyes glimmering, gasped for air.
“Don’t want to smear that pretty lipstick too much, my pet.”
As Kitten nodded, he let Aiden guide him into the rear seat. By the time Aiden turned, Kendra was shaking beside the passenger door. As Aiden walked closer, her dark eyes shone and nails trembled along her pink-stockinged thighs. When he leaned in, gliding past her smooth, heated cheek, a whimper slipped from her.
“You’re my little whore tonight, ni—er,” he whispered.
Though Kendra threw herself at him with a desperate moan, Aiden stepped aside to open the passenger door. Frustration in her eyes and pink lips trembling, she let him lower her into the seat before gnawing her lips as she lifted her hem. As the syrupy aroma of her raw sex filled his nose, Aiden scanned her freshly shaven cleft. At Aiden’s groan when his cock surged, her eyes, now glinting with hunger, flicked to his crotch.
All Aiden could manage was a taut grin as he thumped her door closed. Gravel flew from under his feet as Aiden zipped around the car before dropping inside with a grunt. With a smile at Kitten watching from the back seat, he started the engine and yanked down his zipper.
“Now, let’s see if the money we paid for this whore was worth it, my sexy pet.” Aiden winked at Kitten in the rearview. With a gulp, his beaming blue eyes widening, the thin man nodded.
After a gulp and smack of her glossy pink lips, Kendra slipped a hand inside his trousers. Aiden groaned as her soft fingers curled, gave him one long stroke, and then tugged. As he rolled away from the mansion, she eased his pulsing mast into the chilly night air. One long finger of her other hand dipped into her glossy seam, pulling a moan from her.
“Oh, baby. I do loves me some nice, thick white boy cock.” At her Southern drawl, Aiden laughed. The laugh died in a low groan when she slid the finger, slick with her juices, between her lustrous pink lips.
As she lowered her open lips, Kendra’s Afro tickled his chin. “It’s so big. I may charge extra for this, baby.” Before Aiden could retort, his entire body tensed at the dragging wetness of her tongue. As she angled her head, her hot puffing breaths sending lightning along his spine, she swished it from his root to the very tip. Her gentle fist, twisting, followed.
“Oh, yes, baby.” She grinned up at him, running her glistening tongue over her glossy lips, which parted wider when her finger pushed into her arching folds. “Gonna feed yo’”—With a wicked grin, she flicked her gaze to her husband before returning to Aiden— “ni—er ho tonight, baby?”
After a quick glance at Kitten, whose amused expression said he thought she was simply play-acting, Aiden could only grunt when she dropped her velvety full lips over his tip. As her dark eyes glittered up at him, her cheeks sunk, pulling a whimpering sigh from Aiden while he struggled to keep them on the winding road.
The ring chuckled, letting its flames swirl around the car’s cabin as Kendra slurped, licked and glided her hand along his throbbing shaft. When Aiden lowered the windows as they rolled into town, after tensing for a brief second, she continued. Wriggling in the chill breeze, her bobbing mass of black shiny hair tickled as Kendra sucked harder and faster.
“Slow down, my little—ho.” Aiden dragged his fingers through the thick curls. He murmured through gritted teeth when she nibbled around his helmet rim. “I want to enjoy the entire drive, ni—er. You’re getting paid by the hour, not the cum shot.”
At his breathy words, after sending a vibrating moan along his trapped flesh, Kendra resumed her earlier languid pace. In the rear, Aiden caught Kitten’s nervous grin. Though the ring wanted to surge the full truth into him, Aiden thrust it into its corner. No, her secrets were hers. And Aiden’s. Besides, Kitten wasn’t stupid—he’d figure it out sooner or later.
With a chuckle, Aiden also spotted Kitten rubbing his hand along the bulge beneath his skirt.
“Save that for later, my pet.”
At last, after traveling across the city, Aiden pulled into the club’s parking lot. The venue, though upscale, was about as far from anywhere the Owens would patronize as he could arrange. Its squat, brilliant white concrete edifice was punctured only by a row of tall, dark-tinted windows and a pair of black-glass doors lined with gold trim. Surrounded by white-pebbled beds with tall leafy trees, it was lit by a series of colorful floodlights and a bright neon pink sign proclaiming “Sid’s Steaks and Suds.”
The name was a canard. The place not only served great food; it was one of the most exclusive clubs in town. Well, actually outside the city limits, since it had a reputation of being raunchier than its more conservative competition.
And Aiden halted just in time.
With his entire frame tensing, he grunted and thrust his pelvis into Kendra’s warm mouth. After only the softest of gags, she accepted his spongy bulb into her throat. Every nerve sizzling after her tireless caressing, slow suction and sweeping tongue, Aiden gasped for air. As he switched off the motor, his balls rotated in her fondling hands; she quickened her pace.
“Oh, yes!” Aiden’s gaze flashed to Kitten, who was clutching the bulge in his dress. With a groan, Aiden sank his fingers into Kendra’s soft curls to clench her skull. “That’s it. Oh, fuck! Now! Now, you can go crazy, my little n—er!”
While a sharp inhale flew from Kitten and his eyes widened, his wife, with a muffled moan, drove downward. Her frizzy hair bounded and twisted as the hot, swirling warmth of her mouth raced atop Aiden’s shaft. Ever longer and faster, twisting strokes drew jolts of pulsating electricity from deep within Aiden’s core. Fingers tight to her head, Aiden struggled to breathe.
“That’s it, n—er!” With a grunt, Aiden shot from the seat, driving deep into Kendra. As she rode his rising, twisting pelvis, the first lengthy pulse flooded her. “Suck down that white boy cum! Drink all that good white boy seed!”
Beneath his shaking hand, Kendra continued a long series of loud gulping until Aiden lowered himself, panting, to the seat once more. After only shifting higher, the liquid noises from her became slurping and wet sucking while she nursed the last drops from the depths of his no-longer-aching testicles. When she sat upright, licking her shiny lips, Kendra grinned at Aiden and swallowed, before opening her mouth to show him the white-coated pink interior. Empty.
“Now that’s a good n—er ho right there, my pet.”
Speechless, Kitten only stared back at him in the mirror. Kendra’s eyes sparkled; she wanted more. Perhaps beyond her darkness. Her expression promised something further than her dirty little secret. And just like with Mrs. Davis, Aiden sighed.
As he focused on the ring, his fingertips dragged along Kendra’s quivering cheek. He’d give her more. The ring. If it could tilt its head, it would. Instead, it squatted, singed and blackened, watching as orange wisps eddied around all of them.
Once Aiden stepped into the chilly gloom, he buttoned his jacket while moving to let Kendra and Kitten from the car. After helping Kitten to his feet, Aiden slid open the front door. When Kitten pressed into his back, Aiden met the man’s warm smile and twinkling blue eyes.
At the sudden silence followed by gasps from a crowd of well-dressed patrons, Aiden tracked their wide-eyed gaze downwards. At the gleam of bare, sopping dark flesh, Aiden froze. With a beaming smile at him, only then did Kendra lower the hem of her tight pink dress. With her dark eyes blazing, she raised a long, glistening finger to her glossy mouth.
As her cheeks sank, Kendra stroked the digit between her pink lips; a shiver raced along Aiden’s spine. A faint ring of pearlescence surrounded the smudged pink lipstick of her impish smirk.
“Mmm, tasty,” she said, drawing the clean finger from her lips and letting the grin broaden. “Yours and mine. Together, baby”
While Aiden’s knees wobbled, the ring chuckled. After a brief nod, he gripped Kitten around the waist, pulling him tight, and headed for the entrance. Clicking alongside them, Kendra reapplied her nuclear-pink lipstick before tossing a piece of gum into her mouth. Just as they stepped inside, she blew a small bubble and grinned at Aiden.
When it popped, two middle-aged couples and the slim, blonde hostess glanced her way. Though the hostess simply grinned, the four customers’ eyes narrowed or eyebrows raised while scanning the trio. After Aiden gave his name, the slim blonde in a curve-hugging short black dress scanned the restaurant seating plan to find their table.
With a grin at the waiting patrons, Aiden pulled Kitten tighter to him, dragging a whimper from the man, while also grasping Kendra by the wrist. With a giggle, she melded into his other side before popping another bubble. One man’s face reddened while he grasped his date, a stunning brunette in a sleek red minidress. The other man glared while sliding his companion, a petite blonde in a short black, shoulderless dress, behind him.
In a burst of flames, the puffing ring flared with orange fiery spikes. At first, Aiden moved to smack it down, but hesitated. This was his night, Kitten’s night, and Kendra’s. With a low growl, he let the heat roll over him. Slide through him. Melding. Spiraling. Aiden was a large, powerful young man on a date with his wife. So what? So he’d hired a professional for the evening? Even as Kitten’s racing heart slowed, Aiden’s thumped louder.
With the ring’s rising flames encircling them, Aiden’s chest swelled as he stared at each challenger; he’d nothing to hide. He’d fuck his wife, and their hooker.
While both men averted their eyes, the women’s gazes lingered. When Aiden locked eyes with the brunette, she trembled. As russet tendrils slithered around her, her green pools gleamed. He’d enjoy fucking her, too. As she shuddered, the blonde whimpered and rolled her perfect, glossy red lips before being shielded from his view by her date. It didn’t matter. The orange wisps circled him to find her.
You. You’d be worth it.
The blonde woman’s brown eyes flared.
He’d fuck her so hard. Take her over and over again. He’d make her his. She’d cry only for him. At night. For days. Forever. At her muted gasp, and the yowl of her date as she clawed at his hand, Aiden only smiled before turning from them.
Ablaze, the ring—leaped; Aiden, ready, smashed it, whirling into its corner. Just playing, ring. Only having fun.
However, bombarded by Aiden’s thoughts, Kitten whimpered while pressing tighter, while Kendra’s heart thumped against Aiden’s ribs. As her hands shook, her long pink nails raked over Aiden’s back.
Just then, they were called forward. Aiden flashed a final smile at the quartet—well, the two trembling women—before following the hostess. While only shooting them sidelong glances, the hostess said nothing while guiding them towards his reserved booth. Since it was a Thursday, many of the white-topped tables in the dimly lit, blue-carpeted restaurant area were empty. Likewise, the dance floor beyond the bar was hosting only a handful of couples beneath its multi-colored strobes and flickering laser lights. The music varied from pop dance tunes to electronica.
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